A Light in the Darkness Book:...

Por Bastion86

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In a dark world those who hold light hold power. Humanity thrives due to guidance from the Order of Flame Wea... Más

Prologue: The Web of Fate
Chapter One: The Ember
Chapter Two: The Empress
Chapter Three: The Thief in the Alley
Chapter Four: Chance Encounters
Chapter Five: The Jester's Tale
Chapter Six: Lessons at the Sanctuary
Chapter Seven: A Bad Day at the Palace
Chapter Eight: Trouble in Low Town
Chapter Nine: Convalescence
Chapter Ten: An Imperial Dinner
Chapter Eleven: The Great Palace Heist: Part One, Getting In
Chapter Twelve: The Great Palace Heist: PART II, Getting Out
Chapter Thirteen: Revelations from an Emperor
Chapter Fourteen: The Aftermath
Chapter Fifteen: The Departure
Chapter Sixteen: Campfire Tales
Chapter Seventeen: Bedside Manners
Chapter Eighteen: Finding a Lord Mayor, Part I
Chapter Nineteen: Finding a Lord Mayor, Part II
Chapter Twenty: Everyone Expects The Inquisition
Chapter Twenty One: The Old Pinemist House
The Web of Fate: Part II
Interlude: The Great Chocolate Fudge Cake Conspiracy
Chapter Twenty-Two: At the Crossroads
Chapter Twenty-Three: The Jester Has No Shoes
Chapter Twenty-Four: The One-Eyed Man
Chapter Twenty-Five: The Candy Man Can
Chapter Twenty-Six: A Night on the Town
Chapter Twenty-Seven: A Family Affair
Chapter Twenty-Eight: The Sentinel Flame
Chapter Twenty-Nine: The Mountain Beetle Prairie
Chapter Thirty: Pleasant Conversations
Chapter Thirty-One: I fought the Law
Chapter Thirty-Two: And the Law Won
Chapter Thirty-Three: The Thief and the Joker
Chapter Thirty-Four: The Return
Chapter Thirty-Five: Sent out the Flares
Chapter Thirty-Six: What You Are In The Dark: Part I
Chapter Thirty-Seven: The Lady of Peaks Pass
Chapter Thirty-Eight: Stone Walls
Chapter Thirty-Nine: The Grey Warrior
Chapter Forty: The Inner Fire
Chapter Forty-One: The Minister of War
Chapter Forty-Two: Festival Chores
Chapter Forty-Three: The Endgame
Chapter Forty-Four: What You are in the Dark: Part II
Chapter Forty-Six: Ways and Means
Chapter Forty-Seven: The Eye of the Storm
Chapter Forty-Eight: Rising Flames
Chapter Forty-Nine: The Threshold of Victory
Chapter Fifty: That Quiet Little Voice
Chapter Fifty-One: City of Darkness
Chapter Fifty-Two: The Diverging Paths
Chapter Fifty-Three: Simon Says
Chapter Fifty-Four: Mopping Up
Chapter Fifty-Five: The End is Nigh
Chapter Fifty-Six: Imperial Justice
Chapter Fifty-Seven: As the Wind Blows
Epilogue: The Web of Fate: Part Three

Chapter Forty-Five: Controlled Chaos

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Por Bastion86

Nick raced through the hustle of festival goers to find the supply depo. Carriage traffic was nearly at a standstill because of the massive number of pedestrians. Therefor, he had to weave through most of the crowds on foot. By the time, he arrived at the depo, the sun had begun to dip. He was almost definitely past the deadline. A young dark-haired Flame Weaver was standing outside the door.

"You're Drake, right?" he greeted awkwardly. "Festus inside there?"

"Yeah. He made me keep watch," the kid replied. "You go in. They're getting impatient."

Great, Talia was already inside too. He thanked Drake and quickly entered the building. There were a few other young Flame Weavers milling about a boy and a girl. He didn't recognize them, but then he spotted a familiar figure. Simon. He greeted the Bright Flame with a firm handshake.

"Long time no see. You've gotten bigger since last time. Any progress on your studies?"

"A bit. I work a little here and there. Try to avoid any political entanglements."

"A difficult prospect," Nick admitted. "I just saw your mom earlier. She's been having a rough time of it. I'm not sure why Festus thought it'd be a good idea to bring you along for this."

"He needed someone to act as a witness for the ceremony. I volunteered."

The jester scratched his head confused. "Why did your friends tag along then?"

"Well, Drake is here to watch the door incase of interruption. Nadia and Hiro came along to help you and Talia get changed."

A look of dread crossed the jester's visage. "You can't possibly mean..."

"Oh, I do," Festus intoned, stepping up the stairs from the practice area. "Your bride-to-be has already been fitted into the ceremonial wedding vestments and now it's your turn."

It'd been a long time since he'd attended a wedding. Part of him hoped Festus would forgo this tradition due to the rushed nature of the proceeding. No such luck. He soon found himself ushered into a cramped corner behind a few shelves where Hiro helped him into the wedding robes. They were frilled, pink and a bother to move around in. There were several pieces of the vestments which required assistance to properly fit on.

Once he was fully dressed, they checked everything in an old mirror. He looked like a flower, or a swirling ball of fire if the flames just happened to be pink. He marched down to the practice area as best he could. Talia was dressed similarly to him and though she probably felt ridiculous, she'd never looked more beautiful.

Festus insisted on doing everything by the book. He said the ceremony had to be unimpeachable. Whatever that meant. As such, he had a copy of the Blazing Path, their scripture, laid out on a portable iron lectern before him. A small brass cauldron of incense on raised stand stood in front the lectern.

"Before we begin, you must cleanse yourselves in the sight of the Ancestors." The Flare waved his hand dramatically and the incense burst to flames; the fragrance filling the roo,m. "You shall now conduct the purging." He ushered Simon forward and he handed them both slips of paper.

Talia took the paper but seemed confused by the whole process. "You're not really gonna make us do this?" Nick asked.

"What's going on?" she leaned in to ask him.

"It's this thing my grandparents used to have me do. We write down our screw-ups and toss it the fire. I haven't done this in over a decade."

"I've never done this," she whispered in a slightly panicked tone.

Festus crossed his arms. "If you want to be married, we have to follow the procedure. Fresh start and all. Just get it over with and we can move on with the rest."

Nick sighed and took the writing implement which Simon offered up. There was punching the Emperor, lying, dabbling in lunar cultism. The near blinding of one, no two people. He'd stolen a few things as well. Books. Alcohol. Talia's heart. That was about all the sins he could think of. Talia was still working on her list when he cast his into the flames. After another minute, she quickly tossed it into the fire with an awkward smile.

The Flare extended his hands. "Now you have purified yourselves, you can be united forever within the Eternal Spark. Join hands and face each other."

They obeyed the instructions. Festus then went on a long-rehearsed spiel from the book about the responsibility of marriage and how they should be devoted to one another. He invoked the names of several prior Flame Weavers including Lucia, Junia, Subri and Titus, imploring them to bless the union. Nick wasn't entirely paying attention, his mind fixed on Talia. He snapped out of it when Festus called Simon for the rings.

"Take these silver bands as a sign of your fidelity. Let them be a reminder of your love and ward against evils lurking in the shadows. May the doom of Amos never find its way to your door."

They slipped on the rings. He instructed them to stand still and answer 'I do' to the following statements. He reached out and tugged at the dying flames on the cauldron as if grabbing something from a jar. Then with a sweep of his hands a rising circle of flames surrounded the two of them.

He asked several questions, if they came willingly, in full knowledge and with the intent to wed. They answered in the affirmative on all of them. He went through a further litany about if they were willing to trust, aid and love each other for all their days. They responded affirmatively to all. After the final 'I do' Festus sweep his arms up and the flames were sucked up toward the ceiling taking the form of a bird whose wings outstretched over them. He clenched his fists and with a flap of its wings the bird went up in a poof of smoke.

"By the power vested in me by the Cevarian Empire and the Order of Flame Weavers, I pronounce you husband and wife." After a short pause he added. "You can kiss now."

They did until Festus coughed to get their attention. He beckoned them forward to sign a few documents with Simon which felt rather mundane after the pomp of the wedding ceremony.

"Thanks for putting all this together Festus," Talia said, wrapping an arm around Nick. "Is there anything we can do to pay you back?"

"I think a few rounds at the Sickly Moon for your dedicated Flare wouldn't go unappreciated," he said with a chuckle. "You can put it on Jan's tab."

"I need to speak to your husband for a moment, Go enjoy your adoring public."

Talia sat down on the bench and chatted excitedly with the younger Flame Weavers while he and Festus looked on. The old man ushered him to the other end of the room.

"What's this about?" Nick asked, adjusting the bulky robes he was still wearing. "And why did you think it'd be a good idea to bring Simon along for this?"

The rotund Flare frowned. "That's partially what I wanted to talk about. I recently reconnected with an old friend form the Inquisition and there's concern the boy may be in danger."

"And you still brought him out into the city? Wouldn't the Sanctuary be safer?"

"Perhaps, but they're expecting him to be there. I got permission from a few of the higher ups to bring him on this little excursion while they evaluate security. Have you figured out a solution to your own problems yet?"

"I'm working on it. The Imperial Steward agreed to get in touch with the High Priest. He's cooked up a backstory which should help me avoid any public outcry."

Festus nodded. "Good, good. Let's get you both changed. Blair will be arriving soon to run the kids through some practice drills, and I was promised an afterparty."

Nick led the way to others, and they started to help undo the outer layers of the robes. When they were about halfway through the efforts, Drake came barreling into the room nearly out of breath. He was saying some about an attack on the High Priest and trouble outside. How he'd tried not let someone in, but they'd pushed their way through. Nob stepped down the stairs his face contorted in a scowl. He was dressed in his usual red leather armor with his banjo strapped on his back and a dagger on his waist. He peered around the practice area, realization dawning on him.

"This is exactly what it looks like!" Talia blurted in a vain attempt to quell the obviously rising tension. She rushed to Nick's and grabbed his arm.

The one-eyed man shook with rage, his face turned red at the spectacle. It had been years since Nick had seen this kind of anger in his old rival.

"You couldn't even wait a few fucking weeks?" he bellowed. The younger Flame Weavers nervously shrank into the background behind Festus. "Of all the days you had to pull this shit, it had to be today! Have you any inclination of what's going on right now? The city is erupting into chaos!"

"How did you know we'd be here?" Nick quickly asked. Nob's face shifted into a confused expression a moment, one which did not go unmissed by the adults in the room.

"Damien sent me after Talia. He wants us back at the Liar's Den, where it's safe," he said carefully. "I suppose you should come too Nick. I don't know about the rest of you, but the Sanctuary is right at the heart of all this business, I doubt it'd be safe to go back there."

Nick glanced behind him. Simon was currently consoling Hiro who was trying his damnedest not show worry over his grandma. Blair was a tough old lady, she'd be alright, but he wasn't about to abandon everything there if the Sanctuary had been breached.

"Was dad spying on me?" Talia asked. Her face masked obvious disappointment.

"Yes. He was. And that's how I knew you be here," Nob quickly agreed. Almost too quickly.

"Horse shit," Festus spat. "Seems like an awfully convenient excuse to me."

"You're no family of mine so I'll thank you to keep that big nose out of our business old man," Nob snarled. "You've already interfered enough."

He had a point though. It was a large city and the odds of Nob finding them were incredibly slim. Talia was clever enough to avoid being tailed. He looked over to his wife. She had thoughtful expression.

"Maybe we should just go back with him," she said slowly. "We can bring our friends with us and hunker down until we figure out our next move."

"Sure, whatever," Nob eagerly beckoned them on. "We've gotta hurry. The streets outside will flooded with people soon. We're lucky the rioters haven't found this place and started looting yet." His face was sweating and his earlier rage had been replaced by a look of panic.

The situation felt off. Nick looked back at Talia and then at Festus. He gave the old man a subtle nod. He had to be entirely certain before they followed Nob.

"Thanks for coming to get us," he said maintaining a calm veneer as he took a few steps forward and pulled himself away from his wife. "There's just one more thing before we leave."

In one swift motion, Nick pumped his arm out and unleashed a modest jet of fire right at him. He ignored the remarks of surprise from behind him and carefully studied Nob's reaction. He'd dodged almost immediately, right as Nick hand had arced toward him; his eye widened in shock.

Though he seemed surprised at the action, his body movement anticipated it. Nick growled and unleashed another jet of fire at Nob's blind side, he couldn't even hear Talia cursing from behind him, so great was the rage building up inside him when he saw a purple spark from beneath the eye-patch. He inhaled though his nose, but no amount breathing exercises or meditations could undo this betrayal.

"Quick reflexes. Almost like you've seen it before," he said through barely concealed rage, fire still dancing across his palms.

Nob crouched into a defensive position by the door. For a minute, he said nothing. There was no point in denying anything now. He'd been found out.

"Why does he know about the pyromancy?" Talia asked, her voice laced in concern. "Did you accidently use it on him when you were kids?"

"This lying bastard sat in my home and sang me a song about how he carved me up and left me for dead in an alleyway," he snarled, clenching his fist. Talia shook her head in denial for a moment before looking at back at Nob, a slowly bubbling anger crossing her features.

"I could've ratted you out," he spat. "If it weren't for me, you'd be sitting in Blazing Spire Temple right now. You couldn't just let it go."

"Don't act all high and mighty," Nick replied bitterly. "You kept quiet to save yourself. We'd have found out who snitched, you'd have been exposed. Come quietly and face justice."

"Whose justice, Nick?" he asked pointedly. "How do you know the people making the rules today will be the same ones tomorrow. You might all think I'm a monster, but I don't intend on being remembered that way."

Nick looked over at Festus. The old man's face was a picture of serenity but there was a storm brewing in his eyes. He was finally registering who the man in front of them truly was and what he'd done. At that moment Nick remembered that he and Drake had been present the night Trisha and the Lord Mayor had been murdered. He felt a pang of guilt for dragging them into this mess again.

"This is your last chance. You can't take us all. Surrender," he called out, desperate to deescalate the situation if not for Talia then for everyone else in the room.

Nob grinned madly. "You'll never catch me," he said. He quickly whipped up his eyepatch, revealing a false eye with a purple gem in the center. He gave it a tap and vanished from sight. Before Nick could even make a move, Festus erupted into a loud bellow and lumbered up the stairs, where they assumed Nob had fled.

A loud bang echoed throughout the depo along with the sound of shattering glass and fallen shelves. The group rushed up to find the room a complete wreck. Everything was thrown about and small fires littered the chamber. In the middle of it all Festus was hunched over, catching his breath. Drake rushed over and propped up his teacher.

"Did you get him?" he asked. Festus shook his head.

"He was too quick. I couldn't take him down without leveling the building. We know who he is now, at least. There'll be no hiding."

"What's the point. Who can we even tell? With the whole city going to the Realms in Between, what do we do now?" Talia asked despondently. Her face which had been so vibrant only a short time ago was now dull and listless. Nick grit his teeth. He was going to make Nob pay for everything.

Festus raised his gaze toward the jester and soon everyone was staring in his direction. The old man coughed. Talia gave him a slight nudge.

"Well, Nick do you have some kind of plan?" the Flare asked.

"What're you looking at me for?" he asked frantically. "I'm not your leader or anything. You're sixty-four years-old Festus, you don't need me telling you what do."

The elder got up. "You're right but this a bit outside my jurisdiction. I'm not an Inquisitor, you see. And prince though he is, Simon here is just a Bright Flame and scholar. Unless I'm mistaken, you're still the Imperial Spymaster. If the city truly is falling apart and we don't know who we can report this to; it's up to you decide. You're the only one with actual Imperial authority in this room."

"Just give me a minute!" he snapped. They didn't have minute, but he needed to think. Nick quickly pieced together everything he knew about the situation. Since Nob was the killer, he was answering to Quintus. He wouldn't do this on his own and there was likely a connection to the nobles' conspiracy. How it was connected, he didn't know for sure, but he did not there was a possibility they couldn't trust the city watch. Or the Phoenix Guard. There was a chance they could find some Inquisitors to help but they were probably bogged down with the situation at the Sanctuary. Did Nob attempt to kill the High Priest? No. He wouldn't have survived. It was happenstance. He'd have to get to the palace. This thing went so far up, he couldn't trust anyone for sure except the highest authority.

"I've got to tell the Emperor," he said. "You should all go back to the Liar's Den with Talia, while I find a way to the palace."

She grabbed his arm. "If you think I'm letting you go all the way back up there without me, after we just got married, you're crazy! I'm not going to hide like a rat while you rush off into danger."

He pulled her closer and smiled. The spark of life was returning to her eyes. "That's not why I want you to go back. You need to find your father. We may need his help on this. And I know it's hard, but you have tell him about Nob. This is all part of some plot against the Empire. Damien's resources could help us stop it and you're the only one who can convince him."

He leaned and kissed her. "I know you can do it."

She nodded. "Alright but Nick, she whispered. "If you don't make it back, I'll kill you. And unlike Nob I'll actually finish the job."

That was all the incentive he needed to survive. Festus waved his hands and the smolders still scattered around the room were snuffed out. He grabbed an old box which had managed to survive the carnage. He tossed it to Nick. An old set of Inquisitorial robes complete with a hood.

"You'll need something a bit more mobile for today. Normally I don't encourage Flame Weaver impersonation, but you're close enough as it is," he said. Nick swapped into the robes as quickly as he could. He pulled down the crimson hood covering the top half of his face. The disguise would be useful to avoid passing through the city unseen. No one would notice one extra Flame Weaver.

"If you're back to palace, I'm coming too," Simon said. The jester frowned.

"I don't know what'll be there. For your own safety I can't let you come along."

"I don't think it's your decision to make. If something's going on with my parents I need to know!" he snapped.

"Look, Festus said I'm in charge on this one. Flame Weavers don't get to meddle on internal government affairs, which is what this is. So, go back with others." He crossed his arms.

Simon sighed and pulled an envelope from his robe pocket. Without a word, he handed it to Festus, who pried it open and began to examine the contents. Nick frowned; the document bore the imperial seal.

"I really didn't want to use this, but it looks like we're in an emergency. I think you'll find everything is in order," he said casually folding his hands into robes.

"Interesting," Festus. "According to this decree if something happens to the Emperor, Simon's the one in charge. I can't speak for the other signatures, but this looks like Adelais's handwriting. I'd say the document is legitimate."

Nick quickly snatched it from his hands and glanced over it. It was the Emperor's writing and had the imperial seal. He briefly considered burning the letter, but since everyone knew of its existence, the act would be meaningless.

"Unless you want to add treason to your already growing list of offenses, you'll take me to the palace so we can ascertain what happened to the Emperor," Simon said in his most authoritative voice.

"Fine, your majesty," Nick said half-mockingly. Secretly, he was a bit impressed. "We're having a long talk with parents when this over. Also, you're on your own with Owin when he finds out you usurped his position."

He knew Simon would gladly step aside for his older brother but could help getting the jab in after the frustrating series of events which had placed them in this situation.

Festus smiled and clasped his hands. "Good since we now have the chain of command firmly established, as the spiritual authority in the room, I believe it's my obligation to accompany you. See the Order's interests carried out."

"Also, I'm coming with," Drake added. His teacher tried to tell him otherwise, but he had no means of effectively threatening. What was he going to do demote him?

\ "Does today have to be the day everyone chooses to turn defiant?" Festus turned to Nadia and Hiro. "Are you two angling to come along as well?"

Thankfully, they were more obliged to travel with Talia. All things considered, she needed the extra help and there was a chance of meeting up with Blair at the Liar's Den. This was their hope. There was a tunnel she'd used which was several streets over. If they could make it there, it was a clear shot back to headquarters.

Nick crept over toward the door and peered out. There wasn't a soul in sight. It seemed almost too quiet. Perhaps Festus's explosion had frightened any gawkers away. He silently motioned for the group to proceed. Once outside, he and Festus made a swift barrier of fire on either end of road just in case. He waved Talia and her group forward. She looked back on last time and asked him not to kill Nob if they found him. He said nothing and, her group rush off toward the Lair's Den.

"You think they'll be alright?" he asked more to himself than anyone. Festus placed a hand on his shoulder and assured him they'd be fine.

"I'd be more concerned about anyone trying to stop her," he said. "Our issue now, is finding a way to the palace. If the rioters are still about, they may try to target Flame Weavers the same as guards. I don't know. If the Sanctuary's not sacred anymore nothing is."

He scanned the area. A few people were milling about but they kept their distance. Nick was able to get a bit of info some of them. The populist movement was behind the chaos. The riots were mainly centered around the Sanctuary, Market Street and Central Square. It hadn't spread to their current location yet, but the guards were hard pressed to restore order.

Festus raised his hands and engulfed the group in a circle of flames. They were in little danger, but the best offense was a good defense. As they processed down the road, he motioned for them to aid him and the group members stretched out their arms and channeled their energy into maintaining the barrier. Using pyromancy in tandem with others was a strange experience for Nick. It felt calmer and less wild than when on his own. Almost as though they were rowing a boat down a gentle river, each stroke urging the craft onward in equal measure.

The crowds grew thicker as they got further toward the middle of town, but their defensive tactic managed to deter any unsavory types from trying their luck. Nick suggested they keep north of Market Street and only try to enter as they got close to the Imperial Causeway. This was their best bet to avoid the worst. A squad of guards ran by as they continued, but they paid them no mind. Even if they tried to get their attention it was no guarantee the city watch would be of help.

There were also a lot of fires burning across the city. As they got closer to Market Street smoke flooded the air, causing a coughing from Festus as they fumbled along. They put out what blazes they could but stopping to deal with every bit of damage wasn't an option. And a lot of damage there was. Streamers set alit; market stalls overturned were all over the place. To his horror, they passed several corpses along the way as well.

After trudging along for some time, Festus motioned for them to stop. Nick peered ahead through the smoke as they lowered their flaming shield. A short distant ahead was the remains of a once popular tavern. The front sign was hanging aloft, so he couldn't make out the name and the door had been busted from its hinges. The large front window of the building had been shattered almost completely, but through the dim light and the haze he could make out a few figures seated at one of eh ruined tables.

Festus led them forward cautiously. As they got closer, the men were revealed as members of the guard, with a few wounded among their number.

"Festus is that you?" one of them coughed. Nick knew the voice vaguely. It was Lars, a man once stationed along Market Street near the Fiery Lute.

"Yes, it's me. We come in peace," the old man said lowering his arms. The rest of their group followed suit. Nick was reluctant to trust any of the law enforcement both because he had inclination of what their leader was up to and because they'd let the city fall into, but there was a chance the guard could help. If anything, they may be able to give some context on situation.

He lowered his hood further to minimize the risk of being recognized. There was always the possibility of Nob having ratted him out as pyromancer after fleeing. Though he now knew the city had far bigger concerns than one man. However, he was also aware if they knew what their mission was and why Simon was with them, anyone loyal to Quintus may attempt to hinder them regardless.

Lars was seated with two other members of guard familiar to their group, a tall blonde man named Oberon and an average sized brunette woman named Greta. There were several others whose faces and names Nick didn't catch. They all looked like they'd been in the thick of the fight.

"This city's become a warzone," Lars said with another wheeze. "One minute everyone's enjoying the festival the next it's anarchy."

"Any word from the palace?" he asked cautiously.

"I heard the Emperor's been declared incompetent and they've established a regency," one of the guards said with a shrug. "Could just be rumors. Feels like we're all on our own"

Nick placed a hand on Simon's shoulder, but his younger friend had already grown tense.

"What about Lord Quintus?" he asked next.

This time Oberon addressed him. "I heard the Commander is holed in Heartfire with Alma and a few survivors. They're trying to take back the square. Captain Jack's got a perimeter around the Causeway but who knows how long it'll hold."

They had to go through Jack then. Nick knew the captain. Knew how dedicated he was to the job and to his supervisor. He and Quintus were surely in on this together. The turmoil in city wasn't their intention though and this fact may work toward their advantage. If Quintus was still pinned down in Central Square, then there was no one higher up than Jack to give orders. An invocation of authority backed up by a sufficient display of force might be enough to get some of the guards on their side.

"We stopped here to rest till we got new orders. What are you all doing about?" Lars asked, surveying their ragtag group. Festus leaned in to whisper something to the Simon. The prince nodded and whispered to Nick that they should take the risk to tell the guards what they were doing. He gave the nod to Festus, who, being the most senior of their company, had taken on the role as their spokesman.

"We are taking Simon Cevarius to the palace," he said, gesturing to the prince. "We have documentation from the Emperor himself, stating Simon as the rightful heir in the event something were to befall him."

One of the burlier guards got up and spat derisively at their feet. "The words of a madman," he sneered. "Meaning no offense to you learned gentlemen, but I'd rather take my chances with Lord Quintus instead of the absentee prince or an untested boy who's spent his days shut up in a library."

The man's words gave them pause, but from the looks he was getting from his compatriots, it seemed his opinion was in the minority. Lars bowed and joined several other guards in a salute.

"We'd be happy to escort your group to the Causeway," he said. "Hopefully, we can find the captain and he'll provide additional aid.

"Is your partner around here somewhere? We could probably use someone like him in this situation," Festus said hopefully.

"No, haven't seen Zak all day. Last I heard he was up in the Heights when all this started," replied Lars in a weary tone. "Maybe we'll meet him later, for now let's find the captain."

Nick didn't believe Jack would be so accommodating but a few extra people to their cause was good news. All told, six guards agreed to come along, while the rest stayed to watch the wounded. Thankfully, the man who'd spoke up earlier decided to stay behind without a fuss. There was Lars, Oberon, and Greta, and stout man named Jasper, a tall guardswoman named Lena, and a rather short nervous fellow called Birch. He wasn't sure they could all be trusted but Festus trusted Lars and the Flare had earned a bit of faith from Nick by this point.

They formed ranks around Simon with Nick on the right and Festus on the left. Drake took up the front with Oberon and Greta besides him. Lars guarded the rear with Jasper, Leta and Birch taking up their flanks. Though not exactly a force to be reckoned with, the group managed to proceed toward market street for some time without issue. A pack of populists tried to block their way, but they were cowed aside by sword and flame.

They picked up a few stragglers from the guard and some civilians seeking shelter along the way. By the time their group neared the makeshift barricade set up by the city watch, their numbers equaled around thirty. A messenger came out meet them escorted by a large bald man in steel armor. The guards saluted the mand and he was introduced as Lieutenant Colin. He proposed to escort them through the blockades into the safe zone. Captain Jack had set up a field camp in an old shop along the Causeway. From there it would be easier to plan their next move. Nick kept his head down but carefully gazed up.

The wooden blockades set up by the guards wouldn't do shit to keep out a pyromancer, but the crossbows they had mounted at the ready would. They were the only weapons which were sure to stop one in their tracks. Those weren't commonly produced, so the watch was pulling out all the stops. They also had a few Inquisitors stationed too. They could be a problem. Thus far, he'd remained unrecognized. Merely one among a company of Flame Weavers. Having his cover blown too early ruin everything.

They'd have to make it to Jack. Then he could reveal himself and force the captain's hand. If he was willing to go against Simon with Nick there attesting to his identity and authority, then there was nothing for it. They'd have to deal with him one way or another. The messenger had given them a more disturbing bit of information. The Emperor had indeed been cast aside and replaced with a regency council headed by Kaeso Navalia and Antonia Neri.

Nick clenched his fist, suppressing a burst of fire. He didn't know how the lady had escaped her imprisonment but if she'd done anything to Simon's family, the jester intended to make good on the threats he'd issued in the morning. Their group edged through a narrow gap in the stockades and Nick looked back on final time at the smoked wreck which had been Market Street. The sounds of battles waged in the distance faded as they moved upward but, he feared the worst was yet to come. 

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493 81 37
A renowned captain plagued by a mysterious curse. A Mage with a long-held secret. A royal with something to prove. A celebrity who leads a double lif...