Witch Academy | TaeKook ✓

By pohpih

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Considering his past, it had never been Jungkook's intention to put himself at risk, or to get involved in da... More



164 18 4
By pohpih

Jungkook stumbled into the woods, out of breath from running. His mind was a mess, let alone be strong enough to think.

Meanwhile Yoongi was barely able to catch up to him. The guy ran fast. But when he came closer, he saw him on the ground, leaning against a tree. He seemed... in a bad shape let's say.

"Hey... you okay?"

Jungkook looked down. Quiet.

"Not really."

Yoongi wasn't shure on how to act since he was never in a friendship like this one. But he knew that he cared for his wellbeing. So he walked over and took a seat beside him.

"Taehyung seemed pretty spaced out as well... did you guys have a fight?"

Jungkook took a while to respond, as he didn't feel like talking.

"No... i just told him that i... don't love him."

Yoongi's eyes widened, a bit taken back. He did not excpect that.

"But... do you really not? I personally don't know what love is but... i can see the way you look at him. It must shurely be love. No?"

Jungkook hummed, leaning his head on Yoongi's shoulder. It was starting to feel good to talk about it. It relaxed him more than he tought.

"Honestly... i know what it is. I know that it's... l-lo.. *squints his eyes* it's just that i could never admit it. Maybe it's for the better... maybe he'll be better off without me."

Yoongi had the sudden urge to punch him in the face. But- that was not an action he would take. He was the quiet and mysterious character, so he decided to keep it that way.

"I don't think so. Before you came to the academy, Taehyung was feared and hated by everyone. He was always alone and... in the dark. But after you came- with you- he showed everyone a diffrent side of him. And with that, he has friends now. He's not alone- nor hated. At the end- we just knew to believe a stupid rumor and misunderstood him. But you changed that."

Jungkook's eyes became teary as he listened. He cared for Taehyung. He cared for him deeply. Yet saying those words was his only way to him... and he hated that. He hated to fear that.

"So... why? Was it too overwhelming?"

Jungkook looked down, tears falling down his eyes.

"No... not at all. When i first met him, i saw myself in him. He was trapped... heartbroken... all alone without anyone's help. I understood that and wanted to help him get out of it. But by the time i had realized he had become much more for me... more than a friend..."

Yoongi continued to listen quietly.

"...it was almost like my first love. Before i came here... i used to have this friend... she was.. uhm... she was very dear to me. And... she loved me back... but i- i did something horrible and... she died because of me..."

Yoongi's heart became soft as Jungkook pulled himself back and looked at him.

"That's why i'm scared! I did something soo horrible- and now what if i-i do that same mistake again? I could never live with that. And if not- then i don't deserve to love again... not after what i did."

Jungkook quickly wiped his tears away as he averted his gaze to the side. Finally. He said it out loud. And somehow... he felt free now. More relaxed in a way.

"So... you're scared. You have to let go of that fear or you won't be able to go back to him. That's what i think.."

Jungkook sniffed, shaking his head.

"I know that... and... i want to change that. Ah- i hate being such a coward."

Yoongi hummed, smiling slightly.

"That's a funny thing to say. To me, you are the bravest person i've ever met. I just think you need time to think."

Yoongi then stood up and patted his jeans to get the dirt off.

"I'll go back now. So... think carefully. I'm shure that you'll be able to let go of your fear quickly. I believe in you."

Without saying another word, Yoongi quietly walked away. Meanwhile Jungkook felll back into his toughts only to snap back to reality almost instantly- by Lucifers arrival.

"Hey hey- are you seriously hiding out here doing nothing?"

Jungkook looked up to see him peeking from behind a tree. He then slowly approached him.

"Oh- how did you talk with Taehyung go? He was very... quiet today so.."

Lucifer crossed his arms,.

"What do you want him to do? Jump into your arms after the bullshit you made him go through? Like hell- but... he actually reacted very subtly. He said that it doesn't change anything because if you REALLY were destined then you wouldn't be breaking up with him."

He then sighed in frustration.

"And i guess he's right... when i looked back, i might've made mistake in binding you two to each other. Because it seems that you're red string of fate is ripped."

Jungkook looked at his finger, clearing his vision. He didn't need to cast a spell to see the string, after all he was using forbidden spells.

"Oh.. it really is cut. Is it because i left him?"

Lucifer sighed yet again, a bit toughtfull.

"I presume. But that doesn't mean you will stop. I just heard the conversation you had with that boy. And i think i can help you with you fear. That is... if you are willing to go back to Taehyung."

Jungkook swallowed, making up his mind almost imediaetly.

"I-i will do anything if it means to win him back..."

Lucifer smirked.

"Then get ready for a vacation in hell."

Jungkook's eyes widened to which Lucifer cleared his throat at.

"I mean... not literal hell... i'll just make you time hell for you... here... on earth... oh whatever just get a good rest tonight and we'll see each other in the morning."

Jungkook nodded.
If it meant leaving his past behind, then he didn't mind pushing through and freeing himself for it... though... he wasn't shure if that's what Lucifer had in mind as well.

𖤐𝚆𝚒𝚝𝚌𝚑 𝙰𝚌𝚊𝚍𝚎𝚖𝚢𖤐

Taehyung slowly opened his eyes and looked around the classroom to see it was empty. The class must've ended. He had fallen asleep... it seems, yet he was not able to recall when or how.

Brushing the toughts aside, he slowly stood up and made his way out of the classroom. But upon turning around the corner, he accidenly bumped against someone's chest and backed away.

"Ah.. Haneul... i'm sorry i was just-"

Haneul smiled as he pulled him close by his arms. He then raised his hand to place it on his cheek.

"Are you always this lost?"

But before his hand could get any closer, Taehyung turned his head away and stepped back from his grasp.

"I-i don't know...am i?"

Haneul hummed.

"I suppose. You're sleep walking... and look tired. But hey- what if we went out to have some fun? Since i'm new here i'm not really familiar with this place. So you could also show me around... and-"

Taehyung shook his head, declining his offer almost immediaetly.

"I... i'm sorry but i can't. I have things to do that day so- b-bye.."

And just like that he walked away. Meanwhile Haneul smiled, amused.

"I didn't even say which day... heh... what an interesting guy."

He mumbled to himself as his eyes slowly eyed his body, down to his waist.
He wouldn't have looked if it weren't for the tight jeans and seethrough shirt. Shurely...

𖤐𝚆𝚒𝚝𝚌𝚑 𝙰𝚌𝚊𝚍𝚎𝚖𝚢𖤐

Aimi's eyes suddenly shot open as he stood up from bed and ran to the bathroom.
He grabbed the toilet seat before throwing up into the bowl. It was the third day... she tought as he gagged out the last bits of food from her stomach.

Meanwhile Jungkook kocked on the door and looked at Aimi who was on the floor.

"You okay? Did you eat something weird?"

Aimi shook her head, tired.

"N-no... it's been like this for the past 3 days. I can't keep any food in and my head hurts like it's going to explode-"

Jungkook crouched down and then held her hand out to heal her. But no matter how much magic he put into it... she still seemed as bad as ever.

"I can't treat your sickness. Maybe you're just feeling under the weather... is it emotional?"

Aimi looked down, remembering Baal.

"Maybe it's beacuse i miss him... it's been 3 weeks Kook... why hasn't he come back yet?"

Jungkook averted his gaze.

"I... i'm not shure. But give him some time. The council is still after him so it won't be safe if he comes now."

Aimi's eyes watered which made Jungkook sigh.

"I'm sorry. I... think that he is smart enough to come back at the right time. So trust him, okay?"

Aimi sniffled up before nodding. Then Jungkook stood up and handed his hand out.

"Okay- come on now. I'll make you some tea."

And so they went downstairs to the kitchen.
Upon doing so, Aimi saw the big bag on the kitchen floor.

"Are you going somehwere?"

Jungkook nodded as he prepared the tea.

"Yeah uhm... camping. With friends."

By friends he meant Lucifer and by camping- two whole weeks of pain and suffering. Totally the same thing.

"I see... after the past events you need it. So have some fun... and how is it going with Taehyung?..."

Her voice was quiet yet whispery. She seemed to hold herself back from asking yet Jungkook could see that she was worried.

"He... he is doing fine i guess..."

Aimi leaned against the counter, tired.

"You're still figuring things out? I would advise you to be quick-"

Jungkook paused her, frowning.

"I am- quick. I'm trying okay? It's not my fault that doom follows me wherever i go."

Then it went silent for a while, both just staring at the boiling kettle.
Aimi wanted to warn him and give him advice, yet she also knew that Jungkook knew what to do. It was just his emotions that he was so scared of.

"You know that what's in the past is... just in the past right?"

Jungkook suddenly paused as he held the kettle. His hand sticking to the hot steel... burning. Yet he was immune to the pain as he remembered the past... remembered the girl she loved... dyeing in his arms.

"That's why... don't be so hard on yourself. You deserve to love-"

Slowly, Jungkook turned around and poured the tee inside Aimi's cup.
As he did so, he clenched his jaw.

"I don't deserve anything. So shut up."

Aimi's eyes widened as she looked at her brother in worry.
As he placed the kettle back down, she saw the burnt wound in his palm and covered his mouth.
It was more serious than he tought... Aimi held her breath, watching her brother take his bag and leave the house.


𖤐𝚆𝚒𝚝𝚌𝚑 𝙰𝚌𝚊𝚍𝚎𝚖𝚢𖤐

Taehyung sighed, leaning against a tree near the school. He was playing with levitation spells, making flowers and grass float out of boredom. But mostly, he was just toughtfull. His mind was full of scenarios pf Jungkook cominh back to him.
He couldn't help but miss him... he missed him soo so much... yet at the same time, when he tought of his face his heart would sink down to his stomach and he would feel like crying. It hurt him... yet he missed him. He just wished that he loved him back... he wished.

As he slowly raised a slowly with his finger, he heard someone from behind approaching.
Having his guard down, he got startled and swung the flower to his side, making it hit whoever that was.

"Oh? I'm flattered."

Oh... it was Haneul. His deep voice was kind of hard to miss, despite not being soo familiar with.

"What are you doing here?"

Taehyung asked, rather unethusiastically. He didn't want to talk to anyone right now, wanting for him to go away.

"You seem displeased. Did i do something wrong? That's what i came to ask."

Taehyung glanced up at the tall figure before looking back down.

"I'm just... in a bad mood these days, that's all."

Haneul hummed, crossing his arms.

"I see... but if there is something troubling you, then trying to forget it would be better won't it?"

Taehyung shrugged, looking down at the grass.

"It's... more complicated than that. So best if you'd leave it."

Haneul tilted his head, somewhat more intruiged at Taehyung's behavior.

"Hm, is that so... well, i was planning to walk around this area... anyways..."

Haneul then turned around, raising his voice in a funny way.

"And oh boy will it bad for me to stumble across some lizards... and monsters out there-"

Taehyung furrowed his bows, finally raising his head to look at him.

"What if i fall down a really big hole that reaches down to the magma- ah i might just die then-"

Finally, a soft smile formed on Taehyung's lips as he tought about it. Maybe he should distract himself from this saddness and pain.. just for a little while would be good right? Shurely.

"Fine- wait. I'll come."

Haneul smiled, turing back around.

"I tought that you weren't in the mood."

Taehyung scratched his nech before holding his hand out.

"I decided that i really hate sitting. So... if you help me up, i might end up following you."

Ah, that was the spirit. Haneul reached down and then pulled Taehyung up from his hand before they made they way to satan knows where for exploration.

Ah... he did need this after all. Some time to free his mind of worry.

To be continued...

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