Supercorp one-shots

By The_Phantom6

114K 3.4K 660

A journey between Kara and Lena, from complete strangers, to 'best friends', to a couple and to a married cou... More

It's always been you
A true love story...
Happy Birthday Lena!
I never got the chance
The life she once lost
Put a little love in your heart
We fall in love 3 times
A little help from my 'twin'
"God complex"
Little bundle of joy
Silver age of heroism
Don't touch her...
She's perfect
10 letters to Kara
What's a soulmate?
What was she like?
A Day at the beach
Family is not perfect
Quantum Entanglement
Our secret...
Catch me
I will join you one day
Approval and blessing
The way we were
It's a curse and blessing
Their only legacy
Sweet but cold
A soulmate would love their soulmate no matter what
Bite me...
Bite me...Part 2
Fight for our love?
Fight for our love? Part 2
From whom is that...HICKEY!?
When she loved me
A little glimpse
Back home...
Back home...2
Rewrite the stars
Changing the future
Unexpected genius
Unexpected talents
Late? 2
Parkour! 2
A letter to Lena
Die for you...
Die for you...2
She'd die for her too...
The long lost kitten
The long lost kitten 2
The long lost kitten 3
Jealousy fits you darling
It's about time
Your care is what I fell for
What would her life be? 2
It's the jealousy for me
Blue gems
I want you back...
Home is here
Home is here 2

What would her life be?

1K 37 9
By The_Phantom6

Requested by jaynuggy

What if Kara never crashed in the middle of a forgotten land and was never found by her cousin? What if Kara suddenly crashed on Earth-1 instead of Earth-38? What if Kara was never adopted by the Danvers? What if Kara never worked in CatCo as Cat Grant's personal assistant? What if Kara never became an ace reporter?

What if Kara Zor-El crashed in Lian Yu? The forgotten island in the North China Sea, who was homed by assassins...What would her life be?

Let's start from the beginning...

It was a dark and stormy night on the island. Sara Lance and Oliver Queen were going through their owns paths. Oliver was casually practicing his archery, while Sara was climbing from tree to tree, training her assassin skills. But suddenly a bright, fiery light went though the dark sky. The unknown obstacle crashed onto the island, creating a huge crater. Both assassins moved quickly to the crash sit , only to be met by an unknown spacecraft. They both looked at each other, from the other end of the crater, having silent conversation. With a nod, both carefully neared the spacecraft, but just then it opened, revealing a teenager girl who seemed so lost and sad...

The alien saw both humans, immediately activating her laser vision. Her eyes were glowing a mix of red and blue. Oliver and Sara backed off, trying to show that they are no threat. "Hey, we don't want to hurt you." Oliver said gently, now stepping a little further to the frightened alien. The young girl looked at them skeptically, but after noticing they weren't making a move to hurt her, she calmed down. Both assassins gave reassuring smiles to the lost alien, and the alien felt welcome.

And from that day on, they became an inseparable family...

Oliver and Sara taught Kara how to speak english, even a little mandarin and cantonese. After Kara was able to speak the languages fluently, which she learned quite fast, she was able to tell both assassins about Krypton and from where she's from...Why she was sent to Earth. It was a tearful conversation, and of course Sarah and Oliver were there to comfort her....Who knew assassins could be quite softies? (Okay they are taking care of super powered teenage alien, who has just lost everything).

After sometime, Kara was taught every assassin skill. To be honest everyone was quite impressed...She was the best assassin by far, probably even better than Oliver in archery.

And that life continued for years...

But let's go to the present, shall we?

"Wakey, wakey sleepy head!" Nathan yelled into Kara's room, which earned him a pillow right to his face. "Shut up Nathan." Said a grumpy Kara, who went back to sleep. Nathan was on the ground groaning a little in pain...Who knew that a pillow could hurt so much? "Not so the man of steel after all." Snickered Sarah, who was standing next to Nathan. "I'm not close to the girl of steel." Nathan stated the fact, which earned a laugh from Sara. "Okay, get up." Sarah said, helping the so called 'man of steel' up. She then looked into the room, seeing Kara still asleep. "Watch and learn." Whispered Sarah to Nathan, who was now looking attentively. "Hey Kara if you don't get up Mick is going to eat all of your Potstickers." Like that Kara shot up from her bed, gone in a blur who has probably super sped to the kitchen. Nathan looked dumbfounded, while Sarah had a smug smirk on her face. "It's that easy?" He asked and Sara just nodded, loving the reaction. "Okay, if we still want breakfast, we better hurry before Mick and Kara eat everything that's in the fridge." And like that, both Legends hurried their way to the kitchen.

Kara was eating her probably fifth bowl of cereal when Amaya also entered the kitchen. "Damn, I wish I could eat that much." Amaya said, which made Kara chuckle. "Kara did you just eat my frosty flakes?" Amaya just asked, who was rummaging through the drawers. It was dead silent and when Amaya looked up to the Kryptonian, Kara had a guilty face. "You didn't..." Kara ducked her head low, which was a good enough answer for Amaya. "Anyway, want some?" Kara asked kindly, who was showing her bowl full of frosty flakes. The Vixen just huffed in defeat, knowing that next time she should hide all of her snacks in her room. "Next time you'll pay for my snacks." Amaya was threatening with a finger, which scared Kara. "Okay..." Squeaked the Kryptonian out. Zari and Leonard couldn't hold their laugh, seeing Amaya threaten a super powered alien...Seriously the sight was hilarious. Amaya shot them a death glare, when she heard them laughing...Know they understood why Kara was scared. "I never knew that a threatening Amaya could be so scary..." Whispered Leonard, which earned a gulp and nod from Zari, who very much agreed.

"Skirt!" Yelled Mick from the control center and in a millisecond Kara was there. "What's the problem Mick?" Asked Kara, seeing Mick trying to fix something with Gideon. "Sarah told me you have engineering skills from that planet you're from. I need your help fixing this." He showed the melted computer screen. "Umm, what did you do?" Kara was in quite shock, because never in her life has she seen a melted computer screen. Before Mick could explain himself, Gideon already said the answer: "Mick played around with his heat gun and accidentally melted the computer." Just then, Ray entered the control center, with tablet in hand. "Oh my God!" He yelled, when he saw the melted computer screen. Mick and Kara just gave a sheepish smile. "Busted..." Whispered Kara, and Mick just didn't seem to care anymore. You know, Mick and Kara were known as the troublemakers in the Waverider, but everyone still loved them...Okay, nobody could resist Kara's puppy dog eyes and pout, not even Ava.

After fixing the problem, Ray gave a glare to Mick. "I was gone for 15 minutes." Muttered Ray, which made Mick scoff. "It felt more than 15 minutes." Mick shot back, and Kara could not stop laughing. It was like two kids were bickering about who was the better superhero. The Super left the boys and retreated back to her room, but then she saw Ava standing in the middle of her quite messy room. Kara stood still on her tracks and gave a sweet smile to Ava, who's literal death glare scared the shit out of her. "Why do I feel like I'm in a war zone?" Ava asked, making Kara shrug. "Probably because last week we had to go to World War II to fix a few stuff." Kara answered casually, which earned a dangerous eyebrow raise from Ava Sharpe herself. The older woman started to scold the Kryptonian and from afar Sara heard it. The assassin ran towards her girlfriends scolding voice. She then entered Kara's room, to see a quite confused Kara and pissed off Ava. "Ava, Kara is a baby. Don't hurt her!" Sara was now hugging Kara tight, trying to protect her from Ava's dangerous glare. "Baby? She's 24 years old." Ava said, while picking up the scattered clothes on the floor, muttering a few incoherent words. "And? She's still a baby." Sarah said, making Kara chuckle. "Whatever you say." Ava just sighed in defeat, knowing she would not win. Nora and Nathan were watching from the other room, finding it quite entertaining to see Ava scolding Kara, who looked so confused and Sara just trying protect Kara. "You know, I noticed there will be never peace in this ship." Commented Nora and Nathan just agreed. "I mean, it's boring if we have peace." Said Nathan, who continued to eat his bowl of popcorn. "Yeah, without Kara in the team so many things would be different." Nora said the fact and Nathan just had to agree, because that's a fact nobody can't deny.

A few days later Kara was in Star City, getting ice cream with the one and only Oliver Queen. "So how are things going with the Legends?" He asked, while taking a bite from his Stracciatella. Kara just shrugged, scooping another bowl of ice cream, probably her third or already forth one. "It's really cool. You know, after a long time I feel finally at home." Kara answered and Oliver's happy to hear that. "Since Sara brought me into the team, it's like we all became a family. Everyone is so supportive to each other and even though we annoy and tease each other, till probably one of us will destroy the Waverider, we love each other no matter what." Kara took a bite from her chocolate ice cream. "I hope you get fat." Joked Oliver, which got him a serious look from Kara. The archer had to gulp, because the serious look Kara mastered was definitely from Ava. "Not on this planet." Kara said back and Oliver let go of a breath he didn't even know he was holding. "Oh my God, don't do that again." He said relieved, just for a second there he thought he would die. "Who knew the cold hearted Oliver Queen or known as the Green Arrow, would be so scared about a look." Mocked Kara, which made both laugh. "Of course I would be scared! Seeing a serious look from Kara Zor-El is really scary! Even scarier than Supergirl's." Replied Oliver, which only caused Kara to laugh even more. "I don't know if i should take that as a compliment or not." Kara answered, causing Oliver to chuckle. "You know, I don't know if I should be impressed that you mastered Ava's dangerous glare or be worried about it." Oliver said, while taking another scoop of ice cream. He was thinking on what to choose, since there are 8 different flavors on the table. "Few days ago Ava was pissed off, because my room was a mess. Eventually Sara saved me from Ava's dagger eyes." That was the point they could not stop laughing, and both got a little worried they might choke on ice cream. "You're serious? Damn you Kara Zor-El for making cold hearted assassins to softies." Oliver stated the fact, which was very true. Kara was like his little sister, even though she's technically older. They were there for each other when they started their careers as heroes. They were there for each other, when times were really tough and they just needed shoulder to lean on. Oliver was happy after what Kara has been through, that she finally found family and a home. And deep down he thanked any God, it can even be Rao, for bringing Kara Zor-El in his life. "I can't do anything that nobody can resist my puppy eyes and pout." Kara answered Oliver's statement.

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