.seven; season 3.

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4406 Words

"For now, I'm just glad that we are able to bring Class 1-A back together again." Mr. Aizawa announced, as the class stood in front of the brand new 'Heights Alliance'. Our dorms.
Our new home.

"Everyone was allowed to enter the dorms, huh?" Sero asked.

"I had a hard time!" Hagakure complained with a heavy sigh.

"That's normal..." Jiro laughed it off awkwardly.

"The two of you were directly affected by the gas." Ojiro said in his usual calm demeanor.

"We were all able to be together again because of the teachers. When I watched the press conference, I thought we'd lose them, and it made me sad." Asui expressed, to which Uraraka agreed.

"I was surprised, too. Well, I'm sure everyone has different circumstances." Aizawa admitted, as he scratched his head, seeming to lay in heavy thoughts.

"Now, I'll explain briefly about the dorms, but first - For now, we will focus on getting the provisional licenses we were planning to have you get during the training camp." Aizawa continued, grasping his hands together.

"Oh yeah, they did talk about that!" Sato remembered.

"So much happened that I forgot about it." Ashido confessed.

I looked over to the pair of them, as I felt a couple of gazes fixed on my form, or had that typical gut feeling about it, but I paid no mind to it.

"This is important. Listen up. Kirishima. Yaoyorozu. Todoroki, Midoriya, Iida. These five went to save Bakugo and (L/N) that night." Aizawa revealed.

I tensed up from the topic, not liking to remember back to what had happened just a few days ago.
I knew they would receive punishment one way or another, because their act was a clear violation of the rules. I just wished they wouldn't get in trouble for wanting to save their friends in need, but there was no avoiding the upcoming punishment.
I looked up to the trio beside me, as Iida and Midoriya had a few beads of sweat running across their forehead.
Todoroki stood perfectly stiff beside me, as he usually did.
The rest of the class wasn't all too shocked form the news, as most of them probably had to know of their plan to save Bakugo and I.

"Your reactions tell me that you were at least aware of it. I'm going to set aside a number of issues and say this: If it weren't for All Might's retirement, I would've expelled everyone except Bakugo, (L/N), Jiro, and Hagakure.
Of course, the five that went, but also the twelve who knew but didn't stop them betrayed our trust, no matter what the reason. I would be grateful if you could follow the proper procedures and act properly in order to regain that trust. That is all. Now, we're going inside. Let's have some energy!" Aizawa warned in a dangerous tone, but quickly dropped the subject, and made his way inside the new dormitories.

Our Everlasting Journey - Shoto Todoroki X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now