Feels Like Home


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Working her ass off everyday and no time for anything else, Andy wasn't your average girl living on her own... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66

Chapter 56

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Coming home to police in his home was not what Blaine was expecting to see when he pulled up.

"Sorry, no cars are passing by right now."

Blaine got out and ignored them, running towards his front door to see Holly talking to an officer.

"Where's Andy?"

"She told us to stay in the room because someone was here."


"I don't know, but it was about six of them."

"And you let her get it. Hell why is she out of bed in the first place?!"

"I'm sorry."

Blaine shook his head and called Angelo.

"Hey what's up?"

"Andy's gone."


"Someone came into the house and took her."

"God damn it! This girl doesn't get any slack does she?"

"Get the guys, I want this entire country searched and I swear who ever took her will die."

Blaine hung up and calls Anderson.

"He has her."


"Castro and where the hell were you?!"

"I just stepped out no more than an hour."

"Yeah well he has her because you left her alone!"

"I'll get her back."

"You damn well better or I swear if anything happens to her I will kill you myself!"

Andy woke up with a sickness in her stomach and quickly covered her mouth, looking around for a place to let it out when she spotted a door and went in finding a toilet. It was then that she noticed that the bathroom was not hers. Looking up she notices it was completely different and that of a different size.

Shaking her head she looks around and then walks out to find her mother standing there.

"Hello Andy."

Andy sighs as she shakes her head.

"Of course you would be out."

"Just to show you that money buys everything."

"Not everything."

"Well everything we want."

"And what is it that you want?"

"What's mine and for that I need you."

"Of course other than that why would I be here?"

"You can't marry Blaine."

"Oh give it a rest."

"He killed your sister and he'll kill you too."

Andy looks up at her.

"I don't have a sister."

"Blaine was married before..."

"I know, but she wasn't my sister."

"She was, I had her before I met your father and story short she stayed here while I ran off with your father."

"So you're saying that the girl Blaine married was my sister?"


Andy had to sit down, she was feeling sick again.

"God, this just doesn't end."

"You're better off here anyway."

Andy shakes her head.

"God, you don't get it, you can't just take me away and expect it to be okay."

"Blaine will forget, he always does."

"No he's not. Blaine is not the only person you're taking me away from."

"Your father..."

"My father, my sister, my brother, my friends, my job and everyone that means something to me. You, you just want some fucken money. Well I'm here, get your damn money and let me go."

"It's more complicated than that. Dad hates Blaine for killing his granddaughter and he's not going to let him do it again."

"Blaine didn't kill anyone, she killed herself trying to have a baby that she knew very well she couldn't have."

"She wanted to be a mother!"

"Then she should have been more cautious! You should have taken care of her instead of running off because of your damn fucken greed! You took the money that belonged to me and ran off."

"I raised you, it was owed to me."

"You didn't raise anyone. You ordered me around and then hid me when you no longer could stand to see me. You never cared and now you're expecting me to, I don't think so. To me you died that night and that was it."

The door was then opened to a maid come in.

"Mr. Castro would like for you to come join him for dinner."

"We'll be right there."

"I'm not hungry."

Andy then got up and walked back into the bathroom, locking herself in.

Blaine was being driven insane with Castro's threats and teasing. He was angry one minute, throwing anything and everything against walls and then he would cry alone in his office because he missed her. Then came the phone call he was waiting for. Without checking the number he answered.


"Oh thank god, Blaine it's me."

Blaine was on his feet.

"Andy, oh baby, how are you, are you okay?"

Then he heard her cry.

"I want to go home, I don't want to be here."

"Tell me where you are."

"I don't know, I haven't been able to get out of this room since the day I got here. Blaine get me out of here, please, I want to go home."

"I'm doing everything I can."

"Well try harder!"


"Please Blaine, if I stay here I know I'll lose this baby and I don't want to, please, oh god please."

Andy was desperate, she hasn't eaten anything since she refused to go to the dinner table and the more she refused to make any contact with her grandfather the more he kept her locked up. Her finding her phone under the bed out of curiosity was a heaven sent.

"I'll get you out I promise."

"How's Mady?"

"Good, Holly took her to Texas for the week to make sure no one suspected anything about her."

"Good, if they found out, they'd take her away too."

"Andy I should tell you about..."

Andy heard someone coming and hung up, hiding her phone under the mattress. The door opened and Andy didn't turn to look who it was, instead kept her head down.


Her stomach churned at his voice every single time, but she didn't answer.

She heard footsteps around the room until he found her on the other side of the bed.

"What are you doing down there?"

Andy again ignored him, but he wasn't a man you wanted to ignore for very long because when Castro got upset he didn't care who you were.

"Answer me!"

He grabbed her hair and pulled back her head to look at him. She looked at him with tears in her eyes and he let go.

"Get up, let's go."

Andy did as he said this time as she didn't know what he would do to her physically if she didn't, but when she did she was right back down.

"See this is what you get for not eating."

He went to touch her, but she pulled away from him.

"Don't touch me."

But he grabbed her anyway and dragged her down stairs were dinner was being served. She was sat next to him and across from her was an older woman which looked a lot like her own mother. The woman smiled at her in a sweet way, but Andy looked away, looking down at her empty plate.

"Good now we're all here. Andy look up."

Andy did, looking over at who was at the table. Her mother and Leo were there. She looked at her brother as a tear rolled down her cheek, making him look away. She looked further down and saw that there were three other couples with six other children, all boys.

"Andy meet your uncles. To your right is Alejandro Jr., the oldest of my children and his wife Maria and their two children Alejandro the third and Alex, twins. Across is my second son Alonzo and his wife Violet and his two children Victor and Hector. Then my youngest son Armando with his wife Zaira and their two children Emilio and Estevan."

"Andy by the way is my daughter for all you wondering."

Andy looked at her mother and rolled her eyes.


She saw as everyone smiled.

"We all feel the same way don't worry."

"Oh shut up."

"Ana, stop it."

Andy looked up at her grandfather and he smiled at her, but she looked away just as her stomach growled. Everyone laughed and dinner was served, but Andy couldn't eat it and ended up heaving in the restroom.

"Is there something you need to tell us?"

Andy rinsed her mouth and looked at her mother.

"Why would you care?"

"I thought you couldn't have any?"

"Unless I take care of myself, but seeing as I'm not I don't see the point of saying anything."

"Does HE know?"

"You mean my fiancé, yes he does."

"Too bad because he's never going to see it."

Andy walked away then, going to her room to lay down. Her stomach was still empty and she knew that she needed to eat something soon or she wouldn't make it.

Thankfully someone had pity on her and sent a sandwich, a piece of cake and some milk.

"Thank you."

"Let me know if you need anything else."

Andy nodded and ate in her room before taking a shower and being called to come down stairs. Everyone was gathered around the room, playing games.

"Come join us."

She couldn't believe how normal they looked, especially her so called mother and grandfather as they laughed at something one of the kids did. They looked like the perfect family, a family she thought she someday would have of her own.


Andy looked behind her and shook her head at her brother.

"Andy let me explain."

"Forget it."

"She's our mother."

"No, she's your mother, mine died and you can now add yourself to that list too. You're dead to me and if you tell them about..."

"Of course not, just as long as you don't say anything about mine."

"At least we agree on something, but that doesn't change anything, I trusted you and you lied to me and I will never forgive you for that."

"I'm sorry."

"Trust me, you will be."

"Andy come here my love."

Her grandmother went to touch her, but she backed away.

"Andy doesn't like to be touched."


Andy looked at her right in the face and told her.

"Well when you're raped and beaten for months at a time to the point where you can barely remember your own name well then it's only natural that I would react that way to people touching me, especially people that I don't know."

Maria's face fell, but Andy kept hers straight as she watched the entire room go silent.

"And you can thank your wonderful daughter for that since she practically sold me to Carlos, isn't that right mother dearest?"

Her mother glared at her, getting up from the floor.

"Don't start."

"Start what, the truth? She asked me why I couldn't stand to be touched."

"You brought that onto yourself, if you would have just done what he asked."

"Of course since that's all you've ever taught me to do, to be a slave, right?"

"For your own good."

"You're sick."

"Alright, I think that's enough."

Andy looks at her grandfather.

"Why, does it bother to know what I've been through? Here let me show you something."

Andy then takes off her blouse and turns around. She hears the gasps from the women as she looks at her brother.

"Does this make you feel better?"

She then turns back around to face her grandfather once again.

"But this is nothing compared to what you are doing right now by keeping me here. I did nothing to you or to anyone of you; hell I thought my mother was DEAD not too long ago!"

"Calm down Andy."

Leo went to touch her, but she slapped him away, but something came over her and everything she was taught was now being used against her brother. Leo didn't fight back because she was his sister despite what he had done to her.

It wasn't until Andy was pulled off of him that she broke completely down.

"I hate you... I hate you... I hate you!"

She shoved whoever was holding her and ran back upstairs, locking herself in her room and calling Blaine.


"Get me out of here; get me out of here now!"

"I can't."


"They've threatened to kill you if I get anywhere near you and I can't... god I can't, not until..."

Andy didn't let him finish. She hung up the phone and cried.

"Andy! Andy!"

Blaine threw his phone on his desk then proceeded to throw everything on his desk onto the floor. Castro had gotten what he wanted and that was to take the one thing he cared for the most away from him. Blaine had nothing if he didn't have Andy, but Castro had threatened to kill her if he came near her, but he was not about to give up. Blaine was officially declaring war, no more mister nice guy; Castro was finally going to see what he's capable of doing.

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