Reimi's Bizarre Adventure: Pi...

By HippyHollowSaiyan

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Reimi Sugimoto gets her Jumanji ending! After traveling back in time & saving her family, she sets out on fix... More

Chapter 0: From Heaven to Earth
Chapter 2 Part 1: A New Beginning
Chapter 2 Part 2: The Affair
Chapter 3: Sherry's Justice
Chapter 4: Rohan's Aphrodite Upgrade
Chapter 4.5 From Russia With Love
Von Stroheim's Bizarre Adventure
Chapter 5: Reimi & the Stardust Crusaders
Chapter 5.5: The Chariot & the Blue Moon
Chapter 6: Strength & the Emperor
Chapter 7: Rubber Soul Sacrifice
Chapter 8: The Hex & the Jinx.
Chapter 9: The Sun Lovers.
Chapter 10: Cameo's Judgment & Ruby-Knightess
Chapter 10.5 High Priestess
Chapter 11: Iron Eagle, the Fool, & Geb's N'Doul
Chapter 12: Lets Go Eat Some Italian Food
Chapter 13: The Eve of War
Chapter 14: When Darkness Falls
Chapter 15: Dio's World
Chapter 15: Dio's World Part 2
Chapter 16: We'll Meet Again
Chapter 16:1 Dario's Apophis
Chapter 17: The Alley
Chapter 18: Heavens-Door
Chapter 20: The Nijimura Brothers & Farewell

Chapter 1: Reimi's Revenge

749 25 16
By HippyHollowSaiyan

*Reimi's theme [The Alley] plays in the background.*

David Vincent: Tonight Reimi Sugimoto has done the impossible, she has traveled back to the past.
Here she wakes up in her old bed, as if waking from a bad dream. She starts to feel things she hasn't felt in a long time.
As a ghost, many laws of physics did not apply to her. Now she is overwhelmed by the little things, the itch in her hair, her aching muscles, the cold air on her arms, but most of all her heart beat.

Now she ponders about her reality. She feels the events of Part 4 & Made in Heaven could have been a crazy dream. People under the influence of DMT have reported extensive memories of a life they never lived, only to wake up in the past.
Then it hits her! this is no time to ponder, this is the moment of truth that will determine the fate of the Sugimoto bloodline.

Reimi: I'm alive? I'm alive! Was it all a dream? (VA Kira Buckland)

David Vincent: She listens to her surroundings, the sound of that dripping has haunted her soul. But there is no dripping sound, which means no Arnold hanging in the closet.

Reimi: No dripping, there's still time.

She gets an adrenaline rush & races out of bed. Within seconds, she flings open the door to her parents master bedroom.

Quiet footsteps in the middle of the floor suddenly stop. She can sense something wrong, her guts can sense it. She turns on the light switch to confirm her suspicions. GASP!

David Vincent: It's him! Standing feet from her parents bed is a younger Yoshikage Kira. He's not the purple suited David Bowie lookalike we've come to know, but it's him.

Reimi: Mom! Dad! Look out!

Teenage Kira is like a deer in headlights. He clearly didn't know what he was doing, even the experienced Yoshikage of Part 4 couldn't handle exposure well. So what does this younger Yoshikage look like?
Well we saw a picture of him in highschool in the anime & he didn't look too different. Here he's wearing a night colored turtleneck & dark sweatpants.

Mom & dad start waking up, cranky that their sleep was interrupted. For the time it does not show us a good look at their faces, as only one of the lights is on.

Reimi's dad: What the hell?
Reimi's mom: Woah! Who the hell are you?! What are you doing in our bedroom?!

Her mother screams! Standing feet from their bed is the man who once stole their lives.

Yoshikage: Um hello...

Dad jumps out of bed, ready to confront the intruder. Reimi's father normally has the soft voice of a Disney prince, but he can have a voice of steel when he gets angry.

Reimi's dad: Reimi who is this guy? What is he doing in here? (VA Travis Willingham)

Reimi: He's a no good psychopath who's here to kill us. Just look at the knife in his hand.
Reimi's dad: So what is your deal? Are you here to rob us?

Reimi's mom: I don't think so, just look. Now what do you have to say young man? (VA Laura Bailey)

Yoshikage: I, I don't know. Are you gonna call the police?

Reimi's mom: Maybe we should.
Reimi's dad: Now you have one minute to tell us why you're standing in our room with a knife.

Trapped in the master bedroom upstairs, Yoshikage lunges towards the doorway, ready to shank her as he makes his escape downstairs.
So he lunges at her clutching his knife.
As he is ready to take her life again, she slams the door before he could land a killing blow. The knife gets stuck in the door as she hears him get tackled on the other side. Yoshikage had taken off at incredible speed due to his 3rd place athletic fitness & ninja shoes, however Reimi's father had received his own burst of speed. His instinct to protect his daughter had pushed his body beyond it's limits. Arnold runs over to the door & growls loudly, wanting into the room. With the tanto stuck in the door, she feels it's safe to let him in.

Reimi: Yeah get him Arnold!

She says as she opens the door & let's him charge at the killer. She proceeds to shut it & head downstairs.

Yoshikage: No! Get away fleabag!

She can hear Arnold attacking Yoshikage, biting his arm & helping her dad. Little Rohan, now 4, gains the courage to get out of bed holding his blanket.

Rohan: Reimi what's happening? Why is everyone yelling? (VA Casey Mongillo)
Reimi: It's the Boogeyman! We've gotta get downstairs & call the police.

She says as she picks him up & rushes to the bottom floor. He's still small enough for her to pick up. As she runs down the stairs, she uses Hamon to boost her speed without realizing.

Reimi: Mom, dad, I sure hope you can handle him.
Rohan: Wow you're strong.

He doesn't realize she's using Hamon to amplify her strength as she carries him down the stairs. (homage to Jolyne carrying Emporio.)

They make it downstairs & call the Morioh police department. He stands close to her, very nervous as she talks to the dispatch. They can hear Yoshikage struggling with Arnold & her parents upstairs as they take him down.

With her Stand she could easily dispose of the creep, but for now she must keep her powers a secret. She knows Yoshikage doesn't do well in direct combat even with a Stand of his own, but she worries he could still take someone's life, especially with that knife still in the room.

Reimi: Morioh police?! This is an emergency. There is an armed burglar in the house, I don't know how much longer my parents can hold him.
I'm in Kotodai, house 12 block 3.
Dispatch: Woah slow down there, now tell me are you somewhere safe? (VA Tara Sands)
Reimi: Yes I'm safe, I'm babysitting a young boy & he's here with me. My parents & guard dog are upstairs fighting with the burglar.
Dispatch: That's good, just stay on the phone until help arrives. Now can you describe the situation?
Reimi: A psychopath from my highschool broke into my house with a knife. He tried to hurt my parents when they were sleeping but I woke them up.

In the next cutscene, there are red & blue lights flashing outside as there is a knock on the door.

Reimi: Alright I think they've arrived.
Dispatch: Affirmative. The officer will assist you from here.

She answers the door, greeting Josuke's grandfather in his prime.

Reimi: So good to see you Higashikata-sama so glad to see you  it's an emergency.
Officer Higashikata: Of course my dear, it'll be alright. Apparently a man broke into your home & tried to hurt you? (VA Bruce Elliott)
Reimi: Yes it's Yoshikage Kira. He was carrying a knife when I exposed him, he was in mom & dad's room.
Officer Higashikata: What?! Yoshikage?! How could that be?
Reimi: Guess you know him. Well it sounds like mom & dad are placing him under citizens arrest, now follow me.
Officer Higashikata: Hey there just sit on the couch until we come back down.
Rohan: Uh yes sir.

Josuke's grandpa follows her upstairs while young Rohan stays on the couch.

The officer sees the teenage burglar had taken a beating. Her father had managed to put him in a restraint as Arnold bit him & her mother had hit him with a broom.

Reimi: You did it Arnold, good boy. We can take it from here.
Reimi's dad: Konnichiwa officer Higashikata, looks like I've made my first arrest.
Higashikata: It seems you have, good work citizen.

His walker buzzes him, he answers saying "the suspect has been restrained. I will now get a statement from the family, over."
The Sugimoto family gives their statement to the police.

Higashikata: Yoshikage Kira, you're under arrest for the charges of trespassing & attempted murder. Anything you say can & will be used against you in the court of law. Now on your feet.

Yoshikage struggles standing up, he's in the same bloody shape he was after getting beaten up by Star-Platinum.

Reimi's dad: I hope the justice system doesn't go easy on him. I saw the look in his eyes, he's beyond help.
Reimi's mom: I say lock up this wild animal & throw away the key.
Reimi: Same here.

Higashikata: Afraid the courts will have to decide his fate. Now hands out.

That's when Yoshikage gets a last ditch burst of energy.

Yoshikage: No! Nobody will decide my fate but me!

He grabs the broom from Reimi's mom then lunges at Higashikata & Sugimoto in a rage. In an instant, the psycho is shot by Josuke's grandpa & stabbed in the side by Reimi's dad.

The scene pauses as their killer drops the broom handle. He looks down to see he's been shot in the torso, confirmed by Higashikata aiming his smoking pistol. Then looks to the side to see Reimi's father clutching the bamboo tanto, lunged in the side of his chest.

Reimi's mom trembles at the sight, as Reimi stays surprisingly calm. Her dad lets go of the tanto, as Tomoko's dad holsters his pistol. Yoshikage somehow gains the composure to stay standing, his psychotic rage fading away.

Yoshikage: Well, looks like I won't be going to jail afterall. Can you grant me one last request as a dying man?

Higashikata: I'm sorry Kira, but you left me no choice. Your parents are going to be devastated. I'll call for an ambulance.

Reimi's dad: Young man, can you tell me why? why us?
Yoshikage: I don't know. I don't really have an answer. Just let me die somewhere else.

Reimi: Yoshikage san, I would like to talk to you privately before you pass.

Higashikata: Reimi chan, you can't be serious!
Reimi's dad: He's dangerous as long as he breaths.
Reimi: We don't need him bleeding on the carpet.

She places a cloth on his gun wound, then runs a little bit of Hamon through it! This slows down the bleeding, as he leaves the tanto in his chest. She places her hand on his shoulder & guides him out of her parents room.

Higashikata: Reimi where are you taking him?
Reimi: We're going outside, I'd rather he not die in the house.
Higashikata: Alright but if he lays a hand on you, I'll finish him off.
Yoshikage: No need to worry, I'm burned out.

Reimi Arnold & Yoshikage walk down the stairs. As they pass through the living room, bloody Kira takes notice of kid Rohan crying on the couch.

Yoshikage: Hey kid, sorry for scaring you. You've got one hell of a babysitter.
Reimi: Yes little Rohan, it's all over now. Mom you think you can look after him?
Reimi's mom: Of course.

Now they are outside the house, standing in the alley. Arnold is growling, ready to attack Kira again at a moments notice. However animals have the ability to sense when someone is dying, & he can sense that Kira no longer poses a threat.

Yoshikage: Alright, so what did you want to tell me?
Reimi: Yoshikage, I can heal you but I need you to accept my offer.
Yoshikage: What? What are you talking about?
Reimi: I haven't told anyone, but I have special abilities & I can heal injured people.

Pretty-in-Pink is summoned, & heals the bite marks on Kira's arm as a sample.

Yoshikage: No way! That's impossible.
Reimi: It's like a superpower I have. I can heal the rest if-
Yoshikage: Fine so what's the deal?

Reimi: I wanted to offer you a 2nd chance, what if instead of preying on girls like me, you used your skills to go after other murderers & dangerous criminals? Like one of those vigilantes from the movies.
Yoshikage: Haha sorry but that's not gonna happen. I'm not the vigilante type.

He pulls the tanto out of his chest, speeding up his blood loss. Higashikata & Sugimoto, standing behind the house gate are alerted. Arnold gives off a bark then eases up. Yoshikage holds the tanto in a confusing manner.

Reimi: What are you doing!?
Higashikata: Don't you dare! At least try to die with some honor young man!

Then he grabs the blade with his left hand & turns it around, pointing the handle towards her.

Yoshikage: It's yours now. Sorry but my life is over. I've got a dark passenger I can't control any longer. Even if you got me out of prison, my life would still be ruined.
Higashikata: Afraid he's right, he'd be living the life of a convict even on the outside. I wouldn't trust him to walk the streets.
Yoshikage: I'd rather die than live in chains. But hey, thanks for letting me die here.

Reimi: I see. Guess you were always beyond help.

He bleeds out more & starts to fall to the ground. Reimi's mother is inside with little Rohan comforting him. Kira reaches out to grab her right hand as he sits on the street.

Yoshikage: Let me see your hand, it's so soft & beautiful.

As his own hands tremble, he gently holds her wrist with his left & embraces the inside of her hand with his right. He lays his face on the back of her right hand, fulfilling his fetish as she holds the tanto in her left.

Reimi: Um okay... (she says as he kisses the back of her hand a few times)
Is this what you truly wanted? Why did you have to resort to murder? You could have gotten a girlfriend & done this with her.

Yoshikage: It's not like that, it's not a girlfriend I want, just her hands.

Reimi: So our hands are just objects to you. I want to forgive you, but you just don't deserve it. Enjoy it while you can.
Yoshikage: Thank you.

He says as he loses his grip & faints. He lays sitting down, a puddle of blood around him. Yoshikage Kira has died.

Higashikata: Wow Reimi chan I can't believe my eyes. I've comforted a few dying men on the job too, not many people can handle that kind of grief.
Reimi's dad: Yeah except you're a trained officer, she shouldn't be exposed to stuff like this at her age.
Reimi: Don't worry about me, I'm not as sensitive as you'd think.

Another police car & an ambulance arrive in front of the house, opposite of the alley side.

Reimi: I need to go on a little walk, I'll fill out the reports later.

Higashikata: Alright then. I'll let the school know to give you the day off tomorrow so you can rest easy.

Reimi & Arnold take a nostalgic walk through their old alley, a walk that pays great homage to Part 4.

Higashikata: So Sugimoto, would you like the rest of my Cognac Napoleon?
Reimi's dad: Oh my I couldn't accept.
Higashikata: Hey you could use it more than me. I'm a trained officer so I'm more used to situations like this. It's on me.
Reimi's dad: Well sure, if you insist.

Mr Sugimoto finishes Higashikata's flask of Cognac Kamus Napoleon to cope with the trauma of the night as his daughter makes it to the entrance of OWSON alley. Originally, the convenience store built over the alley just a few years after the Sugimoto murders.

Reimi: We did it Arnold. Now at long last, we can finally live the life he stole from us. We can be here for little Rohan & help him live a better life. Today is a new beginning for Morioh.

Heroic music plays as Reimi walks back to the house with her Stand behind her, that dark chapter of her life now closed.

Later that night there are a few police cars outside the home of Yoshikage Kira.

Yoshihiro: Konnichiwa Higashikata-sama, what's going on? The hour is late & I'm sleepy. (VA Steve Kramer)
Higashikata: Yoshihiro, I'm afraid I have terrible news about your son.

The next day, the Sugimoto family recieves a series of visitors, starting off with Rohan Kishibe's unseen parents. Rohan's father is quite ordinary looking, dark hair, glasses, piercing green eyes, formal clothing. His mother is a beautiful lady of fashion, she has violet eyes, Rohan's green hair combed to the side, & green lipstick. She normally wears green & purple fashion but today is wearing a purple dress shirt & lime green pants.

Rohan's dad: Good morning Takashi, thought we'd ask how your family is doing after last night. (VA Chris Sabat)
Reimi's dad: Well we had a shitty night but at least we didn't get hurt. Can't say the same for the punk who broke in.
Rohan's mom: That must have been so scary. I can't imagine what we'd do in a situation like that. (VA Meredith Mauldin/Android 18)
Reimi's dad: Thank goodness I know how to fight. But yeah it's scary to think if you had been in the situation. You aren't exactly a fighter.
Rohan's dad: Haha well yeah I am a terrible fighter, I prefer to talk things out.
Reimi's dad: So how is little Rohan doing?
Rohan's mom: He's still in bed, it wasn't easy to tuck him in.

Reimi's mom: Poor thing, he heard most of the fighting upstairs. We all had bad dreams last night, I can only imagine how little Rohan feels.
Rohan's dad: But as long as you're all safe, that's what matters. I'm just afraid of the therapy bills we might need.
Reimi's mom: I hear you.

After the Kishibe's finish chatting with them, another visitor shows up. It is the monk from the cemetery who told DiU Rohan about the Sugimoto murders, now 15 years younger.

Monk: Konnichiwa Sugimoto son, & to you Sugimoto Reimi-Chan. (VA Greg Baldwin)
Reimi: Oh hey, you're from the cemetery.
Reimi's dad: Good day groundskeeper, I take it you heard of the break-in?
Monk: That I have, I'm horrified to think your names could have ended up in my graveyard.
Reimi: Yeah I know.
Monk: Anyways I brought you some special sushi for your troubles.
Reimi's dad: Aw thanks, you shouldn't have.
Monk: It's the least I could do. Now I wanted to talk about Yoshikage's gravestone.

The Sugimoto family inform the monk know that they aren't opposed to Yoshikage recieving a tombstone in the Morioh cemetery. His parents names will be added when their time comes.

As the monk leaves, another friend arrives. It's Momo Yaoyorozu?! Not quite, this is Marin, one of Reimi's friends from school who bares the likeness of the waifu from Hero Academia. Although a talented student, she does not have any powers like her hero counterpart. She is wearing the green school uniform of Morioh highschool. Momo/Marin gives Reimi a hug at the door, appearing emotional & worried for her friend.

Momo: Oh my God, hey.  (VA Colleen Clinkenbeard)
Reimi: Thanks it's all good, I've been taking things easy today. Does the school know?
Momo: Yes, word spread fast. So is he really gone? Yoshikage Kira?
Reimi: Yes, I was there when he died. I offered to treat his wounds but he didn't want help.
Momo: That is so kind. I guess it's a long story.
Reimi: Yeah come on in.

Momo spends some time with the Sugimoto family, giving them further comfort & learning of their survival.

Later that night, Reimi's mother takes her shower before bed.
We get a nice view of her perfect butt as she takes a shower. After she's finished, she gets out & let's us see the front of her body fully naked.

She goes back to the bedroom as Reimi's dad takes his shower. She dries off but doesn't put anything on. After he's done with his shower they have their bedtime chat. Reimi's mom seems to be in a more flirty mood for some reason.

In her own bathroom, Reimi takes her first bath since coming back, looking forward to a new chance at life.

Reimi: Let me see if this will work. Never liked this hair but shaving is a pain.

She puts her hands together like a ninjutsu, takes a breath, then shocks the tub with Hamon!

Reimi: Time to see if my Hamon wax will work.

She feels a slight electric shock as every hair on her body sticks up then ejects.
After she drains the tub she examines the results.

Reimi: Awesome it worked! I'm as smooth as a barbie doll. I'll never have to shave again.

Then Reimi hears some giggling & moving noises from her parents bedroom. She blushes when she realizes what's going on. As she dries off her perfect body she notices something in the mirror. She sees a glowing star on the back of her neck!

"Wow, the Joestar birthmark! It came back with me!"

David Vincent: Reimi Sugimoto has been granted a new chance at life on Earth. She deserves the best life, but with her new powers she feels an obligation to help others. Soon she will embark on her first mission, her first trip outside Japan to prevent a great catastrophe. Her next destination, the nation of France.

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