The Arrival of Meredith Grey

By ilovegreysanatomy129

64.9K 1.6K 686

Story about Meredith being in the army, but gets injured badly and goes to Seattle grace for treatment. What... More

The Arrival of Meredith Grey
Getting better
When can I leave?
The New Normal
Let me take a look
Better looks
Moving In
Meeting the family
Together forever
Best day of our lives
Push through
Big news
Doubts & fears
16 weeks
20 weeks
24 weeks
28 weeks
Bed rest
29 weeks
30 weeks
32 weeks
34 weeks
35 weeks

37 weeks

1.3K 52 7
By ilovegreysanatomy129

(Meredith POV)

Derek and I got to the hospital with my mom and Bailey and Richard rushed her into a room. "Page cardio." Richard called out. "Why?" I asked from a corner of the room. "She's having runs of SVT and there's a murmur." Bailey replied. "Grey, get outta here. Go sit somewhere." Bailey ordered.

I was about to argue, when I felt a gush of water explode down my legs. "Go." Bailey said again. "I would, but my water just broke all over your shoes." I said with a sheepish smile. Dereks jaw dropped and he immediately came over to me and ushered me over to a chair.

"Grey, go have your baby. We'll take care of you mom." Richard called out. "She will." Derek cut in. "Let's get your a gurney." Derek said. "I can walk." I replied. "Mer-" "I can walk." I repeated sternly. He nodded and I stood up and we slowly made our way to the OB floor.

"Meredith Grey, her water just broke." Derek said to the nurse.

Once we were settled into a room, the contractions started coming. I whimpered as a strong pain ripped through my body. "You're okay." Derek said softly as he rubbed my arm softly. "Meredith, Derek, nice to see you." Dr Ryan said as she entered the room. "I see baby boy Shepherd is ready to make an appearance." She said as she looked at her chart.

"He is." Derek said proudly. "Okay Meredith, I'm going to check your cervix now, okay?" She asked. I nodded, ready for the uncomfortable feeling. Connie did her thing and I held eye contact with Derek the whole time. "Okay Meredith, you look about 5% dilated. Have we talked about what birth we want?" She asked.

"You said c-section would be safest?" Derek asked protectively. "It would, for Meredith mainly." Connie replied. "But I could have a natural birth?" I asked hopefully. "You could. But don't get your hopes up on that." She replied. "Tell You what, we are going to plan the c section for when you get a little more into your labor, but if all seems to be going well, we can try for a natural birth." Connie said with a sigh.

(Derek POV)

My wife is in labor. This is the moment I've been waiting for my whole life. She wants a natural birth, but I don't think it's a very good idea. "It's okay." I said as a contraction came. I know it hurts her more than usual due to the muscle, and it breaks my heart. But I'm so excited. Were going to meet our baby boy soon.

"Get some rest Meredith. Your going to need it." I said softly. "But-" she tried to argue. "Please, get some sleep Mer." I repeated. She nodded and gave in, quickly closing her eyes and falling asleep.

About an hour and a half later, I woke up to Meredith screaming in pain. "Mer; what is it?" I asked frantically, while trying to remain calm. "Hurts." She cried. Dr Ryan came running into the room and checked her chart and her cervix. "I think it's pushing against the muscle too much. We need to get her into surgery stat!" Dr Ryan yelled.

My eyes widened. Everything's happening so quickly. Dr Ryan unhooked her from machines with a bunch of nurses and before I knew it, Meredith was getting rushed to surgery, tears streaming down her face. Dr Ryan and I scrubbed in quickly while Meredith was getting ready and prepped.

I sat down by Merediths head while Connie made the first cut. I kept my eyes on Meredith the whole time and stroked her forehead. "Your okay." I whispered. She nodded, and I could see the fear in her eyes.

The cries of my son were one of the best sounds I have ever heard. Connie took him out and handed him over to me in a small little towel. "Is he okay?" Meredith asked tearfully. "He's perfect. He's just perfect." I said softly as I admired my newborn son. "Let me check him out quickly." Connie said softly. I reluctantly handed her over the baby and looked at Meredith. "You did great." I said proudly as I kissed her. She smiled and nodded.

Once Meredith was back into her room, I held our unnamed son in my arms. "What do you want to name him?" I asked quietly. "What do you think about Bailey?" She asked. "Bailey. I love it." I replied. "Bailey Bear Shepherd." She whispered as I handed her over the baby. "Bailey Bear." I repeated, happy tears comign To my eyes.

(Meredith POV)

A little while later, I was still holding my son, with Derek right next to me when Bailey entered the room with a blank expression on her face. That's when I immediately knew it was my mother. "Grey-" Bailey started. "She died, didn't she?" I asked softly. "She did." Bailey replied sadly. "It's okay. I think it's okay." I whispered as I looked down at Bailey.

"I'm sorry Grey." She said to me. "It's okay. You did your best." I replied as Bailey came over and looked at my son. "He's beautiful you guys." She said. "His name is Bailey. Bailey Bear Shepherd." I whispered tearfully.

"You didn't have to do that." She said as I handed over baby Bailey. "You saved me after my injury. It's only fitting." I replied. "Thank you." She whispered, holding back tears.

(Derek POV)

Meredith and Bailey were both asleep. I can't imagine how Meredith is feeling right now. Probably confused, if I had to guess. Her mother died, but her son was born.

I shook those thoughts away and decided to inform my family. "Baby Bailey Bear Shepherd born this evening." I said as I attached a picture and sent the text.

After that, I closed my eyes and fell asleep with my son and my wife.

Hey guys!! Hope you enjoyed this chapter!! Very drama filled. If you have any ideas for future chapters please let me know!!

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