Frostbite (a komahina fanfic)

By g0thymothy

45.2K 1.6K 2.2K

Two high school boys cross paths at a bus stop one winter evening. One Nagito Komaeda is intrigued by the bea... More

Chapter 1 (A Burning Curiosity)
Chapter 2 (Not Again...)
Chapter 3 (What a Mess!)
Chapter 4 (New Wounds)
Chapter 5 (Ethereal)
Chapter 6 (Panic)
Chapter 7 (Games vs Reality)
Chapter 8 (Impulse)
Chapter 9 (Autopilot)
Chapter 10 (Modern Day Magician)
Chapter 11 (Lucky Surprise)
Chapter 12 (Sparks)
Chapter 13 (Hope Is Not Enough)
Chapter 14 (Unknown Caller)
Chapter 15 (The Plan)
Chapter 16 (Brighter With You)
Chapter 18 (A Firework of Butterflies)
Chapter 19 (My Hope)
Chapter 20 (Sinking)
Chapter 21 (Reunited)
Chapter 22 (Good Feels)
Quick A/N

Chapter 17 (New Beginnings)

1.6K 74 128
By g0thymothy

Hajime/3rd person POV

Nagito pulled Hajime through the crowded entrance after their tickets were approved. The older boy tried to observe his surroundings the best he could, but it was difficult at the rate Nagito was leading him at. From what he could see there were sculptures and archways made of ice, actually the majority of the venue was constructed from  either ice or snow. “Woah..” Hajime breathed out, stunned by the beauty of it all. The pair had come to a halt at a small concessions booth. 

“Lets get some hot chocolate then explore more yeah?” Nagito remarked pointing to the small booth to the left. Hajime nodded excitedly and gripped Nagito’s hand tighter. They walked over to the vendor and Nagito pulled out his wallet ordering two hot coco’s. The man working nodded and exchanged their money for their order. Thanking the man the pair walked away to continue exploring the winter wonderland around them. Hajime could feel Nagito’s eyes on him as he continued to look around curiously. 

“If you see anywhere you wanna check out, just let me know okay?” Nagito told the other, his glance unwavering. 

“What’s over there?” Hajime asked, pointing to an ice dome.  

“Ah that, should we go over and see?”

As he nodded Nagito headed towards the dome with the brunette close behind. Ducking slightly to enter the boys stepped into the dome. Inside there was a projection machine and a spot for a USB. “What is this for?” Hajime questioned going up to inspect the devices. Nagito pulled a USB from his pocket and insured it into the machine. The older boy looked at Nagito in pure confusion, then looked at the projector. An image suddenly appeared on the ice walls. It was an enormous amount of stars, even more confused than before, Hajime looked over to Nagito who was doing something on his phone. The white haired boy put his phone down as soft piano music resonated from it. “Wha-” the brunette started but was interrupted by a hand on his waist, and gripping on to his left hand. 

“It wasn’t quite dark enough I put the stars up to make it seem later..Would would you like to dance with me..?” Nagito asked, looking into Hajime’s eyes intensely. 

Hajime was absolutely speechless. “Did you plan all this?? This is incredible..” Hajime asked, locking eyes with the boy in front of him. 

“I you like it..?” Nagito asked nervously. Hajime nodded vigorously and reached out to put his hand on Naito’s waist like the other had done to him. Taking that was a sign Hajime wanted to dance with him, Nagito started to lead Hajime into a slow waltz. The older boy looked down to his feet fearing he may mess up the steps if he didn’t watch himself closely. A hand on his chin brought his head back up, his eyes meeting with Nagito’s again. 

“Don’t look down, just trust yourself. You have nothing to worry about.” The white haired boy said, his hand still on Hajime’s chin. Too flustered to speak Hajime only nodded, keeping his eyes glued to Nagito as a blush krept up onto his cheeks. Gently releasing his hold on Hajime, Nagito began to sway them more, the steps slowly increasing the intensity of the dance. The air around the pair seemed alive, it was electric and intoxicating. Hajime felt like the air was getting hotter and hotter the longer they danced, suddenly Nagito spun Hajime and moved him into a dip. The brunette audibly gasped surprised by the unexpected movements. Nagito held the brunette in the dip position, their faces incredibly close. Hajime could no longer tell if the music was playing. The only things he could hear was his heart beating at an inhuman speed and the sounds of their unstable breathing.

Everything felt like it was in slow motion again. Whenever Hajime was with Nagito, everything around them seemed to come to a stop, it felt like they were the only two people in the world. Hajime was suddenly very aware of how close their faces had been getting and his eyes widened. The moment their lips were about to connect, Hajme turned his head and stumbled out of Nagito’s hold, covering his face with his hand trying to conceal the blush painted on his cheeks. 

Shaking his head he turned to the white haired boy and apologized profusely. Nagito also turned to Hajime and started to apologize. “Ack! I’m sorry! I must have got caught up in the moment…” Nagito said, avoiding looking Hajime in the eyes. 

Shaking his head again Hajime replied, “no no it’s alright! I’m sorry should we maybe go check out more of this place..?” The brunette glanced at Nagito waiting for his response. 

“Yeah, let's do that.” Nagito replied, going to turn off the music and retrieve his USB. Hajime couldn’t miss the hint of disappointment in Nagito’s eyes after he pulled away from their almost kiss. 

Why did I even pull’s not like I haven’t thought about...kissing him..I guess I was just in shock that’s all..or maybe..I’m just too much of a coward to go through with it...or maybe I’m just scared to accept the truth.. Hajime thought, looking back at Nagito.

894 words

y'all really thought they were gonna kiss huh? ehehehe

imma post the next chapter in a few hours bc i have it all written out but i just wanted to leave it here for a hot sec and see how you guys react lol >:D

n e waaays 

have fun waiting for the next part and go drink water you simps


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