BNH: Angel with red eyes

By Jasmine_The_Fox

1.2K 1 0

When class 1-A get's a new classmate (after Minoru caused too many girls to complain about him) the class dis... More

His scent
The lying alpha
Shopping trip!
Playing... why?
Omega nest
Heat and claimed
News to tell
Almost there
Meetings and surprises
From prime alpha to alpha
There move
Her students
No more lies about our pack alpha
Enough is enough Lila!!
Gone too far
The time has come
Time to face the music
What is happening!?
Adrien's madness
Happy time is over
Wrath of the blogger
To dust
Last try
How they met
Taking her home
Don't mess with the pack omega
To pity or not to pity
Home again
Going further
Never goodbye
Off hinged!
Getting back to normal
Going home

Some good friends

35 0 0
By Jasmine_The_Fox

It took the rest of the day before Jasmine felt better... But she still worried her classmates the whole time she was in her room, with the sudden incident with her quirk losing control... She would need to pay the school to get everything fixed, Katsuki would leave the room to go get them something or collect something for Eri who was staying with them for now, sometimes someone from the class would stay in the room but away from the nest to keep an eye on her but even so she mostly slept in her nest with Eri at her side the whole time except from when they needed to use the bathroom.

It was time for diner when they came down to join everyone... And by then the windows and everything Jasmine accidentally used her quirk on was fixed "Aizawa had people on stand-by just to be safe" Izuku said from behind her, she turned to look at him in slight surprise but then quickly relaxed "Guess he knew I would react like that" she whispered as they walked to the couch together, Eri had gone to the kitchen with Katsuki so this left the alpha with the omega alone until a few other students joined them "Are you alright Jasmine? Your reaction to that name really scared us" Ochako said making Jasmine look down in shame "I'm really sorry about that... Hearing the name Agreste... And knowing Adrien is looking for me just brought back sudden memories of him back" she explained making the beta nod in understanding.

"Adrien? As in Adrien Agreste the alpha model in Paris that every omega and female beta want's as there mate?" Yuga asked in slight surprise as Jasmine nodded as her answer, she didn't expect anyone to know Adrien so to hear someone speak of him like that was a surprise "Yeah and it turns out he decided to have her as his mates since he first saw her when they were pups" Katsuki said making Jasmine sigh and nod "My sister still regrets not forcing him to leave at the time but were just pups... We didn't know anything about second genders or mates or anything really" she explained making Ochako slowly move to her side, she didn't move to sit next to the omega but more so to let her know she was close.

After a while, Mirio came back to pick up Eri and get her back so she can do her homework, the little girl was sad because she wanted to stay with Jasmine a little longer but it was getting late so she agreed and left in the end, Katsuki had made something for them to enjoy while relaxing for a bit while Jasmine was cuddling with Katsuki on the couch, it was nice Izuku thought... But he worried about Jasmine quite a bit right now with what he and the class were told not long ago, he still didn't like any of this but he really wanted to help her right now, so he called it a night while secretly texting the Deku squad for an emergency text meeting related to Jasmine, it wasn't long before they began to slowly join the chat as he typed out his worries about Jasmine.

But the gang shared the same worries and decided that they needed to help somehow, they definitely didn't want what happened with Nezu and Aizawa happening again so they would need to help her overcome her trauma, it will take time but he was certain that everything would turn out fine in the end, at one point, Katsuki noticed that Jasmine was falling asleep so he carried her to her room and into her nest where she pulled him in to join her... He didn't mind really since his alpha was whimpering for him to join her in the nest for comfort, once she had drifted to sleep... He decided that he needed to see who this Adrien Agreste guy really is so he knows who to look for to fight for Jasmine, so he looked online for pictures and his bio.

The guy looked simple enough, he was an alpha of course as what Yuga said, his quirk was named by him "Cataclysm" because he could destroy what he touches when the quirk is active... But he could only use it once and it takes him now an hour and a half before he can use it again, at first it took him twelve hours before he could use it again, then it took him five hours and later three hours... He was slowly getting better that was for sure, he claims on the news that he found the omega of his dreams and that it was love at first sight (media claims that his mate feels the same way but Adrien never denied or confirmed it) he never said who it was or there second gender, he claimed that he wanted to wait until after they were mated to reveal her.

So he says it's a she but that was it, Katsuki couldn't believe how much gut Adrien has to claim all of this and not care about how Jasmine felt about it... Then again the school did claim that Alpha's had rights to everything, so either his parents never corrected him or they just didn't care... Either way, Katsuki then went to sleep... A fitful sleep, he dreamt of Adrien having Jasmine, she was in heat and he rapes her as she get's claimed... And later on killed before his eyes, then he sees a female figure, he couldn't see what she looked or sounded like but he could guess it was Lila... She was laughing at Jasmine's dead body as he struggled to move to stop them from doing who knows what to his omega's corpse.

Jasmine woke up to quiet whimpers coming from her alpha, he must have been dreaming about something bad to not be doing well maybe it was about her? She looked around and noticed his phone near by and decided to take a look to find Adrien's bio... Guess he was dreaming of something connected to them right now but she didn't understand why it was making him react like this since he hasn't seen them in person yet but still, she decided to release calming pheromones so to soothe him a bit in his sleep while stretching out her hand to him so he knows she's there at his side and wasn't going to leave him ever, her scent woke him up a bit but it was mostly the movement of her arm that made him open his eyes and hold her hand before drifting back to sleep as she smiled and followed after him.

The next day, Jasmine was the first to wake up, she did scent one of her sweaters for Katsuki before walking out to get breakfast with the rest of the class, so much has happened in such little time that she wasn't even sure on what to do next in all of this, once she arrived at the mains floor, she found Izuku and his group of friends already there, the other's were either still sleeping or doing something else at the moment "Good morning Jasmine!" Izuku said with a smile making her smile back and greet him at the table, the gang was making breakfast and she quickly noticed Tenya pulling out another plate for her "Did you sleep well last night ribbit? With everything that happened yesterday and all" Tsuyu asked making her nod "I only woke up because Katsuki was whimpering in his sleep... I don't know why though" she explained as she decided to let him tell her.

Izuku nodded in understanding, from the many times he slept over with Katsuki, him whimpering happens when he's having a nightmare and it's really bad... He must have dreamt about something related to Jasmine "I'm sure Kacchan will tell you when he's ready, but for now just give him time" he explained making her nod in understanding as they then ate breakfast together before Ochako spoke again "I was thinking about going out for some groceries. Were running out since last night and thought you could come with Jasmine? That way we can buy you things you like?" she explained making Jasmine nod "Sure, I don't mind joining" she replied making the beta smile as Jasmine then said she needed to get dressed and then joined them outside where Momo was.

"Would it be alright if I joined you? I need to go buy a few things and thought I could help" she explained making them all nod as they got going, they got going just as Katsuki woke up to find out he was holding a sweater with Jasmine's scent and then a note from her saying she was going to do groceries with Izuku and his friends, he smiled and walked out of her room to go back to his to get a change of clothes for when he get's out of the shower, once clean, he left to get the sweater and put it on so Jasmine's scent was all around him, he smiled at the scent of wild berries and vanilla around him as he got to the kitchen where his friends who go by the Baku squad were already making something to eat "Hey Bakugo! Sleep well last night?" Eijiro asked as Denki looked over to see Katsuki wearing Jasmine's sweater.

He went over to a random seat at the table before answering "Looked into that Adrien guy... He was telling on shows how he found his mate and it was love at first sight... But never corrected that he was in love and Jasmine didn't feel the same way, then got a nightmare" he explained making Mina walk to his side "Want me to call Jasmine? Ochako texted me to say they were getting groceries right now" she asked but he shakes his head and simply puts his nose into the sweater, breakfast was served and the rest of the class came down when the group arrived and slowly began putting everything away, Jasmine took a glance towards Katsuki and so far he didn't look fine but she decided to wait and let him talk to her first.

"Hello guys! I bring Eri with me!" Mirio says with a smile as he enters 1-a dorms, they all smiled as the little girl went straight for Jasmine, Katsuki felt touched by this and decided to do something, so he asked Deku to have him and his friends distract Jasmine while he goes to speak to Aizawa, once Izuku agreed he walked out to try and find there teacher around the school to talk about something important "Looking for something problem child?" he turned to find Aizawa dressed in something other then black with a coffee in hand "I want to talk to you about Jasmine... She's my true mate" he explained making Aizawa sigh "Follow" he simply said as they walked into the school and towards his office where his nest was a little away from his desk.

He looked around as his teacher made a few calls, he didn't mind really since it was important so it was more then likely he got there other teachers, Recovery girl and principal Nezu "When did you find out you were her true mate?" Shota asked after hanging up "On the first day she arrived my alpha was telling me to claim her, then when Jasmine, Denki, Deku, Koji and I were talking about her situation in her room, when we got to the elevator to then join the others they brought up the fact she knew we were true mates" he explained making his teacher nod as he then sat at his desk "You know this means we need to plan things out for the two of you right?" he asked making Katsuki nod "But we decided that we would do the claim at her next heat which is in two weeks" he replied making Shota nod in understanding.

It was with a light knock that was heard before everyone walked into the office, Katsuki watched as Nezu walked forward "Aizawa said something about you and Jasmine happening?" he asked making Katsuki nod as he then explained everything once more, none of the adults spoke the whole time he explained things and simply waited until he was done, Nezu was the one to speak "Will need to begin preparations for the two of you. Expand a room for you to share, set up the room to be safe so no alpha or omega get there heat or rut triggered while you mate, have a lock set up to keep you in" he began to say making the others nod, Katsuki knew there so much to prepare so when Midnight walked over to him... He knew everything was fine "Will take care of these preparations, you head back to Jasmine and relax" she said making him nod and head back to his dorm.

He got back to Jasmine laying on the couch with Eri, the two looked to be sleeping at the moment so it was obvious that they both got tired and were now taking a nap "Everything good?" he asked as Izuku walked over "She actually didn't notice that you left, Eri pretty much distracted her enough that she didn't see" he explained making Katsuki nod as Mirio picked Eri up and then left, Katsuki decided that her nest was better for Jasmine to sleep in so he carried her to bed, she woke up once she was set in her nest "Katsuki?" she asked as he smiled to her "Right here, had to leave to talk to Aizawa about a few things before your heat happens" he explained making her smile and nod "Did you have fun today?" he asked making her nod again "Eri and I played together, she did my hair earlier but then I did her's... Which led us to no longer having our hair done" she explained as Katsuki chuckled.

After a while, the duo walked out to join everyone downstairs, turns out Eijiro set up something that was sent to them and wanted to play a few games that were sent with everything, when they got there... Jasmine froze all of a sudden "Jasmine? Something wrong?" Katsuki asked as she stared at the boxes on the floor making him understand that they distracted her "Where were they sent from?" she asked quietly as Izuku who was holding a still sealed box walked over to her with it and handed it to her "There from Paris... Sent by a Chloe Bourgeois" with those words Jasmine began opening the box in her hands and found the blankets she bought for her friends and family in large bags "Guess she finished getting them scented" Katsuki said as she turned to him "You had Jean send them to my sister?" she asked as he nodded his answer.

"You were making a nest with our scents... I thought it was only fair to have the scent of your friends and family from Paris" he explained making her smile at the kind gesture "I don't get it though... Why would your sister send you a switch with a bunch of games?" Eijiro asked making her look over "Because it's mine" she replied making them look at her in surprise "The switch is mine, I left it behind because I wasn't sure if I could have it in my room or not" she explained making them nod in understanding to her words, they then worked together to look over her games until Jasmine explained that she wanted to put her new scented items into her nest so Katsuki followed her "We need to talk about my heat, the sooner we talk about it the better" she said making him nod.

"For now Nezu wants the teachers to get things set up for us. Meaning a new room for us to reside in together, ventilation to avoid other alpha's and omega's going into an early heat and rut, they also plan to set up a lock so we don't get out of the room all of a sudden" he explained making her nod at the safety it would bring to them and the class "I like that, I also think it would be a good idea to prepare food and drinks in advance... Locking ourselves during my preheat and your prerut would be a good idea and just send a massive text so they all know about this" she explained making him nod to her idea, it was better to let the others know in advance that there locking themselves away then allowing her heat and his rut tell the others "Next is what happens during our lockdown. Do you want to just have me help or do you want to accept the chance will become parents?" he asked her as she began opening the bags to put in her nest the scents of her home.

As she placed certain items in her nest... One scent caught his nose, it was honey and clovers, he looked to find out that it came from the bee blanket "That's your sister's right? The bee patterned blanket" he asked making her smile and nod "I'm glad you remembered, Chloe loves bee's since she was small since they were known to have a queen bee. So she often wanted to be called a queen" she explained making him nod in understanding "She was to be followed and obeyed at school, if it didn't happen she would use the parent card" she said making him chuckle, once she was done Jasmine couldn't help but lay in her nest and begin to purr making him smile at her actions, he did wonder about her preheat though "What happens when your in preheat?" he asked which made her stop to look at him.

She thought about it for a moment before giving her answer "If I remember right, Chloe says that I become a hugger, that I just want to hug and be hugged, she also said that once dad couldn't hug me due to a meeting and I barged in for him to hug me while hissing" she said making Katsuki's eyes widen, the idea of Jasmine demanding hugs and then being refused was a little bit... Extreme to him "Anything else?" he then asked making her think for a moment "My friend Luka who is an omega once witnessed me going into preheat, he said that I became frightened, I would hide away from him and his mom... He believed it was because I wasn't at home and instead at his home, which is an unfamiliar place for me to have my preheat. He had to distract me by playing his guitar while his mom called Chloe over" she then explained with a nod making him nod in return.

"After that... I don't think there was anything else" she said making him nod once more in understanding, it was obvious that if anything else happens during her preheat... It would be knew to the both of them, Katsuki looked at the time and decided that relaxing in his mate's nest wouldn't be so bad right now, sure he could go downstairs to hang out with the rest of the class and play with Jasmine's switch but being with his mate like this with the scents of her friends and family so he be familiarized with them for when he meets them in person was much better in his head, she then began to purr and so Katsuki decided to hold her close to him as they relaxed in her nest without a care in the world on what might be happening outside the room at the moment as they smiled towards one another.

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