By scoopsaharrington

139K 2.3K 624

𝐈𝐍𝐂𝐋𝐔𝐃𝐄𝐒 𝐕𝐎𝐋 𝟏-𝟐 & 𝐈𝐌𝐀𝐆𝐈𝐍𝐄 𝐏𝐀𝐂𝐊 BEST JATP FANFIC '22 WINNER the boys were connected... More

✨ 𝕙𝕚 !! ✨
𝟙 , ghost of you
𝟚 , ghost of us
𝟛 , birthdays and... is that julie?
𝟜 , flashbacks & first kisses
𝟝 , used to be
𝟞 , big news
𝟟 , headaches & hesitations
𝟠 , secrets & reality
𝟡 , a tell
𝟙𝟘 , mental preparation
𝟙𝟙 , regret & confessions
𝟙𝟚 , better
𝟙𝟛 , too many questions
𝟙𝟝 , whoops
𝟙𝟞 , now or never
𝟙𝟟 , that could work
𝟙𝟠 , tell me everything
𝟙𝟡 , clouded judgement
𝟚𝟘 , unsettling feelings
𝟚𝟙 , needing more
𝟚𝟚 , early risers
𝟚𝟛 , familiar words
𝟚𝟜 , what a time
𝟚𝟝 , my forty year old friend
𝟚𝟞 , spill everything
𝟚𝟟 , that spark
𝟚𝟠 , end
𝐟𝐢𝐧𝐚𝐥 𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞.
1 - the abundant its
2 - the beginning
3 - good listeners
4 - the third crash
5 - happier
6 - still broken
7 - moving on
8 - parents suck
9 - meant to be
10 - traditions
11 - too close
12 - THAT NIGHT , her
13 - THAT NIGHT , him
14 - to healing
extra, how they met
extra, "can we do it again?"
extra, meeting the boys
extra, "we're playing the orpheum"
extra, lets get married
extra, drivers license
extra, just for a moment
extra, rehearsing with the band
extra, skateboarding with willie
extra, iphones & tiktok pranks
extra, tiktok pranks 2
extra, movie night / jealousy
shocks ♪ sunset curve
shocks part two ♪ sunset curve
willie's sister ♪ sunset curve
replaced ♪ sunset curve
tshirt ♪ luke patterson
amp in the rain ♪ reggie peters
back to december ♪ alex mercer
julie's mom ♪ sunset curve
guitar lessons ♪ luke patterson
interviews with the band ♪ the band
new ♪ reggie peters
new2 (lover who can play the bass) ♪ reggie peters
new3 ♪ reggie peters
mad ♪ luke patterson
nightmare ♪ luke patterson
nightmare pt 2 ♪ luke patterson
panic attack ♪ reggie peters
blue for you ♪ reggie peters
student drop off ♪ charlie gillespie

𝟙𝟜 , some bobbie therapy

1.7K 40 8
By scoopsaharrington

also posted a prologue!! go check it out!!
what do you think luke found at/in bobbies?
a) your guess!! cmon!! i want to know!!

you laughed as carrie threw another witty remark towards her father.

it was the next day, and you had come for some bobbie therapy. with the threat of having to talk with the guy not accompanying your trip, you were able to sit back and enjoy watching him live like you used to.

in a way, it actually helped clear your mind.

bobbie had just gotten home, carrie stretched out on the sofa. you had grown pretty comfortable around carrie, and, despite her constant attitude with everything and mean behavior towards your girl julie, you had also grown to like her.

you watched bobbie listen to music and meditate upstairs, and thought about the chaotic past couple of days. you checked off your mental to-do list.

one : luke. he had begun to feel a bit better about the situation as a whole. he had seemed happier, not as distant and secretive. you vowed to yourself right then and there that you wouldn't add another secret to the list, for you were both much happier for it. you were pretty sure getting that knowledge of hearing you cry the other night off of his chest and mind had lifted his stress, and you were glad he was back to his normal self. no secrets was a good place to be.

at least, one less secret. no more secrets didn't mean that there weren't still more.

that brought you to your next dilemma : your guilty conscience. the one that kept telling you everyday you knew things you shouldn't. like how luke went to bobbies and kept it from you. which still boggles you, because you hadn't found a reason yet.

sure, luke could've been worried that it would make you upset to go see him again, but something told you there was more. that there was another reason.

no, you thought, you're just acting paranoid. if there was a more serious reason, luke would know he can tell you anything. him keeping it from you to save you from getting upset or sad is the most logical reason.

luke cared about your feelings so much, he had done everything while you knew each other to always keep you happy, and you appreciated it. but part of a healthy relationship is being honest, no matter how it might make you feel.

your thoughts got interrupted as bobbies stereo switched songs, and my name is luke came blasting through the speakers. you smiled slightly, and coincidentally so did bobbie.

it was wild. the fact that bobbie had produced all these songs under his own, and different, name still left you wondering why. you held the same empathy as before, but it still made you, and most definitely the boys, upset. and they had a right to be, you all had a right to an answer. an explanation.

you tightened your lips together. you knew the right thing to do was to talk to the guy, now that you're still pretty sure he can hear you. you knew it was the best thing for the group. you wondered when, or even if, you'd be ready.

for luke, because they were his songs.
for alex, because it would get the boy an answer to at least one of his questions since he became a ghost.
and julie, she would be able to find out more about her mom, and she deserved that.

you were thankful reggie hadn't put any more pressure on you, the boy pretty much stayed neutral. except when he learned that bobbie had a helicopter, than he had gotten a little mad.

and then, there was you. you decided you deserved answers too. you were extremely close to the kid before you died, and you would've never guessed he would do something like this.

you took a deep breath, not really sure how you convinced yourself to do this next step in the plan so quickly, but before you could think-

you just did it.


for a moment, there was nothing. no movement, no reaction.

than slowly, almost so microscopic you thought you imagined it, bobbie had turned to face you.

his eyes showed shock, but no other part of his body showed emotion. you felt your body slip into panic, and before you knew it your vans landed on pavement, and a body flew into yours, the impact sending you flying.

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