By scoopsaharrington

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𝐈𝐍𝐂𝐋𝐔𝐃𝐄𝐒 𝐕𝐎𝐋 𝟏-𝟐 & 𝐈𝐌𝐀𝐆𝐈𝐍𝐄 𝐏𝐀𝐂𝐊 BEST JATP FANFIC '22 WINNER the boys were connected... More

✨ 𝕙𝕚 !! ✨
𝟙 , ghost of you
𝟚 , ghost of us
𝟛 , birthdays and... is that julie?
𝟜 , flashbacks & first kisses
𝟝 , used to be
𝟞 , big news
𝟟 , headaches & hesitations
𝟠 , secrets & reality
𝟡 , a tell
𝟙𝟘 , mental preparation
𝟙𝟙 , regret & confessions
𝟙𝟚 , better
𝟙𝟛 , too many questions
𝟙𝟜 , some bobbie therapy
𝟙𝟝 , whoops
𝟙𝟞 , now or never
𝟙𝟟 , that could work
𝟙𝟠 , tell me everything
𝟙𝟡 , clouded judgement
𝟚𝟘 , unsettling feelings
𝟚𝟙 , needing more
𝟚𝟚 , early risers
𝟚𝟛 , familiar words
𝟚𝟜 , what a time
𝟚𝟝 , my forty year old friend
𝟚𝟞 , spill everything
𝟚𝟟 , that spark
𝟚𝟠 , end
𝐟𝐢𝐧𝐚𝐥 𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞.
1 - the abundant its
2 - the beginning
3 - good listeners
4 - the third crash
5 - happier
6 - still broken
7 - moving on
8 - parents suck
9 - meant to be
10 - traditions
11 - too close
12 - THAT NIGHT , her
13 - THAT NIGHT , him
14 - to healing
extra, how they met
extra, "can we do it again?"
extra, meeting the boys
extra, "we're playing the orpheum"
extra, lets get married
extra, drivers license
extra, just for a moment
extra, rehearsing with the band
extra, skateboarding with willie
extra, iphones & tiktok pranks
extra, tiktok pranks 2
extra, movie night / jealousy
shocks ♪ sunset curve
shocks part two ♪ sunset curve
willie's sister ♪ sunset curve
replaced ♪ sunset curve
tshirt ♪ luke patterson
amp in the rain ♪ reggie peters
back to december ♪ alex mercer
julie's mom ♪ sunset curve
guitar lessons ♪ luke patterson
interviews with the band ♪ the band
new ♪ reggie peters
new2 (lover who can play the bass) ♪ reggie peters
new3 ♪ reggie peters
mad ♪ luke patterson
nightmare ♪ luke patterson
nightmare pt 2 ♪ luke patterson
panic attack ♪ reggie peters
blue for you ♪ reggie peters
student drop off ♪ charlie gillespie


8.1K 114 12
By scoopsaharrington

your eyes opened.

you stood back in your old bedroom, the bed sheets just as you had left them and lukes old guitar laying beside it. why were you suddenly back here?

the sound of the tires squealing seconds ago echoed in your mind, someone screaming your name, you shut your eyes tightly to stop them.

you opened them to blinding lights, two of them, heading your way. you yelped and ducked, only for the fast moving vehicle to pass right through you. you straightened your tensed body to see that you were on a road. right where it bent to the left.

the road.

you turned around to see the same car, now smashed into a thick tree, the metal and rubber adjusting to curve around the bark in a way that was all but normal. with two teenagers inside of it, looking all but ok.

you took a closer look to see that the girl was you. and the driver was bobbie.

a shaky breath left your mouth as you realized what was going on. you had died in that crash, the crash that had seemed like two minutes ago, but you'd soon learn the truth.

that it was years ago now.

♥ ♫ ♥ ♫ ♥

you slowly strummed your guitar, marking another check mark on the last page of your songbook. your 353rd one to be exact.

another day. another dead day.

since the day you woke up as a ghost, you hadn't stopped getting more and more questions. and had only gotten a few answers.

one of the days, day 24 to be exact, walking down the long and busy streets of hollywood, a fellow ghost had caught your eye. he had been going through people, like you had discovered you could do as well, and you followed his path as he rode his skateboard down the street.

you quickly jumped out in front of him, making him stop abruptly. maybe it was the determined look in your eye, but the boy knew it was a ghost that had stood in front of him now.

"you're a brave one, aren't you?" he had raised a brow, "i could've crashed into you."

"well, it wouldn't have been my first." you said wittily, and the boy giggled. you stayed serious.

"you can go through people," you stared at him hesitantly, "which means you're like me." he looked you up and down.

"something tells me you don't know what you are." he smirked, but you tried not to show the fear in your eyes.

this boy had explained everything to you. the fact that you were now dead, but, not dead. a ghost, to be exact.

"are you serious?" you asked, and the boy just nodded.

"welcome to your childhood fantasies," he sighed, "turns out the movies were right after all."

now, on day 353, you sat down in your usual spot in your old basement, and stroked the strings that took you 121 days just to be able to touch.

it had been a day of watching bobbie, now forty something, raising a teenage girl who was more of a brat than he was and live in a house filled with more unfamiliar things than familiar. you seemed to learn more and more each day. you found comfort repeating the facts of your new life over and over in your head when times got overwhelming. you shut your eyes as you did just that now.

you had died in a crash, two years after the bands death. it had just reached 25 years since the boys death, and almost one since you're own. you had been in this ghost world for just under a year, with one goal : to find the ones you loved.

you smiled as you remembered what that skater boy had told you back on day 24.

"if they're here, you'll find them. it's a small, ghostly world, isn't it?"

the words had made you laugh then, but now they made you groan. they used to fill you with hope, with enough determination to look forever. but you had quickly come to realize that it was, indeed, not a small world. you still struggled to find the people you were looking for. 353 days of looking with no clues, no hints, no hope.

you longed to see his auburn eyes again, to feel his heartbeat against your own and to have his hands intertwined with yours. to hear them laugh, hear them play. to feel their presence. the band that had died too soon.

sunset curve.

one day, you'd say, one day you'll see them again.

but what if they weren't even here with you?

you shook your head slightly, blinking back the tears that had formed in the past few seconds. a feeling inside of you was still burning.

one just as strong as your love for luke,
as strong as alexs hugs,
and as strong as reggies love for baths.

it was a feeling of hope. that you'd find them soon, you just knew it.

it's a small, ghostly world, after all.

isnt it?

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