The Turns of Evangeline's Lif...

By oinfinityandbeyond

4.8K 64 3

Book 2 in the Evangeline Swans series, Twilight New Moon. A Jacob Black fanfic. Time to find out what's waiti... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
chapter 7
chapter 9
Chapter 10
chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28

Chapter 8

154 2 0
By oinfinityandbeyond


It's been 2 months since I've been the one to take care of Bella. I figured out when she's about to start screaming, so I wake her up a little bit before that. She starts by moving around, then saying Edward's name, then crying, and more moving around before screaming, so I wake her up when she starts saying his name. That would happen maybe 2- 3 times on a bad night, so I just started sleeping curled up in the bay window.

She still barely eats, doesn't talk, emails Alice just about everyday, and at school she started sitting at their table. I sit with her and either sleep, eat, or glare at those that look at her. Our friends were so worried about her, but didn't know how to help. They've tried talking to her, even asked her to hang out a few times. They gave up by December, and I honestly don't blame them.

*next paragraph could be self-harm trigging, read at own risk*

I miss my sister, the one before we ever met the Cullens. Now she's just a shell of herself, it's heartbreaking. Dad has been staying either at the station or Uncle Billy's most nights, I bring him or the three, dinners just about every night. Sometimes she scares me, I'll catch her holding a kitchen knife for a little too long, falling asleep in the bathtub, or standing in front of the mirror in the bathroom with a medicine bottle in her hand. When I started noticing those suicidal thoughts/ actions is when I really buckled down and stayed with her. In January I stopped dancing, and training, and working for Mrs. Claire, so I could be at home with Bella.

I haven't been out with friends, or the pack or anyone really in months but if that's how it has to be to make sure my sister doesn't kill herself, then so be it.

I haven't told dad, but I've been skipping some classes and sleeping in the truck or in the nurse's office. My grades are still high though, that's because I stay up all night and just do homework/classwork. I miss dance and Jake the most, when I bring them dinner I only stay for a quick plate then rush home. I still stretch my body including my wings, and do a little pointe exercises at home but it's never for long before something else needs to get done.

My powers are a little out of control and harder to keep in check with how exhausted I am and since I'm no longer training. The only times I use them on purpose is when I try to control Bella's emotions enough to have her eat more or sleep better, but she figured out I was doing that about a week ago and yelled at me, at least it was something. I also use my link with the pack to see if they noticed any new leeches, or even the cullens, but the answer is always the same. Just the redhead, dancing between the border and our lands. Sometimes I let my wings out because my shoulders and back get stiff and stretching them is not enough, so I take a quick midnight flight around the Cullen's house to make sure for myself that they didn't sneak back. I honestly don't know how much longer I can do this for.

"She's not getting better and she's dragging you down with her. She has to go to Jacksonville. I'm telling her tomorrow." Dad said coming into the house, he's taken back the last couple weekends with her, so that way I can at least get dance back. Mrs. Claire isn't allowing me to dance, she just stretches me then makes me sleep. I'm not complaining though, I'm exhausted. After dance I go back to the mountaintop and let my powers go crazy, then I go to Jakes but I just crash on his bed then go home the next day.

"Okay, I'll be in my room." I trudged up the stairs and plopped on my bed.

*next day*

"All right. That's it," Dad said meeting Bella at the truck as soon as she got to it. I've been driving this whole time since the last time she did. She swerved and nearly hit a tree, and I honestly can't tell you if it was on purpose or an accident, although she claims it was an accident.

"What?" she asked as I moved around the truck, standing by dad.

"You're going to Jacksonville to live with your mother." he said sounding tired, the weekends are her hardest days.

"I'm not leaving Forks." she said, and I could feel her emotions start to rise. That's another thing, with not practicing I've been able to pick up and feel others' emotions all the time, without trying. She feels like she's had a wrecking ball to the chest and that's another reason I stay with her.

"Bells, he's not coming back," dad said after a pause, and I sighed. It would be easier if he did, although I kind of want him dead.

"I know." she nodded, and I hid my yawn. She started getting uncomfortable and couldn't look dad or I in the face.

"It's just not normal, this behavior. Quite frankly, it's scaring the hell out of me, your sister and your mother."

"Baby, I don't want you to leave. We don't, but just go. Go to Jacksonville. Make some new friends." he added and held back a scoff. In this depressed shell of herself, she'll be lucky to have one new friend. She has us no matter how much she tries to push me away.

"I like my old friends."

"Well, you never see them anymore."

"I do. I'm gonna go shopping tomorrow with Jessica. Right Eva?" she asked, looking at me with a slightly pleading look and my eyes widened.

"Oh um, yeah, yeah dad I forgot to tell you." I lied, wincing slightly as I did, it's not really a lie since I didn't even know about it till just now.

"You hate shopping." Dad said not buying it.

"I...I need a girl's night out." she said, giving a weak smile. She was completely faking it, but if she is actually gonna go then it's fine.

"All right. Girl's night. Shopping," dad said with some relief and happiness in his voice.

"I like it. Go buy some stuff," he said, and I laughed a little. Bella took the keys from my hands, and I climbed in the car while she went around to the drivers side.

She nodded and smiled at dad who smiled back, but as soon as he couldn't see her face anymore, it dropped.

*next day*

"I don't know why you want to sit through all those zombies eating people and no hot guys kissing anybody. It's gross. Like...and why are there that many zombie movies anyway? 'Cause if it's supposed to, like, draw a parallel about leprosy, my cousin had leprosy. It's not funny, you know? And like it is supposed to be a metaphor for consumerism? Because don't be so pleased with your own, like, self-referential cleverness, you know? Like some girls like to shop. Not all girls, apparently, although I was surprised you even called at all. You know? Like your depression thing, I get it. I'm totally totally worried. But after a while it's like, you're still bumming..." Jess' monologuing got interrupted as we walked. I don't care what she was saying, but I was interested because it's been the only real communication I have had in months.

"You want a ride, girls?" Jess ignored the guys and kept talking, but Bella was looking right at them.

"And I'm going through stuff, too. You know?"

"You are? I'm sorry I haven't been there. What's going on?" I asked her but kept glancing at Bella.

"Mike decided he just wants to be friends. It's hard, you know? Like and since when does "just friends"..." she went on but my focus was on Bella. She turned her head then gasped and took a step back. Jess and I moved in front of her.

"Dude. come on."

"Bell's let's go." I gently said, and she looked at me.

"Come here for a sec!" one of the biker guys called out. She looked at them and I shook my head.

"Bella." I said in a warning tone. This has disaster written all over it.

~I put a little triggering before one of the paragraphs since it talked about a certain topic. If you ever need someone to talk to i am here, or reach out to someone you trust. Not to that extant that the topic was talking about but I do struggle with depression so i can help. I am aware in the books and movies Bella wasn't completely suicidal but i changed it a bit as to add to Eva's worries.~ 

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