.nine; season 3.

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3841 words

And just like that, our days of training passed by, and then the day of the exam was upon us.
National Dagoba Arena.

"If you can pass this test and get your provisional licenses, then you novice eggs will become chicks... You'll hatch into semi-pros. Do your best." Aizawa spoke, his tone void of emotion, however, he spoke encouraging words.

"All right, I'll become a chick!" Kaminari exclaimed.

"Let's call out the usual! Ready, set... Plus..." Kirishima began, but a tall guy walked up behind him.

"Ultra!" the guy yelled, his fists up in the air. What was he doing?
Shoto and I looked over at him in slight surprise.

"You shouldn't just barge in other people's huddles, Inasa." another guy with the same uniform spoke to Inasa, who just yelled.

"Oh, no! I am... very... extremely... sorry!" the guy did a salute, bowing forwards at once, slamming his head into the ground.

"What's with this guy trying to get by with just his enthusiasm?!" Kaminari questioned, accusing finger pointed at the overreacting person.

"Wait, that uniform...!" Jiro remarked.

"It's from that famous school in western Japan..." Sero trailed off.

"U.A. in the east, Shiketsu in the west..." Bakugo thought.

Of the many hero courses, Shiketsu was an elite school that rivaled U.A.
I had heard many rumors about them, and the rivalry the two schools shared. The stories weren't exactly something a normal person would consider pretty.

"I wanted to try saying it just once! Plus Ultra! I love U.A. High School! I am extremely honored to be able to compete against U.A. students! I'm looking forward to it!" Inasa's head shot up, revealing the blood that trickled down his forehead, caused when he slammed his head into the concrete.
Just what's wrong with this guy?

"Let's go." his classmate ordered.

"Inasa Yoarashi..." our head teacher trailed off, his gaze darkening.

"Mr. Aizawa, you know him?" Hagakure asked, nervousness hinted in her voice.

"He's... strong. Last year, the same year as you guys, Yoarashi got the top scores of those admitted through recommendations, but for some reason, he turned down his acceptance." My lips turned into a thin line, as this meant...

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