Unseen Realities (Bakugo Kats...

By Crimson_Ros3

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She was blind to most thing in her life, metaphorically speaking. It was almost as if the universe was trying... More



2.5K 94 30
By Crimson_Ros3

"Life is repeating itself"

 She goes to bed in hopes that when she wakes up, all the pain will be gone. The black bags under her eyes will have magically disappeared. Her stomach won't feel like it's eating itself from the inside out. That she won't see stars every time she stands up. The feeling of emptiness will have left her body. But when she wakes up, the pain is still there.

 "Life is repeating itself"


The door was flocked with students, and it was most likely more secure than UA's security at this rate.  "Why the heck are you all here?!" Uraraka spazzed, all of class 1A's heads turning to the doorway. Great, everyone was watching them now. Bakugo was standing at the front, being right at the door, Hanako being a few steps behind him.

Hanako walked towards the door, her back-pack slung over her right shoulder as she looked at the people judgingly.  "Do you students have some business with our class?" Iida asked, and Hanako had the exact same question in mind, which was one she wanted answered.

"So this is class 1A, I heard you guys were impressive, but you just sound like an ass." A purple headed boy said, pushing to the front of the crowd. Bakugo growled slightly at his accusation, especially seeing as the ash blond was stood face to face with the purple haired boy. "Is everyone in the hero course delusional, or is it just you?" The boy asked again.

"I see, how sad to come here just to find a bunch of egomaniacs. I wanted to be in the hero course but like many others here, I was forced to choose a different track, such as life. I didn't cut it the first time around-" Hanako chose to ignore his monologue, internal insecurities were something she had, but preferred not to listen to; plus, she had betting things to be thinking about. "Consider this a declaration of war." he finished, Bakugo walking out the moment the purple haired boy finished, pushing his way through.


"I know this isn't the time, but you, with the purple hair, you look like a troll doll. That's all I have to say, have a nice day." Hanako smiled as she walked through the group of people that were once blocking the door. 

Most were staring at her with a look of disbelief, and some were amused. Hanako would never care unless they were negative, and so she added some pep into her step as she prayed that she wouldn't be late to work (again), oblivious to the eyes that read 'what the fuck' that just followed her until she was no longer in their sight.


The past two weeks had been rather stressful, but also reliving in a way. Her mother had proved to Hanako that the incident was a one time thing, and nothing of the sort occurred again; though of course everything was back to 'normal'. Not only this, Hanako had been unbelievably busy. 

Never in Hanako's life had she trained outside of school, and so now that it  was best to do such, she decided to do so. But, for a girl that not only went to school for 8 hours and 30 minutes per day, plus 6 hours every day after school, she doesn't exactly have free time. Unless she woke up early.

That would mean that she would get the equivalent of four hours sleep, but hey, what else could she do?

(Probably work out on her days off but whatever)

Anyways, she saw a drastic change with not only her physical strength, but her quirk's strength. It was rather surprising considering that she was alone either in a gym or in a park. She proved that people don't need the fanciest things to be successful.

As of right now, Hanako was sat in an uncomfortable plastic chair in a waiting room, unfortunately not in her hero costume; but the training uniform instead.

"Midoriya." Todoroki said now standing next to the boy in question

"Hey Todoroki, what's up?" Midoriya asked, there was on odd tension in the air.

"From an objective standpoint I think it's fairly clear that I'm stronger than you." Todoroki stated, it was a bold statement, but it was true. Well, Hanako didn't believe that, she had literally beaten the boy on the second day at school.

"Umm, yeah ." Midoriya agreed.

"However, you've got All Might in your corner helping you out. I'm not here to pry about what's going on between you two , but know I will beat you." Todoroki declared, if Hanako had been treating this argument as a podcast before, she was not properly engaged, having been brought out of her day dreams to face the present.

"Huuuh, what's with all these declarations of war lately?" Kaminari asked, trying to lighten the mood.

"Yeah, what's the big deal? Why're you picking a fight all of the sudden?" Kirishima asked while putting his hand on Todoroki's shoulder.

"We're not here to be each other's friends, don't forget this isn't a team effort." Todoroki finished while strutting away towards the door.

"Wait a sec Todoroki, I don't know what's going through your head, or why you think you need to tell me you'll beat me. And yeah of course you're better than me, in fact you probably have more potential that anyone in the hero course." Midoriya began, Hanako looked at the boy with wide eyes, rather offended, but once again, he wasn't wrong.

"That's why you win so easily." He finished

"Midoriya maybe you're being a little hard on yourself, and us too-" Kirishima started, though Midoriya cut him off.

"No, you guys, all the other courses are gonna come for us with everything they've got. You're all gonna have to fight to stand out, and I'll be aiming for the top too." Midoriya ended
"Fine." Todoroki finished.

Hanako hadn't felt what the rest of the class had felt, they now felt like they were under extreme pressure to do well, Hanako, Hanako never did. She rarely felt let alone understood the 'atmospheres' of rooms. And even so, a normal person would have at least felt a little moved by that, but Hanako didn't.


I suppose we'll never find out if the girl herself doesn't even know, but let it be known that Hanako never really.... felt. She never knew how to, so why do something you don't know how, if the concept if foreign already? Well, I say all of this, but Hanako feels emotions (obviously), but a situation won't affect them.

They physically can't if she's seen and been through the worst of the worst. And so that's why she's usually positive, anything others consider 'scary', 'tense', or 'sad', she can probably sympathise, but not empathise. It would turn out to be her greatest weapon, but her biggest enemy.


"Hey, make some noise you rabid sports fans! This year we're bringing you some of the hottest performances in sports festival history guaranteed. I've got one question before we start this show, are you ready?!" Present mic announced to the stadium packed full of people. " Lemme hear ya scream as our first years make their way to the centre stage!" Present mic continued.

There were thousands of people in the stands, each one cheering with all of their breath. There wasn't a single cloud in the sky, and the weather was that of spring fading into summer. Aka, perfect.

First up, class 1A walked out, then the other first year classes made their entry in a chronological order. Present Mic was avidly introducing each class as they walked out, and his excited mood was rather corresponding to Hanako's emotions. She was rather exhilarated and she could almost feel her energy buzzing like electricity on her skin, though that was more Kaminari.

The 202 first year students gathered in the centre of the stadium, standing in front of a stage, watching Midnight-sensei walk onto said stage and began to talk.

"Now for the introductory speech." Midnight announced, her revealing outfit causing quite the stir between the first years." Silence everyone, and for the student pledge, Bakugo Katsuki!"

Those in class 1A were shell shocked, Bakugo?! Based on the pledge of war by Todoroki a few moments ago, plus the class rivalry he'd started two weeks ago, his classmates could already guess the stir he was going to cause. Hanako was rather envious, she couldn't let her enemy get ahead of her! That's literally the point of Hanako training. Then again...

"I just wanna say, I'm gonna win" This caused an uproar of boos and complaints from most everyone. This was what Hanako was hoping for, she could now bully him for what he said once she beats him, and if she fails (which she won't), she can still tease him!

"Without further a due it's time for us to get started. This is where you begin feeling the pain! The first fateful game of the festival will be revealed now, what could it be?" Midnight asked rhetorically, while the projection showed a spinning wheel for all the possible choices. And then it landed "Ta Da! All eleven classes will participate in the treacherous race, you will run four kilometres around the outside of the stadium. I don't want to restrain anyone, at least not in this game. As long as you don't leave the course, you can do whatever your heart desires. Now then, take your places contestants." Midnight finished.

The students began to gather around the stadium exit, and to say it was cramped would be an understatement. It was the equivalent of sardines in a can.

Hanako could immediately think of many plans to combat the compactness of this.... tunnel, and the roof being how it was was an amazing thing as of right now. The lights turned green and everyone began to push and shove whilst attempting to move.

It was a mess.

But shooting a web from her right hand up onto their ceiling and proceeding to pull herself above the crowd was her catalyst to her success. The moment her feet left the floor she felt a chill tickle her ankles, and to say she was glad that she was now shooting webs out onto their ceiling in front of her instead of being stuck in ice, was an understatement. 

Hanako was once again oblivious to the jealous faces staring up at her as she swung out of the tunnel with enough force to send her flying into first. For the first time in forever, Hanako didn't have her daydreams playing in the back of her mind, she was totally within the present.

Todoroki and Bakugo had overtaken her, yet only slightly. Hanako wasn't necessarily one to win per se, she wouldn't mind coming in second. But if she needed -more like wanted- to beat someone because she has something against them, she will do everything in her power to beat them.

Todoroki..... he hadn't done much wrong, apart from saying that he was better. And that, that most definitely set something off inside of her that left a foul taste in her mouth. It wasn't just because she was offended from the simplicity of the bold statement, no, it was more. It reminded her of someone saying something just like that, but as if they were placing that burden upon her, yet also pulling it desperately out of her grasp before she can even comprehend it. 

Bakugo..... mortal enemy. And maybe there were other reasons that Hanako wasn't willing to share with anyone, but mostly because she was stubborn and wanted to beat the person who'd already claimed they would win.

So Hanako ran at a pace she knew would be fast enough to keep up, yet also not wasting too much energy. Oh another great thing about Hanako, is that with her quirk, she has more strength than an average person. And so, that leads to her being able to out run them easily.

Hearing Todoroki's annoyed grunt was somewhat satisfying, yet hearing Bakugo's curses of rage and annoyance was much better. Present Mic was eating the whole situation up and then regurgitating it a very enthusiastic commentary. 

The robots were the first real obstacle. Most were shouting for her to move out the way, the forest green hunks of metal pelting towards her head. And she was tempted to reply, she really was, but what would the element of surprise be if she told anyone to "not worry"?

She shot a web up to one of the tallest points, and once again flung herself upwards as they got covered in ice, thankfully for Hanako, that would not affect her whatsoever. And she would proceed to fly through the air until she had to land.

The canyons that followed were deep, so deep in fact that sunlight no longer reached the bottom. Hanako's heart was pounding in the adrenaline that was made from her exhilaration. Swinging from rope to rope and feeling the wind blow back her shoulder length hair was more than amazing.

She was ahead of Todoroki until the mine field, because, unfortunately, she couldn't rush past it like she could the other obstacles. She actually had to slow down a slight bit and rely on her 'spidey' senses.  But that wasn't as big of an issue, the two boys began to fight.... while running on a mine field.


Hanako easily kept her lead, though that was until Midoriya chose to let off an explosion bigger than Bakugo's. That ended up launching him way in front of Hanako, Hanako didn't care, in fact, she was happy for Midoriya.

That boy deserved to win because not only was he a nice person, but he was one of Bakugo's other rivals, and therefore Bakugo would hate it if he won. And that's exactly what happened.

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