Frostbite (a komahina fanfic)

By g0thymothy

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Two high school boys cross paths at a bus stop one winter evening. One Nagito Komaeda is intrigued by the bea... More

Chapter 1 (A Burning Curiosity)
Chapter 2 (Not Again...)
Chapter 3 (What a Mess!)
Chapter 4 (New Wounds)
Chapter 5 (Ethereal)
Chapter 6 (Panic)
Chapter 7 (Games vs Reality)
Chapter 8 (Impulse)
Chapter 9 (Autopilot)
Chapter 10 (Modern Day Magician)
Chapter 11 (Lucky Surprise)
Chapter 12 (Sparks)
Chapter 13 (Hope Is Not Enough)
Chapter 14 (Unknown Caller)
Chapter 15 (The Plan)
Chapter 16 (Brighter With You)
Chapter 17 (New Beginnings)
Chapter 19 (My Hope)
Chapter 20 (Sinking)
Chapter 21 (Reunited)
Chapter 22 (Good Feels)
Quick A/N

Chapter 18 (A Firework of Butterflies)

1.8K 84 136
By g0thymothy

Hajime/3rd person POV

When the pair had gathered their things they left the ice dome and headed out to explore more of the area. The atmosphere between the two was a little awkward, but nothing that they couldn't handle. 

As the evening progressed the pair explored the majority of the venue, laughing and taking pictures for memories. The awkward air between them had dissipated and they were back to normal, well as normal as two closeted gays on a date could be. It was close to 9 pm by now, and the main light show would be starting soon. Nagito grabbed a hold of Hajime's hand again, lacing their fingers together. “Come on, I know the perfect spot to watch the main event!” Nagito said taking off and pulling Hajime along behind him. After a 5 minute walk the boys finally arrived at a slightly elevated seating area a little ways away from the big crowd that was starting to form. “Isn’t this perfect?! Here we can be alone and still have the best view.” Nagito explained excitedly. 

“It is did you find this place?” Hajime asked looking over at the younger boy. 

“Oh y’know just asked around that's all..” Nagito replied with a cheeky smile, sitting down on a nearby bench. The lucky boy patted the spot next to him, signaling for Hajime to come sit next to him. Getting the message Hajime sat down beside Nagito and looked around, closing his eyes as a slight breeze brushed across his face, tousling his hair. The brunette took a deep breath letting his lungs fill with the chilly winter air. Breathing in cold air always felt refreshing to the boy, it was comforting.
   Hajime felt a poke on his shoulder and opened his eyes. “It’s should watch.” Nagito whispered. Nodding, Hajime followed the white haired boys’ gaze, waiting for the light show to begin. Hajime shifted slightly making himself sit closer to Nagito so the slides of their bodies were pressed against each other. 

In the distance the Hajime watched as lantern shaped objects were released. He watched them float up into the sky, some changing colours as they floated higher, while some left trails of coloured smoke. The brunette saw people down below reaching out for the lanterns as they drifted close, hoping to catch them as souvenirs. Just when Hajime thought it couldn’t get any better, a giant firework exploded in the sky. Bathing the surrounding snow in a vibrant mix of red and blue, creating purple as they collided. The brunette's mouth was agape as he watched the fireworks flicker and boom, creating an image of pure beauty in its wake. 

Hajime turned to look at Nagito to see if he was enjoying the lights as much as he was, but was surprised to find Nagito had been staring at him the entire time. “You’re missing the fireworks..” Hajime whispered looking deep into Nagito’s eyes, searching for what he could be feeling at this moment. 

“I’m watching something far more beautiful..” Nagito whispered back, staring into Hajime’s eyes while brushing a stray hair from the brunette’s face. 

A sudden burst of confidence surged through Hajime’s body as his pounding heart echoed in his ears. Without thinking he swiftly grabbed Nagito by the collar of his jacket and pulled him towards himself, connecting their lips in a kiss. At first he thought he had made a mistake because he didn’t feel Nagito kiss back, so he started to pull away. But the instant he tried to back away, Hajime was pulled closer to Nagito as the white haired boy deepened the kiss and wrapped his arms around the brunette. Hajime’s eyes shot open for a brief moment before fluttering closed again. Is this really happening?! The brunette thought as he felt Nagito move his hands to cup the older boy's face as they kissed. Both lost in the sweet sensation of the other's lips. So..soft..and warm.. Hajime thought as he gripped Nagito’s jacket tighter. Desperate for air the pair finally pulled apart. Panting and dizzy Hajime looked into Nagito’s eyes again looking for any signs of regret or discontentment. But he was met with a smiling expression and warm eyes. 

“I definitely wasn’t expecting that-” Nagito chuckled softly while looking at Hajime. 

“Yeah, me either..I didn’t even think..It just sorta..happened..” He half mumbled, tracing a finger over his own lips, still shocked that he was the one who initiated the kiss. “You have really soft lips by the way..” 

“Oh haha do you..” Nagito replied. The white haired boy placed his hand on Hajime’s cheek again, lightly running his thumb across the boy's lips. Nagito’s fingers were slightly rough, but still soft at the same time, the brunette liked the feeling. Hajime flushed red at the action but closed his eyes, secretly hoping Nagito would pull him in for another kiss. And that’s just what he did. Hajime felt Nagito tilt his head up slightly then place his lips upon his. This kiss was different. It was; softer, sweeter somehow. Butterflies hammered against Hajime’s ribs and stomach as he eagerly kissed Nagito back for the second time that night.

When they separated, the pair held their foreheads together, basking in the comfort and warmth of each other. Hajime couldn’t tell if he was warm from blushing so much or because of the heat radiating from Nagito’s body, but either way he didn’t care.

In this moment, everything was perfect. Nothing else mattered to him.
Hajime was completely carefree, he moved his head so it rested on Nagito’s shoulder, watching the finale of the light show unfold before him. Hajime felt Nagito place a chaste kiss to the top of his head before leaning his own head against the brunettes. This had been the most perfect night in Hajime’s life. He vowed to himself that he would never ever forget it.

994 words

im sure you all knew this was coming but like ajsjakakkwkq

i think this might be my favourite chapter i have written so far its so fucking cute im dying

sorry for like the past 3 chapters being only hajime but it just worked out that way lol

also should i still write these events in Nagito's pov or just continue on with the story??

hope you all have a gay rest of your day (see what i did there, im a poet) and take care <3


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