zesty grapefruit [zarry] āœ”ļø

By writing_yrraz

48.4K 4K 1.5K

gemma and zain met in uni and have been inseparable since. harry is gemma's annoying little bother. or is h... More

five years later


1.1K 121 25
By writing_yrraz

"Oh, hi," Harry says, surprised when the call gets accepted and he's suddenly confronted with Zain's face, mussed hair, beard and glasses on his face.

Zain laughs at him from the screen of his tablet. "Why are you surprised? You called me!"

"Yea, just just never pick up. And if you do, not with video and you're usually on your way somewhere," he says, trying to calm his heart. Zain accepting a call should not have this effect on him anymore. It was unfair, though, to see him like this unexpectedly, looking somehow even hotter when it looked like he hadn't seen a comb or razor in days.

"You caught me at a good moment," Zain shrugs, leaning back in his chair and stretching. "I need a break, this essay is driving me insane."

"Poor you," Harry grins, trying not to follow the line of Zain's arms as he stretches. He lies back on the couch to get more comfortably, propping the tablet up against the backrest.

"Don't lie down, Haz," Zain says, watching with a grin. "It reminds me that there are people who don't have essays to finish."

"Do you want me to pretend to be busy?" Harry laughs, tying to look like he is lying down especially unbusily. "I'm not sure I can. I'm very rich and famous, you know, I haven't had to write any essays since sixth form." He's not sure he manages an effortless lounge, though, because Zain is laughing at him, his eyes crinkling, and his lower back aches from the position he's trying to hold.

"Idiot," Zain says fondly. "You look like you're constipated."

"You wish," Harry says, relaxing again.

"That doesn't make any sense, babe," Zain grins. "What's up with you then? Are you incredibly busy being rich and famous?"

"Oh, yes," Harry says lightly, "I'm going to be choosing an album cover today."

"Are you?" Zain asks, tilting his head. "From that photoshoot?"

"Yea," Harry smiles, trying to rein his grin in. He loves when Zain pays attention, and the photo shoot had been weeks ago and he'd only mentioned it in passing. It always made him feel like maybe he was properly important to Zain. "With the pink water."

"Still think it's weird," Zain says, shaking his head. "You like showing off way too much."

Harry grins. "Would be in the wrong business if not, wouldn't I? I've been looking through them a bit already and I think it'll be one of the ones with just the back of my head. At most a bit of my shoulder, so it's not really showing off, you can't see anything."

"Whatever you say," Zain says, a smile playing around the corner of his mouth. "Do I get to see them?"

"Zain!" Harry exclaims in mock horror. "You have a girlfriend, don't ask me for nudes."

Zain splutters, making Harry cackle.

Harry grins and continues before Zain's caught his breath. "And maybe. If you're nice to me. But I wanna pick the ones for the album first. I don't want you making fun of them and influencing my decision."

Zain grins. "But maybe you should show them to me before so I can help you pick something that's not ridiculous."

"Nope. Gemma and you aren't allowed to see anything but the finished project. I know how you are."

"Was worth a try," Zain shrugs with a grin. "Why did you call, though?"

"Just wanted to talk to you," Harry admits. "We haven't in a while."

"True," Zain yawns. "Sorry, I've been so busy and the time difference kinda gets in the way. I always remember when you're asleep or out or something."

"I know, it's fine," Harry says, picking at some lint on his sofa. "But you answered this time so it's fine. How are you? Except for the essay?"

"Good," Zain shrugs. "Nothing much to tell. Gemma and I sometimes go out, but I'm sure she's telling you all about that. Other than that it's uni, essays, studying and sleeping. Hannah and I haven't been on a date in ages, even. We do movies on the sofa and fall asleep half-way through. It's very boring."

"Sounds exhausting," Harry smiles.

"It'll get better in a bit, though. The end of term is always the worst. If you're picking an album cover you're probably almost done with it, are you?"

Harry shrugs. "Kinda," he says, glad for the change in topic. "We do have to do a lot of work on the songs, still. But we have the tracklist, it's just the fine tuning. Literally," he grins.

Zain rolls his eyes at him. "Nice pun, babes."

"Well, it's the truth," Harry grins.

"You coming to visit anytime soon?"

Harry's face falls slightly. He bites his lip. "Probably not. Why?"

"Your mum asked Gemma the other day."

"Why do you know that?"

"Because I was with Gemma when she called," Zain yawns. "Think she misses you."

"I miss her, too," Harry says, his heart clenching. "Maybe I'll ask her to come."

"Mm," Zain makes. "Oh, I think that's Hannah," he says, turning his head away. "I should go, it's my turn to cook."

"Alright," Harry smiles. "Bye, talk to you soon."

"You too, have fun with your pictures, babe."

"Thanks," Harry snorts and watches the screen turn black. He bites his lip again, feeling bereft and sighs, turning onto his back. He's usually so good with separating sex from more, and the sex had been ages ago anyways. But he still misses Zain, the urge to text him constantly still there. He scrubs a hand over his face and forces himself to get up. No point in moping and he'd get to pick an album cover today, just for himself, so there was no need to be glum.


Time line, what is time line? So he's touring before the album maybe? Or maybe that was an exception, I don't know... This doesn't really follow HS proper career time line anyways, so I'm taking artistic liberties with it.

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