Dare || m.c.

By micahlclifford

32.8K 1.5K 957

It was a fairly simple dare. Get the girl's number, maybe ask her out. No one expected death, betrayal, and h... More

➵ blurb
➵ 0.1 - michael
➵ 0.2 - jade
➵ 0.3 - michael
➵ 0.4 - jade
➵ 0.5 - michael
➵ 0.6 - jade
➵ 0.7 - michael
➵ 0.8 - jade
➵ 0.9 - michael
➵ 1.0 - jade
|| thank you ||
➵ 1.1 - michael
➵ 1.2 - jade
➵ 1.3 - michael
➵ 1.4 - jade
➵ 1.5 - michael
➵ 1.6 - jade
➵ 1.7 - michael
➵ 1.8 - jade
➵ 1.9 - michael
➵ 2.0 - jade
➵ 2.1 - jade
➵ 2.2 - michael
➵ 2.3 - jade
➵ 2.4 - michael
➵ 2.5 - jade
➵ 2.6 - michael
➵ 2.7 - jade
➵ 2.8 - michael
➵ 2.9 - jade
➵ 3.0 - michael
➵ 3.1 - jade
➵ 3.2 - jade
➵ 3.3 - michael
➵ playlist
➵ 3.4 - jade
➵ 3.5 - michael
➵ 3.6 - jade
➵ 3.7 - jade
➵ 3.8 - michael
➵ 3.9 - jade
➵ 4.0 - michael (I)
➵ 4.0 - michael (II)
➵ 4.1 - jade
➵ 4.2 - michael
➵ 4.3 - jade
➵ 4.4 - michael
➵ 4.5 - jade
➵ 4.7 - jade
➵ 4.7 - jade
➵ 4.8 - michael
➵ 4.9 - jade
➵ 5.0 (I)
➵ 5.0 (II)
|| thank you ||

➵ 4.6 - michael

370 14 15
By micahlclifford

this got kinda long...sorry


Sunday came faster than Michael could've thought. One minute he was dropping Jade off at Ashton's house and the next he was waking up in a cold sweat, anxious for what the night would bring. Not only was it prom, but it was also June 16, meaning there was only five days left before they all graduated. Five days before high school was officially done and they were on their own. Not a comforting thought for Michael. If the band didn't work out, he knew he was screwed.

"Morning, Mom," Michael said when he walked into the kitchen Sunday morning. Karen had set a plate of freshly made pancakes for him at the table, with a tall glass of orange juice. He honestly loved his mom.

"Good morning, honey," she smiled at him warmly. Between school and band practice and Karen's own job, they didn't get to see each other too much. "Are you excited for tonight?"

"You've no idea," Michael smiled back through a mouthful of pancakes. "Did you get the corsage?"

Karen nodded. "It's in the fridge. I think it'll go well with the dress, hopefully Jade won't hate it."

"She won't," Michael assured her. Then her words fully registered with him and he blinked at her. "It's in the fridge? Since when do people put a corsage in the fridge?"

"I do," Karen retorted and stole half a pancake from Michael's plate.

"You're so weird, Mom," Michael laughed.

"So are you, kid." Karen missed up his hair and kissed the top of his head. "I have to get groceries and run some other errands, don't burn the place down."

"Noted." Michael stood up and gave her a quick hug. "Love you, Mom."

"I love you, too, sweetheart." Karen left soon after that.

Michael contemplated going over to Ashton's house so he could give the corsage to Jade, but decided not to. He could just give her it later. Instead he sat on the couch and watched all the YouTube videos they'd put up. He had to admit, they were awful. He didn't know why anyone would like them or be willing to pay for their music - if they ever got to that point.

Before he knew it, it was three o'clock and he'd wasted his day watching meaningless YouTube that wouldn't help him get ready for tonight. Speaking of which, he had no idea how to tie a tie. That was the next search on YouTube. Turned out, it was a little harder to learn than Michael had thought. For starters, there were too fucking many kinds of ties - Windsor knot, half Windsor knot, Trinity knot, Eldridge knot, etcetera. He found one titled How to Tie aTie Like a Ninja and knew that was the one he was meant to watch. The man had a strong accent and instructions that were too hard to follow, but after watching it about a hundred times, Michael got the hang of it all.

Next, he had to dye his hair because that was the cost he was paying to have Jade go with him. He really liked his current hair - it was colorful - but he'd promised Jade he would go black and he couldn't back out now. So Michael spent the next hour in the bathroom, applying hair dye and then waiting for it to settle before he could wash it off.

"Michael!" Karen's voice called sometime later.

"I'm in the bathroom, Mom," Michael yelled back, typing away on his phone. People actually followed him on Twitter now - well, it was mostly girls, but he wasn't complaining. Some of them would occasionally tweet him about the shitty music on hemmo1996 and they would have a nice little chat. It was happening right now.

"I've got something for you," Karen replied.

Michael furrowed his eyebrows. He hadn't asked her for anything that she'd be so excited about. He got up from the toilet and walked out to where Karen was. "What is it?"

Karen was in the process of opening a small box and pulled out something black, holding it out for Michael. He took it and looked at it in confusion until Karen said, "You can't wear a white tie with a white shirt, honey."

"Oh." Michael hadn't thought about how that might not look good. "Thanks, Mom."

"You're welcome. Now go get that dye out of your hair."

(this chapter is so hard to write)

Instead of just washing his hair, Michael took a shower. It was almost 4:45 by the time he walked out of the bathroom with jet black hair. He had a text from Jade asking what time they needed to leave, so he texted her back telling her to be ready by 5:45.

Michael took a minute to just about the situation he was in. Taco Bell girl from a couple months ago was now his girlfriend and he was going to prom with her. The same girl who'd called her an asshole more times than he would like to admit. The same girl who cried on his shoulder in the middle of the night when she had no one else to turn to.

He was so, so thankful.

Jade was everything he could ask for. Despite coming across as cold and brash, she was kind and gentle. Sometimes - no a lot of times - she was foul mouthed and witty, and at the same time, extremely smart and intelligent. She was brave and Michael admired that. Loved it. Loved her.

It was an overwhelming thought to have, but now he couldn't push it away. As he got dressed, all Michael could think about was all the things he loved about Jade. Her eyes, her freckles, her dark sense of humor, her love for One Direction, the sound of her voice, her compassion for others, her strength, her vulnerability. Everything.

A knock on his door made Michael jump. "Yeah?"

"Honey, it's almost 5:15. Are you ready?" Karen's voice drifted in.

"You can come in, Mom," Michael said, fiddling with his new black tie. The door opened and in walked his mother. "I'm having trouble with this thing." The YouTube tutorial hadn't yet made its way into his long-term memory.

"Here, give me it." Karen held out her hand for the tie and Michael gave it to her. Karen managed to tie it in less than a minute. "All done."


Karen looked Michael up and down with affection in her eyes before she wrapped her arms around him. "You look great. I could cry right now."

"God, please no," Michael laughed, hugging Karen back tightly. "I'm not even done yet, Mom. My hair's still a mess."

"You have to leave soon," Karen chastised and let go of him. "Come on, fix it quickly. I need to take pictures."

"Okay, okay, give me, like, fifteen minutes," Michael said and went to work on his hair. It didn't take him fifteen minutes to make it look good; his hair was amazing. He had twenty minutes to kill and entertain his mother before he needed to leave.

True to her word, Karen took more pictures than Michael was able to keep count of. In the kitchen, on the couch, by the dining table, on the porch, in the backyard - it was insane and the list just continues. When he grabbed Jade's corsage from the fridge - yes, it was still in there - Karen reminded him for the tenth time, "Take pictures with Jade! Don't forget!"

As if he could forget something like that. As Michael walked the short distance to Ashton's house, he felt more nervous than he should have. He didn't like the butterflies in his stomach, but liked that it was Jade making him feel that way. Just as Michael made his way up the driveway, Ashton walked out the front door, looking all fancy with his hair combed back.

"Hey," Michael said, clapping Ashton on the back.

"Hey, you look good. But listen," Ashton said hurriedly. "Take care of her tonight, she cried herself to sleep last night."

Michael's heart dropped. "What happened?"

"You can ask her, I'm running late already." Ashton walked backwards towards where his car was parked. "I'll see you later."

"Thanks." Michael knocked on the front door, hoping Jade was feeling better now. Why hadn't she said anything?

The door opened and Ashton's mom beamed at him. "Hello, Michael."

"Hi, Mrs Irwin," Michael smiled back. "How're you?"

"I'm great, come on in." She opened the door wide for Michael to walk through. "I think Jade is ready, I'll go get her."

Michael waited in the living room while Sandra went to Jade's room. It took a couple of minutes before Jade rounded the corner and into the room.

She looked stunning. Michael had never seen her in a dress before and he had been missing out. He'd forgotten just how simple the dress was. It was literally a knee length Ariana Grande kind of thing, but Jade rocked the look. The red hair looked brighter against the plain black fabric and her eyes looked more vibrant.

"I've got your corsage," Michael smiled as Jade reached him, dangling the little flower thing in front of her.

Jade's face lit up with a hint of a smile. "You coordinated," she said, touching the boutonniere on his suit.

"Mom did." Michael took Jade's arm and, with a lot of effort, tied the white corsage on her left wrist before kissing the back of her hand. "Ready?"

"Sandra wants a photo of us first," Jade said quietly, not sounding very happy about it. "Hate taking pictures," she muttered.

Just then, Sandra came into the living room with a big ass camera in her hand - like the ones that actual photographer use. "I won't take long, I promise," she said with a warm smile. "Just a couple and I'll be out of your way."

"Knock yourself out," Jade said. She was smiling, too, even if it was the tiniest bit forced, and put an arm around Michael's waist. Michael slung his arm over her shoulder. As promised, Sandra took only a few pictures and bid them a good time.

As soon as they walked out of the house and the front door closed behind them, Michael pulled Jade closer to him. "Rough night last night?"

"Who told you that?" Jade questioned, looking up at Michael.

"Your best friend."

"Asshole." Jade glared at the ground.

Michael tipped her chin up, peering down at her. "You okay?"

"I'm fine, I just miss my parents every now and then." She was looking down at the ground again, obsessively biting down on her lip.

She missed her parents. Of course she did. Who wouldn't? Michael didn't know how to make her feel better. Saying I'm sorry was so old.

"I'm okay now. I promise," Jade said when Michael didn't reply. She leaned up on her toes and lightly kissed Michael. "Let's go, please."

They walked to Michael's car hand in hand. "Sorry about the car. I would've rented a limo, but I'm on a bit of a budget."

"Oh, no. However will I forgive this?" Honestly, she wasn't sarcastic at all.

Michael pulled her in for a kiss - partly to shut her up, but mostly because he needed her closer. "You look beautiful, by the way," he whispered against her lips.

"Thanks," she said and ran her fingers through his hair. "You look okay, too."

"You're supposed to blush and giggle," Michael mock pouted, trapping her hands in his and lacing their fingers together.

"Well, then, you should've been speechless when you saw me and maybe should've stuttered a 'You look great.' "

"Shut up," Michael laughed and opened the passenger side door for Jade. "You do look great."

"I know I do," Jade grinned before stepping into the car and Michael followed suit. Jade played her music on the way to the school; as far as Michael could tell, her music only consisted of Taylor Swift, Ed Sheeran, and One Direction, which was starkly different from what Michael listened to.

The front of the school didn't look any different than usual. It was plain and boring, just like every other day. The interior, however, was decorated beyond belief. There was a red carpet leading the way to the cafeteria, covered with pink and white rose petals. Different colored flower garlands hung on the walls, giving the whole place a sweet scent. A small area outside the cafe was designated for a photographer.

"Let's get a picture," Michael said, tugging on Jade's hand.

"Michael," Jade whined, coming to a halt in the middle of the hallway.

"Please," Michael pleaded, giving her puppy dog eyes that he knew no one with half a heart could resist.

"You can get one taken of yourself."

"I want one with you."

"I hate pictures."

I love you. "I won't ask for anything else all night."

Michael stared at Jade and she just stared back blankly, having no intention of agreeing with him. Alright. Michael put one hand against her cheek, his thumb trailing over her bottom lip. "Baby, please?"

Jade glared at him, but he knew he'd won. "You're a real manipulative asshole, Michael Clifford. Fuck you. I'm getting one picture taken and if you ask me again, I will punch you." There was really no conviction in her voice.

Michael kissed the top of her head. "You're cute when you try to be tough."

"You almost shit yourself when you first met me, don't test me."

Okay, fair enough. Michael had been terrified that night. He had no desire to relive it.

The photographer was actually pretty good at his job, making the first picture perfect enough for Michael. Jade had her arms around Michael's neck while his hands rested on her waist - it was cute, but also very classy.

The cafeteria was crowded. Most couples were dancing to the beat, but some were just swaying. And, of course, there were people who didn't come as a couple. Group dates. That group was just losing their shit in the middle of the room, having the time of their lives.

Michael tried to spot his friends, but it was a bit difficult, what with all the guys wearing a tux. So instead of looking for Calum, he searched for a head of platinum blonde hair and he found it. Not too far from where Michael and Jade were, Calum and Mae stood talking with Luke and Bryn.

"Let's go say hi to them," Michael said, pulling Jade along with him.

"You're too bossy today. I don't like it."

Michael rolled his eyes. She really wasn't in a good mood, was she? "I'm sorry. I'll just say a quick hello and then we can be by ourselves."

"It's not that. I just don't really fit in with all your friends. I don't know them."

Jade didn't like change, Michael knew that. She didn't open up to strangers, he knew that too. But his friends didn't need to be strangers to her anymore. "They love you," Michael told her honestly. "Luke thinks you're kind of scary, Calum is happy with all the songs you've made me write, and Bryn feels like you're the other half she's been looking for because you love One Direction."

Jade stopped walking and said, "How many songs have I made you write?"

"Too many," Michael said. He touched the side of her face gingerly, her eyes clouded with something that Michael couldn't decipher. "Sometimes I think you underestimate the effect you have on me."

And just like that, the heavy look in her eyes with replaced with a sassy, mischievous glint. "Nah. It's just that you're not the only one I have an effect on." When Michael raised his eyebrows, she nodded to her right. Michael looked over to find a guy gawking at her while his date was busy chatting with her friend. When he noticed Michael glaring at him, his face flushed and he turned around.

"Shut up," Michael mumbled when Jade laughed. He pulled her along with him until they reached his friends.

"You made it!" Bryn squealed as soon as she saw Michael, pulling him in for a hug. "Hi, Jade!" She hugged Jade as well. Okay then. "You look gorgeous. Oh my God, that dress is flawless." She went on and on about Jade's dress and Michael couldn't help but smile.

"Hi, Mae," he said to the younger girl, who had her arm linked with Calum's. "You look pretty."

Before she could reply, Calum jumped in and said, "You look pretty."

"Thanks?" Michael laughed.

"Y'all need to chill," Luke raised his hands. "No more jealous boyfriends. So sick of it."

Huh. Michael didn't know that Calum and Mae had made things official. Good for them.

"I'll be back," Jade whispered in Michael's ear and let go of his hand. He was about to ask her where she was going, but she was already gone.

"Not to give the night a negative start, but you actually brought her to prom, minus the dare," Calum said when Jade left and Bryn and Mae were occupied.

"Don't even go there," Michael warned. Calum might have been his best friend, but some things just shouldn't be mentioned. "It's probably the biggest mistake of my life, thanks to you assholes."

"I know, but I'm happy for you. It's nice to see you look at someone like your whole world starts and stops at her."

"I look at her like that?"

Calum grinned. "Remember when we used to make fun of Luke for giving Bryn that starstruck look? Now I'll make fun of you both."

"Fuck you, Calum," Luke said and pulled Bryn into his chest, wrapping his arms around neck. "I love my girlfriend. Go right ahead and make fun of me. I'll love her more. Right, babe?"

"You're cute, Luke," was all Bryn said before a high pitched voice sounded behind them.

"Michael!" At the sound of his name, Michael turned around and came face to face with Erin. She was a tiny little creature, wearing a long red gown thing that trailed behind her.

"Error!" Michael matched her enthusiasm and opened his arms for her. Being a midget that she was, she could only wrap her arms around his waist. "What are you doing here?"

She pulled back with a wide smile plastered on her face. "My boyfriend goes to school here, dumbass."

Erin went to the only other school in town, given she lived on the other side of it. "Who is it?"

"Tori Hollerbach."

Michael knew of him, but hadn't ever actually talked to him. Just then, Jade materialized out of absolutely no where.

"Why're you touching my boyfriend?" Boy, did she sound happy.

"Um - " Poor Erin looked from Michael to Jade, having no idea what to say.

"Get away from him," Jade said with a wild gesture of her hand.

Mochas stepped away from Erin and towards Jade, kissing her cheek. "Relax." She didn't listen to him. Well. He tried. "Erin, this is my lovely girlfriend, Jade. Jade, this is my cousin, Erin."

"Hi," Erin said tentatively, stepping forward with her hand extended. Jade shook it and managed to looked a bit sheepish.

"Hi. I'm, uh, I'm sorry," Jade actually stuttered.

"No harm done," Erin said. "Michael really isn't the one for me, sadly. Seeing as I'm an Error and all," she laughed.

Error was the nickname Michael had given her at the tender age of 6 and it had stuck ever since. Of course, Jade would have no idea what that were talking about.

"I'm gonna go find Tori. Nice meeting you, Jade." Erin gave her a smile before walking away.

"Want to explain why you're all fired up?" Michael asked Jade, whose facial expression was a mix between a frown and a pout.

"I need to go outside," she said simply and walked towards the side door in the cafeteria that led to the courtyard. Michael followed without a word. She led them to a bench, but didn't sit. She just stood there and stared at him.

"Well?" Michael prodded.

"I went to try and find Ashton, but run in with Bryce instead. He says shit about me and about you and then accuses you of cheating on me. I come back to find you holding another girl who turns out to be your damn cousin and now I feel bad about snapping at her."

Jade said all of that without pausing for a single breath and the only part Michael could focus on was that Bryce had confronted Jade. "I'm going to kick his ass," Michael said.

"No, you're not." Jade gripped his upper arms, tilting her head back to look at him. She looked a little frantic, despite her collected voice. "I put him in his place. I'm not scared of him. I'm scared of what he said."

Michael felt his expression soften as he gazed down at her. He brushed her hair back over shoulder and caressed her cheek before pulling her closer and encasing her in his arms. "You don't need to be. You're absolutely, literally, truly it for me."

Jade didn't reply. They moved silently to the beat of the music that was playing inside the cafeteria, having said everything that needed to be said for the time being. Then, after a while, when the song changed to a softer, slower one, Jade said, "You're kind of it for me, too."

Michael smiled. He stopping dancing and held her face in his hands, staring into the bright green of her eyes before kissing her lips gently. This was all he needed. He needed Jade and he wanted her safe and happy. He was willing to fight all her demons for her, just to give her some peace of mind that she deserved. He was willing to stand by her to help her fight her battles and always come out on top. He was willing to do anything for her. Anything she needed.

"I love you, Jade."

The words just came out. He shouldn't have said it then, because he wasn't expecting her to say it back. But he wouldn't take it back, either. He meant it, regardless of whether or not she reciprocated the feeling. She had a reaction, though. She went stiff in his arms, as though stung by something. Michael didn't like it.

"Just relax," he said again. He hadn't meant to alarm her. It hurt a little that she didn't say anything, but Michael didn't mind. He'd known from the beginning what he was getting himself into. But he hoped, that someday, he would hear those words from her. Meant only for him.

Because he would never be able to say them to anyone else besides Jade Evans.


i cried this morning before school bc my uncle got married and i missed it then i cried again when my mom put me on the phone with him and just cried instead of saying anything then cried on the bus and then cried when i got home and im crying now i hope you enjoyed this sorry it was long x

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