The Swimming Death Trap [A CH...

By Potato0exe

18.7K 938 1.5K

Detective Germany and her uncle Austria hoped for a peaceful travel through the Atlantic Ocean, but traveling... More

1. New And Old Faces
3. Where To Store A Body
5. Lie Or Truth
6. Lies And Answers
7. Take A Break
8. Past Mistakes
9. Nothing Works There
10.You've Chosen 2
11. A Lot Of Blood
12. Looking At The Crime Scene
13. The Interrogation
14. Words Are Powerful Tools
15. New Pain New Face
16. The Plan
17. Let's The Search Begin
18. Bad Decision?
20. A Little Surprise
21. Malfunction
22. Willing To Risk
23. Time Is Slowly Running
24. It's A Trap
25. Back On Track
26. New Plan
27. Finally Spilling The Tea
28. How To Not Get Bitten
29. Stick To A Gun Fight
30. Preventing A Mistake From Happening
31. Something Missing
32. Is It Worth it?
33. Jumping To Conclusions
34. Stealing Is (not) Okay
35. Case Solved
36. Domino Effect (End)
New Book

4. The Identity Of The Victim

733 32 64
By Potato0exe

It was a very cloudy day. Even the wind seemed to be stronger than yesterday, but yet I am standing outside with my brown coat and my notebook. There was nothing I could find. Only the old puddle of blood which is worthless. I looked everywhere, on the railing, bench, floor and walls, but there were no scratches and no other clues.

Slightly shivering I looked at my watch. I have only one and a half hour left until China's death will be announced. It's pointless to find anything outside. Either the murderer cleaned all evidence or the weather destroyed it. The best option would be to search in his cabin.

I heard the door opening behind me. Curiously I turned around and saw Slovakia in a yellow raincoat stepping outside.

"Hungary sent me. He meant it would be saver if one of us accompanied you. Just in case if you need any help," she explained loud so the wind won't drown her voice.

I rolled my eyes annoyed. Did he seriously think I need a supervisor? I work as a detective for years. Sure there were a moment when I got shot, but I survived. Welp at least I have someone who know this ship. So at least I won't get lost.

"Thanks Slovakia. Right now I'm going to the victim's room. Where are the others?," I asked her while going inside.

She followed me and answered, "The three are still in their room. With the weather right now, is it too dangerous to work outside. So we kinda have a free day now until the wind calms down. Do you have an idea who the killer is or at least why they did it?"

I shaked my head. It is harder than I thought. There is no clues, I don't have any information about the victim and the weapon could either be hidden in this gigantic ship or thrown away at the sea.

We walked down to the sixth floor where China's room was. Slovakia had the keys. She opened the door and we entered inside.

This cabin is surely meant for the higher class. It has a big living room, a bedroom, a bar and a balcony. The floor was with wooden mosaic patterns and the walls were beautiful painted. The living room was decorated with a dark wooden coffee table, white Victorian couch, a bookshelf and of course the mini bar with various bottles inside the display case. A brown silk curtain separates this room from the bedroom.

Slovakia clicked her tongue and commented, "And I have to share my cabin with three annoying idiots."

I didn't put any attention to her comment. Finding information was for me more important. The living room was clean. There is no paper, clothes or anything what would give away that someone else was here. The liquor bottles were untouched and the coffee table was clean. Maybe I find something in the bedroom?

In the bedroom was a king-size bed and a wardrobe room. Next to it is the bathroom door. The bed looked untouched and a luggage was standing next to. Strangely it was open and the content are still inside. It looks like someone was searching in it.

I kneeled down and searched its content. Inside were only his clothes, but as I dig deeper I felt something hard. Covered by the clothes I pulled out a flute?

No it's not a flute. It didn't had any holes on the side. Only on one end and the other end has a small wierd metal container attached to it. This resembles more a smoking pipe, than a flute, but what didn't match is the smell of this pipe. It didn't smell like tobacco. The scent is more ammonia like.

For now I put the pipe back where it was and continued to search the room. On the nightstand was his golden watch and an empty glass. I looked inside the wardrobe and saw that China haven't hang out any clothes there. That only meant he hadn't any time before he went outside.

A glass shattering sound startled me. Quickly I looked inside the living room and saw Slovakia standing shocked next to the open display case. On the floor was a shattered bottle.

With a judgmental face I looked at her. She only smiled embarrassed and said, "It slipped out of my hand."

"Would you not touch anything inside this room?" I asked her slightly annoyed.

Slovakia hold her hands defensively and answered, "Okay sorry, but it's not that he would miss a bottle or two." She saw my annoyed expression and with her hands raised above her shoulder she walked from the bottles away.

I went back to the bedroom and started to go inside the bathroom. It's bigger than mine and was decorated with white golden tiles on the floor and walls. A big mirror hang above the ceramic sink and a beautiful decorated bathtub stand on the other side, but still after searching this room I couldn't find anything.

Frustrated I walked back to the living room. I couldn't find anything about him and wasted half an hour for it. I couldn't even find any documents. What is strange because usually during traveling there is at least a passport needed.

Meanwhile Slovakia sat cross-legged on the coffee table and stared at my frustrated face. "Let me guess, you didn't find anything?" "I found nothing! Not even a single paper!"

I was about to leave the room defeated until Slovakia spoke,"What about the couch?"

"What do you mean?" I asked her confused.

She pointed at the white Victorian couch, "We had a similar couch like this one many years ago. Just older and with two broken legs, but it had a crosspiece underneath holding the wooden frame, which was great to hide our savings."

Uncertain I walked closer to the couch and kneeled down. Under the couch was dark, so I couldn't see much, but I saw something hanging there. Quickly I stand up and with the help of Slovakia we turned the couch on its back.

The lower side get exposed and we saw a thin black suitcase jammed between the crosspiece and the plywood of this couch. A piece of clothing was also jammed in between to make sure that the suitcase didn't fall out.

Slovakia smirked proudly and commented, "No need to thank me."

I pulled the suitcase out and placed it on the table. Unfortunately a four number code was blocking me from opening it and I definitely don't have the time to find out a combination from ten thousand possible combinations.

"Do you have a knife with you?" I asked Slovakia. "Uhhhhhh.. Yeah," she buried her hands inside her pockets and pulled out a small pocket knife.

I took it and stabbed on the leather material.
Slovakia looked at me shocked which I replied, "It's not that he would miss it."

Carefully I carved a hole out and I was able to pull the content from inside out. There was many paper, documents and China's passport. I put the papers on the table and the now empty suitcase landed on the floor.

The passport was normal. Inside wasn't any inaccuracies and it was legit. The other papers were some sort of business documents. On them was some reports from his industries and a document about a new business plan. It looks like that China wanted to expand his market of the steel export. He already was in this market many years, but now he bought various production buildings and also made new contracts with other business partners.

There was a small letter. On it was some kind of an invitation for an abroad meeting about the steel export. At least I know why he was traveling.

Apart from that I saw a little torn piece of paper. I picked it up and tried to read what was on it. This paper was a verification of a criminal charge. The upper part is missing so I could only read the lower half where China's information was on it. He charged someone before entering this ship, but unfortunately the second half is missing. So I couldn't find out who the person is.

I'll take this paper and the invitation letter with me. The rest of the document weren't interesting, so I put them back in the now demolished suitcase.

I looked at my watch and saw that we have half an hour left. It's better if I start heading to the dining room before the breakfast starts. Slovakia and I left China's room and made sure that the door was locked.

"I will go to the others now and if it's possible I would later go to you guys and ask Czechia some question?" I asked her and she nodded, "Of course, but please don't overthrow her with questions."

With a reassuring smile I answered, "Don't worry, I promise."

She then left and I went to the dining room. Thankfully I remembered where it was. Quickly I arrived there and saw that the other guests already were here. Everybody sat on the same table they were assigned last time. I went to Austria who sat tensed on his table.

He looked at me and said, "Everything alright? Did you got anything?" I nodded,"Yes a lot, but so far I don't have a possible suspect yet. After the announcement I will got ask Czechia some questions."

But something wasn't right. I quickly scanned around our table and with an annoyed voice I asked him, "Where is your stick?"

He didn't even dared to look me in my eyes. Turning his head away from me, he answered, "I don't need it. I can walk normally."

"Yeah sure and I have a perfectly functioning family. Do you want mess your knee more up than it is right now?" I only commented, but before he could responds, the captain entered the room.

All the guests were staring at him, questioning why they had to stay in their room the whole time until now.

Panama cleared his throat and spoke,"Yesterday night one of our guest named China was found dead at the back of the ship."

They all had various expressions. Portugal looking shocked with a tint of worry.
Russia barely showed any kind of emotion. USA widen his eyes surprised, while UK opened her mouth in shock. Brazil didn't seem affected by it and India looked at the captain questioning. Austria of course knew beforehand, so he only looked worried.

He continued, "He got killed by an another person and so far we don't know who did it yet. Thankfully we have the detektiv Ms. Germany here, who will work on this case. I'm sorry for this inconvenience, but my personal and I have to search all guest rooms in case we find any evidence of the murder."

I furrowed my eyebrows. I don't remember asking him for this and I prefer that I search in the other guest's rooms than some staff members, but on the other hand it will safe me a lot of time. So I guess it's the right decision.

"That's a joke!," shouted India shocked, "Does that mean one of us is a murderer!?"

Russia laughed, "Why are you so surprised? Of course one of you might be." He looked at her angry and shouted, "Of course you find it funny. You and this American pig have always blood on your hands. It wouldn't surprise me if you killed him just out of fun!"

USA spoke with a tired voice to himself, "Ah shit here we go again." He turned to India and spoke, "Just because we produce weapons doesn't mean we kill people. We only produce for people who wants to protect themselves from other people."

Russia continued, "For once I have to admit what he just said. It's not our choice what our customers do with our products."

India looked at them disgusted. Before he could continue his ranting, Panama intervened, "I know that everyone is scared, but we shall not immediately accuse eachother. I promise that the murderer will be quickly caught and we will have a safe trip for the next five days."

While he tried to calm the guests down I decided to left the room and heading down to the cabin of the repair staff.

Afte a while I found the floor. The thenth floor showed that it wasn't meant for guests. It wasn't as beautiful decorated as the other floors and was more practically built for easy access. Unfortunately Hungary didn't told me which door was theirs. So I had to try to open many doors. Most of them were locked and others which could be open were either doors showing an another passageway or storage for cleaning utensils.

"What are you doing here?"

I jumped scared and quickly turned around. Poland stand in the middle of the hallway with two metal trays carrying food. Still recovering from the shock I replied, "I-I wanted to ask Czechia and the others some questions, but I don't know where your rooms are."

"Didn't Hungary told you?" asked Poland, but without letting me to answer he walked past me and muttered, "Of course not. This idiot would even forget his own name. Follow me, our room is on the far end of the hallway."

We walked togheter in an awkward silence. I started to talk to him, "How are you? For me you look very calm about the whole murder situation." He only glanced at me for a second before looking straight forward and answered, "I don't see why I should be panicking about it.  This dude isn't me"

He can't be serious right? I thought myself. The next question will be risky, but I have to try, "Could it be that you saw dead bodies before?"

Poland abruptly stopped and glared at me, "Do you suspect me as the murderer?"

"No I'm just asking out of curiosity," I answered. It was a little bit of a lie, but I don't want to anger this man. He stopped glaring me and continued his way without answering my question. That's gonna be harder than I thought. I better ask something else before he decides to completely ignore me, "So how do you and Hungary know eachother and what did you do before working with him?"

Thankfully he answered, "We meet at the bar. I was drunk and he helped me. Hungary already told you what happened after that."

"You didn't answer my second question?"

"Because I don't want it."

I sighed frustrated. This guy is really annoying. He stopped in front of a door and kicked it two times against it.

Slovakia opened it and nagged, "Stop kicking at the door! Can't you open it like a normal human being!"

Poland countered, "NO I can't because I carry your freaking food."

She huffed, but her mood brightened as she saw me. Immediately she opened the door wider and said with a bright smile, "Come in."

I stepped in after Poland. It was a small two room cabin. The first room looks like an improvised living room with small wardrobes, a round table and four folding chairs. The second even smaller room was with bunk beads on the side. Hungary was lying on the lower bed and Czechia sat on the chair with cards on the table.

Poland placed the metal trays on the table and barked at Hungary, "Move your lazy butt. Food is there and your noisy Niece."

Hungary immediately woke up from his nap and saw us surprised. He crawled out of the bunk and said, "Don't be so rude to her."

"I don't care," Poland said and grabbed one of the four plates like Czechia and Slovakia before.

I ignored Poland's snippy behavior and spoke to the group, "I won't be very long. I just want Czechia explain me in detail about yesterday night and also where you all were during that time."

The three were more cooperative and answered all my questions. Czechia gave me a detailed explanation of what happened while she was outside and the others explained where they were meanwhile.

During that time Hungary was at their workshop in the ninth floor, Poland walked from the guest room on fifth floor down to the workshop and then with a tool back to the fifth floor. Slovakia stayed in the guest room and Czechia walked away from the fifth floor up to the third floor where the exit to outside was.

I wrote everything down in my notebook. Meanwhile I remembered about that one staff member who pushed me on the first day. I asked them, "Thanks for the information, but do you know where the guy with the green, white, red face was?"

The four looked at me confused. Czechia asked, "What guy?"

"Isn't he a staff member?" I asked them. Hungary answered, "No? We know every personal on board, but we never had a guy with those colors."

If he wasn't a worker on the ship, then who was he?

I thanked for their help and walked back to the dining room. So far I spent an hour for only talking with them, but at least I know where they were and that the mysterious guy isn't either a staff member nor a guest on this ship. So far he could be most likely be the killer, but for now I have to interrogate Portugal as the last person who saw China alive.

As I arrived in the dining room I could already feel the tensed atmosphere. The guests sat even more separated from eachother. I walked to Austria and bowed down to him, "Was everything alright?"

He answered in a low voice so the other guests didn't hear him, "A little discussion broke out, but it quickly ended." I spotted USA sitting on his place with a black eye.


Austria interrupted, "Don't ask. He literally asked for this to happen. Did you found anything interesting?"

I answered also in a low voice, "Do you remember this one guy who pushed me?"

He nodded.

"So far he doesn't work on this ship and he also didn't appeared during the welcome dinner as a guest.

He asked, "Is he the murderer?"

"Maybe, but I still have to ask the other guests."

The door opened and Panama entered, getting from all of us our attention.

The captain cleared his throat and spoke loud, "I can happily announce that we found the murder weapon."

I looked at him surprised, but also relieved. It's a great news. That means the killer didn't get rig of the weapon and we finally know who did it.

Panama continued, "The weapon was found in the room number 33."

Shocked I looked at my uncle who starred at Panama with disbelief and terror in his eyes.


Sorry if there was a notification in the morning. I was writing in one go and my butter finger accidentally clicked on the publish button. So far this one is my longest post with 3203 words. Next one will be most likely shorter.

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