Our Everlasting Journey - Sho...

By t0ky0wh0

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โ๐ˆ๐“'๐’ ๐๐Ž๐“ ๐˜๐Ž๐”๐‘ ๐…๐€๐”๐‹๐“, ๐–๐„'๐‘๐„ ๐‰๐”๐’๐“ ๐๐‹๐€๐˜๐ˆ๐๐† ๐Ž๐ ๐ƒ๐ˆ๐…๐…๐„๐‘๐„๐๐“ ๐‹๐„๐•๐„๐‹๐’.โž... More

.season 1.
.season 2.
.one; season 2.
.two; season 2.
.three; season 2.
.four; season 2.
.five; season 2.
.six; season 2.
.seven; season 2.
.eight; season 2.
.nine; season 2.
.ten; season 2.
.eleven; season 2.
.twelve; season 2.
.thirteen; season 2.
.fourteen; season 2.
.season 3.
.one; season 3.
.two; season 3.
.three; season 3.
.four; season 3.
.five; season 3.
.six; season 3.
.seven; season 3.
.eight; season 3.
.nine; season 3.
.chapter 10; season 3.


1K 25 4
By t0ky0wh0

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2381 words

We stood still as we watched the villains next possible movement. All 5 of us ready to throw ourselves into battle.

"What's wrong? You're not coming? You said 'clear' this or something, right? Come and get me if you can.", All Might said in a warning tone, as his eyes darkened.

You sure don't want to get on his bad side.

The main villain seemed to get scared by what All Might said, and possibly because of the fact that he is still indeed on both of his feet.

"All... Might...", Bakugo said with wide eyes.

"As expected. It looks like there is no need for us to fight.", Todoroki pointed out.

Right. As long as All Might stands, it will be okay. Right?

Our fighting stances eased up, as I said "We should get out of here. We might end up getting taken as hostages."

I'm not saying this because I'm scared, but because we'd just be in All Might's way. He already has enough to handle with those two villains left.

"Well, what's wrong?", All Might asked with a smile on. Though taking a closer look... Isn't he trembling the slightest bit?

All of a sudden, our attentions were caught when we heard the annoyed groans the leader was emitting, as he eagerly scratched his neck.

"If only I had Nomu...! That guy... Would have been able to go up against him without thinking about anything!", he said as his voice tensed up, as he started going berserk.

Kurogiri started talking to the leader in a quiet voice, a possible attempt at calming him down. Though I couldn't make out a single word he said to him.

Seeing his attempts at calming the leader have worked, the leader lowered his hands, as he looked back at All Might. His eyes darkened.

I turned around as I heard commotion behind us, as the others in the team did the same. One by one, the thugs started to stand up slowly, gaining back their ground. We'll have to entrust All Might to handle the bad guys, we'll take on the thugs, as well as help out others, if we can find them that is.

"All Might will do something about the main bad guys. Let's go help the others!", Kirishima pointed out as he hardened his arms.

Todoroki turned his head back, as he looked at Midoriya. He still hasn't turned around, as his gaze was fixed on All Might. "Midoriya?" Todoroki called out his name. Though it seemed as if he hadn't heard it. Looking down at Midoriya's hand, it was pressed together tightly.

And in a sudden movement, the leader charged towards All Might. What good could he do at this point? But All Might seemed not to move an inch... What's going on?

"This is revenge for Nomu!" the leader called out in anger.

And not too long after that, Kurogiri has joined the leader's side, as the two of them charged towards All Might, who still hasn't moved.

Midoriya jumped out in a matter of a second, as my hand reached out towards him, in an attempt of pulling him back... What was he doing? Doesn't he trust All Might? He could do it on his own. Though Midoriya seemed to lay in doubt.

"Midoriya...!" Kirishima exclaimed.

My eyes widened as his legs started to wobble in the air, and he pulled his arm back, ready to lay a hand on the Kurogiri guy. He yelled loudly, as he spoke "Get away from All Might!"

In an instant, the leader's hand warped infront of Midoriya's face, as he laughed like a maniac, and Midoriya's eyes widened... No... I took a step forward, as my body moved on its own.

But I was interrupted when a bullet flew past me, and it penetrated the leader's hand right in the middle, as that made him pull his hand back.

All of us looked back in shock, as we saw all of the teachers of U.A. standing at the top of the stairs, as some of them rushed down, defeating each enemy with ease.

My body ran through relief, at the sight of the teachers being here. Things looked real bad for a split second there. I exhaled in relief, as I grabbed onto my damaged right wing.

We made it.

"Ah. They're here. It's game over now. Shall we go home and try again, Kurogir—?" the leader spoke as he turned towards Kurogiri, but was cut off when several other shots were fired through his arms and knees, immobilizing him.
Though that didn't last for long, as Kurogiri's warp protected him, as he fell to the ground.

He can even capture bullets from such a distance?

Kurogiri called out his name, yet it was inaudible, and not too long after that, they were being sucked up by Thirteen's Quirk. It was working.

"I may have failed this time.. But I will kill you next time... Symbol of Peace... All Might!", he said as he descended into the warp gate, Thriteen's plan failing.

In an instant, the warp gate closed, and just like that, the two of them disappeared.

Thinking about all what just happened, having to admit, we were not ready for all of this. Thinking about what the pros have to deal with, this great evil...
Even if I got through this with ease, alongside with Todoroki, I don't know about the situation of the others. We did put up a fight, and we managed to get through their attack...
Though Midoriya could've died right here. If the teachers hadn't made it here on time, I don't want to think about what could've happened to him.

Exhaling once again, I massaged my wing, as the pain got worse.

"If this many pro heroes have gathered here... Then it looks like they didn't attack the whole school.", Todoroki pointed out as he rubbed his nape.

Looking over at him, he seemed to be pretty much unharmed. I'm glad.

"Midoriya! Are you all right?", Kirishima called out as he dashed towards Midoriya in a hurry.

And in a split second, a huge wall appeared in front of Kirishima, as Cementos created a huge barrier.

Looking around, I took in how almost everything smoked in the arena... I just really hope everyone is alright.

"Hey! He said to gather in front of the gate!", Kirishima yelled as he ran back to us. Nodding at this response, we made our way up the huge amount of stairs in silence.

Today has been... A journey. If I made one wrong move, I'd probably be dead. But thinking about it, I can take this as a lesson, to never underestimate the enemy. Also not to head in head first, but think about the situation carefully, if time allowed to do so. I didn't doubt myself back when I was fighting, probably because of the amount of adrenaline that was pumping through my veins. But now... I could've ended up six feet under quickly. Or I at least think so... Maybe all the doubt my parents had in me, is coming back to me now.

Looking over at Todoroki, I put up my hand, as I closed my eyes, offering him a small smile. He looked at me with a worried gaze, but returned the favor quickly, as his hand grazed mine, giving me a high-five. Something I did often with him. It turned into a habit. Reminding the both of us how we made it, through thick and thin, we did it. No matter how bad the situation was, we ended up making it. This gesture seemed to calm him each time, just as it did with me.

It reminded me how the both of us made it out of a risky situation alive.

— — — — — — — —

Coming out of USJ, there were several police cars surrounding the place, as well as a lot of buses. A police officer counted how many we were, and ended on 20, as all of us made it out in one piece. This was a huge relief to me, knowing nobody has suffered too much. Well other than Midoriya, who has suffered the most.
With that, we were a total of 21.

"Other than the boy with both legs seriously injured, everyone else seems unharmed.

I was standing next to Todoroki, as the both of us looked around, scanning across the class.

"I was at the landslide area! Todoroki was super strong. I was surprised!", I heard Hagakure speak behind the two of us.

Looking over at Todoroki, he wore a frown, probably thinking about how he could've frozen her.
The sight of his expression was hilarious to me, as I couldn't help, but crack a chuckle myself.

He looked over at me with a slight confused gaze, as the two of started onto each other for a few seconds, before I broke the silence.

"I'm glad we both made it out okay.", I said, as I scanned across his face, seeming to get lost in the moment. But so did he.

"You sure that you're okay?" he said as he pointed under his eye, referring to my scar under mine.

"Yeah. This is nothing but a scratch." I said as I smiled lightly, reassuring him that it was fine. My right wing has taken more damage though, since I fell right on it earlier. But I didn't want to worry him with a small little detail like that. Though the pained expression crept onto my face slightly, as I grasped my wing, rubbing it.

He raised an eyebrow at me, obviously not falling for what I said.

"Okay okay. I hurt it a bit. But it's nothing to worry about.", I said as I slightly laughed it off awkwardly.

"But-" he spoke but I was quick to cut him off.

"Todoroki. Really." I said with a light smile, as I placed a hand on his unforzen shoulder, as I spoke once again.

"Thank you for your concern... I... Didn't really get to experience that...", I said as I removed my hand, looking to the ground, as I realized what I've said. The words simply just slipped out of my mouth. I usually didn't like to vent about my past, but this just... escaped.

"It's okay. I understand. It's nothing to thank me for, (Y/N).", he said as it was his turn to put his hand on my shoulder.

Being next to him was always so comforting. Only just his presence by my my side, I felt comfort. I was so thankful for it. He makes me experience things I never have before.
And by saying he understands, he clearly is telling me that I can talk to him, if I need to. He doesn't force me to open up about something I am yet not ready to.

I looked up at him, as my expression lightened up a bit, as I offered him a little smile, thanking him yet again.

He was just about to say something else, when he was interrupted by the detective who counted the presence of the students.
"Let's have the students return to their classroom now. We won't be questioning them right away, anyway, right?", he questioned the officer beside him.

"Detective, what about Mr. Aizawa?", Tsuyu asked as she hopped forwards to the detective.

Right... Where was Mr. Aizawa? I haven't seen him around anywhere... Don't tell me...

The detective held up his phone, as we heard someone speak. "Comminuted fractures in both arms and a facial fracture. Fortunately, there does not seem to be any serious brain damage. However... his orbital floor had broken into small pieces... and his eyes may suffer from its aftereffects."

My eyes widened... Mr. Aizawa was hurt this bad? I held him for incredibly brave for rushing down there on his own... However he was outmatched from the beginning, as much as I hate to admit it... His Quirk was useful for taking down enemies in a short spawn of time, and then capturing them. Not for a long lasting fight...
And his eyes may suffer? But that's the main source for his Quirk... Though I am more worried about his physical state...
I am glad though, that he is in one piece, at least.

"What about Mr. Thirteen?" Mina asked in a concerned voice, as Yaoyorozu and Jiro stood by her side.

"Thirteen has been treated. The laceration from the back to upper arm was bad, but his life is not in danger.", he said as the girls were relieved.
Even Thirteen suffered a lot? And they did all of that just to protect us students.

"All Might will also survive. Recovery Girl's healing is enough to treat him... So he's in the nurse's office.", he finished saying.

All three teachers suffered heavy casualties, but at least they made it out, alive.

"Deku!" Uraraka called out.

"What about Midoriya?!" Iida exclaimed.

"Midori...? Oh, treatment in the nurse's office is enough for him, too."

Thank god. Everyone was fine. I was worried about Midoriya. So many body parts of his were broken back then, it was painful to watch. But with Recovery Girl on his side, he'll be up in no time, so I won't add another thing to worry about onto my list.

"Now, go back to your classroom.", he ordered politely.

"Yesir.", the class responded, as we made our way back to the bus.

I sat beside Todoroki on the way back to school, as we stayed in a comfortable silence, instead of talking about what just happened. I believe nobody would really like to recall the events.

— — — — — — — —

We were walking back to our classroom, as just a few of us talked, as though most of us were quiet, most probably thinking about all of what has happened that day.
Having to experience a fight at the beginning of our studies as heroes was harsh, but I like to believe this will only make us stronger for the upcoming future. So, it can be used as an advantage. Everyone can use it as a learning factor.

I believe it was needed for all of us to become proper heroes.


End of Chapter 5, Season 1

Season 2 follows...


Thank you for reading, dear reader!

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