The One Who Walks With Wolves

By KatWriterSF

23.6K 1.5K 301

There are wolves in San Francisco, ones that walk as humans beings in order to blend in with society to survi... More

Chapter 1. The Connection
Chapter 2. Life Mate
Chapter 3. An Overprotective Wolf
Chapter 4. Mine
Chapter 5. The Wolf
Chapter 6. The Life Mate Of A Wolf
Chapter 7. The Love of Wolves
Chapter 8. His and Mine
Chapter 9. The Human Wolf
Chapter 11. The Transition
Chapter 12. The Mating Ritual
Chapter 13. Alpha's Mate
Chapter 14. Her Wolves
Chapter 15. Deception
Chapter 16. A Wolf's Fury
Chapter 17. Tara's Punishment
Chapter 18. The Wolf God

Chapter 10. A Date With A Wolf

1.1K 79 10
By KatWriterSF

Tara was in the shower when Kane returned fully dressed and for once well groomed. He wore jeans, a black t-shirt and sneakers. His hair was left lose and flowing down his back like strands of fire. Even though he had the personality of a human now, it hadn't affected his sharp senses. The scent of her moist body drew him towards the glass shower like a moth to bright light. He stood there staring at her profile through the misty glass door, enraptured by glimpses of her golden skin and curvy body.

Kane didn't like his new personality. Everything had been toned down to where he felt as if he was not himself anymore. Tara looked unbelievably sexy in the shower, the wolf in him wouldn't have hesitated to pull back the glass door and join her. He wanted take her in his arms and feel her naked body against his, but as a human...he could only stare at the beautiful woman before him until she turned off the water, slid the door back and screamed when she saw him.

"Kane!" Tara yelled at him and slammed the door shut. The glass rattled by the force threatening to break around her. "What are you doing?! And where did you come from? Did you come through the window again?"

"I didn't mean to alarm you," Kane apologized from behind the door.

"Will you please wait for me downstairs? Normal people knock on doors or ring doorbells and wait to be let in, not sneak through windows on the second floor of someone's house and spy on them in their shower."

"I'm sorry," Kane told her and left.

Tara waited a few minutes before she stepped out the shower. She quickly wrapped a towel around her. For someone as large as Kane, he never made a sound when he approached or left her. The realization that he'd seen her naked caused her to blush.

Kane paced around the living room impatiently. The image of her naked body wouldn't leave his head no matter how much he tried to get rid of it, before his nosey brother saw what he saw. Kendrick let out a low appreciative whistle in his mind. "Sorry bro, but you can't hide something like that from me. Damn...she's beyond beautiful isn't she?"

"Kendrick, I would not like to start off my date with me hunting you down and killing you. Do you not have anything better to do with your life?"

"As much as you're trying to deny it, Kane, Tara is my life as well as yours. I can no longer stay away from her even if I tried, my instincts will automatically bring me back to her. This strange need to constantly check on her every 15 minutes borders on obsession and yet it is the only thing that calms me. She is a like a drug, an addiction."

"You started part of the binding and now you're feeling the effects," Kane told him.

"And you've made yourself human big brother which has caused you to lose some of your animalistic nature towards her. Will she be safe with you now that you don't feel the urge to protect her at all times?"

"What are you saying little brother?" Kane asked threateningly.

"I am saying I can feel the humanity in you and it is rather laid back concerning our life mate. I don't like it. The intense urge that I feel for her is not in you anymore."

Kane was shocked by his brother's words. "I cannot tell..."

"Of course you cannot tell because you're human!"

A worried frown appeared on Kane's handsome face. Had he made a mistake?

"Don't worry, I will keep a close eye on you two," Kendrick assured him.

There was a knock on the door. Kane sensed his brother was on the other side. He opened the door and Kendrick handed him a huge bouquets of red roses. Kane gave him a strange look.

"They're for you to give to her, you numbskull. Why would I want to give you flowers?" Kendrick asked shaking his head in exasperation.

Kane's keen hearing picked up on Tara coming down the steps. He slammed the door rudely in Kendrick's face and walked to the bottom of the steps to meet her. She had changed into blue jeans that fit rather snugly, black boots, and a black tunic that made her look more exotic than ever. Her long black hair hung loosely around her shoulders. Kane thought she was the most beautiful woman in the world.

Tara smiled when she saw the roses, although a distant thought wondered where he'd gotten them from since he hadn't come in with them. Perhaps, she didn't want to know. He stood there staring up at her with this awe struck expression on his face that made her feel like a queen. She blushed.

Kane had cleaned up nicely, well as nicely as Kane could get. He had shaven the red stubble off his face. His hair had been washed and combed and fell somewhat neatly around his shoulders like locks of red fire. He wore blue jeans and a black t-shirt that did nothing to hide his muscular arms, shoulders and chest. He'd thrown on a pair of black Nike tennis shoes. She suppose Kane would never dress like his brother, Kendrick, who usually dressed like he'd just stepped out of Banana Republic, but Tara loved the casual rugged style that was only Kane's.

"We're dressed in the same colors," she pointed out with a smile.

"So we are," Kane said returning her smile. He handed her the flowers. "For you."

"Thank you, they're beautiful. These had to be very expensive," Tara said. She was always worried about how much things cost since she never had much money herself.

Kane watched her walk into the kitchen and take out a vase. She filled it with water and arranged the flowers in them.

"You know I'm getting pretty darn tired of doors slamming in my face," Kendrick grumbled in Kane's head.

"Thanks for the flowers. She likes them," Kane said.

"Whoa, you're thanking me. You actually said the word "thank you?' This is so not you," Kendrick said.

Kane once again ignored him. He realized a second before he opened the door that he hadn't brought a vehicle. He was mentally calling himself all sort of idiotic names when he saw the black jeep sitting outside shining brightly against the sun. Kendrick had once again saved his ass. He would have to thank his brother later.

Tara smiled when she saw the jeep. She turned and locked the door then proceeded down the sidewalk with Kane by her side. She thought it was strange that he would leave the doors unlock and the keys in the ignition, but she didn't question him. She was beginning to learn that it was good to just let things go when it came to Kane.

"Okay," she said once they were in the jeep driving across the Golden Gate Bridge. The fog had cleared up and the sun was shining brightly. It was a beautiful day. "Where are we going?"

"I've got several things I want to do today," Kane said. "First I'm going to start over with our first date and go back to a restaurant similar to the one we went to earlier this week. Let's hope we actually stay this time," Kane said with a smile.

Tara shook her head and smiled.

Kane took Tara to a restaurant similar to the first one. She'd never forget the last restaurant they went to as long as she lived; it was the day she realized she was staring into the eyes of a dangerous wolf. They sat outside by the water like before, except this time there was no tension between them. Kane ordered a tri-tip steak rare. Tara watched him consumed the thick slab of raw meat which had only been warmed, not cooked as directed to the waiter by him. Blood oozed out from the sides. Tara should have been grossed out by this, but for some reason she wasn't, instead she was fascinated. She had ordered a grill salmon and shrimp which were delicious.

"So Kane, tell me what it's like being a wolf? Do you eat regular food or..." she trailed off as she thought of some poor innocent deer walking through the woods.

"As a human I can consume human food if I like; as a wolf I eat what the forest provides me," Kane said noticing the look on her face and trying not to send her running as before.

"I see," Tara said slowly. "Do you have any special powers like a superhero?"

Kane laughed. "I have the ability to transform into other animals, something the other wolves cannot do. There are many things I can do, but I'd rather show you than tell you. "

"Kendrick told me you're not like the wolf people, that you're more powerful and dangerous and that you don't know where you came from, you just appeared in the forest."

Kane nodded. "It's true."

"I could try to help you learn. Sometimes I can see things about others if I concentrate really hard. When I was with Kendrick, something happened, I saw this image of a gigantic wolf, he called himself a god and said he was both you and Kendrick."

Kane frowned and leaned back trying to adjust to this news. "Do you hear this brother?" he asked Kendrick.

"Why didn't she tell me this?" Kendrick wondered.

"Does it matter? Tara could possibly help us learn about our past."

"Are you not aware of this creature?" Tara asked Kane.

"No," he shook his head. "I am aware of my wolf's spirit, but a wolf god that claims to be both me and Kendrick? I have never heard of it before."

"It also told me I belonged to it as well..."

Kane stared at her, a dangerous light beginning to ignite in his dark green eyes. "You belong to me. What else did it say?"

Tara thought for a moment. "It warned of a man trying to keep it hidden, the same man that succeeded in hiding something in me, but it said he would fail. I don't know, I know it doesn't make sense, maybe I was just freaking out, it happened after I was attacked by one of the wolf people, I fainted..."

"Tell me more, Tara, what other dreams, visions, have you been having?" Kane leaned in closer.

"The dream I had of walking with two gigantic wolves through a forest, the one I told you about during our first date, I suppose it was you and Kendrick, but we ended up being attacked by other wolves."

A low growled came from deep inside of Kane's chest, she had left out the last part of the dream when she talked about it the first time. "How often do your dreams come true?" he asked softly.

Tara didn't answer. She didn't want to answer. Instead, she gave him her brightest smile. "Let's stop talking about depressing dreams. We're trying to have a good time right? And I don't know about you, but I'm enjoying our time together so far..."

Kane stared at her hard...

She swallowed and tried to ignore his expression. "I'm pretty full. Where are we going next?"

Kane decided to let it go. He had all the information he needed anyway. If the wolf people didn't accept Tara, there would be bloodshed. The wolf people kept their distance from Kane. They were frightened of both brothers, but more so Kane than Kendrick. However, they did fight for what they believed in and if they saw Tara as some sort of threat, they would try to...Kane didn't want to think about it. He had managed to live in peace with them for a long time. This was his home and he would not leave which meant if they did try to attack them, the wolf people would cease to exist.

Kane reached over and took Tara's hand in his, holding it as if it was precious and fragile. She watched as he gently stroked his nose over the back of her hand breathing in her scent and then kissed it. A tingle went up her arm as his warm lips caressed her skin.

They left the restaurant five minutes later. Tara's arm still tingled from the kiss. The look in his eyes had been unsettling, she couldn't help but think he was making some type of silent vow to her, what it was she didn't know and she didn't want to know.

He held her hand making sure she was close to him as they walked through the crowded streets. People were staring at them as they passed. Most stared at them as if they were the strangest couple they'd ever seen. They looked as if they were trying to figure out something. Tara knew it was not unusual to see a black and white couple walking down the streets of San Francisco. She saw it all the time. It wasn't just their race that had attracted the attention of some of the most intense watchers; Kane, after all, was a sight to behold.

The man was larger than most men on the streets; people couldn't help but noticed his towering muscular figure. There was also that long red hair that kept blowing in the wind. Tara wondered if her eyes were playing tricks on her in the sunlight. His hair kept changing to different hues just like a burning fire. Sometimes it was a red, other times almost orange red and then a deep dark red like blood. It seemed to favor this color more than the others.

Tara watched the expression on everyone's faces that she happened to pass by. The women would stare at Kane in shock and infatuation. She couldn't blame them. Kane did look like a living god. From the way he acted, he probably had no clue how good-looking he was.

Kane noticed the stares also. It didn't bother him much, he was used to being watched when he was alone, but he did wonder if Tara was okay. He pulled her body closer to his. For the first time, the thought crossed his mind, had Tara ever been with someone outside her race? Funny how he had never given it much thought until now, now that he was thinking like a human.

They stopped to wait for the light to change to cross the street. A group of Black guys standing on the other side stared at them. They were checking out Tara. Kane's keen hearing heard a few of their comments.

"Damn she fine!"

"Why the hell is a sister like that with a weird ass white boy?"

"Maybe they not really together..."

"He's holding her hand."

"That don't mean nothing. Hell, I've held the hands of girls I had one night stands with."

A one night stand...Kane thought. If he had truly been himself, those guys wouldn't have finished their sentences. Instead of walking over and mutilating their bodies in a way where they would never be able to get aroused again, Kane decided to give them a warning in a calmer matter, one that wouldn't scare Tara. He pulled Tara in front of him and wrapped his muscular arms around her body. He bent over her shoulder and rubbed his cheek against hers and then slowly began to kiss her neck. One hand slid possessively down her body and rested on her lower stomach. His eyes glowed dangerously at the men across the street; his actions spoke a language only they could understand. They muttered something to each other and walked away quickly down the street. Kane smiled maliciously as his eyes stalked their departure. He had heard what they said before they left.

"Man, I don't know, but I think that fool heard us..."

"Yeah, we get the picture...let's go, we don't need a crazy looking white man going psycho on us when the police are swarming like flies."

"Kane?" He heard Tara speak softly as if she was out of breath. The way he had touched her had caused all types of electrical shocks of arousal to bounce around her body."What the heck are you doing?"

"Marking my territory," he kissed her cheek.

More strangeness, Tara thought to herself.

Kane took her to the carnival which had set up close to his home. Tara loved the carnival. She talked him into getting on several rides including a gigantic rollercoaster. She was the one sitting in the seat screaming her head off. Kane only watched her in amusement. Nothing seemed to scare the guy, not even the manmade bungee jumping. Tara was impressed. He won her two huge bears playing the carnival games and stuffed her with cotton candy and hotdogs at the end of the day.

"Oh gosh," Tara said holding her stomach as Kane put the two bears into the back of the truck. "I think I ate too much."

Kane smiled. They had parked a good distance from the rest of the cars so they could leave without getting stuck in traffic. Tara had expressed what a good time she had and he was feeling rather pleased with himself. He supposed being a human for a short amount of time wasn't so bad. He had experienced what it was like to have fun the human way and he liked it although nothing could compare to his way as a wolf.

Kane suddenly stopped and sniffed the air. A familiar scent blew in his direction. He looked around and frowned. Kane couldn't believe that he would actually show up here on his first day out with Tara. His curiosity must have gotten the best of him. Kane turned around and stared at his father....

Tara began to get the strangest feeling. For a moment her entire body went numb. Her circulation felt cut off and her body began to tingle uncomfortably. Suddenly something seemed to break free inside of her. Her blood suddenly rushed through her veins and her body felt as if it was on fire. It was as if something she had forgotten was slowly coming back and making itself known to her very aggressively. She turned to Kane wondering if he had something to do with it, but Kane's attention was focused on someone ahead of them. She slowly turned around to see who it was.

A tall dark figure silhouetted against the sunset was walking towards them. She knew it was a man by his shape, but who? The closer he got the more intense the tingling became. She actually became frightened and grabbed Kane's arm.

He looked down at her and wrapped an arm around her waist when he saw her face. "Tara, what's wrong?"

"I..I don't know," Tara said beginning to feel dizzy. She turned back to the man approaching them. He had gotten close enough for her to see his face.

Kane noticed the scent between Tara and his father became blended, the same, something he hadn't noticed before. He stared at Tara then at his father...then back at Tara. His jaw hardened as he gnashed his teeth together, finally realizing a shocking secret.

Tara huddled close to Kane as the strange man stood in front of her. "You have your mother's eyes," he said in a hoarse whisper. He reached out to touch her cheek. Tara's body went into shock.

Kane grabbed her when she passed out. He picked her up and stared into her pale face. She was completely unconscious. He turned to his father angrily. "What did you do to her?!"

"I didn't want to believe it, but I had to know. Kendrick told me you were here..." her father continued to speak in that soft hoarse voice as if he was trying to hold back tears.

"You're Tara's father aren't you?" Kane asked accusingly. "Why didn't you tell me?!"

"I didn't want to believe she was here," Nodin said.

"What is wrong with her? If you've hurt her in some way by making an appearance, I swear I'll..."

"You'll what kill me?" Nodin asked. "You might as well do it now because in a way I have hurt her by letting her see me. The spell that I put on her is broken. It's broken and now they will know and it will start all over again."

"What are you babbling about old man?" Kane growled holding Tara closer to him.

"A human could never be a wolf's life mate. Tara's mother was a wolf and I'm human of course. You see Tara's mother never found her life mate so she chose me to love and together we had one child, Tara. She's half wolf, Kane, that's why she's your life mate and an abomination to the wolf people.

I took Tara away when the wolf people found out about her three days after her birth. They wanted to kill her. Her mother had psychic powers and warned me of them. I was long gone before they attacked. Her mother fought them, she knew as a human I would never survive, but there were too many, she didn't count on the entire tribe coming after her. I put a spell on Tara similar to the one I put on you, but a more powerful one that would block the wolf's blood flowing through Tara's body. She became completely human.

I took her to the south far away from here in hopes the wolf people would not come so far in search for her. I devised a plan that was rather stupid, yet I felt genius at the same time. I left Tara at a foster home and returned here. I did it to trick the wolf people into thinking Tara had died as I made my escape. I told them the wolf's blood in her had been too strong for her human body and she had died in my arms. They sent others to look for her and yes they went as far as the south to find her, but they couldn't because they had never seen her before and could not smell the scent of the wolf in her."

I told them I had returned to Tara's mother to tell her the news, although in my heart I had already known they had killed her. When they told me of her death, I nodded as if I understood, although deep inside I hated every one of them, I stayed here and buried her mother's body then told them I was too overcome with grief to leave which was true. I had nowhere else to go and this had become my home. They let me stay and they believed that Tara was indeed dead, why else would a man choose to stay in a place full of grief? Why else would a man desert his only daughter if it wasn't true? I stayed here to protect Tara and now fate has returned her to me."

"Fate did not return her to you," Kane said. "It brought her to me; you got caught up in it. Had you left, Kendrick and I would have been raised by the wolf people and Tara would have never seen you again. Now her life is in danger because of you." Kane took a threatening step towards his father. Even as a human, it seemed the wolf still had some part of Kane when it came to Tara. Perhaps, the wolf in Kane was too strong to completely disappear.

Nodin stood up to him bravely. "I did what I could to protect her, Kane. I know your words are spoken out of fear for Tara's well-being. I will not become upset by them. Your brother was right with his description of you and Tara together, whenever you're around her, you can't seem to think reasonably. But know this Kane; if you decide to turn on the man who raised you, I was the one who gave her life so that she could find her way to you."

Kane stopped and shook his head as if trying to clear his thoughts. Was he about to attack his father?! His human mind made him feel horrible. What type of beast was he?

"A wolf and so much more, don't you know who you are yet? Don't you know what you are yet?" A voice that was separate from his thoughts clashed in his mind.

"Not even a shaman with his magical tricks could ever change you, could ever change us!"

For a moment, Kane thought he was going crazy. What was this new voice in his head?

"The old man has become weak. He isn't as strong as he used to be. What took him a week to do has now been undone within a day, he wasted his powers. Did he really think he could lock your wolf inside of you when you are with your life mate? You are not human Kane. Your father has created a false human side in you that is making you feel and think that you are one. You are a wolf. You feel no regret over the decisions you make, that is a human's emotion. You walk in this human body because it is more adaptable to this society, but it is only a human body, no different from any other animal you can morph into. However, your father is right. Not only has he took you in and raised you; he gave our mate life and risked his own to save hers. Spare him. You owe him great respect and honor."

"Are you the creature that Tara spoke of? You have been silent all this time, why show yourself now?"

"I was asleep inside of you until you found your lifemate, Tara. The connection you had with her awakened me, even then I was still content to rest peacefully inside of you until you decided to interfere with the laws of nature."

Too much was happening at once, this thing had decided to make itself known to him, at the same time Tara had collapsed in his arms and the shocking secret his father had been keeping had finally been exposed. It was too much...he had to take it one step at a time instead of letting it all drive him crazy.

Kane bowed his head in front of his father in humility. "Forgive me father. I am worried about Tara."

Nodin nodded relieved. For a moment, he thought his life was about to end. Kane was not human and never would be one, he was wild and instinctive.

"When Tara awakens, the wolf in her will also have awakened, but because the wolf never had the chance to grow along with Tara, it will be young and naïve. The fact that she's half human will also affect her greatly. Be there for her; teach her the ways of the wolf. When she learns to adjust to her new life, bring her to see me." Nodin stared at his daughter for a long time as Kane held her in his arms." She looks like her mother," he finally said. "I cannot believe my daughter has returned to me. I hope she will accept me. She became only a dream after giving her up so long ago and now she's a reality. I have a daughter..." He kissed her forehead and turned to leave, his eyes shining with unshed tears.

"Father, are you alright?" Kane wanted to know.

"I am filled with happiness and yet a deep sadness. Walking away from her now isn't as hard as it was when I thought I would never see her again, but it's still difficult. I will be fine, son. Take care of her for me. Remember to bring her to see me once she's stable."

Kane watched his surrogate father walk away and looked down at the woman in his arms; the wolf inside of him had returned, but with new recognition of being something much older, powerful, ancient. He began to smile- the frightening and dangerous smile of the wolf he was born to be.

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