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De FanFic_colby_Daddy

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Livia Dawn knew it was a bad idea to follow three guys, who were probably criminals, into the woods. Mistake... Mai multe

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Authors note
Book two: Darling


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De FanFic_colby_Daddy

(Talks of porn)

We approached the airport, bags not in our hands and instead being held by airport workers who took it upon themselves to carry out bags for us, which I didn't yet understand. I had never been on an airplane if I was being honest, but I didn't think this was normal.

"So our plane departs at 6 and then it's a five-hour flight until we arrive there at 11. We'll have a car waiting to take us to the hotel and then we are going to rest. At 5 we're going to get dressed, and then we're leaving at eight-" Colby was interrupted by Jake's deep and raspy voice, consumed by exhaustion.

He wasn't one to wake up this early.

"Why does it take two hours to get into suits." He asked groggily, hands wrapped protectively around his pillow that he took upon himself to not leave behind. He hasn't let go of it.

Colby glanced at me from behind, "Well now we have a princess who needs to get ready and have her makeup done." He grinned.

With my coffee in hand, I took a sip and shrugged my petite shoulders, "Well I am
no princess and I'm not sure it takes hours to get dressed?" I query. An hour sounded reasonable, but two? That was a bit much.

Sam responded, "No, two hours is pretty reasonable. Kat takes at least three because she takes it upon herself to try on everything before finally deciding on something to wear." He smiled at the thought of his secret lover. Well, it's not that secret, but they won't admit it and I've convinced the guys not to mention it or ask about it.

But of course, they don't listen. "And why are you with Kat while she's getting dressed?" Corey teased, nudging Sam's shoulder with his elbow and smirking down at him with a questionable look.

Sam blew a raspberry and shoved him back, "No reason." He looked timid.

I gave Corey a look, saying to back off, and that was that.

Finally, after what felt like an eternity of walking through the parking lot, because the driver insisted on dropping us off where there was no traffic to make it easier for him, we made it to the building. Upon walking in you immediately notice how packed and chaotic it was. People were racing to catch their flight, struggling to get through security, and trying to figure out what to do once they've missed their flights. It was what I expected.

Colby guided us through the place, past security, and through the crowds of rushing families. I didn't know why we didn't go through security, only that Colby showed something to one of the workers and they let us by. He probably had connections or something, wouldn't be surprising.

"Can we get food?" I ask, "I didn't grab anything back at the house."

"We'll get something on the plane, it's fine. For free as well." Corey replies.

I tilt my head curiously, "Free?"

"Shh, she doesn't know yet." Colby quickly butted in, giving the guys a suspicious-looking face. It didn't look like he was keeping a secret, more like withholding certain information he wanted me to wait to find out.

I didn't question it, not yet.

"Ooh." The guys nodded, understanding what I didn't.

We continued to walk, and slowly I started to notice we were walking further away from the gates and actually towards the back where the number of people spotted was dwindling. It got kind of empty except for the occasional rich family who wore silk robes and sunglasses even though it was so early in the morning. I began to get more suspicious of where we were going..

We arrived to a gate, though it was small with no seating around it. An older lady in her aircrew outfit stood by the entrance, a pleasant smile on her face. Next to her were three men who also had smiles on their faces. They all looked a little too friendly if you asked me.

We approached them. "Mr.Brock, a pleasure to have you again." The lady greeted.


Is it possible to have VIP on an airplane?

"Pleasure is all mine." He gave her a side kiss on the cheek, a simple and friendly greeting, but a weird one for a stranger.

I didn't talk, not knowing what to say. It seemed they knew each other, even the guys, but I didn't know why. Do they fly to Virginia a lot and just coincidently have the same crew? And not to mention there was no one else here. It was the beginning of the week, it should be very packed, right?

Maybe I'm missing something..

Our bags were handed to the 3 guys, who carried them off somewhere, and then we were guided, yes guided, inside. Not like pointed in the direction and waved goodbye, no, the lady walked us through the connecting hallway like we were royalty. I was missing something here, and I wasn't sure what.

I scoot next to Colby, whispering "What's happening?" Only loud enough for him to hear.

He smiled down at me, not responding. Fucker.  He just loves keeping me in the dark.

I frown, annoyed, and look down like an angry child. My arms crossed over my stomach lazily as my eyes look around to see the guys all smirking at me. Of course, they're also in on this plan, they love antagonizing me, I've realized this when they choose to disorganize the neatly arranged kitchen whenever I'm out training with Colby. I'll come back all sweaty, tired, and walk to grab some food only to realize the bagels have been replaced with flour? I mean, seriously?

Not cool.

"Y'all's seats have fresh blankets and pillows if you desire some and I will have drinks arranged when you guys are all settled in. Oh, and my dear." The ladies eyes landed on me, still carrying a smile, she said "It's a pleasure to have you flying with us,"

I blink twice, slowly.

Okay, I seriously need some answers.

I'm just confused now.

During my small moment, Colby's hand took its place on my back and he gave me a small push, urging me to continue walking because apparently, I was standing there too long. We entered through the plane opening, and immediately I knew something was off. There weren't that many seats, maybe 12, and there were 3 tables in the middle of 3 of the groups of 4 seats. The seats were black with gold rims and any kind of glass was crystal and sparkling in the lights. No one else was on the plane, it was only us.

"Colby, what the hell is this?" I finally ask, hoping this time I would get an answer.

He smiled, "Well, my darling, this is a private plane. My private plane." He grinned cheekily. I listened to his words, examined them for a second, then slapped his chest with the palm of my hand. His face contorted to confusion and hurt, his hand traveling to his chest as if what I did hurt him. It didn't by the way.

"You dick why the hell did you keep this from me!" I exclaim annoyed.

He shrugged, "Because it's a surprise? I-I don't know?"

I roll my eyes, "Really? You get me all worked up over something as stupid as a plane? Bitch, I thought you were some evil royalty or some shit and were planning on kidnapping me!" I yell, "Well, I-I mean, Kidnap me again!" I rephrase my words.

I scowled, "Well I'm sorry, I thought you'd be a bit more excited." He frowned, totally taken back by my reaction. It was too early for this shit..

I stare at him in slight disbelief, "Don't get me wrong, I love it, it's great and beautiful, trust me, but come on was it worth the secret?"

"Uh, yeah?"

I sigh and shake my head, walking over to a seat and plopping into the soft cushion. I snuggled into it, feeling its warmth created by the air pressure in here. It's very cozy and comforting. I looked around to see Jake already asleep and Corey on his phone while Sam struggled to stuff his bag under his chair. Corey noticed and with a single kick he was able to get it under. Sam glared at him for kicking it while Corey simply grinned and looked back at his phone.

Colby was talking to the lady about something I was unable to understand so instead of thinking of him being an idiot I reach for my bag and search my hand around for my book. I immediately realized I did not feel the hardcover of Romeo and Juliet in the safety of the Balenciaga bag and pure anger and annoyance flooded my body. I fucking forgot my book, great.

I let out a frustrated sigh and leaned my head back, gripping the armrests.

I hear footsteps approach from beside me, "What has you upset now?"

I open my eyes lazily to see Colby. I lift my head, "I forgot my book, so now I'm left with nothing to do." I give a fake smile, dropping it almost immediately.

He furrowed his brows and shook his head, breaking into a small laugh as he took a seat next to me unexpectedly. I didn't think he was going to sit next to me, I was for sure thinking he would sit with the guys and discuss more details about the banquet and who'd be where. I had told all of them I was going to read most of the entire time unless I fell asleep at any time, and they agreed to leave me alone. Well, he guys did. Colby doesn't do promises apparently.

"Here." He reached into his carry-on bag and pulled out a laptop and some headphones, then bending over me to pull out the table to sit over my lap. He placed it down and opened it, punching in the password without letting me see and then sliding it back over. I stared at the open screen, then looking at him with a strange look.

"What's this?" I ask him.

He looked from the screen to me, "You can watch YouTube or something on it, you know, to pass the time." He shrugged his shoulders.

I grinned slightly, turning my body and crossing my arms in a sassy way, "Is Colby Brock willingly letting me use his laptop? Or is there just a gun to your head, because that could be a possibility-" I trailed off, my teasing making him smile a little.

"You're very funny." He said, not meaning it whatsoever, "But no I think I'm going to fall asleep soon so you can use it. And no there is nothing on there that is of value, all that's on a hard drive I keep hidden away, so you can use it. Here are headphones." He dropped AirPods right in front of me. My eyes followed them until they got my lap and then I looked back at him while he snuggled into the seat and shut his eyes, completely ignoring everything the lady was going to say about plane safety and what to do in an emergency.

I listened carefully, anxiously going over different scenarios in my head that could lead to death. It was unpreventable for a new flyer to be nervous, and being a naturally anxious person I was feeling a lot of it.

"And don't mind the air turbulence."

As in the rocking of the plane in the middle of the sky caused by violent and irregular airwaves? Yeah, I won't mind that at all..

She then showed us, well, me because everyone else was zoned out, how to buckle our seatbelts. I must have checked mine at least 5 times before thinking I was good. I just wanted to be sure.

Then finally they talked about what would happen if we crashed, and that was the most terrifying. Usually, you would try to land in a body of water, and we glide down because of the pressure going against the wings, but if an engine explodes instead of simply dying then the plane will go down rapidly and we may not be able to get to the water in time. And this plane is smaller than a usual one so there isn't much to resist against. We would have to brace for impact and keep the air masks over our faces, but I would be crawled in a corner and shitting myself. That, or I would just put a gun to my head and save me the traumatic death of crashing.

It'd just be easier that way.

With a final greeting from the pilot, who the guys still ignored, we were set to fly.

No one seemed bothered by their response to their natural introduction, but they also looked like they were doing this mainly for me and knew the guys had already heard the same speech over and over again. Which I understood, but at the same time, I would still listen for the sake of being polite.

They're being paid to do this after all.

I felt the engine begin and suddenly I was glued to my seat, squeezing the armrests until my knuckles were white while I stared straight ahead at the empty seat in front of me. My heart sped up as I felt the plane begin to move towards the landing and take-off strip,  knowing once we got on it there was no turning back.

I tapped my foot up and down, every possibility of danger running through my head.

What if we crashed? What if the plane blows up randomly? What if one of the flight ladies has a gun and is ready to kill us? What if this is just an elaborate plan set up by the same people who tried to kill us at the party? Something bad could happen, bad things always happen to me. What's the point of this? Why am I even here!

The plane began to speed up, and I sucked in a breath, shutting my eyes and waiting for my death.

But they popped open when I felt a hand on top of mine, looking to see Colby's ring decorated hand gripping mine gently but with enough grip to shock me. His eyes were still closed, not showing any reaction to his own actions, but seemed to still be aware of what he was doing.

I froze, completely ignoring the plane that was now lifting off into the air and now focusing on his small act of kindness.

I've known Colby long enough to know he is not the comforting type. He gets awkward and nervous unless he is apart of the problem, then he is equally upset. When he comforted me after the party he apologized and got a little real with me because he felt he had to, and he did. But he didn't have to hold my hand while I was scared, he could have ignored it and made me deal with my fears on my own. But now, he held my hand and did something nice for me whether he acknowledged it or not.

It made me smile, knowing he did care. Even if it was just a little bit.

I relaxed better into my seat, feeling a bit better about the flight. We were now in the sky, which was still terrifying, but I thought I would distract myself with a film. I searched around on Netflix, not seeing anything good. Movies have never been something I chose to watch since I've mostly had books to keep me company instead of screens. I'd choose pages sewn together over electronics any day.

I sat there a moment, thinking about what I could do to pass the time.

I look around, seeing the guys all asleep. None of them could stay awake this early and I knew that for a fact even before this plane ride.

Xepher and I's conversation started to play through my head again, and I began to actually deep dive into what we had talked about. More specifically, when we talked about Porn. I feel a little foolish not knowing anything about it, which is weird for me because I'm usually educated in almost every subject. Self-pleasure and porn are just not one of those subjects.

Why am I thinking about this right now?

Because I'm alone.

Is that a good enough reason?


But when else would I be able to research this? To know what I like and enjoy? I don't have any form of social media back at the house, and now I have a computer in front of me with google open. It's basically asking me to look it up.

I'm not masturbating, obviously, but I do think I need at least a little exposure to this.

So, shamefully, I looked up something Xepher had mentioned.


The first thing that comes up is a link to a website with the name "How BDSM Might Benefit Your Health and Improve Your Relationship." I'm not sure how a kink is something that could benefit my health but I'm not looking into that right now.

I scroll a bit further and come across a Wikipedia definition and website for the topic. I can't trust Wikipedia in my opinion isn't a trustworthy site, but why would they lie about a kink? It'll give me a straight answer and that's all I need.

I click it.

"BDSM is a variety of often erotic practices or roleplaying involving bondage, discipline, dominance and submission, sadomasochism, and other related interpersonal dynamics." It read, "Given the wide range of practices, some of which may be engaged in by people who do not consider themselves to be practicing BDSM, inclusion in the BDSM community or subculture often is said to depend on self-identification and shared experience."

Right under it was a girl with a black color around her neck with a chain leading off of it.

Right under it was a few definitions.

B/D: Bondage and discipline

D/S: Bondage and submission

S/M: Sadism and masochism

Then there were roles.

Top/Dominant: Bondage and discipline

Bottom/Submissive: partner who receives or is controlled

Switch: switches between roles

So to sum it all up, it's a form of pleasure where there is a Dominant and a Submissive. The dom takes control of the sexual activity while the sub, well, submits and lets them do whatever. And they get a kick out of it.

I click out of the website and go to images, praying for nothing graphic. And thankfully there was none.

The first ones I saw were a picture of a girl with her hands being tied by a ribbon, that one gave me butterflies, reminding me of how Colby held my hands above my head on both occasions we made out. Then there were a few with different toys used for bondage and discipline. Those weren't as appealing only because they looked scary and.. not.. natural?

I shake the images from my head and click away from the images, not wanting to look through them for too long.

I take a big step, a scary one, and look something up that I've never even thought about.

Porn Hub

How else am I going to know? There's a difference between reading about something and seeing it with my own eyes. And I needed that difference right now.

No, I wasn't going to fucking masturbate on this plane but I wanted to just see.. you know?

The first thing that came up was an ad of an animated girl sucking another guy's animated cock. I clicked away from that immediately, the image-making me feel sick. Hell, this website was going to make me sick already I just know it. I could back out.. or I could continue and learn about why I think is necessary for my future as dumb as it sounds.

I've gotten an unimaginable thrill from the thing me and Colby did, and I need to put myself to the test to see how far I would go.

Looking up BDSM in the search bar was a waste and I soon realized I needed to be a bit more specific. So I simply looked up, bondage. And a whole lot came up.

Girl tied up and gagged and fucked hard

No thank you

Dominant overpowers submissive! Squirting!

I do not want to see whatever that is

Girl is handcuffed and showed a good time

Okay.. that sounds better than the others..

I bravely click it, adjusting my headphones and leaning back into my chair nervously.

What the hell was I doing?

Am I seriously about to watch porn on a plane?

The video began and my answer to that was, yes.

The porn Hub intro began to play and I recognized it immediately. Boys at school would blast it through the speakers during lunch and get in trouble for it, which I found funny. Now I know where it comes from.

The first 3 minutes of the video was the guy undressing the girl slowly and tossing the pieces of fabric around the room without care. Then, carelessly, he pushed her against the bed and she fell onto the comforters with a giggle, excited. He climbed on top of her, removing his shirt then grabbing ahold of her arms and pulled her to the headboard. He grabbed a pair of handcuffs and put them on her wrists, while she obliged with a shy smile on her face, and then hooked them around a chain that was attached to the metal. Her body was now completely on display for him.

Watching this was making my stomach churn, and I crossed my legs.

He began teasing her, rubbing his hands along her body slowly and whispering things in her ear I was not able to completely hear. She hummed in response to all of them, loving everything that was leaving his dirty lips. She even squirmed a bit at certain touches, mostly around where her thighs and hips connected. She grabbed onto the handcuffs and tugged on them, begging for them to be free but not wanting them to be at the same time. She was enjoying every bit of what he was doing, but he wanted more.

"I want you to beg for it." He says, getting off the bed and circling it while his hands removed his pants and underwear, leaving his dick out and just there while he walked.

I cannot be the only one who thinks that dicks just.. aren't pretty. They're just not.

The girl hummed and giggled, eyes locking with his. She said, "I want it."

He stared at her, expecting more.

She squirmed in anticipation, "Please. I want you." She begged. My stomach was doing all sorts of things I couldn't explain.

"What do you want? Be specific." He demanded, hands rubbing along her things, giving her the touch she so obviously craved. But she desires more, so she compelled to his request.

"You." She whined, "I want you inside me, making me feel good. Touch me, feel me, have me."

Well shit.

Then everything happened at once. I watched, wide-eyed, as he began to have his way with her. He touched her in the ways she desired, made her moan and whine his name in pure bliss, and completely overpowered her. He didn't ask for anything in return, not even a blowjob, he focused on her and only her. There was such rhythm in the movements on his hips as he rammed into her, his hands squeezing and caressing her exposed breast while he did his work.

He even spoke to her while she moaned and begged for more. Whispering dirty things in her ear, all everything he said giving me butterflies.

I mean everything I was seeing created a tingle deep within my gut and made me adjust my posture a few times. Is this what people mean when they say they get turned on? Is this me getting turned on?

My face getting hot, my legs crossed, the small amount of sweat on my brown? That feeling in my stomach that I feel the need to cure? Is this it? How can I be sure?

I became so mesmerized by the video that I barely noticed the hand placed on top of mine twitch and only paid attention to my surroundings when one of the headphones was pulled from my ear and I let out a small scream of shock and fear. I looked to see Colby grinning right at me, a look of shock and amazement on his face.

I sat there frozen.

Completely fucking frozen like an idiot caught in headlights.

He looked at the screen, then to me, then the screen again, and then to me again. He chuckled, his voice deep while his tired eyes stayed on me.

"Well, when I said you can watch something I didn't expect this." He teased. I am now diseased. Dead. Gone. I am dead inside and my soul now belongs deep in my feet where it fell the second the earphone was pulled from my ear. My face flushed with embarrassment as I, in record speed, clicked out of the tab and slammed the computer shut, standing up from my seat and rushing to the restroom in complete self-consciousness and embarrassment.

He just caught me watching porn.

Of course he did!

I can't get away with anything with him around!

I mean I am partly to blame, I was watching it on a plane while he sat next to me, and that was dumb on my part I will admit. But I mean, really? Why couldn't he have stayed asleep a little longer? That was all I was going to watch! And he just had to wake up!

I felt like a child who got caught watching a movie they were told not to.

That's exactly what was happening except I wasn't told not to, I just did it.

And now he's seen that! Oh, fuck what does he think of me now?!

I spiraled in the restroom, looking at myself in the mirror and cursing myself out for being stupid and reckless. I will never hear the end of this I swear to god.

"Fucking dumbass!" I whispered loudly, "Stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid- why did you do that! Next to him! Next to fucking Colby Brock of all people! The one who had you pinned under a waterfall naked! Him?! Stupid- fucking-" I was cut off by a knock on the door, making me audibly gasp and freeze.

I knew it was him, while else would it be!

I took a deep breath, preparing myself for his annoying grin and playful eyes. He was never going to let me live this down, I just know it.

I opened the door slowly, expecting to immediately see him looking down at me, prepared for his rant about how dumb I was to do that and teasing me about what I was watching. And I was right. He stood there, leaned against the door, peering down at him with his perfect smirk.

"Why hello." He said cooly.

I huff and move past him, pushing down all the embarrassment and trying to ignore him.

"Oh come on, what, you're embarrassed?" He asked, watching me reclaim my seat and look out the window of the plane, looking over the clouds and to the dim sky which was barely being lit by the rising sun.

I didn't respond.

He took his seat and continued, "What, you think I've never caught the guys watching po-"

"Don't even say it." I groaned, face planting.

"Right, well I have. And trust me it is way worse." He nervously laughed at the thought.

I glared at him with wide eyes, "Really? I disagree! I'm a girl, we've done things, this is 100x worse! How can you even say that! This is embarrassing on a whole nother level!"

"I've literally seen you naked, and without pants. You think watching an adult film is bad?" He gave me a look asking if I was serious. Which I was.

"Uh, yes!" I turn back towards the window, "Now I will never live this down because you will bring it up every chance you get. I know you."

He laughed under his breath, "Will I ever let this go? No, of course not. That's out of character for me. But, I won't torture you over something everyone does. You were curious, I know Xepher brought it up with you." I felt him shift next to me, so I assumed he shrugged his shoulders.

Slowly, I looked at him, "So.. you don't think less of me?" I ask timidly.

He shook his head, "Not one bit. Gotta hand it to you, brave of your to do it in a plane."

I narrow my eyes and hit him again, "Oh shut up,"

He laughed, "Stop, you're fine. But you know what isn't?" I tilted my head in wonder, "My belly, I am starving. You mentioned food earlier, right? Care for a snack as well?"

My dry mouth wasn't as dry anymore, "Uh, hmm, any pastry's?"

He politely smiled and nodded, lifting his hand to signal for the lady.

I must note, whenever he smiles, unless he is laughing, his smile is never big. It's like when someone gives you a complaint and you smile while being shy, it's small and not proud. It's something I've noticed about it him, that I've grown to like. You know he doesn't do it often, and when he does it's just enough for him to feel almost embarrassed by it. I'm not sure why though.

It doesn't matter right now.

This plane ride was proving to be more eventful than I had anticipated.

I watched fucking porn for God's sake.

Jesus, this new life is proving to have a bigger effect on me than I had realized.

The instigator being the one and only,

Colby Brock.


A/n: danggggggg.. long chapter😌


I mean.. I'm DEAD!🥵

Continuฤƒ lectura

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