memory (hiatus)

By PercyJacksonisGr3at

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Before the accident, Piper was a socialite trying to find out things about her lineage. After, she's trying t... More

Chapter 1: Who the Heck Are You?
Chapter 2: Meet the Olympians
Chapter 3: Blushing Teenagers
Chapter 4: Walking Gracefully
Chapter 5: Privacy Statement
Chapter 6: All Olympians Cheat
Chapter 7: Four Fears
Chapter 8: Loathly Lemon
Chapter 9: Clumsy Chums
Chapter 10: Sea you there!
Chapter 11: Auditions are not fun
Chapter 12: Truth or Hair?
Chapter 13: Neglected Kid Club
Chapter 14: Ice Cream, Chilling Chilling
Chapter 15: Suit, Suit, Suit, Suit-Suit-Suit
Chapter 16: Rambo Food
Chapter 17: Why Frank's hair is big
Chapter 18: I'm Gold!
Chapter 19: Shopping Spree
Chapter 20: Homecoming
Chapter 21: Love to Hate Me
Chapter 22: Flashback, Mashbake
Chapter 23: Wolves, Moles
Chapter 24: Halloween
Chapter 25: Fun Like The Wind
Chapter 26: Falling Off A What?
Chapter 27: Rain Rain, Come Again
Chapter 28: Do you want some lip gloss?
Chapter 29: The Highs and Lows of High School Football
Chapter 30: Attack of the Anxiety
Chapter 31: Gobble Gobble
Chapter 32: Untitled, because I honestly don't know what to call it
Chapter 33: A Lot Can Happen in A Closet
Chapter 34: Blaze
Chapter 36: How To Avoid The Paparazzi
Chapter 37: I Don't Want Detention, Thanks
Chapter 38: True Loves Met(for like the thousandth time) On the Set
Chapter 39: Sometimes Pigeons Questionably Rally
Chapter 40: Secret Sibling Service
Chapter 41: Mingle, mingle, mingle!
Chapter 42: Time To Be Reckless!

Chapter 35: The Emotionless Competition

19 4 22
By PercyJacksonisGr3at

Disclaimer: Pjo isn't mine, but the plot is. There, I did it!

Piper's POV:

"Are you sure you're okay?" Piper said. 

Despite it being three days since the school incident(as they called it), Annabeth was the last to get out of the hospital. Somehow the gas had affected her way worse than Leo and Percy, the other two who'd gotten fully gassed. 

"Yeah, are you sure?" Hazel said. 

Hazel had hidden in a closet with Frank, so they were both fine too. 

Annabeth rolled her eyes. "I'm fine, there's no need to worry."

Annabeth wore a grey hospital gown, and seemed to be enjoying the comfortable bed in the private hospital that may or may not have been owned by Olympus Enterprises. Sometimes, money could help. 

Hazel gave Annabeth her bag of clothes that Piper and Hazel had packed. "Well, we got your clothes from your closet."

Hazel, herself, wore a fuzzy red sweater and jeans, as it was apparently time to "get into the Christmas spirit."

Piper just wore some sheer black tights, a leather skirt(that Jane picked out), a black turtleneck to keep herself warm all covered by a blue and black leather jacket she'd pulled off her floor. 

Annabeth yawned. "Thanks. Did you get the robe?"

Piper pulled out the silky blue robe. "Yep."

"And, we got your socks," Hazel added. 

Annabeth slipped behind the curtain to change. "So, how are the parents?"

Piper shrugged, then realized Annabeth couldn't see her shrug. "Well, they're okay. My dad's going to therapy, and it seems to help him. Jane is trying to manage all his gigs, and she's mostly delayed them, except for some rom-com that's filming soon, called Trapped in Silk or something weird like that. Paparazzi haven't been any nicer, though."

"Oh, yeah?" Annabeth came out from behind the curtain, wearing a grey blouse and jeans, her shoulders draped with her blue robe. 

"Mmhmm." Piper sat down in one of the visitor's chairs. "Jason could barely get through them to pick me up, and then, they recognized him too, and it was a disaster. They kept asking us if we're dating!"

Piper wished... but no, Piper was still fake dating Dylan, and Jason's ex-girlfriend was kind of still crazy for him.

Hazel laughed. "That's kind of funny."

Piper made a grouchy face and stuck out her tongue, because she was totally mature. "Not really. I'm guessing we ended up on some article, but I'm too scared to check."

Annabeth grabbed her phone. "I'll check."

After a few minutes of scrolling, Annabeth turned the phone towards Piper. Piper sighed at all the crazy conspiracy theories already popping up. 

"So, they think that I'm a vampire and Jason's a time traveler?" Piper said. 

"Say what?" Leo said, coming into the room. 

"We're just reading what the press is saying about me and Jason," Piper said. 

"What are they saying?" Percy said. He carried a whole tray of coffees and handed them to everyone. 

"All sorts of weird stuff," Piper said, taking a sip of her coffee. "Where's Frank and the croissants?"

"Right here," Frank said. He tossed one of the bags to Piper. 

"Ew, give me a different one. This one has ham in it," Piper said, throwing it back at Frank. 

Frank's cheeks reddened. "Sorry."

"No, it's fine, I'm just hangry," Piper admitted. 

"Hangry?" Hazel said. 

"Hungry plus angry, right?" Percy said. 

Piper nodded and took a bite of the almond croissant. 

Ding! Ding! Leo's phone jiggled in his pocket. 

"Oops, let me get that," Leo said, ducking out of the door and putting his phone to his ear. 

"Hey, is the Olympus Enterprises Conference going to be on soon?" Annabeth said. 

Percy took out his phone. "Um, well, yeah, it starts in a few minutes, but I think I can stream it right now."

Apparently, Olympus Enterprises was about to go through some major changes. And so, they were holding a press conference. And, for some reason, Jason and Thalia were there, to represent the whole Grace family. 

"Do we normally have to go to the press conferences?" Frank said. It was something Piper had been wondering too. 

"Well, it depends," Percy said. "Jason and Thalia have to go to almost every press conference. If it's a semi-big thing, then all the Big Three kids have to go. If it's a medium-big thing, then normally Annabeth has to come too."

"They're so boring," Annabeth said, taking a swig from her cappuccino. "I had to miss a MathCounts competition for it one time!" 

"And, if it's really big, then all of us have to go. But one of those hasn't happened for a year, and probably won't happen anytime soon," Percy continued. 

"Oh, okay, good," Hazel said. 

"Oh, it's starting," Percy said. 

He held up his phone, and everyone gathered around it. On the stage, Zeus Grace was walking towards the podium. Jason and Thalia flanked him. 

Leo came back in, his eyes darting around. "Oh, the conference is on, now?"

"Yeah," Piper said, noticing the fearful look in his eyes. "Are you okay?"

"Um, yeah," Leo said. 

Zeus had made it to the podium, though Piper wished that he would trip for her petty heart. 

"Hello. It had been a short time since I was here, speaking in front of you, but a lot has changed in a few months."

Quite the understatement. 

"So, first, let me address the main situation. Yes, invaluable members of our board and our community have been kidnapped. Athena Chase, Hera Grace, and Aphrodite."

Piper knew that her mom liked to be called Aphrodite, like Beyonce was called Beyonce. 

"However, these losses will not impact our production. Everything is as it was, and we are working tirelessly to bring the kidnapped back."

Everyone scoffed at that. As if. 

"But if you know anything, anything at all, please contact the NYPD or this number: 212-668-765. Now, on to other things."

Piper certainly hoped they would get a tip soon, because they needed more leads than Hazel trying to figure out the gas formula. 

"Our annual Winter Charity Ball is coming up, and yes, for the last time, it is invitation based."

"Were there problems before?" Hazel whispered. 

Annabeth nodded. "So many people have tried to sneak in, honestly, it's pathetic."

"We are excited to announce that the charities this year are very special ones, chosen by my daughter, herself."

Zeus waved Thalia forward, who took his place. "This year has been a trying year for our family, with my mom coming back.. and my beloved stepmom and adopted family going missing."

Percy snorted. "Beloved? Hahaha."

"Our struggles have been well documented by the press, and we have had incredible access and help in our endeavor. However, many families have had this happen to them and less hopeful solutions have been brought to them. Many families have been torn apart when children or parents have gone missing, never to be seen again. Many families have been destroyed before they had a chance to grow, drugs and alcohol corrupting them, causing accidents they cannot come back from." 

From her solemn look, Piper could tell Thalia was really speaking truthfully now.

"So, our two charities this year are Polaris, for human trafficking, and Shatterproof, for rehab. Thank you." 

Everyone clapped, and Piper felt warm and fuzzy inside. 

Zeus came back to the podium, his face grave. "Unfortunately, we also have some less than happy news to tell you." He took a deep breath, pausing, his face etched with pain. "I have been diagnosed with pancreatic cancer."


Jason's POV:

Jason stood stiff as he could, back straight and arms tight, face void of any emotion. He'd learned everything a few hours ago, yet it was hard not to say anything. His father was freaking dying and he was supposed to be emotionless? 

Thalia gave him a look, and Jason tried to compose himself. Thalia was having a way easier job doing this than him. Of course, he had to relearn all of the 'press conference etiquette' in less than an hour... so she had an unfair advantage in their competition of The Emotionless Competition. 

Apparently, for every press conference they had to intend, whoever had the most emotion on their face when it wasn't appropriate had to get the other the candy until the next one. Thalia and Jason had had a mostly even score, but right now, Thalia was winning. 

All of the reporters and everyone started screaming, demanding to know more. It took a few minutes for his father to calm them down. 

When the vultures had finally stopped squawking, his father said, "Yes, I understand that it is very surprising. It is to me, too. Luckily, I have been taking treatments already, and it seems to have been mostly delayed."(Okay, my grandpa apparently has it, but I know nothing about it, so this is just what I hope happens honestly)

Alright, it might have been delayed, but it would hopefully stay that way.... though they would see. His father would be starting chemo treatments in the new year, which would likely stretch on for a few years. Which was the direct cause of this whole mess. 

"Due to my cancer, I will have to step away from Olympus Enterprises for a few years, at the most. Luckily, I already have chosen my replacement, who will start next fall. My brothers, Poseidon and Hades, the CTO and CFO respectively, have already approved this replacement, and will help them in their way."

Jason felt scared, chills wracking his body. Yet he stayed still, refusing to shake at all. 

"They may be young, but they are quite talented, and still have much experience and wisdom to impart on the company. I, myself, have been training them for this since they were born. And so, it is with my pride, that I introduce the new CEO of Olympus Enterprises, my son, Jason Grace."

Jason stayed still, and only smiled for the pictures, trying to ignore all the questions hurled at him.

"Are you an adult yet?"

"How to expect to cope with this?"

"Where has your experience come from?"

"How old are you?"

"How do you expect to do this?"

"What is a seventeen year old going to do?"

"What's your talent?"

A few hours later, Jason was sprawled on his bed, too tired to get up. He checked his phone and tried to respond to a few of the questions. 

Leo: duddddeeee

Leo: I need to talk to u after the conference

Jason: Yes, let's talk tomorrow. 

Annabeth: What about Oxford? And Harvard? And Stanford? Jason, how are you going to do this? We need to seriously talk about this.

Jason: Definitely. I'll need your help with this, and as for college... well, we'll see if I can do it once I'm twenty. 

Percy: ohmygoshhhhgvuhijokljkhbgvfytguihuoij

Percy: Zeus has cancer???

Percy: u're a CEO now????

Percy: that's crazy man 🤯

Percy: my mom says that she'll drop some blue cookies for u soon

Jason: Tell your mom thanks. No, I will be the Interim CEO in September next year, and yes, it definitely is crazy. My dad does have cancer, which will definitely be interesting. ttyl bro

Hazel: So we saw everything that happened... do we have positions too?

Jason: I'm not quite sure about that at the moment... but we will see

Frank: We ordered some coffee and croissants for you!🥐☕️

Jason: Thanks, will definitely eat!

Piper: r u okay?

Jason hesitated. He wasn't quite sure, actually. He was kind of in shock at the moment, really. He was trying to process it all, and his brain was compartmentalizing. 

Jason eventually typed up: I think so. 

He left it at that. 

"Coffee and cookies?" Thalia said, coming into his room. 

Jason nodded and took a blue cookie and a mocha for himself. 

"So," Thalia said, "how are you feeling?" 

Jason shrugged. "I don't know. I mean, I always knew that you didn't want to carry it on, so I always figured it would be me to do it... but not this soon. I figured I needed an MBA and a college degree so that it would make more sense."

Thalia smiled sympathetically. "Yes, I knew I didn't want to do it, and Dad never pushed, so..."

Jason sighed. "He's way easier on you. He always has been. Why?"

He wasn't bitter, or angry or mad, he just wanted to know why at this point. 

"Well..." Thalia dragged the word out. "I don't really know, to be honest. Well, also, you look like mom. I look like him. And you know how much drama they have... and, well, he can't be mad at her because of everything going on in her life, so, he takes it out on you."

It was like the whole world had cleared up, the steam and smoke dissolving into thin air. Or maybe the world had been on a high level of understanding within his mind, and he'd moved up a level. 

"How is mom doing, by the way?" Jason said. It had only been three days, but he kind of wanted to know what was going on in her life. 

Thalia pulled up Instagram on her phone and her eyes widened. "Wow, she's coming back."

Thalia showed him the phone and Jason felt his heart flutter in happiness. His mom was coming back to New York to film some movie called Trapped in Silk? The title was kind of weird and her costar was someone named Tristan(which sounded familiar), but Jason didn't care. 

His mom was coming back. 

Soooo... update was on time!! Yay!!!! Also, yes, the two charities referenced are actually very important and real, so here are the links: and

See you next time!

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