Dream SMP (Hogwarts AU)

By LuminaStarCrest

80K 4.5K 2.2K

A series of connected (but not chronological), stand-alone fics revolving around members of the Dream SMP, al... More

Info List
Tommy, Your Hufflepuff's Showing (Part 1)
Niki Got a Letter
The Tale Of The Pink Hair
No...No.. Sapnap Don't Do It!!
Tommy, Your Hufflepuff's Showing p.2
Letters To Phil
Ranboo's Debut
Chaser Down!
Big Brothers
Niki Wants In
Wake Me Up After Astronomy, Would You?
The Best Friendships Form During Train Rides p.1
We Lost Him Already?!
A Little Fun at Hogsmead
You Reek of Vinegar
Have You Met Clementine?
Remind Me to Tell You to Never Be a Healer
Henry Goes Missing
Baking 101
Potion Delivery Mishap
Wilbur's Valentine
Tommy's Magical Achievements
Tommy Your Hufflepuff is Showing p.3
Of Braids and Flowers
A Hippogriff In The Castle
The Little First Year
Pfff, I'm Not Scared Of Techno
And Then I Got Kids! (Part 1)
And Then I Got Kids! (Part 2)
The Better Brother
Bad Idea
So You Want To Be A Prefect?
Flying With Style
Tubbo No. Tubbo Yes!
April Fools!
Studying for O.W.Ls-Well, Trying To
The Best Friendships Form During Train Rides part 2
I Get To Be Captain!
I Hear "Language" Through the Walls
Karl Does History Homework
The Broomstick Servicing Kit Incident
Tommy, Your Hufflepuff Is Showing (Part 4)
The Best Friendships Form During Train Rides p.3
Tommy Your Hufflepuff Is Showing p5
Running Errands With A Child
The Case Of The Missing Parchment
Bring Your Kids To Work Day
Fundy's Prophecy
Code-name "Slime"
Dream's Christmas Party
Keith The Dragon
The Craft Children and Magical Creatures
Sam's First Mission
Who's Older?
Hey Hi!
Of Swings and Snow

Invisible Child

1.1K 79 21
By LuminaStarCrest


It was supposed to be a normal day, but a series of unfortunate events lead Tommy into a bad mood, and those two Slytherins that seem to hate him a lot weren't helping, which lead to his magic going wild again. Good thing big brother Wilbur's there to help him.

Chapter Suggested by: Domincja

Sorry it took so long, I hope you enjoy :D

Warning! Panic Attack (not descriptive)


When Tommy woke up that day, he didn't expect the day to be so shitty. 

First of all, he woke up late—you know, like usual. The only difference was he was actually late for class this time. Fucking roommates. He cursed in his head. Yeah, Hufflepuffs were a delight to be with, but there will always be those few arseholes every couple of students sorted. Those he was sharing the dorm with were nice at some points but today they were just—oh you wouldn't want to hear what Tommy wants to call them. 

Those guys offered him some pastries last night, which—apparently—were laced with sleeping draught.  Tommy wanted to complain to someone right then and there, but first he needs to get to class.

"Thomas," Professor Wittlemire greeted with a tone that could only mean trouble from her place in front of the transfiguration classroom. 

"Good morning professor," he said, not looking at her.

She sighs, "Why are you late this time?" 

"Well you see, there was this troll—"

"Please don't try lying, we all know how bad you are at it," Professor Wittlemire said. 

"...I slept in," Tommy muttered.



"No, Thomas," Professor Wittlemire cut him off. "Detention tonight. Please take your seat."

Tommy sighed before taking a seat next to Ranboo with a huff. "Hey, if it makes things any better, I'll hear you out," Ranboo said.

"My shitty roommates slipped in sleeping draught into food that they gave me last night," Tommy explained.

"They did what now?" Ranboo asked. "Isn't that somewhat illegal?" 

"I don't know man, I'm not planning to get into the ministry," Tommy shrugged. 

"Hey, maybe next year, we'll be dormmates?"

"Yeah, hopefully."

Hopefully everything goes smoothly today. I don't wanna deal with life's bullshit today.

Then life told Tommy to keep hoping.

"What do you mean I have detention on Friday?" Tommy asked.

"I received news from a couple Ravenclaws that you were snooping around the potion storeroom again," Professor Fernsby said. 

Tommy frowned, yes, he did sneak around the storeroom sometimes, but haven't done that since back in November, which was four months ago. "That wasn't me this time," he insisted.

Professor Fernsby hummed, "Well, unless you find who was then this is on you," he dismissed Tommy and walked away. 

"What the fuck?" Tommy asked. That was his second detention this week and it was just Monday. He let out a huge sigh before walking away. His day just wasn't going well and he could care less with what's gonna happen in the next few hours.

Which was a good thing as the day passed as if it were a montage. Tommy still felt side effects of the sleeping draught and fell asleep in the middle of a transfiguration exam. He knocked over a whole shelf of awards in the Trophy Room while Professor Binns was showing them its history. Not to mention he nearly fell of the astronomy tower because someone knocked him over during Muggle Studies when the Professor was showing them telescopes from the Muggle World, luckily Ranboo managed to pull him back to safety. 

Yeah, what a day. 

He can't wait to get back to his dorms to change before dinner, but apparently, the universe wasn't done with him yet.

"Oh, will you look here," two seventh year Slytherins approached Tommy, blocking his way.

Oh for fucks's sake. Tommy glared at the two. These were the ones who'd ambush him back down by the Hufflepuff common room entrances, he never learned their names, but honestly, why would he even bother?

"I'm not in the mood," Tommy said, pushing through them.

"Ohoho," one of them laughed, grabbing Tommy by the shoulder. "You think you can just walk away from us like that?" 

"Yeah, what? Are you going back to your room to oversleep again?" the other asked. "Heard you had a pretty tasty pastry last night."

Tommy turned to look at the guy, "How the fuck do you know about that?" He asked.

"Ahh, who do you think gave your dumbass roommates the pastries in the first place?" The first guy asked.

"Oh, don't forget, you have detention because of stealing from store room again? Heard that sleeping draught ingredients went missing," the other said.

"You guys set me up!" Tommy exclaimed, catching a bot of attention from other students. 

"What if we did?" the first guy taunted Tommy, circling around him.

"Yeah, what are you gonna do?"

"Are you gonna attack us?"

"Is little Innit gonna attack us?"

"Will you guys just shut up!" Tommy's yell was followed by shattering of windows and screams of surrounding students as they tried to get away from the falling glass. Tommy flinched when he saw what he did. No, no, no, not again. He thought as he took a step back.

"What the hell Innit!" The first guy said. "Can't even keep your magic in check?"

"I knew muggles shouldn't have access to magic," the other said.

Tommy tried to calm himself down. It's fine, deep breath inno this isn't working, fuck. He thought as the sunlight that was coming into the castle was beginning to be covered with dark cloud, rumbling of thunder audible.

No, no, no. Tommy turned around to run. I thought I was over this, whywhy the fuck is this happening again. He screamed in his head. It's been years since his last outburst, there were the occasional magical reflex that would block a spell for him, but even that doesn't work sometimes because he's been keeping his magic in check. 

His parent's angry voices echoed in his head. They never liked it when Tommy does magic. Tommy never liked doing magic then. It never ends up well for him.

Tommy kept running and running he had bumped into multiple students but he could care less. He has to find an empty—empty classroom maybe? Somewhere where no one's around to get hurt. 

Tommy huffed as he stopped trying multiple doorknobs before finding an unlocked one and trapping himself inside.


Wilbur was walking around the area near the forbidden forest, doing his prefect rounds before dinner. In the corner of his eye he found Tommy's Hippogriff, Clementine, laying by the entrance of said forest. Wilbur smiled as he made his way over. Sure he was quite skeptical of the creature at first, who wouldn't be when the first thing you learn about them is that they're viscous creatures. Wilbur went and pet Clementine's head, "Hi girl, have you seen Tommy today?" He asked. 

The Hippogriff shook her head from under Wilbur's hand. "No? Huh," Wilbur said, "that's odd. He would've usually visited you around lunch time, yeah?"

Clementine squawked, before pushing Wilbur to turn around with her head. "What are you—" Wilbur stopped his question when he saw dark clouds forming at one specific side of the castle, "Oh no," he said as he rushed back up to the castle. 

"Excuse me, pardon," Wilbur muttered as he went through a group of students that were clogging the hallway. Midway through he saw a couple of students in the middle of the crowd surrounded by glass, which Wilbur guessed were from the shattered windows. 

"Hey! Control that brother of yours will you?" One of the students said as they carefully removed the pieces of glass that got on their robes. 

Wilbur glared at the student, he recognized him, it was one of those who'd bother Tommy for no reason. The same ones he turned into tiny creatures, he wasn't sure what, a couple of months ago. Fuckers can't learn their lesson, can they? "How about you control that attitude of your's, yeah?" He asked as he stepped closer. 

"Me?" The guy exclaimed, "He's the one who fuckin' destroyed the windows! This is why mudbloods like him should just rot in the Muggle Wo—" the guy never finished his sentence as he dropped down to the floor clutching his nose.

"Fuck off," Wilbur said, hand still curled up in a fist. He turned to face the other guy and glared, making them whimper, moving away from the 6th year. 

"Th—there's many witnesses here, you'd get in tr—" the guy began.

"I don't give a shit if I get in trouble," Wilbur clutched the guy by his collar. "I swear if you mess with my little brother again, a punch isn't the only thing you're getting." He dropped the guy harshly on the floor before moving along—the crowd spreading apart as he walked pass, not wanting to piss him off.

Wilbur would have gladly thrown those two out a second floor window, but for now, he has to find Tommy. "Tommy," he called as he entered an empty hallway. 

No response. 

Wilbur sighed, Where the hell is he? He thought as he continued to stroll down the hall. He was about to turn around and try somewhere else when he saw the knight statues who's armor was usually sparkly clean was a bit rusted. Tommy definitely went that way. Wilbur followed the trail and eventually heard harsh rattling and sobs from inside one of the classrooms. 

Wilbur pushed the door open but it didn't budge so he took out his wand and busted the door open with a spell. Once in, he was met with a tornado of items. He raised his wand and moved one of the chairs that were about to hit him away. "Tommy?" He called but saw no one in the room. He's invisible. The voice in his head stated as his eyes darted around trying to get a generals sense of where the blond could be.

"Tommy—" Wilbur flicked another table away and down carefully—"are you here bud?" He ca;ed again. 

He hears a sniffle, "Wilby?" 

"Yeah, yeah, it's Wilby," Wilbur said, still trying to find Tommy while defending himself from the flying chairs and desks.

"Wil, I—it's not stopping," Tommy began to ramble, "I've—I've tried to calm bu—I don—can't—" he starts cutting himself off with quick breaths. "Wil, breathe—can't—I can't—"

"Tommy, Tommy, it's okay," Wilbur started, "You're panicking, bud. Just—just listen to my voice okay?"

A small whine interrupted the hyperventilating. "Breathe okay? You can do it, umm uhh, I'm gonna count, Breathe in for four," Wilbur started, "one...two...three...four....now hold for seven..." he began counting again. 

A few minutes passed and it seemed like Tommy was getting a hold of is breathing as he wasn't hyperventilating anymore. "Good job Toms, keep breathing like that, yeah? In again, one..." Wilbur said as he finished sorting out the other items that were still flying around. The item tornado had calmed down a bit along with Tommy so these wee a bit easier for his own magic to take over. 

Once Wilbur has set down another chair, he found a pattern with the items. They were deliberately avoiding one spot in the room. "Tommy?" He called walking over to that spot.

Not even two steps, Wilbur was nearly knocked back when he felt someone wrap their arms around him. Looking down, he didn't see anyone, but he knows, "Hey Toms." He hugged the boy back. "Can you make yourself visible for me?" 

He felt Tommy shake his head no. "Why not bubs?" Wilbur asked.

"They're angry," Tommy whispered. 

Wilbur frowned, "You're parents aren't here remember? You're with us, no one's angry with you," he said as he ran his hand through Tommy's hair. 

Tommy began speaking again, it was a bit muffled because of Wilbur's robes but he was able to make sense of it, "What about the professors?" 

"They'll understand, Phil's talked to them before about your magic," Wilbur said. 

"Really? Do you promise?" Tommy asked.

WIlbur chuckled fondly at the childishness of Tommy's voice when he asked, "Yes, I promise," he said. "Besides, I think they'll be more angry with me."

He felt Tommy look up, "Why?"

"Let's just say I've made my mark...on someone's face," Wilbur said.

Tommy laughed making Wilbur perk up, "You are gonna loose your prefect status," Tommy said. 

"Probably, but hey, it'll be worth it," Wilbur said. "So, are you gonna show yourself now or are you gonna keep making me talk to the air?"

Wilbur felt Tommy huff out a laugh as he slowly made himself visible once more. "There he is," Wilbur said, cupping Tommy's cheeks and squishing them slightly.

"Stop it," Tommy whined, "I'm not a child."

Wilbur hummed, "I beg to disagree," he said.

"Fuck you, bitch," Tommy glared, placing his hands on Wilbur's before pulling the older's hand away from his face.

"Whatever, child," Wilbur ruffled Tommy's hair before making his way out of the classroom. "C'mon, I could use some dinner. You can sit at my table if you like."

"Who said I want to be seen with you?" Tommy crossed his arms, following the brunet out. 

Wilbur hummed, "Suit yourself."

"Fine, I'll sit with you if you so insist," Tommy said. 

"Yeah, insisted," Wilbur rolled his eyes, wrapping an arm around the younger as they made their way to the Great Hall.


Whoo, a new part here! Man, I am not creative with titles. Sorry for a delay in uploads, school's been very busy these past few weeks and probably still will be so uhhh more uploads when June starts, lol. 

Anyway, I hope you enjoyed this part!

Thank you for reading! Comments and suggestions are appreciated.


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