(3) Not the Same: An All Time...

By Karre_bearr

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Another All Time Low fanfiction romance story, staring Zack Merrick! Lauren was Zack's high school sweet hea... More

Chapter 1: Stella (Lauren's POV)
Chapter 2: Drinks
Chapter 3: Craig
Chapter 4: Enough
Chapter 6: Would
Chapter 7: Left Off
Chapter 8: Not Ready
Chapter 9: Forget
Chapter 10: Tell
Chapter 11: Too Close
Chapter 12: Aware
Chapter 13: Running
Chapter 14: Friend (Zack's POV)
Chapter 15: Go Back (Lauren's POV)
Chapter 16: Talk
Chapter 17: Assume
Chapter 18: Explain
Chapter 19: Love
Chapter 20: Distraction
Chapter 21: Magazine
Chapter 22: Believe
Chapter 23: Wanted
Chapter 24: Missed
Chapter 25: Please Stay
Chapter 26: Just Us
Chapter 27: Figure Out (Zack's POV)
Chapter 28: You (Lauren's POV)
Chapter 29: Happy
Chapter 30: People
Chapter 31: Content
Chapter 32: Studying
Chapter 33: Kara
Chapter 34: Bridesmaids
Chapter 35: Inevitable
Chapter 36: Can't Afford
Chapter 37: Dress Shopping
Chapter 38: Decisions
Chapter 39: Messed Up
Chapter 40: Tension
Chapter 41: Fighting Chance
Chapter 42: First Look
Chapter 43: Opportunity
Chapter 44: Dinner
Chapter 45: Drink
Chapter 46: Ruined
Chapter 47: Hate
Chapter 48: Alone
Chapter 49: Not Us (Stella's POV)
Chapter 50: Trust (Lauren's POV)
Chapter 51: Angry (Zack's POV)
Chapter 52: Hotel (Lauren's POV)
Chapter 53: Find Her (Zack's POV)
Chapter 54: Looking (Lauren's POV)
Chapter 55: I'm Sorry
Chapter 56: Forgive
Chapter 57: Should Know
Chapter 58: Stay
Chapter 59: Offer
Chapter 60: Job
Chapter 61: Away
Chapter 62: Shouldn't Be
Chapter 63: Look Back
Chapter 64: Good Luck
Chapter 65: Call
Chapter 66: Flight

Chapter 5: Obnoxious

102 4 0
By Karre_bearr

        I woke up alone in Craig's dimly lit room, the light coming from outside the window, through the shades. I was alone, but I could hear the television in the living room and kenw that's where he was. I hadn't expected him to be gone, but when I turned to glance at the time, I knew why. It was just past seven o'clock at night, which mean I'd fallen asleep for a few hours.        

        Feeling groggy from just waking up, I rolled over, stretchign out. It hadn't surprised me that I'd fallen asleep. I'd been up late studying the night before and then I spent most of the day in class. I knew I needed the sleep since I was working the majority of the day tomorrow, had a test to study for on Thursday, class throughout the morning and after that I was scheduled to work. I wish I hadn't fallen asleep. It wast ime I could have spent with Craig, since Friday, three days from now, he was leaving.

        Remembering that, I stood to find my clothes, giving up when I couldn't. I pulled on one of Craig's t-shirts while moving clumsily towards the door. I fixed the t-shirt around my body as I used my foot to push open the door. Craig looked at me as I stepped out of his room, smiling amusedly. He was leaning back against the couch, wearing shorts and the same white v-neck he'd had on earlier. "Sleep well?" He asked, smirking.

        "Sorry," I mumbled, pulling at the shirt as I walked towards him on the couch. "I was up too late last night."

        Craig reached out and tugged at my hand as I passed him, making me fall into him, laughing lightly. His hands moved around my waist, his almost always cold fingers brushing against my skin, giving me the chills. I let him kiss me, my hands falling on the back of his neck.

        Sometimes, I wondered what it'd be like if we were in a steady relationship, if we always had each other, and just each other to go back to. I knew it wasn't what he wanted, and it wasn't exactly what I wanted either, but the thought was enticing sometimes, especially when we were like this. It was nice to imagine Craig always being there, just him, without another girl he was having a fling with, but our relationship was no strings attached; we'd already discused it.

        Craig pulled away but kepy his face close so our noses were touching. I opened my eyes again, pulling away from my thoughts, holding his gaze.

        "Do you want to get something to eat?" he asked, making me think about how hungry I was. I had barely eaten since breakfast.

        "Sure," I mumbled, looking down for a moment as my hands fell from his neck, curling around the bottom of his shirt. My knuckles brushed against his torso as I folded my fingers around the shirt, playing with it. For some reason, it made me think of Zack, and the way I used to hold onto his shirt if my arm was around his waist, holding his body against mine.

        I looked up at Craig's face, his eyes also moving to meet mine. I couldn't be thinking of Zack, not with Craig here, right in front of me. I was about to press my lips to his, looking to familiarize myself with the way his mouth felt as much as I could befor ehe left, but the faint sound of my phone ringing in my bag caught my attention. I started to lift myself off of Craig, but he kept his arms around my waist, holding me to him.

        "I have to get that," I said, trying to get up again, but he held me down, pressing his lips lightly against my jaw, capturing my attention for the moment. I hated how much I missed him, and how much I knew I was going to miss him, and how that made me want him.

        "Please," I insisted, taking his hands with mine and moving them from my back. "You can order food, whatever you want, but I have to get this."

        I slid off his lap, running to the place where I'd left my bag on the counter. I pulled out my phone without looking at who it was so I wouldn't miss it, thinking it was just my mom.

        "Hello?" I breathed out, hearing Craig behind me, ordering pizza.

        "Hey, Lauren?" I heard Stella say through the phone, and I froze, feeling my smile fall into a straight line.

        "Yeah, hey Stella," I said, trying to kep my voice monotone. I hadn't really wanted to talk to her. I leaned my elbow against the counter, watching Craig raise an eyebrow at me. I shook my head, waving at him.

        "I wa shoping you'd want to come out with me Saturday. The boys will be in the studio all day, so I wanted to go out somewhere, maybe shopping or the beach," she asked, sounding happy already, like I'd already said yes, or she just thought I would agree.

        I turned away from Craig, biting my lip. I wasn't working that day, I had the weekend off, but I did need some time to do my school work. Thinking about it, I didn't have a valid excuse, and I'd feel bad lying to Stella. "Uh, I'm not sure," I finally muttered, running my fingers through my hair. This was what I was trying to avoid, spending more time with her.

        "Oh, are you busy?" she asked, and I could hear her voice fall slightly. I was trying to think of something to say, an answer that would work that wouldn't make us both feel bad, but I wasn't coming up with anything, and I lost my focus as Criag's hands fell onto my waist, sliding around to my stomach. My back bumped against his chest, and I almost forgot I was on the phone with Stella.

        "No, I'm not. That sounds good," I sighed, trying to push Craig away with my free hand, but he was stronger. His lips trailed across my neck, pausing by my ear to tell me we had at least a half hour wait for our food, hinting at how we could spend the time by the way his mouth was moving against my skin.

        "Great!" Stella exclaimed, as I asked her to hold on, holding the phone against my shirt to muffle my words.

        "Can you keep your pants on, please?" I tried to say harshly, but Craig poked his thumb into my side, making me jump and pull away. "Seriously, I'm on the phone. Go find another girl to make out with," I muttered, and lifted the phone back to my ear.

        "I don't want to," Craig whispered in my ear, his words barely making a sound he was speaking so quietly. I rolled my eyes, speaking into the phone.

        "Can I call you tomorrow sometime?" I asked Stella, slightly annoyed at Craig. He was making it impossible to have a conversation with Stella, or at least focus on what she was saying. I guess I didn't entirely mind that he wanted to be with me right now instead of someone else. I was happy he was choosing to be with me before he left. For the last few days he spends in the United States, I wanted to have as much time with him as poeeible, not lose him to another girl even if we had no commitment to each other.

        "Sure, talk to you tomorrow," Stella said, and I barely muttered a goodbye before hanging up and placing it on the counter.

        "Could you be any more obnoxious? I was trying to have a conversation with someone?" I muttered, turning around to face Craig, but turned my head away to keep his mouth away from mine momentarily. 

        "Really? I was under the impression you didn't want to talk to Stella, or see her for that matter. Why did you agree to wahtever she asked you, anyway?"

        "I don't know, you were distracting me," I accused, emphasizing the word "you". Craig rolled his eyes, and pulled my body against his, pressing his lips eagerly to mine like he didn't care, and I guess neither of us really did.

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