.fourteen; season 2.

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My eyes shot open, as I sat up in haste movement, and instantly feeling pain in my left arm.

My right arm caressed my injured one, rubbing it slightly, as I grit my teeth in pain.

Recalling the events, All Might had broken, or dislocated my left arm. I'm not sure which exactly, since it seemed to be back in place now, most probably thanks to Recovery Girl.

There was this small numbness in my body still, so I leaned back in my medical bed, resting my body.

For Recovery Girl's Quirk to function properly, your body needed a lot of stamina, so it could keep up with the quick healing process. My body was still exhausted, so I could only assume, I'd spend the night here.
I doubt that they would let me out with these injuries.

I exhaled quietly, my eyes scanning across the room. And actually, there was someone else in the room with me.

Squinting my eyes slightly, my eyes got used to the dark room, to only see, that it was Shoto, sitting next to my medical bed, his eyes closed, as he was resting.

Did he... wait here ever since? Judging by the fact that he was asleep, and it was dark outside by now.

My tired expression lit up by some bit, a small curve making its way onto my lips, as Shoto rested calm next to me, sitting in his chair, his hand supporting his head.

His entire form was very relaxed, as his little breaths were heard, keeping up the same rhythm.

Todoroki had been waiting by my side ever since. I... I do not have words for this.

He's just simply the best friend I could ask for... But then, why do I feel this weird emotion whenever I'm around him?

Confused by my own feelings, I sat up in my medical bed, carefully, trying not to wake up Todoroki, who was deep in his slumber.

I spotted a small note on the side of my medical bed, as I took it, and read it.

Young Lady.
I had fixed your broken left arm, and it was barely reparable. I had to perform surgery, and it went went success. However, you'll have the after-effect scars.
So I advise you, not to remove the cloths from your healed left arm, and please, wear it for the next following days, and come in for daily check-ups. Avoid pressuring it.
As for the rest of your injuries, I have dealt with them, and they are completely gone, however, once you wake up, you'll feel a little numbness. So, your only adjective is to rest, and if you feel up to it, you can attend classes once again the following day.
Recovery Girl

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