.two; season 3.

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3837 words

5:20 a.m.

The still tired class stood outside, as we were dressed in our school training uniforms.
I yawned quietly, Todoroki doing the same beside me.
None of us got quality sleep. Well, what was quality sleep beside school anyway?

"Good morning, ladies and gentlemen! Today, we will begin training camp to increase your strength in earnest. The goal of this training camp is to increase everyone's strength and with that, for everyone to obtain their provisional licenses. It is to prepare you all to face hostilities that are becoming more real by the minute. Proceed carefully." Aizawa explained briefly the reason we came here for.

"So, Bakugo, try throwing that." Aizawa passed a ball onto Bakugo, yet again.

"This is from the fitness test..." Bakugo remarked, examining the ball.

"Your previous record, from right after you started school, was 705,2 meters. Let's see how much you've improved." Aizawa spoke.

"Oh, we're checking our progress?" Ashido caught on.

"Since a lot has happened these past three months, right? Maybe he can throw it a kilometer or something now! Do it Bakugo!" Sero cheered him on, as Bakugo prepared his arms.

"Then... Here I go... Go to hell!" He yelled, as he threw the ball the same way as the first time, the ball going out of our view.

We waited for Aizawa's response, however, it was shocking.

"709,6 meters."

My eyes focused onto Bakugo, who was stunned. How?

"Huh? It's less than I thought..." Kirishima remarked.

"It's been about three months since you started high school. Through various experiences, you all have definitely improved. But that improvement has mainly been at the mental and technical levels, with some increase in stamina. As you can see, your Quirks themselves have not improved that much. That's why we will work on improving your Quirks starting today." Aizawa explained.

My shoulders tensed up slightly, since Aizawa was right. Our Quirks weren't the ones that improved, it was us.

A devilish smirk crept onto Aizawa's face, as he spoke. "It'll be so hard you'll feel like dying, but try not to actually die..." Aizawa explained.

— — — — — — — —

I took off my shirt, leaving myself in a short tank top, since things would get messy. On the other hand, I wore shorts.

The purpose of my training was, to extend the lengths of my Quirk, so, the area of effect, so to say. My goal was to to produce more huge blasts of fire, and as for my shadow half, I want it to reach even wider lengths, and I'm also going to focus onto my 'shield', wanting to reinforce it. Both in height and reach.
Only adding to these, are my wings. I have been thinking about one thing for a while. I want to be able to direct my Quirk into my wings, and so I could enhance them, and I could even control my Quirk from there. I don't know where to begin, and admittedly, I was kind of hesitant about doing so.
Since I can already use both Quirks at the same time, I began.

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