Feels Like Home


1.3K 179 17

Working her ass off everyday and no time for anything else, Andy wasn't your average girl living on her own... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66

Chapter 35

17 2 0

Andy was soar, exhausted and worn out from her trip, but just like everything else it didn't go without it's events. Though she didn't give up, it wasn't easy taking a new born baby to another state. Eventually they got home to find her apartment empty.

"I had it moved."

Andy turned around ready to open her mouth, but she was stopped.

"I didn't know what Austin said to you until I spoke to him and although I don't blame him, there's no reason for him to threaten you that way."

"Where are my things?"

"Charity, trash, you name it, it went."

"Those were my things."

"Anything of value was saved and put into your new apartment"


"I will not allow my great grandchild to live in a place like this; you should know that by now."

"I appreciate what you're doing, but I have reasons why I'm here."

"Carlos I know. I promise you, he will not know where you are."

"I'm sorry, but I don't believe that."

"You're scared I get it, but you can't give up now. That little girl needs you more than ever."

"I know, but how can I stay strong when I can't catch a break?"

"I'm giving you that break and I suggest you take it."

"Do I have a choice?"

"You know that answer to that."

Andy didn't know exactly where they were going, but she knew they were heading out of San Francisco.

"Take a nap, you look tired."

"I can't, she'll be up in twenty minutes for her feeding."

He could see her fear in her eyes and it reminded him a lot of Austin's mother in her, but she was stronger, she just needed to have faith in herself.

After several hours, two feedings and a nap, they arrived at their destination.

"Where are we?"'

"Los Angeles."

He helped her out with the baby and he waited for her to take her back, but she didn't which meant she trusted him and that pleased him. He wanted her to trust him.

"This way."

They went into a very luxurious building and took an elevator up after pressing a code.

"You'll need to change the code when you learn the security system, until then it's Caldwell in numbers."

Andy nodded and tried not to look so afraid. When they arrived, the doors opened to an apartment, a very beautiful Apartment.

"It's beautiful."

"There's plenty of room for you and the baby."

The first thing that popped into her head was how she was going to afford it, but he beat her too it.

"The year has been paid for. I'm sure you'll be more than capable of affording it after that. Victor has told me how well you sing and the offers that are coming in for you."

"It was a favor."

"Well I suggest you use it to your advantage."

Andy didn't want to talk about it, so she said nothing and allowed him to give her a tour of the place.

"Well I'll leave you to it. It's late and I have to get to the office."

"Of course, thank you."

"Take care of my granddaughter."

"I will, always."

"Good, good night Andy."

"Good night Sir."


Victor had been waiting for the phone call all day and it was well past the time that he was supposed to be called.

"She's in Sir."

"Thank you."


Victor let out a breath of relief knowing that she was safe and sound. Now it was just a matter of hours before he would see her and give her the good news.

Andy didn't even know how long she had been asleep before she realized that she hadn't heard her baby. She woke up with a gasp and looked around to find her baby not in her crib. She ran out of her room to find a woman carrying her baby.

"What are you doing?"

The girl that seemed to be the same age as her turned around.

"You must be Andy."

"Yes, but who are you and what are you doing with my baby?"

"She's your Nanny."

Andy turned to the kitchen to find another person, but he was male and a little older than her.

"Can someone tell me what's going on?"

"I'm Mr. Hamilton's Assistant PA, Jordan."


"Yes and this is Holly your new Nanny here are her references, her education in child development. She's a recent graduate of UCLA and..."



"Don't ever take anyone's child unless asked too, especially mine and when I don't have clue who you are."

"Sorry, he told me it was okay."

Andy looked over at the PA.

"Mr. Hamilton had specific instructions."

"Call him."

Andy went over to Holly and took her baby back.

"I'm sorry."

Andy shook her head.

"I'm sorry too, it's been a long month."

"Well I'm here to help in whatever you need, please I really need this job."

"Don't worry I'm not going to fire you."


Andy nodded as Jordan came to her.

"He's on the phone."

She took it and went to her room.

"What is this?"

"I'm on my way up and please just let me explain."

Andy hung up and handed the PA back his phone just as the elevator opened and Victor stepped out.

"Morning Holly, Jordan."

"Morning Sir."

Andy looked up at him as he walked up to her and said hello to the baby.

"Hello there Mady."

"Victor what are you doing, what is this?"

He looked up at her then

"Well Holly is here to help you and so is Jordan."

"I don't need help."

"If it's about the money..."

"Stop it, I don't want your money or your help or anything else. I just want peace and no problems."

"Holly take the baby."

Holly went over to Andy.

"Don't worry she's safe with me."

Andy reluctantly let her daughter go before Victor took Andy up stairs to her loft.

"Come sit down and let me explain something to you."

"I don't want to sit."

She went to the glass wall that was looking over the entire apartment and kept an eye on her baby.

"Andy please there's a lot I have to talk to you about."

"I'm listening."

Victor went up to her and turned her around, lifting her chin.

"You're safe here, please relax and come sit down."

"Did you do this and used Austin's grandfather to get me here?"

"We both did this. He cares for you because he has an admiration for you and me well you know why."

"Victor I can't and even if I could, she's your daughter and I wouldn't be able too."

"Shiloh is an adult and has made her choice."

Andy looked away, stepping away from him.

"The answer is still no. She's still your daughter, your family and I'm just some girl that..."

"You're not just a girl; you're a woman that has been through hell theses past couple of months and that deserves to be happy."

Andy had to laugh.

"Happy, what's that? Happiness doesn't exist in my world."

"Then Mady doesn't make you happy?"

Andy looked at him with a glare.

"Mady is the love of my life and the reason I'm even here. Don't use my daughter..."

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean too."

"Why are you here Victor?"

Because I love you and want you to love me back.

"The studio is having a big release party, fifties theme, for the movie and they want you to sing the theme of the movie."

"But I didn't sing the theme, I just sang those three songs."



"It was out of my hands. I gave them the recording and they picked, all three songs made it and they want to release a single as soon as possible."

"You're kidding."

"Absolutely not. You have a talent Andy and because of that talent, they're offering you a contract for a full studio album."

"Oh I don't know about that. I'm a nurse, I just became a mom and right now is not the time."

"Andy think about what this could mean for Mady. You'll never have to worry about money, she'll have everything she needs. Austin can't use the excuse that you don't make enough money or any other excuse. Show him that you don't need him or anyone! Show him what you can be without him because Andy..."

Victor takes Andy by the hands and kisses each of them.

"Be the queen that you are meant to be, show them what you're made of."

"I can't do it, I'm not ready."

"I know, but we're going to work on it, get you ready and watch as you become who you're meant to be."

"I don't know Victor."

"Trust me, please? Have I ever given you a reason not too?"


"Then trust me on this, you're meant to be a star and a star is what you will be."

"One more."

Andy took another pose and they were finished.

"You did great."

Andy smiled and went straight for her baby, feeding her.

"Only you can go from photo shoot to breast feeding."

Andy smiled and shrugged. Victor smiled back at her, giving her a kiss on the cheek.

"Star I tell you and I love that you're smiling again, it suits you."

"Thank you."

With a wink Victor went to talk to the photographer while Andy got ready for yet another publicity appearance.

"Another radio show?"

"We have to give this movie as much publicity as we can."

"But the books are already a hit."

"They are, but movies are different than books."

"Well obviously."

Victor laughed, wrapping his arm around her and Andy for the first time allowed herself to relax in his arms. He took the opportunity and pulled her closer, Andy didn't pull away. She was beginning to feel like she mattered, that people actually really liked her and that she could really do this for herself and her daughter.

"We have the next two days off, what would you like to do?"


Victor laughed, nodding.

"How about going to the vineyard, have a little wine, relax?"

"Sounds peaceful, but..."

"Andy, she won't be there, I promise. She chose her life, she's got to live with it now."

"But she's your daughter."

"And I've had her for twenty seven years, it's time to live for myself again."

"I just don't want to be in the middle of everything, with the custody battle and all going right now."

"Again, she chose and I'm choosing mine, so Vineyard?"


After another radio interview, everyone packed their bags and they were off. Andy was happy to spend time with her daughter that was getting bigger and bigger every day. She also noticed that she was looking more and more like her father, but Victor was more like her father than Austin. Victor took on the role as soon as she had taken that first nap without her. When she woke up he had bathed her, changed her and fed her, both of them falling asleep together. Holly had shown her.

"What are you smiling about over there?"

Andy looked up from her phone and smiled at Victor, showing him the photo.

"We were bonding."

He winked at her making her blush.

"Have I told you how beautiful you look with a smile on your face?"

"Every chance you get."

"Well just wanted to make sure you don't forget."

"Thank you for these past couple of days, they meant a lot to me."

"All you baby."

Andy and Victor along with the baby spend two days of sun, naps and quiet nights spent out by the fire. Victor was loving life with the woman that he was in love with, showing her what life would be with him and he really was feeling like she was going to give him a chance.

Coming back to the apartment it was back to business for the night's event. After hair, makeup and squeezing into her dress, she was ready to go. Victor was waiting for her with Baby Mady in hand.

"Just five more minutes."

"You're going to make it harder on Holly and we're going to be late, so come on."


They both gave Baby Mady a kiss and left. Andy was nervous, this would be her first public event and she really wanted to impress.

"Relax, you look amazing and well you're with me."

Andy rolled her eyes, but smiled at him.

Arriving at the party, there was hundreds of photographers around the venue and Andy took Victor's hand.

"Stay close."

"Oh I will."

They looked at each other and smiled just as the cameras started flashing. Victor kept her laughing the entire time they took pictures, giving everyone her best smile and a definite picture with an assumption that they were a couple.

"So beautiful, Mady should be so proud."

"Don't you ever get tired of complimenting me?"


Andy just shook her head and stepped away from him as they were screaming for solo pictures. She nervously did the poses she was taught and then Victor came back to her, taking her further in until they were finally in.

"Oh my god I think I'm blind."

Victor laughed, wrapping his arms around her and giving her shoulder a kiss.

"You did great, a natural, now let's get you a drink before I start introducing you to some friends."

He took her hand and nervously followed Victor around. Andy met some nice and then some not so nice people, especially woman that thought she was with Victor because of the fame when in reality they weren't together. Some woman already thought they knew her and when they knew about her daughter she was a bit confused as how they already knew, but she kept to who she was and that was Andy Anderson trying to give a better world to her daughter.

"They need you backstage really quick."

He pointed to the direction of the stage and she excused herself while they made the announcement that they were about to begin.

Victor made his way to their table when he was stopped in his tracks to find the man of the hour already seated at their table.


Austin looked up and then stood up.

"Mr. Hamilton, how are you?"

"Surprised that you're here, where's my daughter?"

"Restroom sir."

Austin knew the man hated him especially because of Andy, but Austin had a mutual feeling for the man that was trying to take his family away.

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