The Swimming Death Trap [A CH...

Oleh Potato0exe

18.7K 938 1.5K

Detective Germany and her uncle Austria hoped for a peaceful travel through the Atlantic Ocean, but traveling... Lebih Banyak

1. New And Old Faces
3. Where To Store A Body
4. The Identity Of The Victim
5. Lie Or Truth
6. Lies And Answers
8. Past Mistakes
9. Nothing Works There
10.You've Chosen 2
11. A Lot Of Blood
12. Looking At The Crime Scene
13. The Interrogation
14. Words Are Powerful Tools
15. New Pain New Face
16. The Plan
17. Let's The Search Begin
18. Bad Decision?
20. A Little Surprise
21. Malfunction
22. Willing To Risk
23. Time Is Slowly Running
24. It's A Trap
25. Back On Track
26. New Plan
27. Finally Spilling The Tea
28. How To Not Get Bitten
29. Stick To A Gun Fight
30. Preventing A Mistake From Happening
31. Something Missing
32. Is It Worth it?
33. Jumping To Conclusions
34. Stealing Is (not) Okay
35. Case Solved
36. Domino Effect (End)
New Book

7. Take A Break

481 30 33
Oleh Potato0exe

Germany pov.

I hate this ship.
The last hour I spent only for walking around and searching for Portugal. I really hoped he was in his room, but nope. He wasn't there and so I have to search for him.

So far the guests floors were empty and I moved up to the fourth floor. It had two big bars at each end of the ship, some smaller rooms that either library, restrooms or lounge and in the middle is the main lobby. In the lobby were many lathered  couch seats and small round tables. Lightened by many small chandelier and big windows on the brown wooden paneled walls.

Nonetheless I didn't found Portugal, but instead I saw India and Brazil. They both sat on their red chairs. India was reading a book, while Brazil talked to him about various things.

I walked up to them and Brazil noticed me. With a happy smile she greeted me, "Ms Detektiv! It's nice to see you. How are you?"

India looked up from his book for a second and only nodded to me as a welcome.

"A little bit stressed out," I answered honestly, "Do you both know where Portugal is?"

Brazil rubbed her chin while thinking. Meanwhile India answered without moving his eyes out of the book, "No. I didn't saw him since breakfast." Also Brazil shrugged her shoulder, not knowing where he might be.

I sighed defeated. The labyrinth like hallways and hundreds different rooms will take forever to find him.

"How about you sit with us detective," offered Brazil, "You don't look very healthy."

I waved my hands and politely declined her offer, "I'm sorry, but I have to find him quickly. It's about the murder."

That's when India looked up to me and questioned, "Isn't the murderer already caught."

Immediately I corrected him, "Austria isn't the murderer."

Brazil then leaned back on her chair and spoke, "But the weapon was found in his room and if he wasn't the killer, then who is it."

"That's what I'm trying to find out. Speaking of murder, where were you both during 8-10 pm and what were your relation with China," I asked.

Brazil started with the answering, "Well first I went to mine room to change myself after dinner and then I went to one of the bars. I know China only from the others talking about him. I actually never really talked with this guy."

I opened my notebook and wrote the information down, "Can someone confirm that?"

She then nodded with a smile, "Oh yes. India was in the same bar already nearly passed out. You have to see how much he drank."

He gave Brazil a glare and answered, "I see that my intoxicated state was amusing for you."

She then giggled, "Of course. I never saw someone pouring that much whiskey down the throat."

He didn't answered to it and I decided to ask him the same question before.

India answered without a trouble, "As this uncultured woman already told you, I was inside the bar after I left the dining room. I have no releation to China. We never spoke to each other."

"Uncultured woman," repeated Brazil to India, "Says the one who couldn't even walk five steps before falling down."

He didn't respond to her, instead he put his full attention to his book. At least I know where they were during the murder.

As I closed my book I heard some muffled shouting. It sounds as if it's upstairs. I said goodbye to the two and went up to the third floor. At the end of the staircase I saw the captain standing in the hallway close to the wall and opposite of him to my surprise stood Hungary.

A rather angry Hungary with Poland who stood beside him and occasionally standing in between the two men.

I picked up my speed and asked loud to them, "What is happening there?"

The two completely ignored me and instead kept arguing to eachother. Poland heard my question and answered, "We got the info that Austria is accused of murder. I'm here to prevent a second one."

Panama and Hungary both looked irritated while Poland tried to be the reasonable of the three. Then the captain pointed his finger to Hungary and shouted, "Either you finally shut up or I'll gonna fire you and the rest of your circus."

That's when Poland faced the captain and with a mocking smirk he asked, "Fire? For what will you fire us?"

Panama glared at him. The situation would be calmed down by itself if it wasn't for Panama's next sentence, "I don't need a reason to fire an useless rat like you. Especially not when all of you have criminal records in your resume."

Hungary raised his hand to punch him, but midway his hand got hold by Poland. The taller man had Hungary's wrist strong in his grip and whispered to him, "Don't give him a reason."

"Hungary!" I shouted and he immediately turned to me. His face softened and let his fist down. Panama stand the whole time waiting for a reaction. He probably waited that Hungary would snap.

The captain cleared his throat and spoke, "Austria will be under the accusation of murder until to our destination. If there isn't any more complains, then I will go now."

No one said a word. Panama turned away and walked past me to the staircase where he then went up. Hungary stand there, his fists were shaking and if it wasn't for me and Poland, then who knew what he could have done.

"That's bullshit," he commented under his breath. His friend sighed, "At least it didn't escalated."

"Hungary." His eyes widen as he heard me. Both men were looking at me knowing that there is a lot of explanation needed. Poland tried to move a couple steps aside in hope to escape this situation, but Hungary hold on his sleeve preventing him from running away.

"Care to explain me what he meant with ALL FOUR of you having criminal records," I really tried to remain calm, but it's hard while knowing that I'm the only one in my family who didn't committed a crime.

Hungary rubbed behind his head not knowing how to answer. Poland stood there in silence waiting for a sign to get out.

"It wasn't anything serious," Hungary started, " Before working together we all did some minor things that was against the law. Like I said nothing serious."

I crossed my arms and looked at both of them, "What have you done?"

They both glanced eachother and Poland answered barely audible, "Car thefts."

"CAR THEFTS!" I shouted shocked. Hungary raised his hands defensively and tried to calm the situation down, "It's not that serious as you imagine now. How about I explain it later to you when we both are calm."

"Alright, but we'll discuss this with Austria, if he didn't know it yet." I rubbed at my head which started to hurt slightly.

Hungary nodded, "He doesn't know it. How about evening at Austria's place."

"Fine." escaped from my mouth. I took a deep breath and with a little bit calmer voice I asked them, "Did you guys know where Portugal is? I need to talk with him. He's a little bit tall with a green and red face."

Poland answered, "Yeah we walked past him as we searched for Panama. I think he went outside to the front of the ship."

"Thanks" I said and while I walked past the two guys, I stopped for a second and spoke with a strict voice to Hungary, "You will explain EVERYTHING. Do you know that?"

He nodded as an answer which was for me enough and I walked up to the third floor where the way to outside is.

I opened the door and I got once again hit by the strong wind. The headache returned for a short time and I saw my view a little bit blurry, but I quickly regained my vision and walked outside.

The front looks the same like yesterday, except at the left side on the railings are covered by a line with a shield written, "Under repair. Do not touch!"

On the opposite side near the tip of the ship leaned a man with his arms over the railing. He didn't reacted as I walked closer.

"Portugal?" I asked carefully. The doctor jumped from my sudden appearance. He turned around holding his hand over his chest and spoke, "Oh jeez you scared me there. I didn't hear you coming."

"Sorry," I said, but he waved his hand and said, "No need to apologize. We'll see it as a revanche from dinner yesterday."

I walked up to the railing leaning on it like Portugal. With a heavy sigh I started my questioning, "Why did you lie to me?"

He looked at me with his head slightly turned not knowing what I meant.

"You told me you didn't knew China."

Portugal inhaled sharply before saying, "How much do you know."

"Enough to know that you lied," I spoke while carefully reading his expression. He looks stressed, on edge and this interrogation was definitely far from comfortable.

Portugal rubbed his face and said with a tired voice,"True I lied to you and I'm sorry for this. I knew him before boarding on this ship. To be more specific I knew him even a year before. He was one of my patients."

"He went to your clinic for his opium addiction, right?" I asked which he nodded as an answer.

Portugal gripped the railing stronger until his knuckles turned white, "Yes, but sadly he had a fall back. It's hard to be clean especially if the danger of the drug isn't well known in the public. He refused most of my treatments and he couldn't handle the side effects of the withdrawal. At the end he left my program and accused me of insufficient medical service. I tried to tell him for his recovery both sides have to work, but he didn't listened and even filled a charge against my clinic for medical malpractice."

"So your fights with him were you trying to talk him out of pressing charge on you, but now that he is dead. His charge will probably be dropped. In other words you would gain from his death," I explained to him not moving from my position.

He starred at me with wide open eyes and asked carefully, "You think I killed him?"

"Is it not the case?"

He turned around fully facing me, his mouth and eyes wide open, "Germany. I'm a doctor. I spent my time, my money and anything else I have to help my patients to go back to the right track. I save people lifes. I don't kill my patients!"

"And yet one of your patients died yesterday." I argued. His shocked expression turned into a sour one.

Portugal sighed heavy and combed his fingers through his dark brown hair, "I couldn't help him and I wish I could turn the time back and save him. Never would I think of killing him. I never raised a hand against anyone. You know it. You know how I helped you with East-"

"Don't put him in this conversation,"I interrupted him. The whole time I tried to hold myself together and mentioning him would only cause my wall to break.

Portugal quickly realized about the fragile topic. He stepped out of the railing, straightening himself and said, "I'm sorry for mentioning him and about the whole situation on the ship, but you have to believe me that I would never kill China even when he tried to harm my clinic."

Both of us felt in silence. He decided to avoid my stares by looking at the sea. I let out a heavy sigh and asked him," Who do you think could have murdered him?"

Portugal didn't let his eyes from the sea and with his shoulder shrugging he answered," I don't know. Maybe the two weapon producers?"

"Could be, but I don't think that Russia would kill him. She loses more of his death than wins. However USA has the motivation to kill him," I answered deep in thoughts. So far USA is the prime suspect, but I should also not forget about the mystery guy and about Panama's more agitated attitude. He didn't have a motiv to kill, but his behavior surely was suspicious.

Once again my eyes getting blurry and I had to grip tighter on the railing. Portugal noticed this and answered concerned, "Germany are you alright?"

I blinked a couple of times to regain my vision and feeling slightly lightheaded. I didn't even realize that Portugal repeated his question before he snipped his finger in front of my face while his other hand was holding on my shoulder in case if I loose balance.

"I am fine," I said after I slowly letting my hands from the railing go. He looked at me suspicious which I responded, "Seriously I'm okay. Just a little bit dizzy."

"When was the last time you ate something?" asked Portugal out of the blue. To be honest it took me a while until I realized last time I ate was yesterday evening.

"You skipped breakfast and lunch and on top of that you ran many times through the entire ship. You should go and take a break," he said in a serious tone.

"I can't I have to find who did it or else my uncle will-"

Portugal interrupted me by saying, "He will be extremely concerned and feel guilty if he knows that you don't care about yourself. Take a break, eat something and then you can continue your work with a fresh mind."

He definitely won't give up and continue until I accept it. With a heavy sigh I answered, "Fine. I will take a break. If you have any important information, then please tell me. I'll be in Austria's room."

Portugal nodded and I walked back inside. For now I know more about China and his relation with Portugal. I hope Austria didn't get too bored being trapped in his room.

Ah yes telling how important self care and breaks are while writing it at 22:50 and not eating since the morning.... I probably should start listening to myself.

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