Taekook Smuts and Drabbles

By pensiveprufrock

219K 3K 398

Wouldn't it be fate if we're under the covers. More

Euphoria pt1
Euphoria pt2
Showing who's the alpha
No Kissing Policy
Editorial Note
I'll Be Home For Christmas pt 1
My Ride Or Die pt 1
My Ride Or Die pt2
My Ride Or Die pt3
My Ride Or Die pt4
My Ride Or Die pt5
My Ride Or Die pt6
My Ride Or Die pt7
My Ride Or Die pt8
My Ride Or Die (Epilogue)
You Drive Me Crazy
Birthdays like these
Get Me Out Of My Mind (Get You Out Of Those Clothes)
if you want it ( you can have it )
Ripped Jeans and Velvet Skin
i can feel that body shake, and the heat between your legs
A Little Bit Dangerous (But Baby That's How I Want It)
Appointment: Kim Taehyung for Jeon Jeongguk (genital piercing)
Appointment: Kim Taehyung for Jeon Jeongguk (genital piercing)
Appointment: Kim Taehyung for Jeon Jeongguk (genital piercing)
Appointment: Kim Taehyung for Jeon Jeongguk (genital piercing)
Promises to Keep (and Miles to Go Before We Sleep)
I feel safe in the 5 a.m. light
and i want you
Kiss Me Hard Before You Go
Kiss Me Hard Before You Go (2)
only you can set my heart on fire
the way i fuck him
Editorial Note
i'm still falling for you
Double Tap
Line of Fire (Taekook)
Line of Fire (Cont.)
Unwanted Butterflies
Unwanted Butterflies (cont.)
Unwanted Butterflies (cont.)
Hold You Close, Tonight And Always
Headed to Hell for the Company
Headed to Hell for the Company
Comeback Kids
bad habits
He's Always Right There When I Need Him
got my body so wet
Long Road To Ruin
i'm a darling (strong heart, soft touch)
i wanna get back (to the old days)
Tongue Technology
Punch Hard (Fall Harder)
Wanna make love
good vibration
The shoreline where you and i meet
Not an update
The perfect enemies to lover fic you didn't know you needed
The enemies to lover trope you didn't know you needed (2)
Should I ;(
Love will heal what language fails to know

Sated Enough?

2.8K 45 3
By pensiveprufrock

Taehyung steps out of the adjoined master bathroom and into the bedroom, freshly showered with a towel draping his head.

He walks around in their room naked, droplets of water still rolling off of his skin and face flushed from the heat of his shower.

It's summer, so he would rather air dry. The weather today had been smothering and the chill of air-drying feels so good for him right now.

It's when he's digging around in his drawer for some clothes that his eyebrow twitches at the acute curse word he hears fly out of his boyfriend's mouth from the living room.

Taehyung huffs, kind of bummed out.

He hadn't expected for him to still be on the damn thing by the time he got out. He thought he would finally have the chance to cuddle, and, at least, watch a movie with Jungkook tonight. He more wants to cuddle than anything else though.

The alpha seriously makes him want to chuck the PlayStation 4 console out of a window with how often he's on it.

Taehyung tosses away the towel on his head after rubbing his ultramarine blue hair dry and then puts on a soft pair of black, white-rimmed track shorts that he usually likes to lounge around in and ties the drawstring at his waist, no underwear underneath.

Jungkook did take him out on a breathtaking date the other day, just the two of them at the Aquarium and then they strolled along the riverbank at night, fingers interlaced. It had been so refreshing and romantic of Jungkook. He was even more handsome and charming than he already is that night. It got Taehyung so wet, so of course they fucked like crazy that night too.

"Neutralize these motherfuckers! The fuck are you dumb asses doing right now?"

Taehyung's eyebrow twitches, again. He grabs a loose hanging gray tank top out of the drawer and slips it on, the water on his skin getting the fabric a tiny bit damp.

Maybe he's being too clingy, but he can't help that he wants to spend time with Jungkook. It's not like the alpha ignores him completely when he's focused on his video games, but he also doesn't give him his full attention.

He would call Jimin to complain, but his best friend is probably too busy with his newborn baby boy to answer the phone, and just to hear Taehyung whine about.. nothing really. He'd rather not bother him. Jimin has only just had his pup a few weeks ago and Taehyung can only imagine his exhaustion. Not to mention, he doesn't want to get told off by Yoongi, Jimin's alpha, again, for keeping him on the phone for too long.

Yoongi's such an attentive alpha, always making sure Jimin can rest himself when their newborn's finally asleep. Taehyung thinks it's adorable, but he misses his friend.

And he missed Jungkook all day today, too.

He had gone out to the supermarket in order to restock their fridge while Jungkook went out with his friends Hoseok, Namjoon and Seokjin to the mall earlier today. When Jungkook got back he took a shower, turned on his PS4 and then plopped down in front of the TV, like he normally did on days that he had free time.

He glances over himself in the full-length mirror in their bedroom, skin wet but looking baby-smooth and fairly unblemished. He idly pushes his fingers through his hair, getting the blue locks out of his face.

His eyes widen at the loud slew of vulgarities and curses that string out of Jungkook's mouth next. Jungkook doesn't normally have such a foul vocabulary, unless they're having sex, or he's frustrated and upset. The alpha must be on a losing team.

Taehyung comes to the decision that instead of sulking about Jungkook being into his video game and not him, that he'll just go join him in the living room.

He leaves out of their bedroom, jumping over some clean laundry that's still in the process on getting sorted on the floor on his way out. He passes by the closed kitchen door and goes into the living room, strolling up behind the sofa that Jungkook's sitting on with a headset on his head, one ear uncovered.

He walks around the arm of the sofa and has to walk in front of Jungkook to get to his preferred spot beside him, the younger male tipping his head to the side to see pass him for a quick moment before Taehyung plops down next to him.

Jungkook's thumbs are skilled on the wireless controller, his eyes not even needing to look at the controls.

Taehyung leans his head against the solid muscle of Jungkook's bare bicep. He looks fucking sexy, pissed off at the game and his teammates and dressed in only a pair of gray sweatpants, shirtless.

He inhales his alpha's snowy and pine blended scent, as more of a comfort for himself and stares ahead at the battlefield on the HD flat screen. Jungkook's moving his character about the high grass and other players follow his lead. There's some military vehicles turned over and on fire as well. Taehyung isn't one for video games because he's not good at them, but watching others play them encourages him to learn. It looks like so much fun when you know what you're doing, that is. Jungkook teaches him sometimes when they play easier based games, but he wishes he could play intense ones like this.

He hears a voice come through on Jungkook's headset, although he can't really make out what the person says and Jungkook's muscles tense.

"Ooh, ooh," Jungkook utters in a way that Taehyung thinks is so hot, the alpha's stare checking out the words his own player sees written in blood on a concrete trapdoor he's stumbled upon. There's no enemy in sight, but Taehyung can tell he's anxious right now. "Praise the Devil to conquer this world, summon him with grace and your soul shall find him. He awaits you." He reads aloud, brows stringing together and his doe eyes blink. "I know they're not talking about Satan Satan? Better leave him where he's at, let him chill right down there." He says laughably with a tick of his head to the side, moving his character along. "We don't play that shit over here. Not today, Satan."

"You're so stupid." Taehyung laughs, tilting his head back slightly to look up at the side of Jungkook's face and Jungkook glances down at him like he's only just realized Taehyung's been here all this time.

"What are you doing? You don't need me for anything, do you?" Jungkook asks, eyebrow raising fondly.

Taehyung looks back at the TV. "No," He replies, his voice soft. "just watching you play."

Jungkook nods and returns his attention to the game, his nose twitching. "You smell good. Did you use my bodywash?" He likes it when he can smell Taehyung's scent mixed in with what he, himself usually smells like - soap wise.

"Yes," Taehyung blushes a little, settling his hand on Jungkook's thigh. "you don't mind, do you?"

"You know I don't, baby. I never do." Jungkook says, shooting at a couple of enemies that hop out from around a corner. "Shit, shit! ..You're still coming? You're still coming?" He repeatedly presses down on the buttons to shoot and roll on the ground at the same time, his jaw clenched. "Damn—I can't dodge it right now. It's too many bullets." He shouts, expression dire.

Taehyung smiles amusingly.

"Should I just go for it? Am I stupid for this?" Jungkook asks himself, running out from behind an abandoned tank while bullets are flying his way anyway. "I need back up or I'm dead. Where the fuck are you motherfuckers at? I'm getting lit up right now." He alerts into his microphone.

Taehyung hears other voices come in through the headset and it kind of interests him. When Jungkook's showed him how to play games in the past he's never tried it with a headset. It's probably more fun talking to other players.

"Somebody share their ammo with me," Jungkook demands, his thumb moving the analog stick. "I'm out."

"Can I try?" Taehyung asks him, leaning up off of Jungkook's arm and the alpha quirks a brow at him.

"Like, right now?"


"Taehyung, baby, you know I'm in the middle of a level," Jungkook goes onto explain lightly, glancing back at the TV. "I can't just switch over."

"Then die so that I can play." Taehyung pouts, grabbing onto his arm.

"Taehyung," Jungkook sighs, half not paying attention because he's shooting at multiple enemies at the moment. "I can't."

Taehyung huffs and crosses his arms, turning to the television brattily. His scowling eyes scout for the team's mission stars on the screen and when he locates it, he throws his hand out in front of him. "I mean, you're already failing. Die really quick." He urges him, tapping at his arm.

"No, Taehyung!" Jungkook groans.

"Please?" Taehyung whines, shaking him by the grip he has on his arm.


"Just one mission, Jungkook, and then I won't bother you anymore." He promises and Jungkook looks at him thoughtfully. "Please, baby?" Taehyung puts his hands together, giving him the best puppy-dog expression he can muster, his sweet, honeydew scent aiding him.

Jungkook, in the end, sighs defeatedly, turning back to the game and purposely throws himself in the line of fire until his player is dead. Taehyung grins, clapping his hands together out of excitement and Jungkook hands his controller and headset over to him.

Taehyung gets up after he puts on the headset, Jungkook eying him oddly before Taehyung plops down in his alpha's lap.

Jungkook shakes his head expectantly and reclines back against the sofa, his dick twitching. He saw how delectable his omega looked when he stood, the curve of his round, peachy ass in those shorts irresistible - now planted right on his crotch - and the tank top Taehyung wears is loose, almost revealing his nipples with every movement.

Jungkook's player restarts into the level, but Taehyung takes over. Even with the AC on in the house Jungkook still feels comfortably warm against Taehyung's body and he was beginning to feel kind of chilly anyway since he's letting himself air dry. The warmth and chill combined feels amazing though.

Taehyung kinks out his neck, ready to try his hand at the game. Then, he blinks and turns his head, taking a look back at Jungkook.

"You're not going to help me?" He suddenly inquires, a disappointed look on his face.

Jungkook shrugs, half-smirking at him. "You said you wanted to play as if you already knew what you were doing, Taehyung. Now you claim to want help? Quit being a brat tonight."

"You're so petty. Fine, be that way. I'll figure it out on my own, and probably do better than you." Taehyung does this indifferent shrug of his shoulders, turning back to the television.

Jungkook snorts comically, spreading his legs to get more comfortable underneath Taehyung.

Taehyung's kind of stiff as he holds the controller, uncertain of what to do. Where Jungkook's player has restarted it looks like a forest, a few trees on fire, it's raining and the sky's dark and cloudy.

Taehyung glances around, experimentally pushing buttons and making the character move. He fucks up the point of view by pushing a wrong button and Jungkook snickers, but eventually Taehyung figures out how to fix it back.

"Aye, what happened, bro? Why'd you purposely die like that?"

The voice that comes through the headset thrills Taehyung's ears, entertainment wise, and two other players surround his. He's really in here with other gamers right now. Cool!

"Just a heads up, I made my boyfriend kill himself in the last level so I'll be taking over for AlphaBunnyBoy97," Taehyung announces into the mic, knowing Jungkook's username by heart since he's peeped it multiple times before.

"Dude, are you serious? I can't believe he switched out on us!"

"He could've warned us!"

"As long as he didn't just leave us high and dry, we should be good."

"Yeah, we've still got a full squad."

Taehyung licks at his bottom lip, eying the controls for a moment before looking to the TV. There's a total of five other players on his squad and they're waiting on him. "Can someone tell me how to walk and run properly, which buttons?" He says into the mic and he hears a slew of sighs and curses. Taehyung's brow twitches. "Well excuse me for not being a pro-gamer fanatic," He sucks his teeth, taking a glance at the other players' usernames and all of them have alpha in some way, shape or form in their names. "What is this an 'alpha only' squad? Tell me I'm not the only omega in this group," He makes a face. How immature.

"Duh." Jungkook mutters from behind him and Taehyung rolls his eyes because he can hear the alpha through the headphones.

"Ohh, so you're an omega?" An intrigued, male voice comes through and then other voices question the same.

"Wait, really?"

"No wonder you sound so hot, omegas have the sweetest voices."

"Might not be so bad with an omega, I guess."

"I'm down."

Taehyung notices the change of tone in everyone's voices at the mention of him being an omega, his wolf kind of flattered and he smirks sweetly. Alphas are so easy. "Aw thanks for having me. I wonder, with so many skilled alphas here, which one of you can help this poor hopeless little omega," He puts on his best cutesy voice to get them wrapped around his finger.

Jungkook's eye twitches at the voice Taehyung's putting on for alphas that aren't him and his wolf feels kind of... bothered by it.

"Okay, I can help you! To walk normal pace you'll want to use the left analog stick,"

Taehyung looks down at his controller, testing it out.

"To move faster use the left analog stick and X." A different voice instructs him eagerly.

Taehyung tests that out next.

"Use R1 to take out your firearms."

"Yeah, and L2 is to duck and cover!"

"L1 is for stealth-mode."

"Triangle is for your first-aid kit, remember that-"

"Okay, wait wait," Taehyung breathes a laugh, loosening his posture and sitting up right on Jungkook's lap. "I can't follow along with so many smart and strong alphas telling me what to do at once." He purposely tries to make himself sound suggestive, thinking it's way too amusing to have this many alphas wrapped around his finger. How could he not fuck with them.

Jungkook's eye twitches, again.

"Fuck. I'm hard."

"Aish, I can't believe you just said that to the omega! Relax, dude!"

"Yeah, have a little respect!"

"Well I'm sorry that they sound hot as fuck! It's not my fault!"

Taehyung turns his mouth away from the mic and snickers. They're complete video game nerds, like Jungkook.

He gathers himself, inhales and starts to talk into the mic again. "All right, so can you guys help me. One at a time this time." He cautions them in a pleading voice, smiling. "I get overwhelmed by alphas a lot so please take it easy on me, okay?"

Jungkook sits there, watching Taehyung learn what controls are to do what from other alphas and feels like he should have showed him himself now. He hates that other alphas are teaching his omega all of this and that his omega is praising and thanking them for their help so docilely. Taehyung is not docile.

It's when Taehyung is finally beginning the mission after knowing the controls that he senses a hint of sourness in Jungkook's scent from behind him. He has an attitude about something, but hasn't said anything. Taehyung is kind of confused on what's wrong with him, but maybe he just wants Taehyung to hurry up and give him the controller and headset back.

He would have to wait like a patient boy if that's the case.

Taehyung has his player jump out of the van at the other players' command and they start shooting at the enemy team in the middle of a chaotic terrain. Taehyung flinches when he almost doesn't hit the right button in time to reload, but he's quick to bounce back and ambush enemy players.

"Ooh, look what we have here. Thought you could hide?" Taehyung jeers and then makes gun noises with his mouth, the machine gun he's using having no mercy on the two enemies covering behind their own vehicle. "Wooooh, it's cold out in these streets."

He's amped now.

Jungkook tilts his head, eyes unable to believe that Taehyung is actually playing well.

"Not even going to lie, why's the omega better than the boyfriend?" A guy laughs.

"Thought I was the only one!"

"Let's get it!"

"Why thank you," Taehyung grins, tucking and rolling behind a barricade to heal up. "I'm about to switch out for the AK." He utters, focused. "Watch my back for me, okay?"

Jungkook watches Taehyung play for an entirety of thirty minutes in insult, facial expression grimacing. Taehyung is damn near calling all of the shots for the squad and hasn't died once. How's he this good at it right now? Taehyung has never been good at games and normally eventually gives up after about ten minutes because he sucks so bad. There's no way he's better than him, and at a military based game. He would think it's twice as difficult as any other game to Taehyung.

"Oh they're rollin' deep," Taehyung bites down on his bottom lip as an enemy squad catches him off guard and he lets off a swarm of shots at them, tensing up. "Oh shit, you caught me at the right time, I'm handing out dick shots! Dick shots!" He laughs darkly, literally shooting the players of the opposing squad in their dicks and then his backup comes in.

"Nah, not in the dicks," 

A squad member remarks and two other alphas laugh.

"Wrong as fuck for that."

"We've gotta make the omega a permanent squad member, he's scary good!"

"You're so cute," Taehyung giggles at the flattery, his player trudging along with the squad through the forest. "sounds kind of tempting to be honest. I'm never this good."

Jungkook has a menacing glare on his face, ticked off. He's worked hard for his reputation and Taehyung in just a half an hour has completed more than two missions.

There's no way he could let him top him like this.

Taehyung's humming, rocking his hips from side to side on Jungkook's lap because he's so delighted. He likes being praised for his gaming skills, for once. Jungkook always told him he's trash at video games, even though he would often try to help him in the same breath.

Jungkook's gaze travels down Taehyung's defenseless back and stops where his ass is perched on his crotch. The smile that curves onto his lips is sly and he starts to adjust himself with Taehyung on top of him so that he's leaning back into the sofa at more of an angle.

"Is he already dead?" Taehyung questions, embarking on enemy territory and spotting a body laid out on the ground.

"Oh yeah, we came through here earlier, but we didn't get everybody."

"Eyes peeled, squad."

"They're probably hiding out."

"O-Oh," Taehyung makes an odd face when Jungkook's wrapping an arm around his middle and trying to make him lean back into his chest. Taehyung silently complies, leaning back into Jungkook's warm, bare solid chest and parts his legs the way Jungkook's are to get more comfortable. He likes the way he can feel the sculpt of Jungkook's abs against his lower back through the thin material of his tank top.

Jungkook lets Taehyung get deeper into the mission before making his move.

Taehyung has his player crawling on the ground through high grass in stealth-mode. The mission right now is not to make yourself visible or get caught as they gather enemy Intel. So it's quiet among their squad.

He's so focused that he almost doesn't notice the hand going up under his tank top, Jungkook's fingers caressing at the skin of his stomach. "What are you doing?" Taehyung asks him in a mumble, although not really paying him any mind.

"Nothing. Watching you play." Jungkook plays coy, trying to seem innocent.

Taehyung thinks nothing of it and the mission has his full attention.

Jungkook creeps his hand upward from the start of Taehyung's navel and goes across the plane of his chest to finger at the omega's nipple, the tip of his finger circling around it languidly before his finger and thumb close on the rosy bud.

Between Taehyung's brow flinches, his nipple starting to perk up at the attention. "Stop it," He laughs slightly, taking his hand off of the controller to swat at Jungkook's hand. "you'll ruin my focus."

"How? I'm not even doing much." Jungkook chuckles, tugging at the bud until it's nice and kind of puffy.

Taehyung pushes the microphone up from his mouth, a low whimper blooming from his throat, "You know I'm sensitive there, Jungkook."

"No," Jungkook retorts, moving his hand to Taehyung's other nipple and softly wiggling the barbell piercing through the pink skin with his thumb and finger and Taehyung bites back a moan. "you're sensitive here."

"Why do you have to do that right now though?" Taehyung whines, forcing himself to focus on the TV screen and moving the controls he's supposed to move as his team advances in their mission. "You're going to get me killed," He tightens his lips to keep himself from moaning out when Jungkook starts messing with the piercing more, tugging and squeezing on the skin it's pierced through.

Taehyung can sense that heat starting to pulse in his gut and through his cock, and the trickle of slick that comes slipping out of his hole, but he doesn't close his legs. Just ignore him, he'll stop. He adjusts the microphone back to his mouth, continuing on with the game. "Yeah? I'm here, where are we headed?" He asks after his squad starts asking if he's still there because his player stopped moving for a second.

Jungkook scowls, his mouth pursing at the muffled sound of his squad's voices talking to Taehyung. Taehyung's so diligent with them, giving all of his attention to unknown alphas. It's beginning to piss him off.

His dark, doe eyes go down Taehyung's body that's reclined against him and he reaches his hand down and full-on gropes his omega's dick, feeling that Taehyung's already stirred a bit hard.

"Ah?! Yah!" Taehyung shouts, his face going red and eyes squeezing shut. He's so loud he knows that the other gamers can hear him through the mic. "What the hell? You're doing this on purpose!" His eyes open in a glare as he tilts his head upward to look at Jungkook and his boyfriend's smiling down at him.

"Well it's not like you've moved to get off of my lap, Taehyung." He snorts, amused.

"That's because I thought you'd stop if I ignored you!" Taehyung grumbles through his teeth, Jungkook's fingers still toying with his nipple barbell under his shirt and other hand on his dick. He covers the mic so that no one can hear him. "I don't want to move because I'm comfortable, but you're making everything so difficult right now!" He complains, his body squirming out of frustration on top of Jungkook.

"It doesn't have to be difficult if you're that good at this game," Jungkook drawls, his tone jeering. "I was able to play just fine that time you blew me while I played Resident Evil, remember? But maybe you're good skill is just a fluke right now." He says simply, a sigh leaving him.

"Hey!" Taehyung's mouth falls open in offense. "I am that good. Better than you, even, from what they've told me."

Jungkook's indifferent. "Then ignore me."

"Fine," Taehyung turns his attention back ahead, uncovering the microphone. "I will, and I can."

Jungkook smirks wide now that Taehyung's not looking at him, rubbing on Taehyung's cock through his shorts. "Whatever."

"Ah, it's nothing," Taehyung grumbles into the mic because the others are concerned about the scream he let out. "it's just this stupid mutt I've got, he's always bothering me! Licking and tugging at me until I give him attention, so annoying."

Jungkook's alpha darkens at that.

A mutt?!

He narrows his eyes and rubs Taehyung through his shorts more firmly, determined to make him lose himself right now.

He's going to make him come so fucking hard.

Taehyung's hips twitch in urge to buck up into Jungkook's palm, but he fights the urge, focusing on the mission at hand in the video game.

Jungkook caresses the length of Taehyung's dick pressing through the front of his shorts, lightly tugging and flicking his finger back and forth over his pierced nipple and then the one without a piercing.

Taehyung's gaze grimaces at the pleasure warming him, more slick beginning to drip from his hole and dampen the fabric of his shorts.

"You're going the wrong way," Jungkook mentions casually, eying the TV as he inhales the lusty scent of Taehyung's arousal. He can smell that he's wet already, his honeydew aroma thick and rich, making his alpha salivate. Jungkook's own cock starts to stir and he licks over his lips. It's so easy for him to get Taehyung hard and wet.

"Shut up," Taehyung snaps, taking a glance at the map at the corner of the screen. Fuck. He is going the wrong way, but it's all Jungkook's fault. "I don't need.. your help," Jungkook takes his hand off of his cock. "... know what I'm doing," He blushes when Jungkook slides his shorts to the side and presses the pad of his finger onto his exposed and dripping hole, causing his eyes to flutter at the sensation.

Damn it.

"Oh, okay," Jungkook says, putting his focus down where he has Taehyung's shorts pulled aside and finding that Taehyung didn't put on underwear. His dick twitches again in his sweats and his finger's nudging at Taehyung's hole. "just letting you know." He presses there over and over again until more slick dribbles out and he smears it over Taehyung's rosy hole, making it glisten.

"Yah, omega! What're you doing? You're so off track right now!"

"Yeah, you're gonna get yourself killed separating from the squad like that!"

Taehyung barely registers the voices coming through his headset, his nostrils flaring and eyelids low. "Oh.. s-sorry," A shiver slithers up his back as he clumsily moves the analog stick to get back on the trail.

He can't let Jungkook win, but it feels so good. The way Jungkook's finger is circling his hole and pressing there but not actually going in. "Y-You're so unfair," He whines at Jungkook, his hips starting to buck against the finger between his cheeks.

"What? You can keep playing and just ignore me, like you said." Jungkook chuckles, pulling Taehyung's shorts aside some more for better access. They're pretty loose and stretchy, he doesn't even need to hold them to the side once they're stretched to his liking.

"You fucking prick," Taehyung curses, his voice low and breathy. "You know I can't-"

Jungkook sinks a single finger into Taehyung, his hot walls tight around it and his mouth parts wondrously at the sensation clamping his finger.

"Aa-" Taehyung bites down on his bottom lip, his head falling back against Jungkook's shoulder. He almost forgot about the fucking mic on the headset!

"How is it I fucked you last night and you're still this tight?" Jungkook mumbles, adjusting himself so that he can lean forward some more in order to watch his finger work itself inside of Taehyung's hole. The deeper he sinks his finger in, the more slick that dribbles out around the digit and Taehyung's scent grows sweeter, smoldering and clogging Jungkook's senses. His dick is pulsing to hardness by the minute as he loses himself in pulling his finger almost all the way out of the omega and then back in. He's so damn tight, but soft and squishy inside. He had to have fingered himself at some point today, with one finger at least because he knows what it feels like when Taehyung's been playing with himself. Taehyung's got small, dainty fingers so he can barely open himself up anyway.

"H-Hah," A small moan spills from Taehyung, catching Jungkook's attention.

He'd been too intrigued with Taehyung's tightness to realize that the omega's stopped playing the game, the back of his hand at his pillowy lips and eyes dazed over. Jungkook takes his glance off of him amusingly, and with his finger casually stroking along Taehyung's slippery insides, he points the finger of his other hand at the TV. "Hey, you've stopped moving. If you don't keep up with your squad you'll die, Taehyung," He remarks purposefully, eying his player.

He's right in the middle of enemy territory.

Taehyung breathes in, his eyes flickering to the screen as he raises his head. Fuck, he's losing his grip and it's only one finger. He glares, his thumbs moving quick to throw his player out of the way of an oncoming missile. It's just Jungkook's fingers are each so thick, but slender. Structured in such a fulfilling way. He's got phenomenal hands, Taehyung loves them, and Jungkook knows that. They reach way deeper than Taehyung's own fingers.

He licks over his lips, swallowing down. "Guys.., I think..., someone else should take over. I-I'm not doing too good on this mission," He manages to get out, raising his feet to settle them on Jungkook's knees so that his legs are spread open wider. Why the fuck he did that, he doesn't fucking know. His body moved on it's own.

His teammates start going off and questioning his decision in his ears, which Taehyung finds very annoying right now. "I said I can't!" He yells, his brows scrunched in in irritation. "What's the big deal? You're all alphas! Probably a lot more skilled at this than me!"

Jungkook pretends he's not taking pleasure in the fit Taehyung's throwing at his gamer friends as he watches himself push the pad of his second finger against Taehyung's rim next to his first one that's already inside.

Since Taehyung's legs are up now he can see better, Taehyung's hard cock confined in the shorts and straining against the fabric, precum soaking through the front.

"We can't just switch our leader, omega! That's not how this works!"

"Yeah, you were doing fine just a while ago!"

Taehyung groans and whimpers, his hands gripping tighter onto the controller because he knows it's about to be over for him when Jungkook puts another finger in, but he plays it off as frustration towards his teammates. "W-Well I'm not doing fine right now-" His jaw slacks, a sheen of goosebumps glazing his skin when Jungkook begins to sink a second finger in and he feels his walls spreading. "Ugh, fuck." He utters under his breath, his eyes rolling up his head.

"Seriously! All of our trust is in you right now, at least until the mission is complete. Then we can swap leaders, but right now there is no way!"

Taehyung doesn't argue anymore, not because he feels like he can get through the level, but because Jungkook's fingers in his ass take all of the fight out of him. He tries to focus from then on, he really does, but Jungkook is reaching deep and caressing what feels like every gland inside of him. Taehyung's panting at this point, his body hot and slick just spilling out of him and onto his boyfriend's sweats. The annoying thing is, Jungkook is just toying with him, not touching is prostate at all.

He took a look at him a couple of times and the alpha is just watching the television screen as he's fingering him, like it's a very easy thing to multitask at. Just has his fingers in his ass as if he's something to keep them warm.

"S-Shit," Taehyung curses, realizing he's using too much ammo on a single enemy after he's already killed them. He can't focus properly and he'd been struggling to keep himself from moaning. He faintly winces, Jungkook's fingers slipping in and out of him, lazily. He can hear how fucking wet he is, the pads of Jungkook's fingers dragging along his walls.

Jungkook idly sinks the two fingers in deep at the same time, eyes still on the TV.

Taehyung gasps and squeezes down on the digits, his thumbs on the analog sticks stilling.

Jungkook turns his face away from the TV and blinks at Taehyung, like the omega doesn't look half-wrecked. "Why'd you stop? The mission's almost done." He rubs on Taehyung's cock again with his other hand, the omega bucking into it. The front of Taehyung's shorts are sticky now because of how much precum is seeping through them, Jungkook's palm smearing the come even more over the fabric.

Taehyung grunts back another moan, his bottom lip red from how much he's bitten at it. They're.. going to hear him. He drops his head back against Jungkook's shoulder in defeat. "You... win." He admits in a whisper.

"Huh?" Jungkook raises an eyebrow, squirming his fingers around and palming Taehyung's cock at the same time. "I win?"

Taehyung bites back a whine, a shudder of pleasure rumbling throughout his entire body. "Y-You.. win, okay?"

Jungkook makes a face, turning his gaze down onto Taehyung's hole. "I wasn't trying to win anything."

"Jungkook..," Taehyung utters in a whimper, Jungkook not letting up on stroking his cock through his shorts. "please," He takes a hand off of the controller to grasp his bicep, lifting his head.

"Please, what?" Jungkook's doe eyes are sinister as they lock Taehyung's.

"Tell me.. h-how to turn off the mic already," Taehyung pants, feeling the third finger prodding at his rim. "Please! They're going to hear," He begs, panicking because he can't keep himself together anymore.

"Hmph." Jungkook pouts his lips. "Maybe you should ask them for help like before, Taehyung." He starts to sink his third finger in, taking his hand off of Taehyung's cock.

"I'm sorry, okay! I'm sorry I took over your game and flirted with your damn game nerd friends!" He finally yells with harsh breaths, his cheeks flushing and Jungkook is quick to unplug the headset from the controller before he plunges his third finger all the way into Taehyung's hole, stuffing him. "Hnngh...!" Taehyung's moan hitches in his throat, his palm going to his temple. Jungkook finally hit that spot inside of him, his walls clenching down and he didn't have the time to anchor himself.

Jungkook's other hand grips hard at the inside of Taehyung's thigh to keep him from squirming too much as he witnesses the way Taehyung's rosy pink hole is stretched around his fingers and glossy with slick, that at this point is just flooding pass his knuckles in globs. "Damn, Taehyung. Look at how wet you are. You've soaked through my sweatpants, you know." Jungkook voices remarkably, his tone smug and a moan stutters pass Taehyung's lips. "Such an easy omega with a hole so tight, but it gets this wet for an alpha to fuck right into. That's too dangerous, baby."

"O-Only for you," Taehyung keens, drool gathering at the corner of his plump lips and Jungkook glides over his prostate. His feet planted firmly on the material of Jungkook's sweats, he starts to rock his hips against the fingers bringing him an insane amount of pleasure. "Only get this wet for you—Ugh w-want your cock in my fucking throat. Want you to choke me with it," He whimpers, biting down on his lip.

"Aw that's what you want, baby? Want to choke on my cock like my personal whore?" Jungkook chuckles darkly with a wiggle of his fingers, the way Taehyung's moving against him bringing friction to his own straining cock. "Until you're snotting and crying on it, huh? Just the way you like it?"

"Yesss, oh my God," Taehyung moans high and circles his hips, slipping his hand in through the side of his tank top to tug at his own pierced nipple. "I want you to destroy my throat with your fat alpha cock," He breathes, licking over his lips.

"Don't you always?" Jungkook mutters lightly and crooks his fingers, aiming for Taehyung's prostate and starts fucking them into the gland like he would if he was using his own cock.

"—A-Aahh?!" Taehyung cries out in surprise, the controller falling from his trembling grip and onto the carpet.

Jungkook focuses on the task of finger-fucking Taehyung like it's sport, his jaw tense.

"Holy shit, Jungkook..!" Taehyung shrieks, raising his hips involuntarily to try and angle himself but Jungkook brings him back down by the clutch he has on his thigh. His eyes flutter as the alpha speeds up the drive of his wrist, his thighs that are glistening and covered in his own slick beginning to quiver. "Fuck, fuck, fuck!" He pants out unbelievably and then sucks his bottom lip into his mouth, watching Jungkook finger-fuck him so skillfully. "O-Oh my God," He reaches around and buries his fingers into Jungkook's dark hair in urge to grip onto something. He tosses his head back against Jungkook's shoulder, his jaw going slack.

Then, his cock throbs painfully.

"I can feel that you're about to come," Jungkook grunts, the muscles in his arms just as determined as he is to get Taehyung off with only his fingers. It wouldn't be the first time.

"Ngh!" Taehyung's eyes widen, his head snapping up at the intense sensation of Jungkook mercilessly pummeling his prostate and tears peak in his eyes, his breathing strickened. "N-No," His legs start to shake the faster Jungkook fingers him, all three digits hitting his prostate on the mark every time they fuck into him, breaking down the dam inside of him.

"Why 'no'? You don't want me to make you come, Taehyung?" Jungkook glances at him, a thrill thrumming through him.

"A-Aahn!" Taehyung chokes out a sob and watches the alpha fuck him, unable to think of anything but the strength of Jungkook pumping his fingers in and out of him, the power of it vibrating through his bones, the veins in Jungkook's wrist and arm protruding.

Jungkook starts fucking his fingers into his omega at breakneck-speed, causing Taehyung to seize up and his entire body to start shaking uncontrollably. Taehyung tries to close his legs involuntarily, but Jungkook still has a grip on his thigh, forcing them to stay open. "Keep your legs open for alpha. No running, baby." He reprimands with a slight growl.

"Aaaaah, Jungkook! P-Please..!" Taehyung shakily reaches for Jungkook's wrist and manages to grab it, but that does nothing to stop Jungkook from further assaulting his poor prostate.

"You're coming?"

"It's t-too much, it's too much.. i-it's too much! J-Jungkook!" Taehyung blubbers, the highs of his cheeks flushed a deep pink, nostrils flared and watery gaze losing focus. The loud squelching of his slick and Jungkook's throaty voice coaxing him to come is what makes Taehyung's grasp falter from Jungkook's wrist and a honeyed wail to burst from him. "Aaaagh!—Comingggg!"

Jungkook licks over his lips, his alpha preening because he knows he's the only one who can get Taehyung like this.

"—Nghhhhh!" A surge of slick comes squirting out from around Jungkook's fingers and simultaneously Taehyung ejaculates from his cock, his hips arching up into the air.

"Fucking sexy," Jungkook continues to fuck him through his orgasm, slick gushing out everywhere and down his arm. Taehyung's shaking and convulsing on top of him, the omega's foot slipping off of his leg.

"Aah, u-ugh!" Taehyung's blinded by bliss, his grip on Jungkook's hair tight and body wrecked with trembles and convulsions as he sobs and Jungkook continues to rub on his prostate. He struggles against Jungkook's powerful hold, his body trying to arch up off of him and a weak, strangled cry of helplessness erupts from his throat. "Aaaahhhh!"

Jungkook starts to slow his wrist, slick still gushing out of Taehyung's hole, the omega's hips jerking. Taehyung orgasms for a whole minute at least and Jungkook thrusts his fingers lazily, panting himself.

Taehyung eventually goes limp, his body twitching from overstimulation and his eyes flinching. He can't hear, feels like he has cotton stuffed in his ears and his sight won't focus.

Jungkook snickers softly, thrusting his fingers back into Taehyung's prostate just for the fun of it and Taehyung lets out a pained whimper.

Taehyung pants difficultly as he comes down from his high and quickly grabs onto Jungkook's wrist, trying to push it away because he feels too sensitive. Jungkook tries it again, Taehyung knows just to bully him some more, and he winces. "Nuhnh..," He shakes his head, shoving at Jungkook's wrist seriously and the alpha complies by sliding his fingers out.

Jungkook lowers his head to take a better look at his handiwork and Taehyung's glistening hole is gaped, the rim flushed a shade pinker than usual and a bit swelled. It looks so pretty and appetizing.

Taehyung feels like jelly against Jungkook's chest, his panting growing quiet.

"You okay?" Jungkook asks, his voice tender and Taehyung gives barely a nod, obviously still kind of out of it. The game on the television screen displays that, obviously, Taehyung died and slowly Jungkook begins to move from where they are on the sofa, wrapping an arm around Taehyung's middle as he rises, getting a whine out of him and then he lies the omega down on the sofa. The entire front of his gray sweatpants are soaked through, his hard dick straining against the fabric. It feels like heaven, being soaked in Taehyung's slick and his alpha's riled. Every inch of the living room smells completely of Taehyung, Jungkook loves it.

Jungkook gazes at Taehyung as the omega rubs his hands over his face, lying on his back with his still trembling legs stretched out. Taehyung still has the headset on so he looks really hot, like a fucked out gamer boy.

"Mm," Taehyung breathes in and takes off the headset, the orgasm he just had leaving him in a daze. "W-Wow,.." He runs his hands through his strewn, ultramarine blue hair, turning on his side to look at Jungkook through low eyes. "your fingers are dangerous," He smiles, a slurred giggle leaving him and Jungkook winks at him, bringing his fingers still covered in Taehyung's slick to his mouth and licking at them. "You're amazing, deserve to get your dick sucked anytime you want." He blushes, turning onto his stomach.

"I-" Jungkook freezes when his eyes fall on the floor in front of the sofa, then his mouth's dropping open and he rushes to pick up 'his baby!' "Aw no, Taehyung!"

Taehyung raises his eyebrow, idly lifting his leg up behind him. "What?"

Jungkook looks devastated, standing up to show him his controller utterly dripping in slick, his mouth still hanging open. "Damn it, come on!"

Taehyung sets the headset aside, between his brows furrowing. "Well don't act like it's my fault. Just use your other one."

"But this is my favorite one, Taehyung. I can't j-just pick the other one." Jungkook frowns, closing his eyes because he's actually upset about it.

"Oh my God," Taehyung laughs out in disbelief, watching him. "I can't believe you're complaining about that when I should be the one complaining." He says and Jungkook pouts at him as if he has no idea what he's talking about. "Jungkook, look at the carpet!" He points down to the area in front of the sofa, his slick already soaking into the carpet. "that has to get cleaned up, and the sofa's kind of wet too. Not to mention my shorts are soaked right now."

Jungkook grimaces in realization of the clean up they'll have to do. "Ahh," He groans, hanging his head low.

"And I just took a shower." Taehyung adds, lying his head down. "I shouldn't even have to be the one to clean it up because you're the one who made me do it," He mumbles through his pouty lips. "Alpha told me I couldn't run away."

Jungkook whimpers defeatedly, cursing himself.

His jealousy definitely screwed him over this time.


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