Bitter sweet- TDI

By Midnight_Cure

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-In the end, I want to win more than ever, and there's nothing on this island to stop me. While stuck on an i... More

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Not so happy campers 2 (2/2)✅
Big sleep (1/2)✅
Big sleep (2/2)✅
Dodgebrawl (1/2)✅
Dodgebrawl (2/2)✅
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Not quite famous (2/2)✅
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The Sucky Outdoors (2/2)✅
Phobia Factor (1/2)✅
Phobia Factor (2/2)✅
Up the creek (1/1)✅
Paintball Deer Hunter (1/2)✅
Paintball Deer Hunter (2/2)✅
If you can't take the heat (1/2)✅
If you can't take the heat (2/2)✅
Who can you trust (1/2)✅
Who can you trust (2/2)✅
Basic Straining (1/3)✅
Basic Straining (2/3)✅
Basic Straining (3/3)✅
What happened afterward?✅
No pain, no game (1/2)✅
No pain, no game (2/2)✅
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738 19 7
By Midnight_Cure

Previously on Total Drama Island

The new challenge sent campers to Bony Island.

Gwen talked with Alexandra about her feelings but was they really alone?

Duncan and Alexandra fought again, and Geoff used it to spend more time with Alex.

I watch as Duncan walks away. I turn to Geoff since he's my new partner.

-Thanks for watching out for me.

-It's no problem, Star. I like you better with a smile, so I'll try to give you reasons to smile. Besides, I promised you on day one, stick around and you'll be fine.- He kisses my palm, something that became our thing recently.

-You're too sweet. Hope my smile is worth all this trouble.

-Some things are priceless.- He holds my hand.- And I know that one is worth everything.


Heather: Great everything fits together. It's high time I took control over everything. They'll dance like puppets in my show. It's obvious both Duncan and Geoff like that blond idiot. Thanks to my last night's finding, I know Trent has a thing with her also. Now I only have to decide which string pull first, or which will be more effective. Is it Christmas already?

- Let's just get this over with.- Gwen says.

Gophers take their canoes and head to the forest.

-What are you waiting for? We have to catch up.- Courtney yells.

We follow the other team to the forest. We easily find them because Owen moves extremely slowly. For a moment, we walk together.

-Gah! I think I saw something. [gasps as leaves rustle and monster beavers appear] Monster beavers!- Cody panics.

Everyone screamed, and when Gophers ran away, I manage to gather my team in nearby shrubbery. Animals follow our competition. I take a look out of the bush.

-They're gone. Come on, we don't want to wait for them.- I announce.

-But which way should we go?- Bri asks.

-There's just one path. We should follow it. Even though Gophers took it too, I don't see much sense in finding our way. Forest can be deceptive. Flora is thick, and it won't be easy to walk through it too.- I explain.

-That's a rational plan.- Bridgette says.

-She's right.- Harold nods.

-Take the lead then, captain.- Geoff nudges me.

-Alright. Stay close. We don't want to get separated.- I start to walk ahead of the group with Geoff. He's taller, so he's taking most of the canoe weight.

-Hey, I'm the leader!- Courtney protests.


Alexandra: I'll follow Gwen's advice. I'll just ignore her.

I walk, not paying attention to the screaming girl. Everyone soon follows me. I pay more attention to my surroundings, knowing my team counts on me. Our walk is peaceful until I hear rustling from a nearby bush. I stop in my tracks, stopping the others.

-What is it?- Geoff whispers.

-Stay put. I'm going to check.

-What if it's dangerous?- He mumbles.

-Then you better run. I'll protect myself.- With that, I leave them a little bit behind.

I make stealthy steps. I notice a branch near and take it as a weapon. I'm very close, so I crouch. I brush some plants from my sight to examine the noise. I can't see the source, I take a deep breath and enter shrubbery. The noise is louder. I take a few more steps and, an animal jumps on me. I yelp loudly, making a commotion, realizing it's just a squirrel.

I laugh at it and come back to my team.

-Alexandra!- DJ picks me up in a hug.

-Wow, I was gone for a minute.- I say.

-We thought you met those beavers. We heard a strange noise.- Bri comments.

-Thanks for your concern, but that noise was me. I got scared. Turns out squirrels can be sneaky cause' one jumped on me.

-Yeah, yeah. Can we just go? If we lose, it's your fault.- Courtney scoffs, but I ignore her.

-Pick your canoes, gang. Time to go.- I lead them further into the forest.

Time skip

-Which way are we gonna go?- DJ asks.

-Left. Definitely left.- Courtney says.

-I don't know. I think we should take the one on the right.- Geoff suggests.

-I agree.- I say.

-The right trail is wider.- Bridgette ads.

-Decided.- We walk the right path.

Just when things were looking up for the Bass... Disaster struck.

- Ahh! My leg! I'm down! I'm down! Oh, it's so unfair! Why did this have to happen now? Oh! Why? Why?!- Geoff falls to the ground.

I fall next to him, almost getting hit by our canoe. It's heavier than you think.

-Geoff!- Bri panics.

-You've gotta go on without me!- Geoff states.

-Are you kidding? I'm not leaving you.- I take my medical kit out.

I approach him. He's clutching the place of the injury.

-I know it hurts, but you have to remove your hands.- I said in a soothing voice, but he doesn't listen.

-Please, trust me.- I take one of his hands.- Bridgette can hold your hand. I need both of mine.

My friend sits next to me and takes the boy's hand. I smile at her and look at Geoff's leg. It's a thick splinter, more like a twig. I know I shouldn't remove it without professional help, but we need to move on. I'll take the risk. I take a closer look and calm down, noticing it didn't go deep into the flesh.

-It's funny. I've treated so many injuries, but somehow every time similar cases are so different for me. I can't even count how many times I used my first aid, yet I can tell each time it's a whole new story. Turns out I remember the most dangerous accidents. -I talk to distract him. I can tell it's working.

-But there are hilarious stories too. Once I was helping a small boy with a simple cut. He was totally overreacting, so I came up with the story about a magic elixir that can treat all wounds. I simply used antiseptic and put on a plaster, but he believed in my story. It made him stop crying and dramatizing, but he started to tell about the elixir everyone. If we had one it would be easier, but I've finished here anyway.

I put my supplies back in place and shove them into my bag. Geoff looks down, noticing a bandage on his leg.

-But it still hurts.

-Of course, it does, silly. It'll till it's mended. Can't do anything about it.- I say.- I may give you a sticker of the brave patient.- I giggle.

-What about a soothing kiss?- He asks.

I lean in and kiss his cheek.


-Never better.- He blushes and stand up.


Geoff: I didn't know if I was gonna make it. [inhales] It was touch-and-go.

Bridgette: I've seen surfers get eaten by sharks before, but this? This was horrifying.

DJ: The man just... kept going! The dude's got, heart.

Alexandra: Boys, they manage to make a runny nose a fatal disease. He's gonna be alright. It wasn't as serious as I thought.

-I think I can't walk.- Geoff mutters.

-We're not leaving any man behind! Not on my watch!- DJ states.

He takes my canoe and helps Geoff on it, then he picks it up with ease.

-Alexandra, you gotta help, Duncan. I'll take care of Geoff.- DJ adds.

-Fine.- I sigh.

I walk up to him.

-Looks like we were meant to be, princess.- He smirks.

-So we're just gonna leave our argument behind like it never happened.- I question.

He places his hands on my shoulders and whispers to my ear.

-Of course not, sweetheart. I don't know what you think about me, but I'm not your enemy. I think you're loveable, and that's why I want to talk about it later, just you and me. No challenges, no distractions. - He straightens his arms and adds in a cocky voice- Now we better move on. Not like I can't carry it alone, but I can use your help, cupcake.

-Let's go, juvie.

Cut to the beach

-Yes, we made it.- I exclaim as we arrive at the other end of the island.

-I knew with your help, it won't be a problem.- Bri nudges me.

-It's too early to celebrate. Come on, team. Everyone, get as many twigs as you can. We need to start a fire.- My friends do as I say. I want to join them, but...

-Alex, wait.- Geoff stands up and limps to me.

-Any better?- I ask.

-I'm sorry. I was meant to protect you, but you ended up with Duncan anyway.

-Don't worry about it. We're mature enough to put our problems aside.

-Also, thanks for the help.

-No prob. If you don't feel like it, you can just rest for now. It's not a biggie.

-I don't want to let you down.

-You're not. You can help from here. Have you ever built a campfire?

-Few times with my dudes back home.

-Perfect, you know what to do, then. I'll get us more branches.

He holds my hand and turns me around, so I face him again. He leans in and kisses my cheek.

-Be careful, Star.

-I'll be safe and sound.- I ruffle his hair and leave.

I walk into the forest again. I pick up every twig that looks useful.

-You two look sweet.- Someone speaks, making me turn.

-Gwen? What are you talking about?- I look down bashfully.

-You could have told me you like guys like Geoff. - She laughs.

-It's a long story and just a kiss on the cheek.

-We'll talk about it.

-Guess, you're going to wait in a queue.- I state. -I need to clean the air with Duncan first.

-What happened back there?

-You'll find out later. I Gotta help from my team.

With that, I walk away to join my team. Geoff is working on our bonfire with Duncan. I join them, throwing my sticks on the pile.

-Nice work, guys. I'm impressed you started the fire so quickly.

-I have my ways.- Duncan shows me a lighter.

-How did they do that so quickly?- I hear Heather groan.

-I like your ways then.- I smirk.

- I don't think this is going to be big enough.- Courtney approaches us.

-If we want to be sneaky, I have a perfect idea.- I grab my bag but stop the moment I notice I lost my lucky charm.

It was attached to the arm, but it's gone now. I got it from my mom, and I take it with me everywhere.

-Hey, what's wrong?- Geoff notices my sadness.

-I lost my lucky charm. It must have happened when that squirrel jumped on me.- I look around, but it's not anywhere close.

-You'll get a new one.- Duncan states.

-You don't understand. It's a present from my mom.

Suddenly the person I didn't expect embrace me. Courtney is squeezing me tightly. I gladly return her hug, it's comforting. She's still the only person here that knows my mom passed away.


Courtney: We may don't like each other, but some things make us forget about our differences.

Duncan: Say what? How? Why? What?

Geoff: Dude, I thought they don't like each other. Man, I'm so confused now. Girls are complicated.

-Thanks.- I whisper.

I regain my composure and take out a deodorant from my bag.

-Step back.- I warn before spraying the fire. It instantly grows bigger.

-What the hell?! It's unfair.- Heather yells.

-No rules against this.- Chris shouts through a megaphone. He's watching us from a helicopter.

When we focus on our work, Gopher's fire explodes. Yes, explodes. Izzy threw something inside causing an enormous blow.

-Holy shit! We need more wood.- I tell my other teammates gathered around.

-You heard the woman! We need more wood, guys! Come on, let's go!- DJ decides.

Harold hearing this takes all of our paddles and throws them into the fire.

-Whee-hee-hee! We have our fire-building winner! Point for the Gophers!- Chris announces.

-How are we supposed to get home now?!- Bri screams.

-You guys could get someone to swim behind the boats and push them. I did that once for this huge like, sixty-foot yacht; the whole crew had to flutter kick for like, eight days to get to shore. And like, four of us got eaten by sharks. [laughs] I didn't. Not me. But it was insane. Okay, later!- Izzy says, walking by with her team who's setting off.

-That might work!- Geoff pipes up.

-We need someone big enough to push all the canoes back. DJ, you're the only one who's strong enough.- Bri states.

-You can't ask him to do that! The dude can't swim!- Geoff protests.

-Geoff, I know you're friends, but DJ's the only chance we've got!- Bridgette retorts.

-She's right. Those skinny arms aren't going to cut it.- Courtney points at Harold.

-I'll do it.- Geoff declares.

-You can't swim with that kind of injury! Right, Alexandra? - Bridgette says.

-Well, I guess nothing serious would happen, but better be safe than sorry.- I answer.- DJ, I know I'm asking for much but can you help?- I look at him with hope.

-I can do this. I have to.- He nods confidently.


DJ: It was all up to me. I needed to swim like a Killer Bass should and no wedgie flop was going to stand in my way. Alexandra counts on me.

Alexandra: It must cost him so much. He doesn't seem to realize his courage in this action.

-That is one brave man.- Geoff cheers.

-You're my hero, DJ. - I smile.

Cut to the swimming

-DJ! DJ! DJ! DJ! DJ!- We all cheer for the boy.

He's swimming, pushing all the canoes in front of him. We're all sitting on top of the pile. Soon, we catch up with Gophers, who send us surprised stares.

DJ's swimming so fast we hit the shore. We fly with the canoes and land on the sand. Unexpectedly, everyone seems to be alright.

-The Bass are the winners!- Chris announces.

We erupt with joy. I run up to DJ and throw my arms around his neck. He's so high he needs to pick me up, so I can hug him the way I wanted.

Cut to the pier

I'm chilling with my camera on the pier. I'm waiting for Duncan here. As promised we're going to talk some things through. I take a photo of the sunset. The challenge was longer than expected.

-Why do you like photography, princess?- He makes his entrance.

-Each photo is like an image of a past. I capture memories with every shot I take. When I think something is worth remembering, I don't hesitate. It's impressionism, but instead of paint and canvas, I use my camera.

-So I'm a worthy memory.- He smirks.

-Don't let your ego get inflated.

-What's impressionism?- He asks.

-Ever heard of Monet?

-Not really.

-He was a painter, the one who started that art movement.

-I didn't know you're such a dig.

-I didn't know you were such ignorant. Oh wait, I actually did.- I roll my eyes.

-This whole art history stuff is just boring, alright. I don't know what you see in it.

-You ever read anything about it?

-I heard enough about it.

-Be informed not just opinionated. Art can be more interesting than you heard.

-You're a strange person.

-I could tell that much without your help.

-I like strange.- He sits next to me.- I'm strange too.

-I call it unique.

-Rest assured you're unique.

-You're too. No one sees what you see, even if they look at the same thing. That's because we're all unique. One in over seven billion.

-And out of all the people, somehow we met, huh?

-People call it destiny.

-You believe in that?

-Some things are meant to be.- I nod.

He scoots toward me so that our arms are touching.

-I'm sorry.- I say.

-I thought I'm the one to apologize.

-I shouldn't have brought up Courtney. I knew you don't like this topic, but I used it anyway. I'm really sorry.

He cups my cheek, so I look at him.

-I was never mad. If there was someone I was angry with it was me. I don't understand one thing.

-What is it?

-Why did you say all those things about yourself?

-Because it's true. No one is perfect and I'm aware of my imperfections. That's why I treasure everyone who can handle them.

-Have you seen yourself?

-Don't tell me I'm perfect. I'm not and you know that.

-But you're perfect to me.

-I...- He shuts me up with a kiss.

It's slow and sweet. Something you wouldn't expect from Duncan. It ends as suddenly as it started. None of us know what to say, as if there is nothing to say. We just watch the sunset together, my head on his shoulder his arm around my waist. As planned it's just us no challenges, no distractions.


-Hey, Courtney. You need to hear about something.

-Heather? I'm done with you. Tyler is gone you have no proof I helped you.

-Naive girl, there are more things you should know about. Follow me.

-Why should I?

-It's about Duncan. You know I think we can still work together after all. You're competent.

-Just say what you need to say.

They walk out of the Bass cabin and head in the pier's direction. They stop at the spot from where it's visible.

-Looks like she stole your man.- Heather points out.

-No way! You know what, they're friends. Friends, stop messing with me!

-Since when friends are kissing?

-They kissed, but...

-Look at that. Romantic scenery, only that couple. It's obvious. They tricked you.

-I hate her so much!!!- Courtney cries.

-We'll kick her out. Together?


They shake hands. 


It's a girl's time filled with gossip.

Heather uses Courtney to destroy Bass's stability.

Alexandra gets a present from a secret admirer.

What's the new challenge? Will Duncan and Alexandra become an official couple?

Find out next time on Total Drama Island!

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