His Double Life

By sillywriterxx

150K 1.8K 188

"Arms up." He demands. His voice is harsh, yet soothing. I can't help but find his dominance intriguing. I d... More

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15
Part 16
Part 17
Part 18
Part 19
Part 21
Part 22
Part 23
Part 24

Part 20

3K 55 3
By sillywriterxx


"You will?" He asks, shocked.

"Yes. You had to go and pull the if you love me card..."

"So you do? You actually do you're not just fucking with me?"

"Neal shut up. With the situation you're putting me in, you don't really get to question how I feel. Considering i've stuck around."

He wraps his arms around my waist and smiles. "You're right. I'm glad you're not giving up on this. I was scared you were done with me."

"I should be very done with you. But to an extent, I get why you haven't left yet."

"Yeah... it's hard. But it's smart for now. I know it's a lot to ask from you. To stick around." I chuckle. No shit.

"Can I ask you something?" I say, nerves hitting me.

"Sure. Anything."

"How do I even know you wouldn't just do all this to me too? Cheat and be a dom with women behind my back?"

He sighs. "I know that I seem to be a prick for it. But my marriage has been bad since almost day one. I loved her, yes, but eventually I realized she wasn't the person for me. By then it was like ok shit, she would possibly get my family company if I left and take whatever she wants. She's a powerful woman even without me, so it's hard. I started using this.. lifestyle, to cope, to try and gain back some of the happiness she stole. It's evil of me to cheat and be heartless about doing so, but I need you to understand just a little, that you're the one for me. I've never even said that to my wife. The one for me was standing at my wedding pretending not to love me just for the sake of my at the time happiness. Please don't ever think I'd do any of this again especially not to you."

I cant help but smile. Even though he could easily be lying to me. I know he's fucking up with what he's doing, but he isn't a bad person. Not generally. He use to love his wife, but things changed and his family legacy is at risk if he leaves her right now. Or maybe even at all. I wonder at times if it will be worth possibly losing so much to him. If i'm worth it.

Even though i'm an idiot to stick around and believe him, I am and I do. I love him, and I'm starting to truly believe he loves me too.

"Do you want to go somewhere? Just walk and talk?" He asks, filling the silence.

"Isn't that risky for you?" I ask.

"I mean, you are my employee. If i'm walking and talking with you i'd assume people thought it had to do with work."

"And then when we end up married someday they'll know that was not the case." I laugh as his smile fades. "Sorry that was a dumb thing to say. But technically I may not be considered your employee anymore. I did tell your father I was leaving..."

He nods as if realizing I had been back and forth with the company. He clears his throat and claps his hands together. "Anyways, is that a yes or a no?"

His reaction throws me off. "I have a lunch to get to. Couple friends. I'll text you later." I smile and walk out the door. After all of this i'd assume we would end up together. Married with a few kids. I figured if he was serious here and sees me as the one, it wouldn't be such a shock that i'd think marriage was on the table.

I call Angela hoping she's available for a vent session.

"Hey lovely lady!" I smile at her happy hello.

"You at home by chance?"

"When am I not? I was just wondering when you'd come home."

"I'm on my way now. I need to vent more than you know."

"I'm all ears. See you soon."

An hour later i'm walking in the front door to the smell of spaghetti and garlic bread. My favorite meal.

"Hey..." Angela says. My smile fades when I see Neal's wife, standing in my kitchen holding a piece of garlic bread in her hand.

"Hey Jess!" She says. I almost puke seeing her here.

"Hey Bec, what are you doing here?"

"I was in town, going to surprise Neal later and figured i'd stop by. I haven't seen you in forever!"

Angela and I make awkward eye contact and she shrugs, just as confused as I am.

"It's so nice to see you! Are you staying for dinner?" I slowly pull my phone out of my pocket, dying to text Neal about this.

"Yes ma'am! Angela already offered." She grabs her glass of wine off the island and goes to sit on the bar stool.

I quickly text Neal and tell him his wife is at my place right now about to have dinner with us, and not by an invite. He responds moments later with a simple "what the fuck".

"So, Jessica, how's the company treating you?" Rebecca asks.

"I actually quit. I got a job. I'm hoping I fit in a bit better there."

"You fit in great at the Greysons company. They have so many talented authors there, and make a shit ton of money. If I remember correctly you're a pretty talented writer yourself." Looking at Becca is almost like looking at the devil. Her eyes look dark and full of a rage she isn't openly showing.

"Yeah, I'm just starting a bit slow for now. I don't have any book ideas or anything, so an article a week will be good for now."

"Writers block?" Angela sits down across from Rebecca and I join them.

"Yeah. Haven't had any novel worthy ideas lately. I felt like I should just wait on getting into the Greyson publishing world. People there are so talented and have new ideas constantly."

"Neal told me how great you are with your writing. I remember reading a few rough drafts back in the day, and you should really consider giving it another go. I think you could be a real asset."

I smile, hating that she's here, but hating how nice she's being even more. What's her motive here?

"Maybe after a few months? I don't know. I'm just trying to kind of get my shit together. Plus i'm heading to Florida to see family and friends for a bit. Clear my head a little."

"Everything okay?" Rebecca tilts her head, as if she's actually interested.

"Yeah, just hoping the trip will give me some ideas. Maybe something that can actually be worthy of being published through Greyson publishing."

"Perhaps. Jess, do you mind if we talk in private?" Angela's eyes widen.

"I suppose, Ang?" Angela walks to her room, closing the door. I know she's listening though, so we can talk about it later.

"So...I've been considering moving here to New York for Neal. He's been begging me to forever. But I feel like somethings off with him. Would you happen to know anything?"

Shit. "No. I haven't noticed anything. I'm not around him much these days, so I guess i'm not a very credible source but-"

"I just know if he was going to tell anyone anything it would probably be you." Rebecca looks down at her fingers.

"Why me?"

"He just always spoke highly of you. You guys were best friends. I know he trusts you,"

"Well, I don't know anything really about him acting different. I just know the company has been really busy lately. Maybe that's why?"

Suddenly there's a knock at the door, and my heart nearly falls out of my ass.

"I got it!" Angle yells, running down the hall. Once she swings the door open, Neal is standing there, absolutely pissed.

"This is really how you were going to confront this?"

"What?" I say. Rebecca glares at Neal.

"What'a going on?" I say, getting frustrated.

"Tell her Bec. Let her know what's going on."


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