Feels Like Home


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Working her ass off everyday and no time for anything else, Andy wasn't your average girl living on her own... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66

Chapter 45

19 3 0

Blaine made it to the Resort to find Andy standing by her father, holding onto a gift. It wasn't until she walked away that he stepped up.


Andrew turns and glares at him.

"You're too late, she's going up to them now."

Blaine growls and runs after her, stopping her just as she was half way towards them.

"Andy wait!"

Andy turns and sees Blaine coming after her, but at the same time everyone has already spotted her. Blaine could see Austin coming towards them, but he's determined not to let them have her again.

"Don't do it, they'll just hurt you again."

"I'm not doing this for them."

"Then why go back? What's the point?"



Andy turns around and is immediately engulfed into Austin arms, but Blaine can't take it and pushes him back.

"Don't fucken touch her!"


Leo runs over and pushes Blaine away.

"Back away from her!"

Andy steps in front of Leo and looks up at him.

"Leo calm down, please."

Leo looks down at Andy and they hug each other, crying.

"I'm okay."

He pulls away from her and looks down at her.

"Did you see your dad?"

Andy nods.

"He saved me. Carlos..."

"It was him?"

Andy nods again, looking at Austin.

"When he left for an emergency for your grandfather the house was invaded, something about him having something of someone's and Cindy was with me, she managed to get us out, but I wasn't really capable of running and was shot and next thing I know I'm locked up and then my dead dad shows up, practically rescuing me from them too. I've been with him ever since."

"Where's Carlos?"

Andy shrugs, looking down.

"Last time I heard he was in the hospital, can't walk nor talk."

"Are you serious?"

She nods her head, looking back up at him.

"He tried to take me away again and I wasn't going to let him, I couldn't after what he had done to me for all those months. I couldn't go back."

Leo takes Andy back into his arms.

"It's okay you're safe now. We'll take you home and everything will be okay again."

Something in Blaine couldn't handle that thought and yanks Andy away from him.

"She's not going anywhere, Andrew has been taking good care of her and she's happy."

Austin glares at Blaine.

"She belongs with us, her family."

"Right and what family would that be, ha? The one where she shares a bed with you and your pregnant wife? I'm sorry, but Andy deserves more than that, more than you could ever give her."

"Oh and you can give her that?"

"More and then some."

"Stop, I didn't come here to argue, I just wanted to see my baby girl, that's all."

Shiloh then steps up and Andy smiles at her little girl.


Andy laughs and takes her into her arms.

"Oh my baby girl, happy birthday."

She giggles and Andy hands her, her present, sitting down on one of the beach chairs.

Blaine watches as the life is put back into her. This is not what he expected this was going to be. When he put his deal down for Andrew it was because she couldn't have kids and he didn't have to worry about it. Now it was different there was something about Andy with her daughter that gave him a little bit of hope that maybe he could have a family of his own.

Andy looks up from her daughter and up at the guys.

"This is Maddy guys; she's my daughter and today is her 1st birthday."

Angelo steps up and kneels before them.

"This is why you were crying this morning."

She nods as Maddy lays her head against her mother's chest.


"Yes baby, it me."


Andy turns to Austin who is also kneeling beside her.

"Can we talk, alone?"

"I really just came for Maddy."

"Please Andy."

She looks at him for a minute before standing up. Blaine stops her.

"Don't fall for any of it."

"I'm fine, you guys should go."

"I'm not going anywhere."

"Suit yourself then."

Maddy had fallen asleep against Andy by the time they sat down on the other side of the pool.

"What do you want to talk about?"

"I want to know what happened, where you've been."

"I told you already."

"No, I know you, there's more that you didn't want to tell us, but you can tell me."

"What for? Why would you care?"

"Please Andy you have no idea how hard these last couple of months have been for me, for Maddy."

"For you? Do you really want me to believe that? I saw the engagement pictures, I just saw you not too long ago laughing and splashing around with your WIFE. Austin you don't know anything about hard. I bet it didn't take you long before she was moved in, am I right?"

"It's not like that, I needed help with Maddy and..."

"Bullshit because Maddy had her nanny, but then again you're a man that can't stay alone for too long."

"Stop, I don't want to fight with you."

He went to touch her, but again she doesn't allow him to.

"Why won't you let me touch you?"

"What for? You're married now."

"Because I thought you were dead. Andy you know that I love you that I would do anything for you."

"Except love me like I deserve it. I can't be your toy anymore."

"Andy you were never my toy."

"Of course I was because if I wasn't I'd be the one married to you right now. She's pregnant Austin, pregnant and now it's just all over. You made your choice, there's no going back now."

"Of course there is. Andy you're the one I want to be with and I always promised myself that I would give it all up if it meant I would have you back in my life."

Andy shakes her head.


"No Austin, I can't keep doing this. I don't have the strength for it anymore. All that matters to me now is Maddy and taking care of her and making sure she knows that I love her."

"Is she the only reason why you're here?"

"Not at first, but after seeing her and you together it made me realize that I can't keep holding onto a dream."

"It doesn't have to be, we can be together. We'll get married."

"Austin no, how can you say such a thing when you've just married her and she's pregnant! You know that I can't give you any more kids."

"I don't want anymore, I want us, you, Maddy and me. It's all I've been thinking about since you left us. I spent months searching for you with no leads. I even hired a private investigator only to find absolutely nothing except some DNA they found at the explosion sight. When they announced you for dead I lost it that day. I locked Maddy and myself for a month before they convinced me to get up and go. After that things just started happening but only because I thought you were dead."

"And now I'm not, but that doesn't mean to leave everything for me."

"You're the love of my life and it took me so long to realize that. I'm sorry for everything that I've done and I'm sorry for never telling you the truth, for making you feel like you were never enough when you were. Andy you were everything to me, you are everything for me, to our little girl."

"Not anymore though. You have a family now and as much as I wished that I could believe you and say let's run away together, I can't. There has just been too many things between us that I can't seem to forgive you for and now seeing you married with a baby on the way it just makes it that much harder for me."

"Are you with that Blaine guy?"

Andy shakes her head.

"They're just friends, really good friends that just so happened to be men, but each of them comes from a different back ground and this week has been the first time I've actually felt like myself and it's not like I can anyway."

"Why not?"

"Because I never got my heart back. It's always been you, it will always be you, but I can't keep hoping that you would chose me when in reality you never will."

"I told you..."

"Austin, you chose your path and I don't want to change it. You're going to be a dad, you're a husband and I'll always be that one that couldn't work. I didn't come here to make you choose, far from it, but at the same time I was hoping you would let me have Maddy back. I know that you might have gotten full custody because I didn't show up, but please let me have her back?"

"I can't do that."

"Come on Austin, you're having another one, she's the only thing I've got and you know I would do anything for her."

"Not everything."

Austin then got up.

"Please Austin, I haven't seen her. I promise I'll give her back if that's what you want."

"You know what I want and you said no."

"You're married and I'm not going to be the cause of another divorce of yours."

"What you don't get is that I don't care about all that stuff, you and Maddy are the only ones I really care about!"

"Now you do, but what about six months ago when you had us and you chose her over us? What about before you found out I was pregnant and you just threw me out? Every single time it got hard you threw me out like a rag doll and I can't do it anymore. All this time all I've thought about is you and hoping you would find me, take me away from everything, but you never came."

"I did, I tried!"

"But it wasn't enough because I was never enough. When you love someone you feel them, sometimes hear them because they're so embedded in your heart that it hurts, but when that's only one way..."

"It's not one way."

Austin kneels in front of Andy and takes her head in his hands.

"It was never one way or I wouldn't have found you when Carlos beat you. I wouldn't have known something was wrong when you didn't show up and I wouldn't have hired the private investigator if I didn't believe."

"Yet you married her. You made her your wife and she's pregnant. You'll be there for her, to guide her and give her the support she needs, something I never got from you because I'm not it for you."

"Stop saying that, I love you."

"Stop fooling yourself Austin, stop making yourself believe that you can fix this when you can't. I'm tired."

"And you don't think I'm not? I'm tired too."

"So you married her. Admit it; she's easier than I am. I've got too many problems for you to handle. She's problem free, she's sophisticated and hell she easy to love."

He let's go of her head then and looks down, burying his face in his hands and Andy kneels before him.

"Austin look at me."

She pulls his hands away and lifts up his chin, wiping his tears away.

"I will always love you, you are, will always be my first, my first love, my first everything and that's something no one could ever take away from me."

"I'll promise to work hard, just don't say goodbye to me."

"This isn't goodbye, how can it? We have this little precious thing that needs us both."

They both look down at her quietly sleeping in her mother's arms.

"Promise me I'll be able to see her?"

They look up at each other once again.

"Of course, you're her father and you're a good one at that. Thank you for taking care of her, for loving her."

"She's a part of you, how could I not? She's ours, always will be."

Andy nods and wraps an arm around him, hugging him as Austin wraps his own arms around her.

"I love you."

He then kisses her and Andy loses it. She can never deny her love for him, but she also knows that they can't be together, so after a second or two she pulls away, but gives him another kiss.

"I have to go now."

Austin reluctantly pulls away with a nod and helps her up, looking down at her and their daughter then back up at Andy.

"I'll always be there, always."

"I know and I'll always be grateful."

"I love you."

Andy couldn't help it, but hug him again, she had missed him so much and his arms were always her safe heaven.

"I love you too, always."

With one last squeeze, Andy let him go with one last kiss to his cheek and a promise to go by the farm in a weeks' time.

Blaine watched them as they spoke and when he kissed her he was ready to go up to him and knock him out, but his wife stops him.

"No, let them. I have more at stake than you do."

"I'm not going to let him have her."

Shiloh looks up at him.

"I thought you were just friends?"

Blaine sighs.

"We are."

"And you want more, but she loves Austin."

"Yet you married him knowing this."

"He was with me even before then, but you're right I did and I don't regret it because I can give him things that she can't."


"Children; Andy was lucky with Maddy, but having another one would mean complications and it's in her best interest that she doesn't attempt anymore."

"And you love that don't you? That Austin replaced Andy for someone healthier?"

"She doesn't take care of him like I do. She just has too many problems and Austin doesn't need that in his life."

"Well then you must be so proud to have taken another woman's man because you can't get your own it seems."

Shiloh glares at him.

"At least I have someone."

"What makes you think you do?"

"What makes you think YOU do?"

Blaine smirks at her.

"Because I'm stronger than most men and I don't throw away when it gets a little tough. I fight 'til the end and I will fight for her until she tells me not to."

"She will."

"Not when she sees what I'm capable of."

"Good luck then."

"To you too, I'm sure after this you'll need it."

Blaine looks away from her to find Andy walking his way with a smile on her face. He smiles back at her.

"Everything okay?"

"Yeah, I get to take Maddy with me."

Shiloh looks at Austin.

"Are you serious?"

Austin sighs looking down at his wife.

"She is her mother and they've been apart for too long."

"But we're her family now!"

"No, Andy and I are and we make the decisions based on what's best and what's best is for Maddy to be with her mother."

"But what about me? I've been taking care of her all this time, don't I have a say so?"

"No, like I said, Andy and I make the decisions, so go grab her things... now."

Blaine smirks at her as she stomps away.

"So I'll see you guys next week?"

Andy nods, looking up at him.

"Don't be so mean to her, she's pregnant and she just married you."

"I didn't like her attitude especially after everything."

Shiloh makes it back and hands Andy the diaper bag.

"Everything is in there. Of course you will have to buy her new things."

"I know, thank you."

She looks up at Austin and smiles.

"See you next week."

Austin gives his daughter a kiss and looks up at Andy with a smile.

"Call me for whatever."

Blaine helps Andy with the bag and gives her a kiss on the cheek.

"Let's go home."

"Let's go."

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