Feels Like Home


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Working her ass off everyday and no time for anything else, Andy wasn't your average girl living on her own... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66

Chapter 18

20 4 0

Making sure Andy was still asleep the man next her began to kiss her shoulder and making his way down her spine and up again as he pulled the sheet away from her and kissed each of her cheeks. He knew how much of a heavy sleeper she was when she drank and knew that this would be the perfect way to complete his plan. Turning her around slowly he made his way over her and kissed her before sliding himself into her.

Andy gasped, but never opened her eyes as they both started moving. To Andy it felt like a dream, but for the man over her, it was all real. He had missed her, missed the way she felt against him and under him. Andy had always been the one for him and even now she's still the one.

Andy woke up to her alarm, in her bedroom and in her bed. Without thinking twice she went into her bathroom and took a shower. Getting dressed she noticed a note on her nightstand. She frowned and went to it, picking it up.


It was so good to see you again after so long. I've missed you. You've changed so much, but just as sweet as before. Last night was amazing and I can't wait until we do it again.

With all my love, yours truly


Andy gasped, shaking her head. No... it was a dream, it had to be a dream. This couldn't be happening. Suddenly there was a knock at her door and Andy jumped, putting the note away and wiping her tears. She had to calm down and so she took deep breaths and quickly finished changing before the next knock came.

"I'm coming!"

She ran to her door and opened it to find a young man in a suit holding a bouquet of blue orchids... her favorite.



"These are for you."

She took the flowers as the young man then started following her with bags.

"What's that?"

He knew not to answer and only do as he was told.

"You have dinner reservations tonight at eight, a car will pick you up at seven forty five and make sure not to be late, boss will not be happy."

She was then handed a pair of keys and an envelope.

"Have a good day."

Andy didn't know what to say so she watched him leave until the door closed. It was then that she opened the envelope to find a credit card in her name and pictures. She took the pictures, dropping the credit card on the table before going to the couch.

She went through them to see Austin with his wife and son, her brother, Vivian and the baby and then there was Vincent with someone else, another nurse and they were kissing. Her heart sunk; it hurt her that he couldn't have been honest with her. Then there was another picture of her from when she was just a teenager. She was sixteen maybe and she was laughing, she remembered that day. It was the day she met him. She knew he was too old for her, but he had charmed her with gifts and loving words that she fell for it. Fell for every ounce of his lies until that night and that's when she knew her life wouldn't be the same again.

Andy shook her head and got up, wiping her tears. When she turned around though, she didn't expect to see Vincent. She frowned, looking back at the door.


He held out the key she had gotten for him.

"I thought you might want it back."

"Just leave it on the table."

Andy went to her room and grabbed his key, holding it out to him.

"Keep it, for just in case."

Andy shook her head.

"No thanks, I won't be needing it."

She placed in on the table and took hers back before stepping back again.

"Think I could get the clothes I left here?"

Andy nodded and stepped to the side to let him into her bedroom while she stood out in the living room. She kept her eye on the time as it was just past three in the afternoon, realizing that she had slept for most of the day.

"If I leave anything, think you can call me?"

Andy nodded, getting the door for him.

"Take care of yourself Andy."

"You too and say hi to Tori for me, she got very lucky."

He was about to open is mouth, but Andy shook her head, closing the door on him. She really didn't want to hear it and right now she had bigger issues to deal with.

Looking back at her floor she gathered all the bags and went into her bedroom to dump them all out. She had an entire new wardrobe and designer everything, including shoes and underwear.

There was only one thing left to do because at this point no wasn't an option.

Taking a deep breath, she looked herself in the mirror and inspected herself. From all the clothes she had received there was a particular blue dress with a specific note to wear it. It had fit her perfectly and she chose gold shoes and accessories, as gold was his favorite type of jewelry. Her hair was curled down her back and let loose. Make up was a bit more dramatic as she had been crying and became very red, so she had a bit more on than she wanted, but it was what it was.

She was getting her purse ready when there was a knock at the door. She stopped and took a deep breath before opening it, but it was Austin.

"Hey... wow."

"What are you doing here?"

"I should be asking where are you going and looking like that?"

"Look right now isn't a good time."

Just then the same guy from earlier walked up.

"The car is waiting."

"One second."

Andy grabbed her things and walked out.

"I'll talk to you later alright?"

"Actually I'm leaving and I'll be gone for a while."

Andy stopped and looked up at him.

"Going home?"

"Yeah, there are a couple of issues I have to take care of and I don't know how long I'll be. I've left your brother in charge."

"Okay, well good luck then hope everything turns out okay. See you around."

She walked away then leaving him standing at her door. Austin was hoping to talk to her, but he knew he had hurt her too much to be able to get her to listen to him.

"Bye Andy."

Going down she found herself in front of a limo. They opened the door for her and she got in, expecting to see him, but he wasn't in there.

Ten minutes later they were pulling up to a mansion where rows of the same type of limos were dropping off people.

"I thought we were going to dinner?"

"You are."

Her door was then opened and he stepped out before helping her out. As soon as she stepped out, eyes were on her and before she looked down, her chin was pulled up.

"Don't, just walk and keep your head up."

She nodded and followed with a body guard on her left with the young man on her right. She could hear the whispers as she walked by and headed inside. The house was swarming with people laughing and drinking, what she wasn't expecting to see was the man she met eight years ago and changed her life forever would be laughing as if he hadn't done anything or spent the last four years in prison.


It was then that Carlos looked up and was on his feet in matter of seconds.


Andy took a deep breath and walked down to him where she met him and his awaiting hand. She took his hand as everyone had become quiet, looking at them.

"Don't mind them, it's been a while since they've seen you."

She looked up at him and she wanted to scream at him, but she couldn't, she just didn't have the guts to do it.

"You look beautiful, as always."

He lifted her chin and bent down, giving her a kiss. She closed her eyes and tried to think of something else.

"Did you miss me baby?"

Andy opened her eyes at him, his hazel eyes looking down at her, waiting for her to say something, but the single tear that made its way down her cheek was enough for him to know that she did or so Andy hoped it did.

"Don't cry, I'm here now."

He wiped away her tear and kissed her one more time before taking her hand.

"Come, let's have dinner."

She let go of the breath she was holding onto and thanked god she didn't do anything stupid or give herself away.

"I see the virgin is out of her hiding place."

Andy stopped, but Carlos pulled her along.

"Don't, she's just as bitter as always."

"It's been eight years; you would think she would be over it already."

Carlos laughed shaking his head as they continued outside where an enormous tent was set up.

"What's the occasion?"

Carlos looked down at her with a big smile and they went in to find a winter wonderland.

"Happy birthday baby."

It was then that she realized that it was in fact her birthday this week. She looked up at him and he kissed her.

"And this is only the beginning, come on."

Needless to say Carlos could throw a party and even if she didn't want to party, Carlos was there making her.

"Have a drink it'll loosen you up."

"Last time you said that, you took advantage of me."

Carlos smiled, kissing her on the shoulder to her ear.

"And it was so much fun, but this time you're no longer underage and a virgin, I made sure of that last night when I had you."

Andy looked up at him.


"I own the building and when I found out you were living there, I just knew I couldn't wait too long before I had you. You're mine Andy since you were sixteen and there is nothing that I wouldn't do for you or do to have you."

"So sneaking into my apartment last night while I was passed out is okay?"

"Oh come on, don't tell me you didn't enjoy it. Asleep or not, you were so responsive."

Andy looked away, feeling sick to her stomach.

"When did you get out?"

Carlos then pulled her closer to him, wrapping his arms around her.

"Does it matter?"

Andy looked up at him.

"You really just don't care do you? What happened, how it happened and what you took away from me, you just can't admit it can you?"

"You're mine and they tried to keep you away from me, I had to do what I had to do even if I had to wait this long to get you back."

Andy shook her head, looking away from him.

"I don't even know why I'm here, why I'm not..."

"Because you know that I saved you. If it wasn't for me, he would have taken you away and I wasn't about to let it happen."

She looked down and let the tears fall. He had saved her, but he also had caused her to lose everything.


He lifted her chin and looked down at her.

"You're alive because of me. I had to do what I had to do or you would have been in some country being a slave to a man who was paying your parents for your services. Your parents weren't the people you knew."

"Please, don't talk about my parents."

"You're not a little kid anymore, you need to stop thinking everyone is perfect."

"I don't."

"Then listen to me when I say that you would have been worse off, okay?"

"But you didn't have to kill..."

"He was about to kill you, it's the least he deserved after what he had done and was about to do to you."

Andy sniffed and wiped her tears, looking down at his hands wrapped around her.

"Remember how we always said we would run away together?"

She nodded.

"Well now we don't have to. You're old enough and I'm back now."

"It's not the same anymore. Things have changed, I've changed."

His hold around her tightened and she knew he was sending her a message that she wasn't going anywhere.

"We belong together and you know that."

Andy didn't know how to tell him about Austin and what had happened the last couple of months. She didn't think he would understand without getting upset and getting Carlos upset was like throwing gasoline on a fire.

"So come on have a drink."

He handed her a glass of champagne and toasted with her.

"To your birthday, to the fact that we don't have to hide and to us, I love you baby."

He kissed her on the cheek then turned her head, kissing her fully on the lips.

"Now go wipe those tears off and get back here so we can celebrate."

She nodded and got up as one of his guards escorted her into the house and into the main bathroom. Andy looked herself in the mirror and took a deep breath taking a tissue and fixing her make-up.

"I thought that was you."

Andy froze, but her eyes looked up to the person behind her.


"Small world isn't it?"

Andy let out a breath and turned.

"What are you doing here?"

"Funny I was going to ask you the same, but by the looks of the dress, you're who we're celebrating. Where's Austin, your husband?"

"He's not my husband."

"Really? Last time I checked I was at a wedding not too long ago."

"What do you want Victoria?"

"I want to know how you know Carlos. Carlos isn't really the type to be going for little girls as yourself."

Andy smirked, turning back around and going back to the task at hand.

"Then you don't know him as well as I do."

"Really and how do you know Carlos, Grandfather's son?"

Andy turned around then.


"Oh you didn't know? Carlos is the illegitimate child of Austin's grandfather. Like his grandfather, he too likes multiple women."

"You're lying."

"Ask Grandfather, he'll tell you."

"Carlos can't be because that means that grandfather would have known who I was."

"Well I didn't say they recognized each other. You know grandfather he's so strict and so private."

"Then how would you know?"

"Let's just say sleeping with both, you tend to learn how to pay attention."

"Of course you would."

"You'll find out soon enough."

She winked at Andy before leaving which left Andy thinking. Could it be possible? Could Austin and Carlos be related somehow?

"No, it's too farfetched, there's no way."

After fixing herself she went back to the party where Carlos had a girl on his lap, giving him a lap dance. It seemed he was enjoying it, before she would kill him for disrespecting her, now it was different. She didn't feel for him what she once did. That school girl love had grown into nothing but sorrow and sadness.

Taking a glass of champagne and taking her shoes off Andy hit the dancefloor. She needed to feel good again and this was her way of doing it.

Carlos watched her as she went on the dancefloor, at the same time he gave the DJ a signal and he got up, pushing the girl away. He took off his jacket and rolled up his sleeved before going behind his girl and twirling her around.

"Dancing without me I see."

"Well you were busy so I figured I'd get my own dancing in."

"She's nothing, but entertainment and you know me I have to be the first."

"Of course, how can I forget?"

Carlos laughed bending down and kissing her.

"Surprise number two?"


"Close your eyes."

He took her champagne glass as Andy closed her eyes and covered them. He turned her around then running around in front of her.

"On three okay?"

Andy nodded.

"One... two... three..."

Andy opened her eyes, but she didn't get the surprise right away as her eyes needed to adjust, but when they did she looked around until she looked down to see Carlos on his knee.


Carlos was smiling up at her as Andy stepped back a little, covering her mouth.

"You were sixteen when I first saw you and ever since then I vowed that once you were ready that I would make you my wife. Well today is that day..."

Getting up slowly Carlos got up and took one of Andy's hands, stepping up to her.

"Andy will you marry me?"

"Carlos, I..."

Carlos was smarter than he looked and knew that regardless of what she said he would make her his.

"It's okay you don't have to say anything."

He put the ring on her finger and kissed her, pressing her against him.


"Shhh... you don't have to say anything,"

He kissed her again this time dancing with her to the song that they had picked out all those years ago.

Andy's heart was beating fast against her chest; she didn't know what the hell she just got herself into. This is not why she came. She was curious yes, but she also knew that if she didn't come he would come after her and she knew that wasn't going to be a good thing. The last thing she expected was to be asked to marry him. This was going too far, but telling him now would just make things worse, an angry Carlos is not something she wanted to have with everyone looking.

She would have to do it when she was far away from him.

That's if he let her...

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