Neighbors With The Joestars (...

By FreeFlyer68

126K 5.1K 3.4K

Y/n was living a normal life when she had to move. Her best friend called asking for help and of course, Y/n... More

Best Friend
Meeting the First JoJo
Dinner with the Joestars
Morning with Giorno
Another Italian
The Boss
Intruder Alert
Waking Up in the Joestar Manor
The Full Story
They Were Close
More Help
Moving In
The Joestar File
Something's Being Hidden
Contacting the Landlord
Transferring Ownership
They're Keeping Secrets
Time with Dio
Amore Mio
The Truth Untold
A Prank Gone Wrong
The Stand's Power
Meeting Again
The Start of Something Big
The Blossoming of Feelings
Meeting Number Two
To Sign or Not to Sign
An Unexpected Meeting
Maybe a Confession
A Moment with Joseph
Picnic Pt. 1
Picnic Pt. 2
What to do
A Little Time with Jonathan
Chocolate Cake
Long Night
A New Character
Realizing the Situation
Escape Plan
Escaping the House
Being Selfish
The Gala
Jonathan's Ending
Joseph's Ending
Jotaro's Ending
Josuke's Ending
Giorno's Ending


2.5K 106 93
By FreeFlyer68

   " Can you? "

   " Yeah. "

Jotaro took his hand off of my head and sat straight up, without leaning on the headboard. I looked at the Aztec man, but I didn't feel like he was a great danger to me. 

   " What is he? "

   " He is a stand. A stand represents an individual's fighting spirit. They are very powerful and come in many different forms. This is my stand Star Platinum, one of the strongest stands in existence at the moment. "

   " Is there anything that makes him the strongest specifically? "

   " A lot of things. His speed is as fast as lightning and his reflexes are so sharp they can catch a bullet. He can also stop time for a few seconds when I want. Other stands have a special ability about them. "

   " Do the others have stands? "

   " Yes. "

   " Can you tell me about them? "

   " Jonathan has a special stand. You can call it The Passion or the Joestar stand. He prefers using Hamon, which is a type of breathing technique that he and Joseph will tell you about later. Joseph uses Hermit Purple, which has a long-range and is presented as a vine with thorns. He prefers Hamon but will use his stand here and there. You already know about Star Platinum. Josuke's stand is called Crazy Diamond. He can heal and make anything misshapen. He can put things back together with his stand with only a small piece of the original object or person. Finally, Giorno's stand is Gold Experience. Gold Experience is nature-based and can make anything into a living creature or organism. "

   ' That's the most I heard him talk. '

   " So, everyone in this house has a stand. Can everyone see them? "

   " Only people who have stands themselves. Meaning you have one too. "

   " But I've never had a stand. "

   " You said you were shot with an arrow right? "

   " Yeah. "

   " That must have been the stand arrow. When hit with the arrow you either die or develop a stand. It seems you've developed a stand because of it. "

   " I see. "

   " We can pull your stand out later. For now, let's continue through these files. "

I nodded at him and set my file to the side to look through. I didn't want to look at it anymore now, with so many other files to go through. We got through half of them when I noticed the time. It was three, and I needed to leave so I could head to the cafe in town to meet the landlord. I stood up from the bed and stretched my arms. 

   " Alright, I better be going if I want to make it to that cafe on time to meet with the landlord. "

   " I'll come. "

   " No, stay here. I'll be fine on my own and you can probably get more files read. "

   " I'll just wait for you to get back before continuing. That way it won't be so boring. "

   " Are you sure? "

He nodded his head and lowered his hat. He folded his arms and leaned against the headboard looking tired. I told him goodbye and grabbed my shoes to put on. I walked to the front door ready to leave when Jonathan appeared outside at the mailbox. I walked out of the house and walked towards him, he noticed me and smiled.

   " Hi, Y/n. Going somewhere? "

   " Yes, I have a meeting with the landlord, and I need to leave now to meet with him. "

   " May I accompany you? "

   " Not today. There's a lot that needs to be discussed and I'll be a while. Jotaro's been with me all day so he's taking a nap and we are going to look into the files more later. "

   " Wait, he was here all day? "

   " Yeah, he was. "

   " That delinquent. He should have been at school. Be safe, my dear. "

   " I will. Bye. "

I walked away from Jonathan and started walking towards the town. It wasn't that far of a drive, but it was a nice day and I wanted to walk around town after the meeting was done if I had time. The birds were flying around and chirping, and the sky was clear with a  few thin clouds here and there. 

   ' Perfect day. '

There were a lot of people in town, but not enough to take over the sidewalk. I looked down at my phone to the directions towards the cafe and spotted it insight. It was a really nice place. I walked through the door and looked around, but no one could really be the landlord. He never mentioned what he looked like. 

   ' I wonder who it could be. '

A hand was placed on my shoulder and I turned to look at who held my shoulder. It was a tall man who had blonde hair and blue eyes. His hair was gelled back except for two curly strands that were in the front. He wore a purple suit with a striped green and white shirt tucked into his pants. An interesting tie laid on the top of the shirt.

   " Are you Y/n? "

   " Yes. Are you the landlord? "

   " I am. Let's take a seat and we can continue talking there. I have all of the papers with me, so we can discuss them. "

I nodded and he guided me to a table in front of the window. He sat down and I sat across from him. He set the papers down on the table and we both ordered a drink from the waitress. He held his hand out across the table, intending to shake mine. I raised my hand and held his as we shook hands. His hand lingered on mine and I could feel his stare on my hand, and it didn't feel right.

   " My name is Yoshikaga Kira. It's my pleasure. "

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