The Quirkless Twin

By mini0nguy

25.2K 691 340

Y/N is Deku's twin sister. After idolizing All Might her entire life along with Izuku she decided to try to g... More



851 26 59
By mini0nguy

Art above by PEB99. This is just a side idea, and doesn't really have anything to do with the plot, but it does give more of a feel for the relationships between certain characters and Y/N. I hope you enjoy! Also, please excuse any spelling or grammar mistakes! I am still working on editing this part please bear with me :)

After the villains invaded the USJ the school continued the rest of the week as a weekend to upgrade security, and give the students time to calm down. Y/N just woke up to her phone blowing up with messages and groaned. She checked the time, and it was almost 1:00. She picked up her phone and started to read through all of the messages.

*Kirishima started a group chat* *Kirishima added Denki Kaminari to the chat* *Kirishima added Bakugo to the chat* *Kirishima added Mina Ashido to the chat* *Kirishima added Hanta Sero to the chat* *Kirishima added Y/N Midoriya to the chat*

Kirishima: Hey guys whatcha up to?

Bakugo: Shut the hell up

Sero: Nothing much how about you Kirishima?

Kirishima: I'm bored so I figured I would ask if you guys were up to anything

Mina: Omggg I'm so bored too we should all hang out!!!

Denki: Yo fr that sounds so fun

Sero: Yeah let's do that wanna meet at the mall around 3:00?

Bakugo: Shut up you guys are so annoying

Denki: Whatever this is why people don't really like you I'm surprised Y/N has put up with you for so long you're lucky you are invited

Sero: Yo guys where even is Y/N? She hasn't texted at all

Mina: oooh good point where is she? I hope she can make it

Kirishima: u guys have to admit though she is pretty cool I mean she slapped him and lived

Denki: Yeah talk about a badass

Bakugo: Stop texting so much you damn extras 🙄

Denki: dudes probably jealous because we'll probably hang out with his friend without him

Bakugo: You damn idiots she's probably sleeping I don't care but that's most likely why she's not answering now shut up

Mina: OOOOOOOO how do you know that Bakugo??? 😏

Bakugo: I've known her for almost my whole life shut the hell up stupid racoon eyes

Sero: Is shut the hell up the only insult you know?

Kirishima: Guys chill out but are we doing the mall at 3:00?

Mina: fs fs

Denki: I'll be there

Sero: I'm down

Y/N saw they were still actively texting and started typing...

Y/N: I'll go!

Kirishima: Ooooo she finally responded

Sero: well welcome where were you?

Y/N: uh I just woke up 😐

Denki: ohh Bakugo was right after all

Mina: hmm weird 

Bakugo: It's not weird I've known her for a long time!

Y/N: fr you guys don't know a lot about your close friends? anyways yeah sure I'll go let me go get breakfast

Sero: You mean lunch?

Y/N: No I mean breakfast cya

Y/N got dressed, and went out into the kitchen. "Hey Y/N you finally woke up!" Izuku said with a smile. 

"Yep, but I'm still tired." She said as she yawned. 

"Any plans today?"

"Yeah I'm going to go to the mall around 3:00."

"Oh for real? I'm going with my friends around 2:00 do you wanna come with us so I can make sure you get there safe too?"

"Sure I guess." She shrugged, and grabbed a snack before going back in her room. She brushed through her hair, and grabbed her bag before walking out and shutting her door behind her. "Okay, I'm ready. I'll probably just tag along until my friends get there if that's okay."

"Yeah that's cool. Let's get going though or we'll be late." He grabbed his backpack, and they walked to the bus. The bus took them to the mall, and she stood with Izuku outside of the store where they said they would meet. "You know my new friends right? Uraraka, Iida, Asui, and Todoroki?"

"I've met everyone I think. Asui is the frog girl from the USJ right?"

"I told you to call me Tsu." She looked over to see the frog girl that sat next to her in class, and it was in fact her. "Oh, Y/N nice to see you I didn't know you were coming." She said.

"Oh I'm just hanging out until my new friends get here in an hour I hope you don't mind."

"No it's cool. Ribbit."

"Deku! Tsu!" Y/N looked over to see Uraraka running over to them. She ran right past her, and over to her brother and the frog girl. 

"Hey Ochako." Tsu laughed.

"Uh, okay I'm gonna go actually. Later Izuku." Y/N waved, and turned around to walk away when Izuku didn't even acknowledge her because he was busy with Uraraka. She bumped into a tall guy. Y/N rubbed her head, "Oops, sorry." She looked up at Todoroki. "Uh excuse me." She moved to walk around him.

"Oh Y/N you're here? I didn't know you would be here." He said. She didn't say anything, and walked away. Izuku was too occupied with Uraraka that he still didn't notice her leave.

Y/N went into a store the sold a bunch of figurines, and started looking around. They also had manga, and other merchandise for shows. She looked at the figurines for a while before making her way over to the manga section. There were benches set up, and people were sitting down reading. She checked her phone, and had at least thirty minutes. She could at least read a full manga book if it was smaller. She started looking through the manga on the shelves, and picked out a book. It was an action adventure one. She opened the book, and started to read as she walked throughout the aisles trying to find a seat with her prefrail vision.

Bakugo was sitting on a bench a few aisles down reading a romance manga, and eating a snack. People kept passing, and he looked up to see Y/N walking while reading. "Ugh why is she here? It's still another thirty minutes until we're all planning on hanging out. Why am I even hanging out with these losers in the first place?" He thought and rolled his eyes as he kept reading. She was so into the manga that she didn't even realize that he was sitting there. Of course he kind of took cover when she passed, because he was reading romance manga, and getting caught would be prime blackmail for her. She found a seat at the end of the aisle he was at, and sat down. She set down the manga, and plugged in her headphones. She put both in her ear, and turned the volume up. Bakugo had the same set up, but he turned away from her, and kept reading his own book. 

It was 3:00, and Bakugo put the manga back on the shelf and got up to leave. He walked past her, but she was in a completely different world at this point. He put his hands in his pockets, and walked by the entrance and the fountain where the rest of them were waiting. "Oh hey! Bakugo! You did decide to come after all." Sero said as he waved.

"You damn extras I'm just passing by to leave."

"Hey didn't Y/N say she would be here?" Denki asked looking around. He moved his head to look behind Bakugo. "Hey Bakugo where's Y/N?"

"How the hell should I know Dunce Face?!?" He yelled at him.

"Hey guys! Look! Is that Todoroki, Ochako, Tsu, and Midoriya?" Mina pointed to the second story where they were walking. It was a clear railing so they were easy to see. "Midoriya!" She called out to him.

"Oh look, it's Mina and the others. Hey guys!" He waved. They came downstairs, and Bakugo glared before turning away to leave. "What's up guys?"

"Do you know where Y/N is? We're just waiting for her." 

"Y/N? Oh yeah she's right-" He turned around to see her not around. "Oh, did she leave?"

"She left when I got here. You didn't notice?" Todoroki asked. 

"No, I didn't. She's probably looking in a different store or something. Well I mean we can always call her. See you guys!" They went back up the escalator to keep shopping. Todoroki just kind of lagged behind.

"We should try to find her. She sounded excited earlier. Maybe she's lost or something." Kirishima commented. "Or I mean she was here earlier, so maybe she's busy."

"She's just reading manga." Bakugo said. "You guys can go find her. I'm leaving." 

Sero shot out tape from his elbow, and yanked Bakugo back towards the group. "You know where she is, so lead the way." He said with his usual smile.

"Get this shit off of me!" He started yelling as he tried to pull it off. "Ugh!" Eventually they were standing at the entrance to the shop Y/N was reading in. She was reading the third book of the series, and was completely sucked into it. 

"Y/N!" Mina yelled as she wrapped her arms around Y/N. Y/N got startled, and dropped her book. 

"Gosh Mina! You scared me!" She started slowing her breathing as she took out her headphones and paused the music. "Ugh, and now I lost my place. What time is it?" She checked her phone to see it was 3:30. "Oops." She stretched, and cracked her knuckles. She picked up the book, and returned it to the shelf. "Haha, sorry for keeping you guys waiting." 

"Nah, it's cool." Kirishima said. They walked to another store, and started shopping.

"Y/N! Look at this outfit!" Mina said as she walked over holding a black dress. "Try this on, and the best part-" She pulled out a bright blue dress. "IT HAS A MATCHING ONE FOR ME!" She did a happy girl squeal, and Y/N looked at Bakugo, and mouthed the words help, but he just glared at her. She sighed after returning a glare, and went into the changing room with Mina. "You. Look. Fan-tastic!" She yelled out. "Let's go show the boys!"

"Uh no thanks." Y/N said. "I don't like dresses. "Unzip it."

"Okay. After we show the boys." She got an evil smirk. 

"Absolutely not. Unzip me you jerk! Or I will rip this dress and change back into my comfy clothes." 

"Don't tear it Y/N!" She whined. 

"Okay then, I'm not going out there!" The boys could hear them arguing even though it was kind of muffled through the door.

"This is kind of awkward." Denki said, "I mean I don't think Y/N wanted to go in there." He awkwardly laughed.

"So you think Mina can get her out here in a dress? It sounds like she hates dresses." 

"She does. It's not happening." Bakugo said as he rolled his eyes. "This is so dumb. HURRY UP IN THERE LOSERS!" He yelled at them before grunting and turning around.

"SHUT THE HELL UP BAKUGO!" He heard back from Y/N. 

"Come on!" Mina said as she stomped her foot on the ground.

"No! Now unzip me Mina, or I'm going back home!" 

"Then you'll be going home in that dress." She folded her arms.

"That's not how that works!" 

"Oh yes it is." She opened the fitting room door, and started to push Y/N out. "They're matching I can't go without you!"

"I barely know these people! And you! Stop it!" She stuck out her arms to stop herself from being pushed out. Mina was pushing hard, and Y/N got an idea. She waited for a big push, and then let go, and dropped to the side. Mina fell forward, and after she got up Y/N ran in, and locked the door. 

"You're not getting it unzipped without me girl."

Y/N looked in the mirror, and started reaching for the zipper. She got it until one point, and then she couldn't reach anymore. "I'll let you in, but unzip it." 

"No way you look amazing."

"This is a waste of time." Bakugo groaned. "Hurry up you two this is boring! I'm leaving." He growled under his breath.

"He's right y'know, Mina. If she doesn't want to you shouldn't force her. It is kinda awkward too. This was just a way for us to get to know each other better." Kirishima said. "The only two people that have actually known each other are you and I, and Y/N and Bakugo." He told her.

"He is right. Why don't we just go." Denki said.

"Ugh you guys are soo boring." She groaned, and knocked on the door. Y/N hesitantly let her in, and they came back out in normal clothes. 

"Okay can we go watch a movie or something?" Denki asked. 

"Sure that actually sounds fun." Sero said.

"I'll pass. I'm going home now." Y/N said as she sighed and walked past all of them as she waved. She stuck her hands in her pockets, and felt to make sure her phone was there. Once she felt it she picked up the pace. "See you guys."

"Oh okay later Y/N." Kirishima said as they turned to walk away.

"Why didn't she want to come out? She looked really good and we could've matched." Mina whined. "Why is she even going home? We only went to one store."

"Chill out Mina. Maybe next time. Maybe she isn't feeling too good." Sero reassured her. 

"What a downer though. I'm sure they both would've looked good." Denki said with a sigh.

Bakugo rolled his eyes, "This is boring. I'm leaving." He turned around, and walked away.

"You guys are the boring ones. I was hoping Y/N would stick around to make things more interesting, but you guys are too similar." Denki said. "No wonder you two are best friends or something like that." He sighed, and the four of them started to walk to the movie theatre as Bakugo walked towards the exit doors.

Y/N was walking out, but she decided to go into the same store she was at before to at least finish that manga if not more. She found the same book, and sat on the bench. She put in her headphones, and started to read again. Bakugo looked to his side when he passed the store to see her reading. "I new she would be there. How predictable." He thought. "What an idiot." He finished walking out, and started on his way home.

"I probably shouldn't have just walked out of there. That was kind of rude I guess." Y/N was thinking to herself. "Maybe I just got irritated because I hate it when people try to force me to do things." She finished the book, and while she was looking for the next volume her phone dinged. She took it out of her pocket, and looked at it.


Dumbass what r u doing

Uh reading y


sure 🙃

The usual?

Whatever sure 😒

Y/N stopped looking for the next book, and walked out of the bookstore. She stretched before walking home, and texting Izuku she was going for ramen with Bakugo. She also let her mom know she wouldn't be needing dinner. She walked out, and it was now turning dark. Mina spent so much time trying to get her out of that fitting room, and then reading. She walked to the normal place they got their ramen, and the guy in the front recognized her. 

"Hello young lady. Your friend is in booth three." 

"Thanks." She said as she walked to booth three. Bakugo was already sitting there eating the spiciest ramen they had. He looked up with ramen hanging out of his mouth. "Wow way to wait for me." She said as she sat opposite of him. The waiter walked up to them, and she was about to order before she realized he had a bowl of ramen with him. "Oh, thanks." She said as she took the ramen out of his hands. She set it down, and examined it. The waiter left, and she started questioning Bakugo, "Extra spicy?" He nodded, "Crumbled bacon?" He made a mhm sound, "I see you even got the ramen egg. how about nori, but extra crumbled on top and inside the broth?"

"Yep." He sighed. "You're so needy just order it normally." He rolled his eyes. Y/N stuffed ramen in her mouth, and started eating, "You're disgusting are you even tasting it?"

"Mhm." She responded through her stuffed cheeks. "It's spicy I love it!" Her eyes sparkled as she looked at the food before eating more. "Sooo, you're paying right?" He stopped eating, and glared at her. "I forgot my wallet!" She tried to defend herself.

"You came straight from the mall stupid. You brought your wallet. I'm not that dumb."

"Yeah you right." She put her hands behind her head, and leaned back. "But still I only have a little bit of money. Plus, I payed last time."

"Whatever." He growled, and started drinking the broth to his ramen.

"We need to find something spicier. This place is great, but it's not burning my mouth anymore." He shrugged, and put the bowl down. 

"How have your grades been?"

"Eh," She shrugged, and started drinking the broth to her own ramen.

"I asked how your grades have been."

"They're fine. I think one D, and the others are C's."

"D in math?"

"Mhm." She set down the bowl. "Whelp thanks for the dinner."

He groaned. "You're an idiot. You should get a tutor you know?"

"Why? I'm not failing. That's a plus."

"You're probably copying that damn nerds homework to pass."

"You know what? At least I ask for help from Izuku. I only copy if he doesn't have time or is too tired."

He put some money on the table. "You could just ask someone else if he's too busy you know?"

"Yeah I could, but that person would probably be you. For an asshole you're pretty smart, but when I'm trying to learn I don't think I can with you yelling at me. I don't want to deal with with that again." They got up, and gave a thankful nod to the waiter before walking out. "Alright, well see you at school on Monday."

"I'll make sure you get home safe."

"That's going to look super suspicious." She told him.

He gave her an evil glare. "Oh shut up you damn loser! I've always done this!" He yelled at her.

"Oh, there you are. Hi Bakugo I'm Y/N." He was infuriated, and started yelling more.

They walked to Y/N's apartment, and in response to his yelling she shot insults and snarky comments at him. "Okay, just go inside I'm tired." He said angirly.

"Same. Alright thanks for paying loser, see ya." She waved.

"I know you aren't going to go to bed until like 3:00 in the morning." 

"Yeah duh, it's the weekend. Doesn't mean I'm not tired though. Later loser." She walked in, and used her key to get in. 

"Welcome home dear where did you eat tonight?"

"Oh I just went to get ramen with Bakugo." She said as she sat down at the table. 

"Oh Bakugo. Such a good young man." She said.

Izuku peered his head in with confusion on his face before shaking it off. "I'm back." He announced.

"Oh welcome back home. You were out late too." Inko said.

"Where were you?" Y/N asked him.

"Oh, I went to get food with my friends. How was hanging out with your new friends?"

"Uh, it was fine. Mina wanted to shop, and yeah I don't know. It's okay though that ramen was so good. Plus, I almost finished a whole manga series."

"Oh that's great."

"Mhm." She nodded. "I'm gonna go to my room. Love you guys." They smiled at her as she walked into her room, and shut the door. She locked it, and flopped onto her bed. The only light on was the one from her desk. 


You're paying next time

Okay fine by me

You know you are an absolute loser though? who is that picky with ramen??

Me obviously

Otherwise it's not that good

Whatever you should try it the way I get it next time

*read at 8:45 p.m.*


uh huh ok whatever u say 🥱

Whatever see you Monday

She plugged in her phone, and did her own thing until she felt tired, and went to bed. Monday was going to be interesting. She wondered who would teach class, and if Aizawa was okay.

The next part will be out soon! :) 

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