Verbatim [h.s]

By harrysugar_png

787K 17.6K 40.7K

Underground, deep in the centre of London lies Verbatim. A super exclusive club that hosts elite rap battles... More

Ten *
Fifteen *
Seventeen *
Twenty *
Twenty-Two *
Twenty-Four *
Twenty-Seven *
Twenty-Eight *
Thirty-One *
Thirty-Three *
Thirty-Seven *
Thirty-Nine *
Forty-Two *
Bonus Chapter *


15.8K 412 1.4K
By harrysugar_png

Waking up, I feel hot and slightly sick. The leftover alcohol clearly lingering in my body, I'm glad I had stopped drinking once I got to Verbatim. I got enough of a high from being around Harry to not need anymore. As for feeling hot and sweaty, I'm clueless. I roll around, feeling an arm led heavy across my waist. My eyes shoot down and when I spy the anchor tattoo on the wrist I remember Harry. He slept here. All night. That thought makes me happy and I can't help the smile that escapes. He stayed with me the entire night.

When I was falling asleep last night, I convinced myself that he wouldn't be here in the morning. But he is.

In my happy state, I wriggle around, squirming almost and my ass grazes against something hard and I hear Harry groan. Oh shit. My spine straightens immediately, stopping my assault on his groin. However, his hand pulls at my waist, almost slamming me onto his hard length.

"Don't start something you can't finish, little one." He drawls, his voice is sleepy but so husky. Fuck me. I grind a little more against him, hearing him groan and grind back.

What am I doing?

I shoot up out of bed, the cold air around me shocking me as I'm still in my short red silk dress. I shiver and grab my lilac dressing gown at the end of my bed and wrap it around me. I turn to see H sat up, one arm bent behind his head flexing his muscles as his shirt threatens to burst. The silk shirt is all wrinkled now from our sleep and a few more buttons have opened. I can see a butterfly sat on the centre of his chest. Wow.

"Like what you see?" He sings, and my eyes shoot up realising I'm drooling over his body. Squealing like a child, I run into my en suite and slam the door, resting against it. I can just hear Harry laughing out there.

Going over to the bathtub, I pull the shower curtain back and turn on the faucet for the shower. I give it a few seconds to warm up and then I pull the curtain back. As the steam fills the room, I undress out of the gown and then my dress. I throw the dress in the washing basket, grabbing a brush I comb through my knotted hair. Once that task has been faced, I brush my teeth and wash my face. I like doing this before the shower because I like them hot and I usually feel exhausted once I get out and hate standing in the sauna-like room. Once out in my cold bedroom, I usually chirp up.

I take an extra long shower, not wanting to go back out and see Harry. I don't know if I need to say something or not. Have things changed now? They certainly feel like they have. The fact he stayed with me all night speaks volumes. I guess at the end of the day we are friends, but we both just want a bit more. I know I do and I'm scared. I think I'm going to talk to my mum about the whole friends with benefits thing. See what she thinks, I'm sure she can advise me best.

Once out, I throw my dressing gown on, if I knew Harry wasn't outside that door I'd go out there stark naked because I'm sweltering hot right now but no, I can't. As soon as I open the door, I see Harry sat on my side of the bed, knees bent, feet planted on the floor. He's tied his hair back into a bun and seems to have straightened his shirt out slightly although I can still see the creases. He's put his big boots on and I wonder what he's waiting for?

"Hey." I say, his head shoots up to me and smirks, clasping his hands together.

"Hey, you ready to go to the club?" I frown at him, unsure of why we're going to the club at this time. "The meeting? Your ideas for the events?" Oh yes. I forgot I asked that. I still don't know why asked that, I don't know why I thought I'd be qualified to do that. I just thought some extra things could benefit the club, stuff a bunch of men probably wouldn't think could make a big difference.

"Shit, yeah I just need to get dressed." I walk off to my wardrobe to grab some clothes.

"Do you need to pack a bag for your mums?" He asks from his place on the bed. I dig out some light blue mom jeans and a cropped cream knitted jumper.

"No, I have all my things there because I go so often." He hums in response. Moving over to my chest of drawers, I pick out a white lace matching underwear set and head back over to the bathroom. "I'll just be a minute. You can go to the living room if you want."

"Nah, I'll wait here." So I close the door and get dressed, I quickly blow dry my hair so it isn't soaking wet but is kind of left slightly wavy. I apply some concealer over my bags, although I slept like a log, I don't even know what time we fell asleep but it was late enough for me to wake up with these heavy bags.

Harry and I head into the living room and its suspiciously quiet, I check my phone and its about 9:20am, I know Aud is probably feeling rough today but I figured she'd be out here watching TV. I make Harry a coffee and leave him at the breakfast bar whilst I go knock on Audrey's door. She doesn't reply so I enter, not wanting to walk in on her and Tim doing the dirty, I cover my eyes and announce that I'm there.

"Put it away, I'm coming in." But when I hear nothing in response again, I uncover my eyes to see the bed empty of one of the bodies. I just see Audrey wrapped in her duvet, her back to me. I walk around the bed and bend down to see her face covered by the duvet. It makes me laugh looking at how much of a hermit crab she is.

"Aud, wakey wakey." I rock her gently, hearing her groan and cover her face more. Laughing, I tug the cover at her face but she keeps a tight hold of it. "C'mon Aud, wake up, I'll help you-" I stop midsentence. I manage to tug the duvet from her face but that's when I see it. Her face is black and blue. Her pained eyes watch me as she winces when I reach forward to touch her eye. "What the fuck happened?" I stand, stumbling backwards looking at her face.

"Is it really bad?" Her small voice squeaks pulling the cover back up.

"Aud, please tell me this was an accident and not what is going on in my head." Big red warning signs are flagged up screaming Tim and abuse. If he laid a finger-

"No!" She shouts sitting up but winces and calms but stays sat up. "No, it wasn't Tim. I decked it getting out of his car, you know how plastered I was."

"Aud, that doesn't look like you fell. It looks like you were hit, please don't lie to me." I sit beside her, taking her hands in mine and plead with her. I have a really bad feeling now. I need to see Tim. He's fooled me, I already know it.

"I'm serious Zur, I really did fall flat on my face. He tried to help me out of the car but I was being stubborn and fell. I spent the whole night crying about how I was going to look this morning. How bad is it?" Her eyes fill with tears and my heart sinks. I'm still unsure of the truth behind her words but I can't question it. At the end of the day, she is my best friend and I trust her to tell me the truth. I hope so.

"Where is Tim now? Why would he leave you here alone?"

"He had to work. He's at the club."

"Well, I'm going there now with Harry so I'll be having a word with him." I stand and she pulls my hand, grabbing my attention.

"Why are you going to Verbatim on a Saturday morning? Aren't you going to your mums?"

"Harrys going to take me to my mums." I shrug my shoulders, not mentioning about the whole helping with the events things. There's one thing going to Verbatim again but getting involved? Well, that isn't something I'm even sure on at the moment.

"You two do certainly seem more friendly now." She smiles, winking at me, I just roll my eyes pulling my hand back.

"Friends. Exactly. Now rest up, get some ice on that eye and I will see you tomorrow night."

"I love you Zur."

"I love you too, Aud." Blowing a kiss, I walk out of her room closing the door behind me. Harry stands by the front door awkwardly, hands in pockets pushing his feet back and forth. I shove on the now clean converse that I had managed to wash during the past week.

"Ready now." I pull his attention to me, he straightens his back and turns to leave.

In the car journey over to Verbatim, we listen to the quiet radio that hums through the car. I ask Harry if he wants to nip to his place on the way but he said he has spare clothes and a shower at the club. I was about to ask how come but then I thought to myself, why else would he need spare clothes and a shower? Two things: 1. He sleeps around and doesn't have time to change a lot. 2. He murders people and gets messy very easily. Either or both could be applicable.

Over the car journey, I also realise that I keep assuming that harry has and does kill people. When in fact he has never told me that exactly. He told me about the whole stay or die situation when he took over the club but he never actually said if he had killed people. I've just conjured up this whole scenario where harry is this hot psyhco killer that's a pretty boy by day and murderer by night. Maybe once I get out of my head I'll have the balls to ask him. Do I really want to know? Would it make me run for the hills? And the scary part is, I know it wouldn't and I hate myself for it.

We pull up in the area that Verbatim is based, it's weird seeing it in the day. It really is in the centre of London, just on this abandoned site that house two large warehouses. You wouldn't expect this to be here, and it really does stick out like a sore thumb however I doubt people realise that there is in fact a club under there.

Harry swings the car around the back of the building and now its day time, I see there are in fact a few car parking spaces. They are all filled except one. So, there are 5 cars already with Harrys as the 6th. We both climb out, I pull the sleeves of my cream jumper down over my hands trying to keep the warmth in and wrap my arms around myself. I should've worn a coat.

We make it to the famous iron door, I expect harry to have a key or something but instead, he knocks once. As always, the letterbox opens up and a pair of eyes appear. It only takes a second before it closes and we hear the locks being undone. I wonder if the bear-man ever goes home or is he here all the time? Or maybe it isn't even him?

Once the door opens, Harry immediately goes down the stairs and the first thing I notice is there are no red lights. And I see that the stairs are a grey concrete colour as are the walls. There are in fact white lights descending and when the door shut behind us, I turn and see that very same man. Although, he could be different due to the lights however he is the same size. He wears full black clothing with a heavy beard and dark brown eyes. He actually smiles at me and I give him a small one in return.

At the bottom of the stairs, the sliding iron door is already open and it is crazy to see the place without the red lights on. And now I can really see the size of the room. The high ceilings, the plain concrete walls and pillars. The oak wood bar that's made out of palettes. The stage at the far end is also oak wood. This place actually looks nice. The floor is also concrete, it looks as if someone just came and put a dump truck of concrete in here but with the red lights, it really does transform it.

With the room lacking the crowds, I appreciate the space and start to envision the endless possibilities for the club. I do wonder if Harry has even thought about expanding at all or if this place is just comfort for them all, the last thing I want to do is come here and start changing shit and making it weird.

I hear lots of voices and laughing coming from the bar area and I spin on my heel to face them. All of the boys sat there, drinks in their tumblers and Tim behind the bar. They all turn to face us, their backs to the bar resting their arms. They are all, today, dressed in black t-shirts, black leather jackets, black ripped skinny jeans and black boots. They are the spitting image of one another. Except for Tim, he is dressed in his usual white T-shirt and possibly blue jeans, I can't see because of the bar.

"Here he is, our disappearing boy." Niall laughs loudly, swigging his drink.

"Have a nice sleepover Harold?" Liam teases as we both walk closer, I can't help but laugh.

"Shut the fuck up." Harry hisses as he stands to the side and I stand beside him.

"Hi, guys." I give them a little wave. Liam winks at me and Niall steps away from the bar bringing me in for a hug.

"Hi sugar, how was he? Live up to your standards?" Niall pulls away and holds me by my arms.

"Err-" I look at him confused, and I look over my shoulder to see Harry rubbing his forehead.

"Oh shit, you didn't fuck?" Zayn announces from his spot on one of the stools.

"Of course not." I reply far too quickly, they all laugh.

"I'm going to get changed, be in my office in 10 and-" Harry waves his fingers in front of everyone. "No fucking fighting, no fucking guns, no fucking embarrassing me. No fucking anything, got it?" He seems so scary like this, and in all honestly I would be terrified if I didn't just get turned on by seeing him like that. All dominating.

They all just laugh and waft him off as he walks away to his office, my eyes follow him until the door shuts and then I turn back to Niall.

"Want a drink?" He stalks back to his place resting against the bar.

"At this time?" I don't even know the exact time I just know its before 12 and far too early to be drinking.

"It's 5 o'clock somewhere am I right?" Liam cheers, downing his drink in one then standing and sauntering off in the direction of the toilets. Shaking my head, I take Liams seat that was next to Zayn, him on my right, and Niall standing to my left. Louis is to Zayn's right but has his head down with a glass in front of him. Tim stands in front of me leaning against the wall, arms crossed over his chest.

"Have you spoke to Audrey this morning?" Interesting you ask that Timmy boy.

"I have, she has a nasty bruise on her face. Care to tell me how she got that?" I hiss harshly, I don't mean to be accusatory. I know Audrey was drunk last night but I left her in his hands and she wakes up black and blue? That certainly wouldn't have happened if I was there.

"What do you mean?" Zayn turns his head to me, frowning and I take this moment to look at him. He truly is handsome. His dark features and sharp jawline. Wow, I never really appreciated it until now. Why does Harry have such hot friends?

"She said she fell when she was drunk last night. Just thought I'd get Tim's perspective of things." My cold tone doesn't differ as I turn back to face Tim, he doesn't even blink an eye. I mean he frowns at me, maybe tenses his arms but doesn't fight back.

"Well Timmy, tell the lady what she wants to know." Zayn sternly encourages.

"She fell out the car, literally straight on her face. I don't know what you want me to say." He shrugs his shoulders with this cold atmosphere around him.

"And did you help her?" I ask, my head bending sideways as I flare my eyes are him.

He pushes off the wall to come stand over me, "Of course I fucking did. I'm sick of you suggesting shit. Last night you acted like she couldn't be trusted with me. What is your fucking deal Zuri?" His sentence got louder as he got closer, getting right in my face. I immediately backed away from him, still staying in my seat but for sure cowering down. Zayn stands in his seat, leaning over me to push Tims chest away and he breathes heavy.

"Alright Timmy, she was just asking. Go take a breather." Tim huffs and walks away, disappearing down a hallway at the back of the building that I hadn't noticed was there. I wonder what that leads to?

"Shit." I say under my breath, realising my hands were shaking slightly. Tim got very angry with me then and I would think it was his fault but I 100% provoked him. He's right, I was accusing him of things I shouldn't. He hasn't given me any reason to. I don't know why I did. I'm just so protective of Audrey, and seeing her like that scared me. Last night I did not mean to make him question the way I thought of him and her, I clearly did when I had mentioned about wanting to leave with her but that was for my own sanity, not hers or his. And I wish I had gone, maybe she wouldn't have fallen out of the car now looking like that.

"Tim's a hothead. He'll come around." Niall pats my shoulder and I look at him, flashing a soft smile.

"It's my fault, I pushed him." I shrug, tears silently threatening to fall. One thing I hate about myself; I cry at anything. Someone being mad at me, shouting at me, anything that isn't happy makes me want to cry. Arguing with someone I'm useless, I just cry from frustration.

The office door opening behind me pulls my attention, I straighten my back and rub my eyes to rid any tears then turn on the stool smiling at Harry. And oh, he looks good. His freshly washed locks are once again tied back in a bun, that I'm growing to love so much more. He looks so handsome. He too is now in a black T-shirt, leather jacket, jeans and boots. Now they all look apart of a gang... in which they are.

"What's going on out here?" He asks, standing tall with his hands resting on his hips, flaring out his jacket.

"Nothing." I smile, hopping off the barstool and walking over to Harry. When I reach him, his hand rests on the back of my neck looking into my eyes, not quite believing me but I just smile.

"Er- don't want to be rude but what is she doing here?" I turn to see Liam fastening up his flies on his jeans and look at Harry and I.

"She's here for the meeting." And with that, Harry turns me with him using the grasp on my neck and we walk into his office. He rounds the desk with me too. I take in the surroundings. There aren't many decorations. His desk sits on the far wall with two chairs in front, it's a large wooden desk with leather chairs. A table sits to the right beside the door with more chairs around and then two more chairs sit on the left of the door with a small coffee table.

Harry sits in his large leather office chair and immediately pulls me down to sit in his lap. I'm momentarily stunned as to why, his arm snakes around my waist holding me to him as his other hand comes to land on my thigh, stroking up and down. The other guys come in, Niall and Zayn sitting in front of the desk whilst Liam and Louis take the two seats over to the left.

Everyone just seems to watch me, clearly shocked by my appearance to being here in the club, in the day, also in Harry's office, sat in his lap whilst they're having a meeting. I feel as though I really have just intruded into all this. Also why am I on Harrys lap again? I look down at Harry, and he just looks up and me with a smirk as if he knows what he's doing. Oh shit.

I get it now.

And his hand does exactly what I thought, no one can see it but he begins caressing his fingers on my inner thigh slowly getting higher. My breathing hitches and I keep my eyes looking behind Harry's head, knowing everyone is watching me and my face will tell it all. I rest my arm behind his head and thread my fingers into his hair. Two can play at this game. He groans slightly as I pull on the roots and his eyes find mine, fire and hunger scream at me and I just smile sweetly. He stops going any higher but keeps torturing me with slow and soft touches. All I want to do is slam my thighs together and stop the ache but I can't. It'll be far too obvious. I keep my constantly massaging of his scalp, hearing the little moans and groans, and the way he shifts as he talks to the guys.

"So, Zur is here because she has some ideas about the competition." Harry announces the use of my name causes me to spin my head back around to face everyone. They all seem to frown.

"What kind of ideas?" Liam speaks first.

"We do this every year, what needs to change?" Zayn hums too.

"Zur," Harry nudges me and I collect my thoughts. Right yes. What was I planning on saying again?

"I just thought that this is such a big event, you could utilise it and make it even bigger."

"What sort of things?" Niall replies this time, he seems to be the only one genuinely interested, other than Harry.

"Well this is a gentleman's club, of sorts." I hum, trying to gather my thoughts to win over the crowd. Zayn, Liam and Louis seem like the tough critics. "Maybe some exotic dancers? Some live music? Some cages and chains might add to it too?"

"Cages and chains?" Liam laughs out loud, I instantly go red with embarrassment. "We aren't a damn brothel." He huffs, I feel Harry tense beside me.

"I'm not saying have sex in them, although most people that come here anyway practically do that," I mumble the last bit.

"What was that?" Liam straightens his back.

"Nothing," I smile smugly back and Harry laughs beside me. Liam seems to grow irritated and rests his chin on his fist that is on the armrest.

"Harry, why do you suddenly want things to change?" He speaks again after a beat.

"I don't want it to change, Liam." He says sternly. "But I'm open to ideas that could benefit us. This competition is huge for us, it's a moneymaker and maybe having a few other things going on wouldn't be so bad."

"No." Liam stands. "This is a bar for gang members that like to rap. That's it, don't take away its authenticity."

"Liam, I don't want-"

"You, leave." He points to me then out the door. My mouth drops open at the blatant rude behaviour coming from Liam. I knew he was loud and obnoxious, wanting to be the leader but to demand I leave? Fuck him.

"Liam." Harry sternly calls his name. They both have some sort of staring competition before Liam sits in his seat and goes back to resting his chin on his fist.

"Anyone else got anything to say?" Harry speaks.

Everyone else shakes there heads, Zayn and Niall smile at me and I think they're on board with the ideas. I just want to help not get in the way. I would've been fine with them saying no thank you. At the end of the day this is their bar, their lives and I'm just a woman from the outside finding her way in.

"Great. Well then, Zuri come round tomorrow night and we can discuss it further." I just nod, I want to see Audrey so I'll see if Harry is okay with her coming along too. "As for now, boys I'll be back in a little while we will talk about what's happening next with –" then Harry goes silent and it grows tense in the room, I look back and forth between them all but nothing. Then Harry pats my leg to signal for me to climb off which I do, he takes my hand and leads me out. I say my quick goodbyes and when we enter back into the club I see Tim at the bar. I smile and wave but he just glares at me. Okay, fair enough. I deserve that. I will make it up to him. I should pre-warn Aud of my mishaps with him though, I don't want to cause any rifts between them.

It takes us just over an hour to get to my mums, with the busy Saturday traffic of trying to get out of London but Harry said he didn't mind. I did insist that he should just drop me off at the nearest tube once we got stuck in some traffic but he insisted he wanted to spend that time with me. We had fun on our way, we played some Mother Mother songs which both Harry and I were shocked that the other liked.

I couldn't help but look over at Harry when Verbatim came on, and then when he started singing the words mimicking the tone of voice of the singer as well, I couldn't help but laugh.

"Is that why you named the club Verbatim?" I had asked, winking.

"You know, it was already called that before I joined however, I think this song could've been my prime reasoning." He smugly professed.

"Of course, well I would like to see you up on that stage singing next time. I might try worm it into my event planning." His head had shot to me faster than ever before, scowling before laughing.

"You will do no such thing, my little pocket rocket. Or I will be sure to unfriend you." He shrugged.

This had just made me laugh more. Harry was actually an incredible singer once some more chilled songs had come on, especially when Elliot Smith serenaded us through the surround sound. I had been in complete bliss up until we pulled up outside my mums house.

I said my goodbyes to Harry as friends do, there was no kiss, just a awkward side hug which we both laughed at. I knew as soon as I had talked to my mum about what I wanted to do with Harry, I wouldn't feel so stiff about the situation. I knew I needed to just chill out, get my head out my arse and just live. I just needed the one woman in my life that I respected more than anyone to tell me that.

As soon as Harry turned around to drive off, my mums door swung open and she ran out basically gawking after his car.

"Tell him to turn around right now, Zuri Michaels." She pointed after the car scowling at me, but I just laughed.

"No, mum. C'mon let's just go in." I tug on her arm a few times, she huffed out some air then followed me glumly. Once we were in the house, I went over to the dining room and took my seat before the usual afternoon tea set up. Mum took her seat beside me and then I knew what was coming.

"Zuri, you better tell me everything right now. You said it was nothing. You said he was nothing." She pouted and I felt bad for not telling her more but to be fair at the time, he wasn't going to be I was sure about it. Kind of.

"Okay, okay I will. I actually need some advice-"

"Hit me." She spins on her chair so her legs are facing me and she's smiling wide, hands in her lap. I noticed today she's wearing a really cute floral dress and a cream cardigan with tights and her beige slippers. Her dark hair is tied back into a high pony and her skin is radiant. God, my mum is beautiful.

"So I like him."

"I guessed." She eagerly interrupted. "Sorry-" She holds her hands up when I glare at her.

"But I just know he isn't the type for a relationship, and I don't know if I would ever want to be in a relationship with someone like him but I can't help the way I was drawn to him all the time and-"

"Okay honey, breathe." She coaxes me and I do, taking one large inhale then exhale. "Relationship? Why are you thinking about a relationship so soon?" Her voice is gentle, the one reason I needed to talk to her. She never judged or presumed things. She helped. Like she always had.

"Because isn't that what it leads to." I shrug.

"Honey, you don't have to get into a relationship with the first guy you like. I'm not saying sleep around either but I know you and I trust you. I think you're putting too much pressure on yourself."

"I think so too." I hum, picking up a cake and going in for that first. This conversation needs some sugar to aid me, not a ham sandwich.

"What makes you think he wouldn't want a relationship with you anyways? Has he said that?"

"Not exactly but I just know, mum. He's one of those guys." I emphasise the those so mum understood what I was getting at. And I think I now realise my biggest mistake with harry was that I presume everything about him. He hasn't told me anything particular yet I've presumed he has killed people, he doesn't do relationships. I mean I trust my gut but really I should just straight up ask him or just not think about it at all.

"I get you, my love but you can't just think like that. This is the first time since University you've ever been remotely interested in a guy past initial looks." I just nod in agreement. She's right, Harry is the first guy I've ever shown any interest in. "I think you should just go with the flow of it. Enjoy yourself."

"What if I get hurt? What if he breaks my heart?" I voice my biggest worry, one I've not even wanted to admit to myself. I'm terrified of letting him in, of falling too hard too soon and scaring him away. Then I'll be left in even more pain, and I can imagine that sort of heartbreak would kill me. Worse than that damn bullet. And I don't even know what it is about Harry but I feel like he is a guy I'd fall on my knees for, god I would do it in an instant right now if he asked and that thought alone scares me. He has me wrapped around his little finger and he doesn't even know it.

"Zuri, darling, if you do then you do. Everything happens for a reason. Harry has come into your life for a damn reason and you'd be stupid to ignore that because of the fear of heartbreak. If he does break your heart then I'll be here to pick up the pieces. You know that." She leans over the table to wrap me into a hug.

"I know, I'm just scared."

"I know you are baby but just go with it, do what feels right and if in the end, it doesn't work, then it wasn't meant to be. Don't think too far ahead and don't put too much pressure on yourself." I nod into the crook of her neck hugging her tightly.

"Mum, what's your opinion on friends with benefits?" I lean back and ask, she stops for a moment then breaks out into a laugh.

"Now, that is something I thought you'd never say." Which makes me join in laughing too.

The rest of the day we didn't talk much about Harry after mum told me her thoughts on the whole friends with benefits thing. She said it's a sticky situation to get into but she has done is before several times. She said as long as the boundaries are clear, no relationship like things happen like cuddling etc then you'll be fine. But that made her laugh, knowing me she knew I'd be shit at it. But she also said I wouldn't know if I wouldn't try and then that led to a conversation about safe sex that we haven't had since I was in University with my first time. Back then that had been an awkward chat but now we just laughed and she told me some horror stories. Let's just say I'm slightly scarred from hearing about some of my mums younger days and her escapades.

Later that night, I soaked in a bubble bath for an hour and then made it into my room. I opened up my underwear and saw a pair of black lace underwear and a thought appeared in my head. Live a little, Zuri. You won't know unless you try. And so, I pulled the set out and climbed into it. It had no padding in the bra which was my preference with all my underwear and it held my boobs up so they looked perky especially with their size. The underwear was a lace thong but pulled slightly high waist so my curves where emphasised insanely. It had a black garter belt that was lace and looked a little like a skirt. It was meant to attach to some stockings but I didn't want to put them on too so I let them a hand,  none the less the whole outfit looked incredibly sexy.

I don't know where this set came from, I think Audrey may have bought it for me but I refused to wear it as I had no one to wear it for. I know now that I can wear it for myself and feel sexy because looking at myself in my mirror, I do feel sexy. I feel powerful. I have this wave of confidence flood me and before it can crumble I climb into my bed and under the sheets.

Taking deep breaths, I lean up against my pillows against my headboard and grab my phone. I pull up Harry contact and send him a text

Hey there

Only a moment later, Harrys reply came in


How did you know?

You've resulted to messaging me, you must be bored

Hey, I might just want to message my new best friend

What do you want, baby?

Now that sentence shouldn't have sent me spiralling but it did. What did I want? I mean he probably just meant what did I message him for but I took it as a what did I want with him? What did I want to do? And so I wrote exactly what I wanted.


I held my breath waiting for the reply, the little three dots appeared and disappeared multiple times and it made me anxious. Oh no, I really shouldn't have said that. Just as I was typing a generic 'mum had my phone sorry' just a 12-year-old girl, Harry's reply came through.

Don't tease me, Zuri. It won't end well for you.

And it was a threat. A threat that should've had me scared but it had me aroused. I practically moaned at his reply. My legs grew weak, my heart raced and my core pulsed begging for me for some sort of release. I had to resist letting my hand fall to my heat and shakily replied to Harry.

No teasing, H. I'm serious.

Have you been drinking?

Not one drop.


Not without you.

Zuri, you're driving me crazy right now. What's changed?

Nothing. I want to be your friend but I also want... more.



Explain what you mean by more, baby. We might have different ideas.

I type out a reply several times, deleting it not knowing exactly what I meant by more. But then I took a second to think and I looked down at myself. I'm feeling sexy and confident, this would be exactly what I meant by more.

Taking a deep breath, I clicked off the iMessage chat and moved onto the camera. Flipping it to self-camera, I lifted the phone above me. I pulled down my sheets and saw my own body on the screen. For a moment I hesitated but then I grew some lady balls and angled my body, making my stomach look toned, my boobs look plump and only a sneak of my laced thong. My whole face wasn't in it but I lifted my hand to my mouth, biting on my forefinger as my arm pushed my boobs closer together. I snapped a few photos and went to the gallery to pick my favourite. The more I looked the more I hated it but without another thought, I went back onto the iMessage and attached the image, with one last deep breath I pressed the send button.

Immediately I pulled the covers up to my chin, covering my body and watching the screen with my phone so close to my face. My nerves were literally making my body vibrate. I had never in my life sent an underwear picture to anyone, not even Audrey and she has sent me loads trying on different sets. But this was far from anything I would ever do and if Harry had a bad reaction, then I knew I could never go back to London ever again.

I'm pulled from my chaotic thoughts when the notification bell rings for a message. I didn't even notice that the screen had locked so I open up the screen and read his message.

Fuck. I'm on my way.

What? Sorry, what? I sat up in a panic, scrambling to text Harry telling him not to. He cant come here. I'm with my mum. God, what have I done? Before I can even reply with my mumbled messaged that had many spelling mistakes, I get another reply from Harry.

I'll be there in 10.

10? What? Now my heart is pounding out of my chest. He cant be 10 minutes away. London is half an hour away with absolutely no traffic, not taking into consideration red lights. How can he be 10 minutes away? Fuck, I can't even tell him no. He's nearly here. Oh my god, Harry is nearly here.

I jump out of bed, cleaning my floor, ridding it off my clothes and towel from my bath. Do I get changed? I was tempted but I had just sent him a photo of my underwear, it's nothing he hasn't seen before. Fuck. And he is coming here for one thing and one thing only. Sex. I'm really about to do this. About to cross that line from simply platonic friends to more.

Quickly, I wrap my white fluffy robe around myself and pace my room waiting for his arrival. Somehow, time flies by and I hear a light knock on the door. All the hairs on my body stand tall and I try to steady my shaking hands.

"Okay, you can do this Zuri. You can do this." I chant to myself whispering. Leaving my room, I go down the stairs being careful not to wake my mum. She is a heavy sleeper so hopefully, if she is asleep, she won't hear a thing. Otherwise, this will be a fun conversation for a Sunday morning.

Stood in front of the door, knowing that Harry was just on the other side, the only thing I could hear was my heart pounding so loud. Looking down, I try to calm my nerves and out the corner of my eye I see a note on the table beside the door. I cock my head slightly, reading my name written in cursive writing. My brows furrow recognising the writing from the card that left the flowers, I go to reach forward but jump as another light tap on the door reminds me of Harry.

Pulling open the door, I peek my head around nervously. Harry stands there, like a beast in the night, dressed completely in black, his hair flowing over his shoulders and I have no choice but to clamp my thighs together. Fuck.

"Hello, little one." With that, he pushes his huge hand against the door swinging it open but grabbing it to stop it from hitting the wall. He steps into the house, I retreat backwards, my head craned up at him, my eyes do not leave his. That once ivy green is now almost black, dark with hunger and I can't help but melt before him. "Let's have some fun, friend." And his lips smash to mine, my breath literally being taken away and he hugs me to his body, hard. Fuck. I don't think I'm going to survive this. 

// eeeee here we go folks. 

It's sexy time. 

This will be apart of a double update, that will be up later today. 

Thank you to everyone who has been commenting, I've loved reading through them seeing your reactions. I'm interested to see what they'll be like especially in chapter ten. //

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