Family Ties (Rewritten)

By ReadingtheInsanity89

60.4K 2.3K 2.3K

*Rewritten Version* After putting Emily Hayden through absolute hell, Vincent Graves is sentenced to spend th... More

The New Nurse (Part One)
The New Nurse (Part Two)
Night Visit
Family Dinner
The Act
The Elevator
The Pen
The Parking Garage
The Cabin (Part One)
The Cabin (Part Two)
The Cabin (Part Three)
The News
Opening Up
Closing In
The Plan
The Break In
The Phone
The Hostage
The Pit Stop
Drastic Measures: Part One


1.6K 64 110
By ReadingtheInsanity89

Stella sat on the uncomfortable sofa with her hands folded in her lap while her mother finished pouring her a glass of lemonade. Her eyes were fixed on the old rerun of The Andy Griffith show that played on the television, all the while wondering how she was going to tell her parents that she needed to borrow enough money to put a down payment on a new apartment. She couldn't bare the thought of being stuck in the hospital with Doctor Greer for another moment, not after what he had done to her.

There was a job opening for an emergency room nurse in another state.  She had even spoken to someone about coming in for an interview.  

But without the financial support of her parents, she was doomed to keep her current job.  She didn't know if her mental health could stand it much longer.  After the incident in the elevator, she began smoking cigarettes again, and she often stopped by the liquor store for a bottle of whiskey.

Worse of all, she began reminiscing about the imaginary friend she had as a child, the one who came around when her parents left her in the care of a perverted uncle. Her name was Matilda.

What started out as a simple coping mechanism become an obsession.  Stella would have tea parties with Matilda.  She would tell her invisible friend about all of the terrible ways her uncle touched her while her neglectful parents were away. 

And she would listen while Matilda told her how she could get revenge on the ones who hurt her.

When her parents found out that she had an imaginary friend, they forced her to see a shrink.

She was eventually able to rid herself of Matilda.

Or so she thought.

"All right," Her mother said, as she set the full glass of lemonade in front of her.  "What is going on with you?  You look like a child whose fish just died."

Her father turned off the television. "Are you having problems at work?"

"Sort of," Stella admitted, "That's actually why I came to talk to you both. I need-"

Ruby Bennett heaved a dramatic sigh. "I told you that you shouldn't have taken that job. You are not smart enough to work in an esteemed hospital."


"Your mother is right. We knew it would be too much for you. You should have listened to us."

"My job isn't too much for me to handle." Stella said, frowning at them.

Her father grabbed her bruised wrist, causing her to wince in pain. "How did you get this bruise?"

"I...I don't want to talk about it."

"One of the patients did this, didn't they? See, I knew you would get hurt by one of those psychos."

"It wasn't one of the patients. It was-" She thought long and hard about the next words that would come from her mouth. Her parents would never believe that one of the doctors raped her, just like they never believed her uncle was molesting her.

She rubbed her wrist.  "It was just an accident."

"Stella," Her father put his hand on hers.  "You can tell us if something is wrong.  You know that."

"Nothing is wrong.  I came over to ask for money."

He pulled his hand away.  "What?"

"I was approved for a job interview at a hospital in New Jersey.  I would really like to take it."

"New Jersey?  That's hundreds of miles away."

"I know, but I think it would do me some good to get away from here for a while."



"Because what?"

She knew they wouldn't give her the money without having a good reason.  She had to try to be honest with them.  "Something bad happened the other day, and...and I've started thinking about Matilda."

Ruby dropped the drink in her hand.  Lemonade and pieces of glass went all over the floor.

"Oh...oh, my God."

"Mother, it's not that serious. I just want to get out of here before it does become a problem."

"You can not simply run away from your mental illness, Stella. You have to stay and face it."

"I know, but-"

"But nothing. You won't get another cent out of us until you deal with this problem."

"Mother, you don't understand."

"Oh, I understand perfectly. You're incapable of living on your own."

"No, I'm not."

"Your mother is right," Anthony said, "Maybe you should move back in with us, at least until you get this 'Matilda' situation under control."

Stella rose from the sofa. "You don't get it! I have to get out of this damn town!"

"Why are you shouting at us?"

"Because you never listen to me!! Ever since I was a little girl, you have doubted me. You didn't believe me about Uncle Colin, and you don't believe that I need help now!"

"Don't bring your uncle into this." Ruby scolded.

"He should be in prison!"

Anthony frowned. "Colin never touched you."

"Yes, he did!" Stella's eyes filled with tears. "He used to come into my room while you guys were downstairs getting hammered."

"That's enough. . We will not sit here and allow you to bad mouth your uncle. He's a Catholic priest, for God's sake! They don't do those things."

Stella scoffed. "You cannot be serious!!"

"You need to lower your voice."

"Like hell!" She grabbed her purse from the table and flung their door open. "I was raped last night, but I don't expect you to believe me!"

Her parents looked at each other with uncertainty.

Anthony stepped in front of her before she could walk out.  "Wait, are you telling the truth?"

"Why would I lie about something like that!?"

"Who raped you?"

"It doesn't matter."

"Yes, it does. Was it one of the patients?"

"No, it was-" She closed her eyes and lifted a hand in the air. "Forget it."

"Are you going to the police?"

"No. I can't go through that."

"Good, because they probably wouldn't believe you either."

"Either? As in, you don't believe me?"

"I'm sorry, Stella, but you do have a history of lying to get what you want. No one raped you."

"My God! You're such assholes."

"Watch your mouth, young lady."

"Please, Father. Believe what you want. All I care about is leaving this God-forsaken town."

"We can't give you the money, Stella."

"Fine, whatever."  She pushed past him and stormed off to her car, but not before looking back at him to say, "Don't expect to see me again."

Anthony looked back at his wife after she sped away.  "Do you think she was really raped?"

Ruby shrugged.  "Who cares?  Even if she was, she probably brought it on herself."

"Yes, I suppose you're right."

"Of course I am."

The Bennetts carried on with their lives as though nothing was wrong. They had no idea of knowing that their actions would drive Stella into the arms of a very dangerous young man.

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