The Colours of Tropical Islan...

By Gigii56

2.6K 65 5

Based in St.Cyana (somewhere in the West Indies) , one twin secretly sets her sister up with an impromptu si... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 15

Chapter 14

36 2 0
By Gigii56

A/n T-H-I-S means that there is emphasis on the word...

Micka had just gotten off the phone with his ex-wife. It was more or less a hasty decision, but it was in keeping with the time that the girls would be off for their Summer vacation. Allie loved the idea and  said that depending on what dates that he came across  for the flights the girls didn't necessarily need to attend what was the last couple of days before the semester was out. They'd completed all exams and school assignments, and if anything Allie had the girls teacher's on the Telegram groups with all the other parents. So she would get started parking her suitcase from now and would surprise the girls when they got in from school that day. He smiled with relief at that. Aracelli would be happy with this latest establishment and he would finally be able to get his oldest daughter off his back.

That one thing done, he ticked it off his mental head list. Now he walked back into his room and headed to his balcony after retrieving a glass of Barefoot  wine. He currently had 5 different variations of the stuff in his pantry but his taste buds were leaning towards the Merlort for this early afternoon. Glass in hand, and Transition glasses on his face he sat in front his laptop and continued searching out  flights closest to the 31st of May, as well the cheapest prices cause they had four kids between them, himself, Allie and he was pretty sure that her husband would be tagging along for the company. They would sought out the kids tickets, but the three adults would sought themselves out.

One big happy family, he thought with sarcasm and a soft smile as he sipped some of his wine and set the glass down. - 

He came across an Inter Caribbean company  that was recently introduced as partners to this region's fleet 'Tropical Paradise' . They currently had three aircrafts in operation. One travelled every Monday and Wednesdays, another every Thursday and Fridays, and the last one two trips on Sundays, early morning and mid afternoons. It was Monday  and he barely had a couple of weeks to pull this off. He clicked Thursday which happened to be the 29th. There was a trip scheduled for 3 in the afternoon to Barbados and then from Barbados to St. Cyana for 8 PM. It was meant to be a surprise for Celli. He'd book a guest house for 2 days until he knew if she had other plans for them. 

In the middle of buying the tickets and organizing and letting his ex know what was going on, he got a message from Princesa Piña. His  face lit up with the brightest smile. She's been on his mind form morning but he  hadn't gotten around to checking on her up till now. They'd been interfacing on Signal for almost a year now, and he figured it was about time that they met face to face. He was ready to take it to the next level. He just hoped that she was too, so he asked her which country she was from and he would take it from there.  If he had to go island hoping in between  for the summer to see his zesty little pineapple he would.


CoTiNuAtIoN ..........

Yoandry put his phone away just before Aurmanii flashed opened her chocolate eyes. She had the biggest smile on lips then. " Sorry about that, I'm just in love with the song. Well music on a whole. Music baby over here.", she took another swig of her beer and continued to mellow out and relax. 

'Why are you apologizing. I'm enjoying this indulgence. I wanted to get to know you in a setting  where you can't hide away from me'.

"How was I hiding though? I'm a lighthouse for crying out loud. Hmm",  she thought before continuing "Well initially, not really, but I did come around to opening up to you", she raised a brow.

'Yes you did come around', he leaned back in his chair with a twinkle to his eyes, ' and when you did I felt  like a kid opening  a Christmas present  halfway into the year for being an extra  good boy'. He smiled. 'But then I guess I got greedy and wanted more. You can't blame me'.- Aurmanii drank some water before she got another lecture.

"But I do blame you. You got me here didn't you. I haven't been out with any guy in almost 7 years. But look at me today", Aurii laughed.

Yoandry  looked at her curiously at that piece of  information. '7 years? May I be indiscreet as to ask why? You don't look like a dude repellent'.

"haaaa' - "You're judging the book by the cover eh. I've learned to open the book and read it after my  last experience. First impressions ain't shit for me anymore. That's what screwed me over the first time. So now I  give everyone the benefit of the doubt, as a person, but  my circle", she paused, right hand motioning back and forth , " I don't let them in just like that. Mostly jamais. I can't afford to get broken again. Cause if I do I'm afraid I'm going to start L-I-T-E-R-A-L-L-Y breaking noses A-N-D kicking ass, not Lightwood but Gilkes style. And I'm not accepting da consequences either, da fuq. ", she smirked and finished off her first beer before she reached for another one.

Yoandry braced his elbows on the table and just looked at her. Just staring at her pretty features  and searching for anything that said otherwise or if she was hurting more than she let on. Her gaze was fixed on the drink in front of her, fingering the label and playing with the cool  drops going down the bottle. He reached out to her hand playing with the cold droplets and covered it with his own. That got her attention. She smiled at him shyly before she went back to looking at their hands and then back at him to give him her full attention. 

"What's up?"

'You tell me. Are you ok?'

"Of course, why wouldn't I be? It's been a while now since everything happened. Bitch got some jail time. I'm over that shit and I'm over him. I was broken, maybe still am, but I've come a long way. Still got a way's to go. But I'm happy with my progression,' she gave him an honest smile. 'What about you?"

Yoandry stared at her intently checking for himself to be sure that she was indeed okay before letting go of her hand and answering ,'I've had my fair share of heart breakers and gold diggers, but I was never really affected at the end of the day. Call me heartless or indifferent. Maybe deep down I just knew that they weren't really with me for  me. If that makes any sense. But I guess I didn't get it as bad as you.', he paused before continuing ,' If you ever need to talk I'm available. No judgment, no criticism, just an ear to half the problem'. He gazed at her again before finishing, 'I mean it Aurmanii'.

She bit her top lip, and nodded- indicating her response to his offered help. Satisfied that she understood that he'd be there to hear her out, he finished off his first beer and moved on to the second one. 

"I'm ahead of you", she raised her bottle. 

'As long as you can handle it. Remember I don't need your family skinning me alive. So drink up'. Aurmanii chuckled at that. 

'Alright ladies and gentlemen. It's my favourite time of the day and 'm pretty sure I know that it's yours as well, Karaoke!', there was a round of applause after that. Yoandry smiled as he looked at the MC.  He liked Karaoke and he was singing tonight, surprise! 'Get ready my people cause we'll be starting in a couple minutes with a Ms. Ofelicia. Everyone who wants to partake tonight who hasn't already signed up, please do so now by heading to my booth over asa. Gihon will take your names and songs down, thank you very much'. Murmurings were heard about the place as to who would be singing what and with whom after he left the stage and headed over  to the bar.

"I haven't done that in a long time", Aurii gazed at the screen wistfully. 

Yoandry smiled at her ,'Get ready then cause I signed us up'.

Her eyes bulged at that. He laughed hard at her expression.

'I'm just kidding Manii, I didn't sign you up but I really am singing tonight.' She stared at him in awe ,venturing  "What are you singing?"   'It's a surprise actually, just don't boo me off the stage', he gave her his most treasured puppy eyes and pouty lips. She laughed at him. "Okay, I won't boo you", he cheered up, "But I may throw tomatoes at you", she gave him her biggest grin. He just face palmed and sighed. 'te escucho'.

Yo sé que tú.  


Zylii POV

Zylii puffed out her cheeks as she sat in an adult bean bag arm chair in the corner of the room that they used for story time. She and the other teacher Kim could finally take a break cause it was nap time at 2 pm in the afternoon, and they'd just got the last child to fall asleep. Zylii undid her pigtail and put her scrunchy around her wrist and then dragged her hands through her hair. 

'What's on your mind?' Kim asked as she sat at the desk organizing letters to put in the kids bags. There'd be having a party before they closed the school for the summer. Each child had something to bring in the class of 20. Parents were also welcomed to help chaperone as well as to join in on the celebrations and make the day memorable for and with  their little ones.

"Honestly I'm just thinking about Ymani and what she said to me at her party. These kids have NO breaks and NO filters I'm telling you", she rubbed at her scalp a little firmer.

Kim laughed at that as she wrote the name of another  child down  on the envelope  and assigned  what they were to bring. 

'Well I think she  really  likes you for her  to have cause to recommend you to her father like that', Kim  supplied. 

Zylii propped her head up on her hands that were resting on her butterfly patterned  knees giving Ms. Kim her full attention.

'What?', she chuckled. 'I'm being serious.  Ymani has been here since before you came. She started  school at 10 months. And of all  the teachers that she's had you're her most  favourite by far. She likes me, but I'm not the one that she's crazy glued herself to'. Kim chuckled at that, softer now cause little Joshua moved started moving somewhat. 

Zylii followed her gaze and watched as Joshua settled back down into a restful slumber . She whispered," I've  been single for 2 years now. And I've never dated anyone with a child . Heck I've never even come across any baby momma drama in my life before, and what makes you think that the man is even interested in me?", she whisper yelled that last part.

Kim rolled her eyes. 'Excuse you? Have you not been looking in the mirror lately? You're a woman and you are a G-O-U-R-G-E-O-U-S one at that. I'm gorgeous too  at 35 and loving it  but I'm already happily married with an 8 year old. I know these kids don't have any filters, just look at our class for example', she laughed. 'But despite that one  kids are awesome. And I'm not just saying that because of Alejandro, who happens to have a little girlfriend these days by the way', Kim shook her head and gave a slight chuckle at that, her son and his antics  would not be the death of her. ' But they really do bring out another side of you. Don't you at least  think that you owe it yourself to at least try and see if it'll work out. You're both single and Ymani is already in love with you. That's got to count for something', Kim pleaded with her.

Zylii stared at her for a couple more seconds before she casted her gaze to little Joshua thinking, seriously thinking about her life and this new dynamic. She was celibate, but not by choice. Ymani was an irie kid, the best one that she'd come across so far. She lived in a house surrounded by vaginas, who also loved the little pixie. Her life was calm, not much excitement at the moment except for daycare and her dance classes. 

She thought some more before she sighed and put her hair back up in a messy bun. "Okay Kim. You win. I'll bite, but if anything, the baby momma is all yours'.

Kim laughed and agreed  cracking her knuckles with a knowing smirk before she went back to completing the task at hand.

"By the way you're one of my guests for a special BBQ. Black and red for all females. Please bring a bottle. It's the day after school closes". Kim looked up at her.

' 😬 I'd have to bring little man, Trevor's working that Saturday. Don't kill me.'

"Why would I kill you",Zy smiled at her. " I'll just let em know that they've got an extra lil mouth to feed", she continued to smile at her friend. "And my new step kid will be there so he'll have plenty of company to play with. Black and blue for him".

Kim's eyes went wide. 'Really? Will Papa bear be there? Please tell me that you invited the man.'

Zylii sweat dropped. "I'm actually going to pass on the information when I see them  later this afternoon. Figured it would better to do it in person. Don't kill me".

'I won't as long as you be a good girl and do what you're supposed to do', Kim gave her those eyes meant for naughty kids.

Zy shivered..."Yes Ma'am".


'Group picture everyone!',kholaiah's peppy accented voice rose over the multitude of other voices. 'Come on now, gather round everyone and say "fromageee". She  was caged between 16 year old triplets who were fortunately  for her, two and a half inches taller than her.  But she was not about to discriminate against her own height. The small crowd hurdled together and soon flashes and camera shots sounds filled the happy atmosphere.

Benji as well  as some of the other tourists snapped loads of pics that later they would go through to find the best ones to put up on the company' s webpage.  The group of 15 rotated n taking pics and enjoying everyone, including  the guide's companies.  But  amidst the mingling and passing on of snacks and beverages there was this particular person who stared on in admiration at Kholaiah and her innate charms with people and her ability to flow with what came her way today was  ultimately impeccable. Anon would have to give this crew a five star review as well as sending some recommendations along their way. Anonymous smiled to himself and continued taking photos that he'd give his full attention to later.

K.A.T who was already exotic looking looked even more exotic with the African print design that was her bikini. It complimented her rich complexion gloriously and oh did it give a couple of the guys in the group some beautiful ideas, but he was the only one that was brave enough to move in on his prospective conquest.

Anon walked up to the clueless individual and softly obliged her with a couple of photos together that he'd later use as his screensavers.



'dum dum dum dum dum dum dum
dum dum dum dum dum dum dum dum
dum dum dum dum dum dum dum
dum dum dum dum dum dum

yeah, yeah',  Yoandry finally  ended the song he sang so euphoniously. 

The customers surrounding  the stage and seated at the bar all applauded Yoandry as he took a bow and walked off the stage to the stupendous looking  Aurmanii, she's so beautiful. His heart fluttered at that thought- damn it! He raised a brow at her and smirked. 'Come on Manii, I wasn't that bad now was I?'

Aurmanii caught herself  at the last minute -gawking and closed her mouth before she ended up catching flies, "On the contrary your accent made it epicccc !! I didn't even know that you could sing Yoandry! And what has the Caribbean done to you?" she laughed at that remembering the way he moved his hips with the up-beat  tune of the song.

Yoandry took his seat and smiled back at her before reminiscing and then responding to her peppy questions. 'Okay, well first off, this is what you miss out on over the phone covos and it's a blessing to be Hispanic and two I love me some spicy flavourful Caribbean culture and people.  Did you enjoy the show?' he ended and continued from  where he left off with his second beer. 

"Que interesante. Estoy acostumbrado a la voz de Aracelli, lo escucho todos los días. Pero el tuyo es fresco y bastante intrigante. Más bien me gusta."(How interesting! I'm accustomed to Aracelli's voice cause I hear it everyday. But yours is fresh and quite intriguing. I rather like it.)

"We've got to do this again", Manii beamed at him and reached for some more water before she went to harass the last bottle that she and Andry were to share. His broad smile went wider and flaunted those perfectly pearly whites of his and responded 'only if you oblige me with your own. Or would you rather a duet to break you into the karaoke scene again?'  He sang 'Are you ready, ready are you ready for it', expecting to promote a positive response.  And-

apparently it worked in his favour.

She chuckled lightly as her eyes went wide and her lips curved into cheeky grin. "You're on". Manii got up and left her seat to head to the DJ's and put in her request. She was feeling a little frisky, and perhaps maybe, just maybe just a little bit somewhat provocative. Yoandry never took his eyes off her and stared on in amazement as she collected the microphone from a Lawanga and went to take her place in front of the screen. The song came on and the females in the crowd got hyped up and started clapping in time with the music as Aurmanii began-                                                     

Oh my, oh my, oh my
Oh my, oh my, oh my
Oh my, oh my, oh my, oh my
It ain't my fault you keep turning me on
It ain't my fault you got, got me so gone
It ain't my fault I'm not leaving alone
It ain't my fault you keep turning me on

'What the fuck. What the actual fuck?' Yoandry just stared on in bewilderment and awe as his eyes went the size of saucers. This damn girl was something else. She just did a complete 180 on him from the shy girl to Mrs swinging those delicate hips of hers and that one hand that kept running down her chest and tapping on certain parts of her body and rubbing on others before going back  to flailing and grooving with the rest of her body in time to the catchy beat. Motherfuckr, Andry screamed to himself.  Get the phone out now damn it, his thoughts continued screaming at him.    

His hands scrambled to get the phone out his pocket and then he double tapped to return to the camera mode that he didn't exit out of.  

It ain't my fault you came here looking like that                                                                                               You just made me trip, fall, and land on your lap                                                                                      Stuntin' bad boy smooth, body hotter than a summer                                                                                   I don't mean to be rude but I'd look so damn good on ya     

And thus begins the Chronicles  of  Yoandry's  love life resuscitation.


Tyamie topped off the Frappuccino with the whipped cream before she exited the kitchen for her break and what was the rest of her day. Ty Ty loved her half days.  She'd placed everything that she needed on the wide black tray and set it down in the center of the table, so when she finally took her seat and was off her feet for the afternoon she moaned in satisfaction. Lawanga grinned in appreciation at her and snatched his drink from said tray before he set her green tea and the party bag in front of her. He chuckled as he pushed it to the side, 'Since when did we start robbing little kids of their goodies and why was I not informed about this earlier?'

"Nah mate. This one here is  all legal. I'm just that brilliant!" Ty beamed up at him. She took off her flats and placed her feet up on his thighs. She could do so because of the privacy this corner offered. "I'm quite knackered now but if you get to massaging my feet I'll show what's in the bag",she offered with a weary bribe.

'Intriguing. Feed me', he brought his big warm hands to accommodate her two soft feet, leaning towards the beverage  with the freshly unwrapped  biodegradable straw that was neatly bent in his direction and took a healthy sip of the delicious cold frothy drink and began his handiwork.

Tyamie crushed the straws wrappings between her thumb and index finger before setting it down back unto the tray. "Aweeeeeeee. Mmhmmmmm", Ty Ty moaned at the way his  hands caressed her sore feet. Thank goodness that I'm only having a half day today. My freaking feet are killing me. I need a hot soak. She slid down her chair a little bit making herself more comfortable and giving  him better access to her ankles as well. Lawanga just watched her and continued to sip as Tyamie moaned in delight at the excellent work that he was doing.

Another minute passed before her dreamy eyes slowly opened and landed on Lawanga's  brown awaiting eyes. Ty reached over and opened the  party bag. She undid the string and tipped it over with all its exquisite contents. Mini packets of varying chocolate, skittles and other sweets to go around. She smiled softly at the blue Hotwheels race car abreast the Pushpop. She picked it up and eyed her lunch. 'So this is lunch eh. I thought you were going to have an actual meal this time', Lawanga said before reaching over the table grabbing for the yellow and green yoyo as well as some guilty little pleasures. Tyamie shrugged her shoulders and started sucking on  the watermelon and cherry stick. She moaned at the glorious taste and Law just stared on in a subtle need.



Tululah-Rose hummed to herself as she bent to take out the freshly baked double chocolate chip and macadamia nut cookies out the hot oven. Pulling off her red hello kitty oven mitts and then leaning her head back to breath in for a couple minutes as well as to run down her mental head list. The majority of what they had to get done for the day was already completed. They were just missing to do two more batches of separate orders and then they were done for the day. Whatever was left from the day that didn't sell, they would split it. They only ever sold fresh items and they tried their damn hardest to do so daily.

 'It's already 1:45. And Ms. Headly said she'll be here in approximately 25 to 35 minutes to pick up her orders for her daughter's party this afternoon'.Whittney called out from the front. The client who just left was another satisfied customer. Tululah hummed  sigh of relief before bringing her head back  down and opening her eyes to look around  the  hot kitchen.

"Noted!" Rose and her other two employees, Onicka and Nina responded. ' I just got done with boxing up the pinwheel sandwiches, the silly apple bites, baked macaroni and cheese bites along with their special nuggets and sauce. Anyone needs help with their task?' Nina offered.

'Over ere. I'm almost done with  boxing up the birthday cake. I still have  the pizza bites to get done and the meatballs to take care of', Onicka voiced as she put the finishing touches on the adorable multi-pinked box.  

'Okay', Nina said glancing over at Tululah before rushing over to help Onicka.

"I'm gonna need some help with these cookies in about 15 minutes Whittney but until then, Sweet Water anyone?"

'Yes please', synched in unison across the vicinity. 'It's been a long ass day!' Nina continued. And we still got a  whole four more days of this'. The girls laughed at that. Tululah   went to check her phone and collect one of the bottles of Sweet Water. That was their codename for Sweet white wine. The red wine was Sweet Juice, and the dry wine was Ice. Lulah chuckled at that. There were days where you just needed to get the edge off, whether it be a hectic day or some unruly customers that they wished to curse out,- there was no way in hell that they would  leave this place in a foul mood. Or carry on with the funk if that shit started out even  earlier on in the day. 

Tyamie was already off for the rest of the day. But Aurmanii had the vehicle so she would be doing pick ups that day since she got off at 3 today. She smiled to herself as she opened the last message that she chose to read before bringing the tray with four different coloured mugs to the backroom for a mini break from the hot kitchen. There were alarms to notify them at any and every time that someone came into the shop, so for now it was chit chat time on what was the dynamics for today as well as some juicy gossip to spilled.


Ludori sat back in her swivel seat and sighed the shit out of her lungs for the fiftieth time that day. She wanted to grab every second of peace and quiet that came her way before she ended up cursing a motherfuckr out loud this time. She loved her job, don't get her wrong, the thrill, the multitasking, her own damn space. Heck even these hard backed men that were more than likely twice her age, most of them  at least. But some days she just wanted to get the hell out of here and crawl into her damn bed for a couple of weeks. Dammit! she screamed in her head as she heard the not so subtle knocking at her door. My vacation is right September. She thought again to herself before she said 'come in' to see who the hell was on the other side of the door disturbing the hell out of her peace.

A braided head popped in. This bitch again! Her inner Dori faced palm.

"Hi there"bitchhhhhhhh!!! 


It ain't my fault
It ain't my fault you got me so caught
It ain't my fault
Oh, well, that's too bad it ain't my fault

Aurmanii  ended the song with her chest heaving up and down and the biggest smile on her face. Yoandry's heart gave a bigger jolt at that and he finished saving the video in his new "Bella Mani" folder, slipping the phone into his pocket before she caught him. The crowd applauding avidly.

He was going to be sleeping quite happily tonight he thought to himself.

She walked gingerly back over to the DJ booth and handed the next person the microphone. It was a duo. She smiled at the pair, wishing them good luck. Finally getting to the table and taking her seat, staring at Yoandry sheepishly. "How was that for indulgence?"

Andry just pushed the last bottle in her direction and said 'drink it. You've earned it'.

Aurmanii just smiled at him really sweetly before reaching for the only beer that was sloshy from the rest and downed that baby like the professional that she was. She brought her head back and winked at Yoandry before sliding the bottle to the center of the table.

'I think I'm in love', he dropped his head to the table. Aurmanii just giggled at his antics before going for the water bottle again.


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