Apparition (Vento Aureo x Rea...

็”ฑ PlentyOfSprinkles

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"It's a good day to be a ghost." In which a girl lives out her best life despite the worst. Part 1 Started 9... ๆ›ดๅคš

Don't Let Being A Dumb Bitch Keep You From Achieving Your Dreams
Fucking Loser Sits In a Tree All By Herself
Well Well Well If It Isnt The Problems I Tried To Escape By Taking A Nap
4:20? Looks Like It's Time To Praise To Jesus
I Dont Have To be Drunk Or High To Make Bad Life Decisions
I May Be Dyslexic But I can Still Spell Fuck You
Its Been Fun But I'm Gonna Go Cry Now
Not Now Sweaty, Mommy's Cyberbullying
And Then They Sent Me Like Seven Pictures Of My Stand's Ass
Gotta Look Cute So They Forget You Don't Know Basic Math
Cant See The Haters Through My Tears (Nice Try Though)
Call Me An Escalator Because I Let People Down
I Can't Believe I Put On My Good Crocs For This
Its Either Bitch Or Be Bitched
You Might Have Dinner Reservations But I Have Social Anxiety
I Got All This Panic And Not One Invitation To The Disco
Wear Heelies To Escape Your Feelies
Sometimes You Just Gotta Macarena Through The Anxiety
There's Holes In My Crocs So My Swag Can Breath
Can't Spell 'Disconected From Society' Without Disco
No Flesh No Brain But Still In Pain (Halloween Special)
My Grandma Bullies Me Through The Ouija Board
I Dont Need Love I Need To Go Back To Sleep
Just You Wait Until My Therapist Hears Of This
Y'all Can't See My Tears If I Keep Rollerblading Away
When Life Falls Apart Just Kick It Under The Fridge So No One Notices
Different Day And Same Dumb Bitch
All These Flavors And You Choose To Be Salty
Eat The Spaghetti To Forgetti Your Regretti
I'm In Spain But The S Is Silent
I Want To Suffocake Myself
It's Alright Password I'm Insecure As Well
Took The Breaks Off My Scooter Cause The Swag Never Stops
Depressed But Well Dressed
Why Do I Need A Watch When It's Always My Time
Jazz Hands My Way Through Hell
Take Me Out Of The Oven Because I'm So Done
The Lion, The Witch, And The Audacity Of This Bitch
Bippity Boppity Back The Fuck Up
It's Okay, I'm Not My Type Either
Kiss? No Thanks I'm Saving My Lips For The Sweet Kiss Of Death
All The Dummy And None Of The Thicc
Will You Yeet Today Or Will Today Yeet You
My Professional Strength Is Spontaneous Screaming
Coke? Nah, I'm Here For The Brocaine
Have You Tried Speaking To The Manager Within
Sorry But I Don't Do Sinners. I Dont Care How Thicc Your Ass Is
Time Flies When You Dont Know What The Fuck Is Going On
I Seemed To Have Misplaced My Mental Stability
Looks Like It's Time To Isolate Myself From Everyone Who Cares About Me
Merry Crisis
Eat A Healthy Breakfast So You Can Run From The Cops
No Matter How Hard I Try I Cant Eggscape The Pain
If I Stay In Bed My Vibes Are Safe
Sorry But Being Sexy And Bitter Is My Default Setting
I'm One More Minor Inconvience Away From Losing My Shit
I Took A Tylenol But It Still Hurts To Be Alive
I'm Going To Hell Y'all Want Anything
I Only Accept Apologies In Cash
I'm Too Thicc To Do Anything Half-Assed
Sorry I Slipped On My Own Tears
On The Outside I Skrrt Skrrt But On The Inside I Hurt Hurt
No Matter What, You Can't Scrub Away The Pain
Every Living Thing Dies Alone
I Cry A Lot For Someone Who Doesn't Even Hydrate
My Life Is Falling Apart But At Least I Have Rad Socks
It May Be Friday But It's Not My Day
Don't Do Drugs Do Me Instead
My Anxiety Is Chronic But This Ass Is Iconic
Social Media Fucked The Streets Up More Than Crack In The 80's
Superiority Complex? I'm Just Better Than You, Nothing Complex About It.
I Drink Espresso To Cure My Depresso
I May Be Pathetic But At Least It's Aesthetic
Fuck Nudes, Send Me A Therapist
I Can't Go To Hell I'm Out Of Vacation Days
I'm Turning Myself Into A Board Game Since Y'all Want To Play Me
I Put The Bi In Bitch
Even With All Those Years In The Closet, You Still Have No Sense Of Fashion
I Take Super Hot Showers To Practice Burning In Hell
I Ask For Snuggles And All I Get Are Struggles
I Got My Shit Together But It's Still Shit
Life Is One Big Dumpster Fire And I'm Just Trying To Make S'mores
I Sexually Identify As A Mistake
Gingersnap My Fucking Neck
I'm Not Actually A People Person I'm Just An Attention Whore
Question Corner UwU
I May Be A Dumb Bitch But I Ain't Fucking Stupid
hI WeLcOmE tO cHiLiS
Physically Thicc Mentally Sick
I Always Carry A Map So These Bitches Know Exactly Where They Got Me Fucked Up
If You Can't Run From Your Problems You're Not Running Fast Enough
I Have A Heart Full Of Love And A Head Full Of Dumb
I Only Break A Sweat When I'm Running Away From My Problems
Both My Emotional Wellbeing And My Bank Account Are Very Low
Not To Quote Britney Spears But You're Toxic
Splish Splash Your Opinion Is Trash
How Can I Be At Rock Bottom If I'm A Top
For All The People Who Doubted Me, You Were Right
This Would Not Have Happened if I Just Stayed In Bed
They're Called Heelys Because They Heal the Pain
I'm Extremely Ravilonely
I Use A Barbie Shovel To Bury My Feelings
If You Blast Kids Bop You Never Have To Hear Your Inner Demons
If You Think My Room Is A Mess You Should See The Rest Of My Life
My Neck, My Back, My Crippling Anxiety Attack
A Bitch Needs A Cuddle
Haven't Lost My Virginity Because I Never Lose
All I Peel Is Sadness
Sleeping Is Good For You So I'm Going To Sleep Forever
Ree Kill Me
Why Open Your Legs When You can Open The Bible
I Should Be A Baseball Pitcher Cause I'm Hella Good At Throwing My Life Away
Sure You Have The Horse In The Back But Do You Have Jesus At The Wheel
I Can Wash Dirt Out Of My Hair But Not My Soul
Jesus Is Back And He's Not Crucifucking Around
The Only Thing I'm Fucking Is Stupid
My Favorite Hobby Is Pretending I Have My Shit Together
If Someone Looks Down On You, Trip Them
Only Crippling Anxiety Keeps Me From Murder
I Want My Life To Be H2Over
Why, I'd Be Delighted To Put My Needs Last Again
Someone Has To Be The One To Set A Bad Example, And That Someone Is Me
If I Agreed With You, We Would Both Be Wrong.
Alas, There Is No Fruit On My Fuck Tree
Everyone Has A Creative Outlet, I Stuck A Metal Fork Into Mine
There is no god.
My Life Is Held Together With Pink Leopard Print Duck Tape
Opium For My Copeium
If Life Is A Simulation, Please Turn It Off
I Wanna Be Yeehawed Into The Sun
I Put The Sad In Quesadilla
Sure You Have The Horse In The Back But Do You Have Jesus At The Wheel
I Dont Burn Calories I Burn Bridges
I Don't Need A Significant Other, Just A Significant Income
My Body Is A Temple, The Architect Was Just Drunk
Waiting For A Demon To Possess Me So I Can Take A Break From Life
You're Funny Because Your Life Is A Joke
I Got 99 Problems And I Caused All Of Them
La Squadra Ending
Abbacchio Ending
Bruno Ending
Mista Ending
Narancia Ending
Fugo Ending
Giorno Ending
Trish Ending
Canon Ending
Lock Your Fucking Doors, I'm Coming.

I May Be Radical But I Am Also Sadical

1.8K 155 32
็”ฑ PlentyOfSprinkles

"Tell La Squadra to bring their informant. There are many people whom I need to test their loyalty, and I have a bad feeling about him." Giorno brushed a hand over his mouth, reading up on the stone mask from what little they could procure out of the wary eyes of Polnareff. Apparently, the Narcotics team was trying to get their hands on it, so they knew just what they were told. They knew the location, and they knew the consequences. That was it, but that was enough for Giorno to cook up a plan. "I want to speak with him soon."

"Right now? You're meeting with the Capos today, aren't you?" Mista yawned, flipping his gun around his finger. Trish was out at a few companies to try and fulfill her dream of becoming a popstar, and Bruno would join with the others. He was a full fledged Capo and the Don's right hand, and with the absence of Fugo, Abbacchio became his second in command. Narancia and Mista have appointed the title as the Don's personal bodyguards, and Polnareff took the title of babysitter and left hand. That left (Y/N), the informant. So far, everyone has done their job splendidly. Including, the son of Nunzio Pericolo.

The son of the deceased Capo that risked his life for the mob has too, decided to give his life to Passione. As the Capos were unsure about the new appearance of their Don, Gianluca Pericolo had gathered their worries and shit on them. He was probably one of the only reasons that they all have banded together and accepted their Don's position. For this reason, Giorno has asked her to formally invite him to inherit his father's territory and title.

Gathered in a villa created to host extravagant parties, Giorno sat at the back of the room, perched on top of the plush red and gold seat as if a king looking among his subjects. These were the men that swear loyalty to his entire soul and being, their Don. one by one, they kissed his hand, a symbol of respect from an underling.

Risotto did it reluctantly, more focused on the figure in the back of the room, hidden in the corner. (Y/N). She didn't communicate with anyone, and she was more just surveying the area. It didn't seem to be that anyone noticed her.

Last up, was Bruno. This would be quick, since from the beginning, Bruno has done almost everything for the sake of Giorno's dream. It just so happened to coincide with his.

"Hey, we don't have to do that too, right?" Narancia whispered, watching the last of the Capos exit the building. "That's embarrassing."

"Nah, he already knows we're on his side!" Mista laughed nervously, eyes darting around the room. It was obvious that neither of them wanted to and that would hold true for most of the rest of the team. "Right Giorno??"

"There's no need." He waved it off, chuckling softly at their antics. He almost had to remind himself that they were trained and dangerous Stand users, even if they really were just teenagers. The other teenager, however, was happily leaving her post to go meet up with La Squadra's Capo. There better be only a single reason for that, and it should be strictly business.

"Formaggio is healing up enough, but the others are still teasing him as the only one who actually got their ass beat by a teen girl." Risotto leaned against the wall of the villa, watching (Y/N) slide down and rest her cheek on her fist. She hasn't been able to visit with all the preparations and changes they have been making, from spreading rumours to helping create their next plans of action, it's all very annoying to do. This is why she didn't want to be boss, there's so much stuff to do and so little reward. What does she get? Nothing, and even if she did, she doesn't have any time to enjoy it. Granted, Everyone else was equally as busy as her and things would die down soon enough. They only had to wait it out.

"Yes but the teen girl is me, so he should be cut some slack." With a lighthearted chuckle, she plucked a dandelion from the ground, brushing the delicate yellow petals before flicking it away. Pausing, something behind them was heading their way. Giorno's soul, oh no- "Did you bring the informant?"

"He is on his way, but he will be here shortly." His reply was curt, if not a little confused. That is, until Giorno joined their little conversation. "Boss."

"Risotto." Giorno glanced at his informant. (Y/N) shook her head. "Tell him not to keep the Don Of Passione waiting. I said I wanted to speak with him soon."

"He's on his way, shouldn't be too long," she reassured him with a dismissive hand. Her little soul thing was getting handy, at least enough that she could sort of read a person with it. It was accurate once she could understand it, but that's easier said than done. Still, Giorno was a patient man, she knew that outright. That's a good thing. After all, Cannolo Murolo was all the way in Rome. It would take more than a few minutes to come. "Narcy, stat. You sense anybody?"

"Most of the Capo's left, and Bruno's on his way up." If you were to ask how he could tell it was Bruno, it's because he had the habit of patting the airplane's head when it passed by, so he's learned to associate the two. "There's a few lingering at the base to have a smoke, and there's one person approaching."

"(Y/N), you're up." Giorno snapped his fingers, sending her off on another little trip. He watched her whine and slump onto the ground before begrudgingly standing up and languidly stalking forward. Making her way to the fence that surrounds the hill, she jumped off the steep edge, not batting an eye to the slippery, loose rocks or thorny bushes. If they were regular people, they might've been worried. Thankfully, they are all assholes with Stands, and can see the work of SCF at play, ensuring her master isn't harmed. Or, is only harmed at a bare minimum. "I really wish she would stop doing that."

"Should I send the pistols after her?" Mista raised his gun, his six little stand people cheering with excitement. They didn't get to do a lot of missions. Just paperwork and meetings and figuring out how to fix the fifteen year economic wreck that was Passione. Sure, his desktop was organized, but it was sort of obvious that he didn't care about his mafia all that much. "I can make sure she isn't dead or anything."

"She'll be fine." They waved it off. Right. Mista forgot; She just couldn't fucking die. It's either lucky or very unlucky of her, but so be it. She didn't seem to care either way. They had bigger problems, namely, the rival team. But how? You might ask. The Bucci gang already won, they have the throne! The control of an entire mafia and the support of the highly elusive Speedwagon Foundation! But that is incorrect, because there was one thing they couldn't have because not only was it illegal it was ethically immoral. (Y/N). Neither of them could take her like an object, it was more of two parents fighting over a child, two families over a dog, or two immature schoolgirls fighting over the hot new transfer student. The last one was the most accurate however. She was the breath of fresh air so rare in the Mafia, after all.


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