y/n fujioka ||haruhi fujioka'...

By Gavi_is_Queen

419K 11K 2.8K

Please don't copy, repost, or/and steal my work! ------------------------- "Ah, you're both twins. Not identi... More

||1, Prologue||
||71, Epilogue||
||OHSHC as Vines||
||Famous Last Words||


2.9K 98 18
By Gavi_is_Queen

{49; The Friend Zone and A Game of Kick The Can!}

The atmosphere completely changed around the blond haired male as his bangs casted a shadow over his violet eyes. A radiant glare appeared in his eyes as he slammed his hands down onto the coffee table and vigorously got up from the couch.

He released a growl with his hands clenched into fists that were positioned above his head. "Daddy won't stand for that!"

"Oh, god..." Y/n mumbled as she massaged the temples of her forehead with the tips of her fingers.

"Ugh. Please don't do this..." Haruhi enjoined, looking up at her upperclassman.

Tamaki directed his intense glower down at Kasanoda. "Bossa Nova!" He grabbed the red haired male by the collar of his shirt. "Just what do you think you're trying to do here?! You established a bond with your henchmen, didn't you?! Why aren't you with them right now?!"

"You tell him, sir!" Hikaru cheered with his arms raised.

Kaoru punched the free air that was beside him. "Yeah!"

"What about kick the can?!" Tamaki continued to shout, making his voice crack a bit. "You remember that?! You should be out there enjoying life to the fullest with your friends while you're still young enough to appreciate it before it all slips away right under your nose! Why are you harassing my Haruhi?!" He spun the poor and confused boy away from the couch so he could stand in front of him. Tamaki pointed his index finger at Kasanoda. "As her father, I forbid you to see her."

There was a moment of silence while Kasanoda registered the second year student's command.

"Wait, what? You're telling me that you're Fujioka's dad?" The red haired male recited doubtfully. "You have got to be kidding me. Does that also mean that Fujioka's sister is your daughter too? That's just not possible."

Tamaki's violet eyes were substituted with pale purple orbs as small sweat drops composed on his forehead.

"Oh no." Hikaru mumbled, hiding behind the pillar with his brother.

"He's painted the boss into a corner." Kaoru noticed.

"Well, we might not be related by blood..." Tamaki versed faintly.

"Okay, so, what're you married to their mom then?"

Tamaki slowly removed his finger from in front of Kasanoda's face as he sweat dropped profusely. "No, as a matter of fact... I've never met the woman."

Kasanoda's eyes hardened into a glare as he stared at Tamaki. "So I guess you're really not their father are you?"

Tamaki stood still with his whole body ultimately pale. He was like a balloon that has just popped due to him soaring around the music room.

"Wah! Tama-Chan! I'll catch you!" Honey declared as he raced after the descending boy.

The deflated blond haired male laid in Honey's arms limply. "He's right you know. Strictly speaking, I'm not Haruhi's or Y/n's real father."

"Uh, strictly speaking or otherwise." The twins said in a deadpanned tone and sweat dropped, making Tamaki's mind fall into a dark abyss and pass out.

The hosts stood over Tamaki as he began to regain consciousness--only being blacked out for five minutes.

"Hey look. He's waking up." Kaoru pointed out as Tamaki's violet eyes became visible.

"I need to sort this out." The president of the Host Club muttered, remaining on the floor with widened eyes.

"Sort what out exactly?" Kaoru asked.

"If supposing I'm not my Haruhi and Y/n's daddy after all..."

"We don't have to suppose it, boss." Hikaru ensured.

"Then how can it be that I find Haruhi so utterly adorable...?" Tamaki questioned, ignoring Hikaru's comment in the process as everyone's eyes widened.

"Uh, what are you talking about?" Kaoru quizzed.

"When she's with another man, why is it that I become so insanely jealous?" The blond haired male inquired. "I'm not her father. I'm not Y/n's father either. I have no right to be so protective. No right whatsoever."

"So then, uh, tell me what exactly is with the whole 'making Haruhi your wife one day' thing?" Hikaru expressed bluntly.

Tamaki looked up at Hikaru with a troubled expression. "I know! Daddy's don't typically want to marry their little girls when they're all grown up do they?"

"What about keeping her from kissing anyone?" Kaoru interrogated.

"I only wanted to preserve those precious lips."

Kaoru's eyebrow twitched at Tamaki's response. "Preserve? Really? That's a very interesting choice of words, sir. You think everything is absolutely perfect, just the way it is now. And having this family setting will keep it all from changing, right?"

Hikaru looked at his twin brother with slightly widened eyes due to his unexpected turn of phrase. "Hey Kaoru...?"

Tamaki blinked as he glanced up at the youngest Hitachiin brother. "I don't understand."

Kaoru's jaw dropped as his eyes turned to a frustrated glare. 'He's an idiot! Is he really that oblivious?'

"Actually, he's got a point." Kyoya chimed in, fixing his prescription glasses. "I mean, you're delusional, yes, any halfwit could see that but who knew that you were so...?" He trailed off.

"Tama-Chan's completely blind when it comes to himself!" Honey grinned brightly.

"Kaoru, just what did you mean by things changing?" Hikaru questioned softly, referring to what his brother said previously.

Kaoru sweat dropped and was now suddenly holding a pumpkin head. "Oh. Nothing. Just a little theory I have. Which I'm probably completely wrong about."

Kasanoda and Haruhi glanced back at the hosts from where they were sitting, which was still on the red couch.

"Uh, you think everything's alright over there?" Kasanoda examined. "I mean, I didn't say anything to set him off, did I?"

"Who knows? Everything must be fine if Y/n's there." Haruhi assured and changed her sitting position so she was now facing forward. "Although, when I think about it, Tamaki-Senpai is like Y/n and I's dad in some ways."

The hosts were a fair distance away from Haruhi and Kasanoda, so it was quite impressive that Tamaki heard what the short haired girl said.

He quickly sat up on the floor with a victorious smirk on his lips as he released an airy chuckle. "Did you hear that gentlemen? Apparently in some ways I am like Haruhi and Y/n's father."

"Well, your personality's are kind of similar." Y/n commented, implying how her biological father's nature is comparable to her blond haired upperclassman's.

Tears of joy spilled down Tamaki's eyes. "I've got it! I've got it now! I'm like a father to them!"

"And we've lost him yet again." Kyoya noted with a small smirk evident on his lips while his arms were crossed over his chest.

"Fujioka. Um." Kasanoda began, faintly stammering over his words. "Do you think that we could maybe do this more often? Because, I was just thinking since you entertain girls all day long it might kind of give you a break from all that. You know, if I came around." He prompted before a shade of pink appeared on his cheeks. "I mean if-if you want that, that is." He turned his head forward but glanced at her from the corner of his eyes.

Haruhi displayed a friendly, closed eyed smile. "Absolutely! That way you and I could get more acquainted."

"Here it comes!" Renge announced as she observed the two first years with her opera binoculars, making the guests squeal in excitement and for Tamaki's eyes to widen.

Kasanoda's legs began to palpitate underneath the coffee table as his blush on his cheeks intensified. "Fujioka, I-" He paused for a moment, practically hearing his own heartbeat. "I, uh, have something to say."

"Hm?" Haruhi hummed, not realizing that everyone was focused on her and the young man seated beside her.

"I just wanted to tell you... I just wanted to tell you." He repeated, minor hesitance apparent in his body language. "That I'm..."

Haruhi smiled unaffectedly and leaned back on the couch. "That you're excited to have someone you can relate to, aren't you?"

Everyone's expression turned to a blank one as they paled at Haruhi's rejection--even though the short haired female had no clue that Kasanoda was trying to confess to her.

'How can my sister be this damn oblivious?!' Y/n thought, facepalming herself and slowly dragging her hand down her face.

Haruhi stood up from the couch, glancing up at the ceiling. "I know I sure am. A conversation like this is a rare thing for me. We're going to be great friends." She said as she looked down at the still dumbstruck Kasanoda.

"Wow. She just put him in the friend zone without even realizing it." Y/n muttered, her eyebrow twitching as she felt remorseful for the red haired teenager.

"Uh-oh. Hung out to dry." Renge deadpanned as whispers from the present guests sounded around the room.

"He totally just got shot down!"

"He didn't even get a chance to profess his love!"

"Oh. The friends thing. That really stings!"

"I bet that rejection haunts him for the rest of his life."

"Aw, the poor guy."

"It's so tragic."

Kasanoda stiffened his hands that were on his lap, avoiding eye contact with Haruhi. "Of course the two of us are going to be friends! Best of friends! Forever!"

The twins and Honey cried with their hands on their cheeks. "Bossa Nova!"

The guests held their handkerchiefs up to their eyes as they shed tears as well. "Kasanoda!"

"Casanova!" Renge wept with her handkerchief near the corner of her right eye, soon bringing her hands together as she smiled tenderly with tears cascading down her cheeks. "How lovely! How absolutely beautiful!"

"You've moved us to tears!" The girls raised their arms up, crying while a devoted smile formed on their lips. The customers, the twins, and Honey soon ran towards Kasanoda, surrounding the couch that he was seated on.

"We'll be your friends!"

"That was breathtaking!"

"Do it again!"

"We want to be friends with you, too, Bossa Nova!" Hikaru indicated, crying alongside his brother.

"Let's play kick the can!" Kaoru advocated wholeheartedly while holding an empty can in his hand.

"I know I'm your Senpai, but I'll still be your friend! You can even hold Usa-Chan!" Honey promised with tears streaming down his cheeks as he shoved his pink stuffed bunny in Kasanoda's face.

The pedestal that Renge was on began to slowly lower back down into the floor, tears still spilling out of her eyes. "I'll include a special piece on you in 'Moe Moe Ouran Diaries, Volume Eleven!' Adieu, brave one!"

"What's the matter, Tamaki?" Kyoya asked, noticing the blond haired males gentle, wide eyed expression.

Tamaki was sitting on the floor with his legs in a crisscrossed arrangement, positioned near Mori, Kyoya, and Y/n. "When I think about how Bossa Nova must have been feeling, my heart goes out to him a little." He responded softly, causing Y/n to crouch down beside him and delicately place her hand on top of his shoulder, a small, warmhearted smile on her lips.

"That's strange, isn't it?" Kyoya examined with his arms crossed over his chest and a miniature smirk on his lips. "I mean, as Haruhi and Y/n's father, you shouldn't feel sympathy for the man who tried to take one of your precious little girls away, now should you?"

Y/n released an airy giggle and looked back at the crowd that surrounded Kasanoda. 'This was unexpected but it did end well, right? No ones really scared of him anymore. But he did get friend zoned by Haruhi...' She reflected. 'But even so, there are plenty of fish in the sea. We will all find the right person when the time comes.'

- - - -

"Hyper Starlight Kick!" Tamaki kicked the empty can in the air.

The Host Club members, Kasanoda, and the female guests were outside near the rose garden-maze as they played a game of kick the can.

The guests ran away while giggling, attempting to find a good hiding spot as the members of the Host Club did the same thing.

Kasanoda grabbed the unfilled can and crouched down in front of a tree. "One. Two. Three. Four," he began to count with a small, cheerful smile on his face.

Y/n entered the rose maze hurriedly with a confident grin on her face as she ran past the red flowers. However, she halted her movements once she reached a stone-like gazebo that was covered in vines and roses.

Surprisingly, Kyoya and the twins were standing in front of it as Haruhi and Tamaki were located underneath the stone-like table that was attached to the small gazebo.

"Hey, what are you doing? This hiding place is only for Haruhi and me, got it?" Tamaki whispered firmly.

"What kind of a rule is that?" Kaoru quizzed.

"Yeah! And for that matter, why do you and Haruhi always have to hide together in the first place?" Hikaru pointed out.

"Haruhi is my sister, so I should really be the one hiding with her." Y/n stated with a faint smirk.

"Right! I'm so sorry, Y/n. You can hide with us." Tamaki said and carefully pulled Y/n down under the table so she could be with them--the blond haired male now being situated in between the two sisters.

"Huh? Why?" The twins whined.

"Idiots!" Tamaki raised his fist, being mindful of the table above him. "It is perfectly natural for a father to hide with his daughters!"

"Some might disagree." Kyoya objected, making the twins let out a mocking chuckle.

"Shh! Would all of you just be quiet!" Haruhi scolded in a whisper-shout tone, her index finger in front of her lips.

With that being said, Kyoya and the twins hid underneath the table as well--the brownish-grey eyed male stationed next to Y/n as the twins settled near Haruhi.

The six individuals that were established in the gazebo haven't discovered the two certain third year students hiding up in a tree, who were staring down at the rose maze.

"So, Hika-Chan may seem oblivious, but deep down he's beginning to understand his feelings?" Honey observed, sitting on a thick tree branch beside his cousin. "And even though it's clear to the rest of us how Tama-Chan feels, he's still completely in the dark about it himself?"

"Yeah." Mori confirmed.

"Then what about Kao-Chan, Kyo-Chan, and Y/n-Chan? Between the three of them, I'll bet there's someone even more oblivious than Tama-Chan is." The golden-blond haired male looked up at the blue sky. "Considering that, I wonder if something really big is gonna happen before we graduate."

"You never know."

Back down in the gazebo, Tamaki, Haruhi, Y/n, the twins, and Kyoya were squished together under the stone-like table.

"Well for starters, why even kick the can?" Kyoya questioned quietly.

Y/n slightly adjusted her posture but ended up bumping her head on the bottom part of the table. "Ow! My head." She groaned, rubbing the top of her head with her hand.

"You okay?" Haruhi asked, directing her brown eyes to her sister.

"Yeah..." Y/n returned feebly, continuing to move her hand on her somewhat aching head.

Haruhi turned her attention to Hikaru and Kaoru. "Hey, stop pushing so hard."

"Get your hands off my Haruhi!" Tamaki demanded in a whisper-yell tone.

"She doesn't belong to you!" The twins argued in unison. "And neither does Y/n!"

"Oh yeah! If not me, then who?"

After Tamaki's exclaim, Y/n dropped her hand that was on her head down to her side, moderately narrowing her eyes as she whisper-shouted. "We don't belong to anybody! Now be quiet or we'll get caught!"

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Thank you all so much for reading!
I'm planning on doing some filler chapters so I can progress who Y/n will end up with or who she'll develop feelings for.
Thank you to those who have stuck with me and this book so far!💖
I know that nothing exciting has happened between Y/n and the other hosts. I'm still kind of thinking about who her love interest is going to be and how they'll end up together if I'm being completely honest.
"See you then!"

Posted on: March 16th, 2021.
Edited on: September 24th, 2021.

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