.eleven; season 2.

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The same day, after the ambulance had arrived, we were immediately taken to the Hosu General Hospital, as they treated each of our wounds, and ran several tests to see if we had any other injuries, not on the outside. We all made it out fine of the treatments, and heard later that day, that in that moment, a broken rib had pierced the hero killer's lung. He hadn't licked anyone's blood, but at that place, for that one moment, the hero killer was the only one who stood up to fight against his opponent.

I ended up with bandages over my left thigh and calf, and of course, my worst injury, my right hand. The cut was incredibly deep, and the doctors told me, if the cut would've gone further, it was possible that it could've hit an artery, or worse, even going as far as cutting my fingers off.
But I managed to get lucky.

That day, I was told that I shouldn't be in the same room as the three other men, however I insisted, since I didn't really want to be alone, or end up with strangers in the same room.

So I managed to get a medical bed in the same room as my three classmates, and that day, we were all still incapable to speak.

The last moment with the hero killer, it was something that I'll never forget. The true eyes of a killer. A maniac, even. It was purely terrifying. All four of us felt the same way. It had shaken us to our very core. The pressure we all felt from the culprit was probably his strong ideology... or the intimidation from his obsession.

That night, my 'sleep' consisted of a non-stop tossing and turning in my medical bed, as my mind didn't let me rest, not even a single bit. The heavy thoughts of the hero killer, and the fact that we could've ended up being killed in that very alleyway, it lingered across my mind the entire night, and I was restless.

In the morning, I sat up in my bed, as I rubbed my exhausted eyes, and even if I was given a lot of pills which would make the pain go away, a small sting was still noticeable in my hand.

Examining it, the blood had slightly stained my bandages, and I put it down once again, turning in my bed, as I put my feet on the ground, still deep in thought.

"Did you get any sleep?" I heard Shoto ask from beside me, as I didn't even notice that he was up. He was sitting the same way I was.

"No, I didn't . I assume you didn't get any either." I said in a hushed voice, looking over at Iida and Midoriya who seemed to be asleep, but personally, I didn't think they were.

Shoto shook his head, not a surprise.

And after a few minutes of silence, the both of them sat up in their beds, as Todoroki asked Midoriya.

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