I'm nobody's b!tch

By DatYaoiFanGirl

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Kendal Rivers, a foulmouthed boy who is sent to a school were he is expected to coexist with mystical creatur... More

Part 1: i'll make you mine
Part 2: thank god, humans!
Part 3: So his name is?
Part 4: The "Love guru"
part 5: I didn't ask for it...
Part 6: i believe i can fly?
Part 7: You better come back for me!
Part 8: I may need a blood transfusion
Part 9: Just get me home please...
Part 10: My body hates me
Part 11: Kiss of death
Part 12: Tessa's "feel better" note
Part 13: Thinking back
Part 14: Awkwaaard~~
Part 15: Back to school
Part 16: Ache
Part 17: I can't do it
Part 18: Tired of my bullshit
Part 19: The place i called home
Part 21: Unexpected visitor
Part 22: Getting comfortable
Part 23: Now you've done it...
Part 24: Kendal goes for the low-blow
Part 26: I can't relax
Part 27: Let's end it
Part 28: Holy crap we're awkward!
Part 29: Tripping balls
Part 30: Tease
Part 31: Getting emotional

Part 25: I broke her heart

99 4 2
By DatYaoiFanGirl

I snicker at Silas, who's currently sulking in a corner "Look, i said i was sorry!" i try for the umpeenth time, yet silas still refuses to listen. I sigh, he's acting like a big kid... "I didn't know you didn't like being tickled!" i try to sound as sympathetic as possible, which is kind of impossible when you only want to sugh at how childish someone is acting... Silas sharply turns towards me "Who actually likes being tickled?" he stares incerdulously at me, and yet again i try to force down a grin "Depends on what type of tickling it is..." i shrug, wiggling my brows. Silas grumpily flips me off "Fuck you..." he mumbles.

Little does he know i've been waiting for him to say that "Gladly!" i cheer, mustering the most innocent look i can manage, my reward is Silas going beet red "I- i didn't mean it like that..." he turns away again, and i snicker at him.

But then i clench my eyes shut, after making sure he isn't looking of course. "I ah... I need to talk to mom..." i clear my throat, making a move to stand up. Silas immediately turns back towards me "You're going to tell her?" he cocks his head to the side, and i nod. "Yeah... You just stay here... and uhm... Do something, i don't know..." i give a nervous chuckle, and Silas nods "Want me to come with you?" he asks, offering a small comforting smile. I shake my head "I should do this alone..."

"Ah, allright" Silas nods back, making himself comfortable on the floor. I offer him one last smile before i exit my room, heading downstairs. Mom grins when she sees me "So, what was that about earlier?" her grin slowly slides into a smirk, and i roll my eyes "I could ask you the same... And about what happened- nothing... Nothing happened..." i smirk victoriously at her, and she pouts, which is kind of funny, she's acting like the supporting best friend...

I clear my throat awkwardly, my grin fading "I uh... I need to talk to you about something..." i wipe at my eye for no reason other than to do something distracting, to make it seem like nothing is wrong. Mom raises a brow, gesturing for me to sit "Is this something that will require coffee?" she questions, and i nod "Possibly something stronger..." i sigh, rubbing my forehead. Mom's face scrunches up in something not very different from dread. "I'll get the baileys..." she nods to herself before heading towards her special little cabinet.

She then takes her sweet-ass time preparing coffee and whatnot. She even pour a generous amount of the liquor into my own coffee... She understands me so well... "I'm guessing this has something to do with why they sent you back home?" she cocks her head to the side, biting her lower lip. She's probably expecting the worst... But the worst isn't even close...

I open my mouth to just spill it out and tell her everything, but no words come out. Nothing but in indignant squeak. Mom stares at me for a moment, expression blank, before she picks up the bottle of baileys and pours a good amount into my cup "Drink up kiddo, it'll be easier to talk once you've gotten something to calm your nerves, trust me on this..." she reassures, and i take a sip... To be honest, i can't taste the coffee anymore... Not that i mind, a satisfying warmth settles in the pit of my stomach, and i feel a little better...

Still doesn't make me feel particularily good, but still, it's an improvement. I clench my eyes shu, resting my chin on my hands. How do i put this? How the fuck am i supposed to tell her? And as if to further my depressed state of mind, my chest aches uncomfortably... it had done so all day, but i'd done a pretty good job in ignoring it... "Mom i- i know this is going to be hard to believe... But what i'm about to tell you is..." i pause to swallow "The absolute truth, k?"

Mom nods, leaning forward to rest her head on her hands as well "Did you do something?" she narrows her eyes at me, suspicious. I shake my head "Worse..." mom sucks in a breath. "Did you try to Tornado DDT the principal?" i think she's joking to calm her own nerves, but i can't even laugh at her joke... I keep my eyes shut, kind of regretting not bringing Silas with me.

"M-mom..." i guess there's something in my voice, because she goes deathly silent. I open my eyes to look at her, and even though she doesn't know what the news is, she looks pale. "Mom..." i repeat, and i realize just how broken my voice sounds.

I decide to just get it overwith... Just jump into it and hope she takes it better than i think she's going to take it... "Mom i'm- I'm dying..." i breathe, immediately feeling as if a thousand tons have been lifted off of my shoulders. Mom however, lets out a chuckle and chugs down her coffee "That's realy funny sweetie, now-" i shake my head interrupting her. I can feel the tears forcing their way down my cheeks, and mom's face goes even paler. "H-how can that?" mom interrupts herself, swallowing  harshly "How long do you-"

"Three years... Tops..." i let out a shaky breath, mom nods slowly "Oh my god..." she covers her mouth, clenching her eyes shut "Not you too!" mom sobs, and i shove the rest of my coffe over to her, she downs it in one gulp. I hop on over to her side of the table and i embrace her, she hugs me a little too tight for comfort, but i could care less. "H-how did this happen..?" she sniffles, stroking my hair, and back and hugging me and everything a mother does to comfort her child, even though she was mostly trying to comfort herself.

"I uh... It's a long story..." i sniffle, tightening my grip on her. And then out of nowhere, mom wails "Oh god! No, no nono no no! Not my baby!" she cries, seems it finally sunk in... Her reaction is quite similar to mine actually... "I, i want to show you..." i manage to squeeze out through my own sobs and hiccups. Mom pulls away, but still keeps a strong grip on my shoulders. I pull my shirt open, and mom gasps, she traces the mark with her fingertips, tears streaming down her cheeks as she does so "What is this?"

And so i end up telling her everything, everything that happened with Silas, everything that happened in  the infirmary, in the forest... Just everything, and mom takes a moment to absorb it. She folds her hands together and rests her head on them "I should have never sent you to that school..." she hiccups, and a sinking feeling settles in the pit of my stomach "I-i don't regret going there..." i mumble. Blinking away the rest of my tears, mom nods "Just... Why you?" she cries, wiping at her face with chubby fingers.

I offer a small smile "i'd rather it be me than anyone else..." i say, actually being truthful. Mom sighs "That's a quality i both love and hate about you..." she sniffles

A/N: I think i'll stop the chapter there for now... So sorry for being a slow-ass motherfucker in updating, but my best friend is visiting me for a few days, and i rarely see her so i don't want to sit on my ass being antisocial while she's here... Sorry again XC Anyway, hope you enjoyed ;D

Stay classy guys!

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