Bookshop Encounters (Chris Ke...

By mediagirl94

30.8K 1.4K 598

Book 1 in the Fantastic Foursome Series *COMPLETED* When Rachel went to work, she expected another dull day o... More

Authors Note #1
Chapter One: Rachel Watts
Chapter Two: Bookshop Encounters
Chapter Three: Housing Issues
Chapter Four: Fantastic Foursome?
Chapter Five: Twenty Questions
Chapter Six: Secrets!
Chapter Seven: Wake Up
Chapter Eight: Home Sweet Home
Chapter Nine: Amber Alert
Chapter Eleven: Lifts and Betrayal
Chapter Twelve: Brighton & Board Games Pt.1
Chapter Thirteen: Brighton & Board Games Pt.2
Chapter Fourteen: Brighton & Board Games Pt.3
Chapter Fifteen: Brighton & Board Games Pt.4
Chapter Sixteen: Brighton & Board Games Pt.5
Chapter Seventeen: Meeting Zoella
Chapter Eighteen: Date Night
Chapter Nineteen: Sugg Sunday Special
Chapter Twenty: Lazy Sunday Afternoon
Chapter Twenty One: Bookshop Encounters 2.0
Omegle Boy (Danisnotonfire) Book 2
Social Media!
YouTube Imagines Book
Achievement Hunter Imagines Book

Chapter Ten: Calm Before The Storm

1.2K 59 22
By mediagirl94

Chapter Ten: Calm Before The Storm


The next few days were quiet, it was peaceful but that put me on edge. Amber hadn't tried anything, maybe we'd gotten the girl all wrong. Chris quickly changed my mind telling me to never let my guard down around Amber because when I'm weak that is when she'll make her move and strike.

Chris was off filming for the BBC and Phil was making videos with Carrie Fletcher. PJ was back in Brighton and Dan was bored so we decided to have a day of shopping, the shopping part was his idea not mine. I somehow found myself questioning this boy and his idea of how to have a good time.

"Dan. Why are you addicted to black?"

We were browsing the racks in Topman and I'd just pulled the fifth black shirt out of Dan's hands. He went to grab it off me but I placed it back on the rack and shot him an 'are you serious' look. I then linked his arm through mine and all but dragged him out of the shop.

"It's dark like my soul Rachel, black completes me."

I rolled my eyes at his overly dramatic behaviour and pulled him onto the busy street. Maybe Saturday wasn't the best day to go shopping on Oxford Circus, luckily Dan hadn't been noticed yet because I didn't feel like dealing with the hassle of telling girls that I wasn't his girlfriend. All it would take was one compromising photo on Twitter and Tumblr and suddenly Chris would be hurt along with Dan and my own online reputation. I was already treading a thin line by being the only female hanging out with the fantastic foursome.

"Let's grab a Starbucks, I'm parched and my feet hurt."

There was no queue in Starbucks so we got served pretty quickly. I ordered a hot chocolate while Dan got some cinnamon latte which I called girly and he pouted. We found a free sofa table near the window and claimed it as our own; we each took a sofa opposite each other.

"How are you and Chris going?"

I shrugged my shoulders and stirred my drink to mix the cream with the hot chocolate.

"We're doing great, I mean he's really supportive but he seems on edge about Amber. Why hasn't she made a move yet?"

"Speak of the devil and she will appear."

I turned in the direction Dan was pointing and my mouth dropped in shock. Amber strutted towards our table wearing a really short dress and heels which screamed 'hooker'. Dan eyed her up and down while I mentally gagged.

"Oh hi Dan fancy seeing you here, and excuse me but have we met?"

I rolled my eyes and sighed heavily, I didn't have time for her today. I was having a really fun time up until she showed up. Running a hand through my hair I put on the biggest fake smile I could muster.

"Hi Amber, yes we have met. I'm Chris's girlfriend and you're a serial manipulator and all around mean person."

I took a sip of my drink and reclined backwards on the plush sofa, there was something about Amber that pushed all my buttons and not for good. How did the guys cope with her before?

"Dan are you going to let his thing talk to me this way?"

Amber battered her eyelashes at Dan, was he real going to fall for this innocent girl act.

"Amber, you ruined my life along with the other guys. Don't think you can waltz back in here and try and manipulate us again. Rachel and I are trying to enjoy a drink and would appreciate it if you left."

Yes, Dan was growing a pair and standing up to Amber. I was so proud of him, after his hesitance about ignoring Amber I was worried he'd go against us and become the first to break. My phone went off and I excused myself, why was Chris calling me? Yes he was my boyfriend but when he worked for the BBC he normally ignored everyone.

I walked outside and accepted the call. Through the window I made out Amber making herself comfortable in my seat, Dan didn't do anything to stop her. Maybe around me he could act strong but left alone she was his kryptonite.

"Hello babe how's the day out with Dan? I have something to tell you."

I didn't like the sound of what he wanted to tell me, but I couldn't be more distracted by Amber stroking Dan's hand across the table. Dan was like a moth to a flame and Amber was the flame that would burn and kill him.

"My day was going good, we shopped and I stopped Dan buying more black. But then Amber decided to crash our coffee break and I'm watching through the window as Dan is lured back to Amber."

Chris sighed down the line and I could picture him running a frustrated hand through his hair and messing it up, this bought a smile to my face that I knew his habits so well which meant we were going in the right direction with our relationship.

"Well I hope you can snap him out of it, Amber came by the flat straight after you left. She asked if she could borrow the Wi-Fi of all things so she could upload a new video or something."

I scoffed, Wi-Fi was definitely a more modern take on the classic 'can I borrow a cup of sugar neighbour?' was this all that Chris wanted to tell me?

"What did you do when she asked Chris?"

Over the line he hesitated for a few seconds.

"I gave her the wrong password and shut the door in her face."

I couldn't help but burst into a fit of laughter, I'd have loved to see Amber's face when she got rejected from our Wi-Fi. People passing me on the street gave me strange looks, as I composed myself I glanced through the window again and shook my head. Amber had a vlogging camera out and appeared to be vlogging with Dan who looked a mixture of excitement and unease.

"Amber's vlogging with Dan as we speak, I swear she's an attention seeking whore who knows exactly what to say to get a guy."

Chris chuckled but it sounded like he was slightly nervous about something. Had I said something wrong?

"I have to get back to set, have a fun time with Amber. I love you and see you later Rachel."

Chris hung up on me before I could even say my own goodbye, why did he only ring me to tell me about a Wi-Fi issue? That felt like something that he could have waited to tell me tonight when we were both in the flat. Did he want to tell me something else but chickened out? I shook my head; Chris would have been honest with me if there was something else he wanted to tell me.

I slipped my phone back in my pocket before heading inside. Amber turned her camera on me as soon as I came within range, again I faked a smile. Damn I was getting good at these, I should make a video on it.

"My little ambers this is the one and only Rachel Watts, you probably won't know her other than the girl who stole Crabstickz away from you."

Well that was a slap in the face, was that all the fans saw in me? The girl who stole their chances of Chris falling for them. Before I could speak to defend myself Amber turned the camera back on Dan. I rolled my eyes and Dan stifled a laugh.

"It was nice meeting you again Amber, but Rachel and I have plans that we really should get back to."

Thank god Dan was making another stand; I just wanted to get out of here. He stood up and handed me my bag which I'd left on the table. Amber had envy in her eyes as Dan came and stood next to me, I just wanted to high five him but knew that it was inappropriate especially if Amber caught it on camera. Amber also rose.

"Ah we should catch up again Dan. Rachel don't toy Chris along when you clearly have feelings for Dan here. If you need someone to take him off your hands then I'll happily step in, I'm sure Chris and I can rekindle over the good old times."

Amber giggled and waltzed, yes waltzed out of the shop leaving Dan and I shocked and in silence. I didn't have feelings for Dan, I saw him as a close friend not a lover. Amber was just trying to mess everything up.

"Dan, she's just trying to get inside our heads. She came by the flat after I left and tried to get inside by borrowing the Wi-Fi."

"Haha yeah, I can't believe I was nearly sucked back in. Wi-Fi is a lame excuse to try and get Chris in bed."

Wait a minute what did Dan mean by Amber trying to get Chris into bed by asking to borrow the Wi-Fi? Had this happened before? I felt my fists clench at the thought, when Chris rang me it was as if he was holding something back.

"Oh crap, Rachel he wouldn't. Chris is mad for you. Yes it happened before but we've all grown up since then. What shop should we go in next?"


I could see the gears turning in Rachel's mind; Chris wouldn't fall for the same trick twice. When Amber said that Rachel had feelings for me for a second I was happy but then I remembered that Chris was one of my best mates and he was in love with Rachel Watts. I couldn't ever come between them, but if Chris did something stupid then I would be there for Rachel as a friend.

"Yeah you're right Dan. Chris wouldn't cheat on me with Amber of all people. How about Lush? We can buy you a pretty bath bomb."

Rachel was putting up a strong front, when we first met her she seemed like she kept everything close to her chest. But over the weeks she'd come out of her shell and felt like she could be the real her around us. As a friend I didn't want to see her retreat back behind the wall she once created and keep her emotions on lock down.


Why couldn't I have just been honest with Rachel over the phone? I was a coward and an idiot. Obviously Amber hadn't told Rachel anything about what happened between us earlier when she asked for Wi-Fi. Because if she had then Rachel would have called me and shouted at me, but then again if Amber had spilled about the kiss maybe Rachel wouldn't call me. I might return back to the flat later and find that Rachel has packed up her stuff and fled.

I couldn't lose Rachel; she was my everything as cliché as that sounds. Amber dragged up old memories but Rachel was my future. I'd fight tooth and claw for her, no one else was good enough for her in my eyes. She'd told me everything about her past and her last landlord and his abusive ways, my heart broke but she said that she trusted me. Apparently it was rare for her to trust anyone as quickly as she trusted me and the guys.

Amber: I didn't tell your precious bae, I like having this over you Chris x

I slammed my phone down on the table. The five of us had made a pact to ignore Amber and I was the first casualty. I couldn't tell the others, especially Rachel, the guys would call me stupid and pathetic. I needed to fix things before they got blown out of proportion. A storm was brewing and the six of us wouldn't come out unscathed.

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