About You | Seoksoo

By Someonethatloves17

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Jisoo and his son have been waiting for his wife to give birth to their twins the second they found out she w... More

You Choose!!
The winner!!
Soonhoon Special
! ! BOOK 2 ! !

Jeongcheol Special

3.7K 164 54
By Someonethatloves17

Song recommendation: pov by Ariana Grande

Jeonghan and Seungcheol were walking back from school, hand in hand. Jeonghan had some news for Seungcheol. He had been hiding this news from his boyfriend for two weeks, and he was really nervous about the older's reaction. Many what if's were running around in Jeonghan's head and he couldn't help but let out a sigh making his boyfriend turn to him in concern "Are you okay? You've been sighing since the morning.." As Jeonghan was about to answer, he felt his heart beating really rapidly as he stared at his boyfriend. "Seungcheol, promise me that you won't leave me.." Seungcheol smiled brightly and held his boyfriend's hand tighter "of course I won't, Jeonghan. I-" "I'm pregnant" Jeonghan cut his boyfriend off as he stared at him with tears in his eyes "and I'm scared that you will leave because we're both too young to have a baby..." Seungcheol stayed silent. He didn't know how to react. Just the thought of having a child with the love of his life was overwhelming. Jeonghan took Seungcheol's silence negatively and started crying with tears flowing down his cheeks like a waterfall "I knew it. I-I shouldn't have t-told you that. I'm sorry" he sobbed loudly snapping Seungcheol out of his trace of thoughts. As Jeonghan was about to run away, Seungcheol hugged him tightly from behind as tears brimmed in his eyes "Jeonghan, I want this baby. We're going to raise the baby together. I won't ever leave you, so please..." he turned Jeonghan around and wiped his tears with his thumbs gently "don't cry, my love" the younger looked up at Seungcheol and saw the sincerity in his eyes, he realized that Seungcheol is not just a boyfriend that will drop him at any time, but a lover that he will spend his whole life with.

Seungcheol kissed Jeonghan's forehead and embraced him tightly making him cry more "i-i thought I was going to b-be alone" he sobbed loudly making Seungcheol let out a deep chuckle and wipe his own tears "Don't worry. I'm not going anywhere" Jeonghan nodded and wrapped his arms around the older's torso as he listened to the older's reassuring words.

After Jeonghan calmed down, the two sat on a random bench and started discussing some things together "So how many months are you?" Seungcheol asked with a sheepish smile and a tint of blush on his face, Jeonghan smiled as he played with the older's fingers "Two months and a half" the older nodded then asked again "When did you find out?" Jeonghan looked at Seungcheol "Two weeks ago. I was feeling very sick and kept throwing up so I went to the hospital and they told me I was one month pregnant. I then had an ultrasound and got some photos of the baby for us- I-I mean if you want one o-of course I won't force you or anything.." Seungcheol chuckled and laced his fingers with Jeonghan's "can I see it?" "What?" Seungcheol looked at Jeonghan, a smile never leaving his face "The picture" Jeonghan gleamed and nodded. He started searching in his bag for the pictures and suddenly brought five different pics "This one is yours. This one is Joshua and Sooji's. This one is mom's. This one is for me to take everywhere. And lastly, this one is for me to frame in my room" Jeonghan said pointing at every single picture then looking at his boyfriend and noticed him staring at him adoringly "Is there something on my face?" Seungcheol shook his head and wrapped an arm around Jeonghan pulling him closer "I just can't wait to see you as my husband with this little baby running around the house" Jeonghan blushed at the thought of marrying his boyfriend but nonetheless smiled "Whatever. Look at the picture! It's so small~" Seungcheol took the ultrasound and stared at it lovingly for a while before looking back at Jeonghan with some tears in his eyes "this is my baby" he whispered making Jeonghan tear up too. Jeonghan held back his tears and nodded "Yes. Yes it is, and you're going to be the best father ever"

The next day, Jeonghan woke up with a strong urge to puke as he felt pain in his lower body, he quickly ran to the bathroom trying to endure the pain and threw up so much he thought his stomach would explode. "Jeonghan" he heard his mother call from outside the bathroom, he quickly washed up and walked out the bathroom with a smile on his face "yes mom?" he signed to her "I just wanted to check up on you. Seungcheol is waiting outside, hurry up" she signed back with a sweet and calm smile on her face. Jeonghan nodded as a response before going to put on his school uniform.

The two and a half months pregnant male walked to the living room and saw his loving boyfriend sitting in the living room conversing with his mother. He smiled and tapped Seungcheol's shoulder "Good morning~ shall we get going?" Seungcheol asked and Jeonghan nodded. The younger bid goodbye to his mother before walking out the door with his boyfriend. "Did you have morning sickness today?" Jeonghan frowned remembering the pain he felt in the morning and nodded making Seungcheol slightly frown too, he side hugged his boyfriend as the younger clung to him "Are you feeling any pain right now? Should we take the bus?" Despite Jeonghan feeling pain, he shook his head and motioned for them to keep walking.

During the classes before lunch, many people noticed how clingy Seungcheol was towards Jeonghan, at first no one thought much of it since they were dating but then it started getting a little too much. Right now it was lunchtime and the two couple were walking peacefully to the cafeteria together until someone bumped into Jeonghan causing him to trip and almost fall. Seungcheol gasped and quickly embraced the younger before he could fall "Jeonghan! What the hell dude?! Watch where you're going!" Seungcheol shouted at the person that bumped into his boyfriend "I'm sorry. I'm really really sorry" the boy apologized and ran away before Seungcheol could do anything to him. "Yah! Cheol what was that?" Seungcheol ignored Jisoo and looked down at Jeonghan who had his hands on Seungcheol's chest as he had a lovesick smile on his face making Seungcheol calm down and smile too "Did you get hurt?" Jeonghan shook his head and placed a small peck on the older's cheek "Even though I like this side of you, you don't have to be so overprotective. I can take care of myself~" Seungcheol shook his head as he unwrapped his arms from around Jeonghan and crossed them on his chest "It's my job to protect you and the baby" he whispered the last part so no one would hear him making Jeonghan chuckle at the older's actions "Whatever, let's just go. I'm hungry" Jeonghan walked ahead and Jisoo quickly caught up to him "You have some explaining to do" he said making Jeonghan gulp.

"So you're telling me that you're two months and a half pregnant?" Jeonghan nodded his head at Sooji's question "and you found out two weeks ago but never bothered to tell me?! What type of best friend are you?!" Jisoo exclaimed making Jeonghan flinch. At the moment Jisoo, Sooji, and Jeonghan were in Jisoo's bedroom as Seungcheol made some food for them since Jeonghan said he was hungry. "I was scared okay?! I just didn't know how to tell you.." Jeonghan mumbled as he avoided eye contact with the couple "I only found out yesterday. Believe me when I tell you that it was the best day of my life!" Seungcheol exclaimed as he walked inside the room with some fruits and other snacks "Mm~ strawberries! My favorite!" Seungcheol smiled lovingly as he stared at his boyfriend eating the fruits happily while talking with their friends. He couldn't believe how lucky he got to have someone as amazing as Jeonghan in his life.

Two days passed and the couple decided to tell their parents about the pregnancy. Jeonghan knew his mother would support him but was still scared because she was betrayed by the man she loved also known as his father, so he still isn't sure of her reaction, but he knew he had to tell her at some point. Meanwhile, Seungcheol was very worried. His parents barely accepted his relationship with the same gender as him so he knew they would be in shock if they found out he's going to be a father at the age of seventeen. Also, his parents were extra strict to the point where Seungcheol would get grounded for a getting an A instead of an A+ in his exams.

"Mom.. Can we talk?.." Jeonghan signed to his mother, stopping her from reading her book. She noticed the seriousness around her son and his boyfriend and nodded "So you know how I have been getting sick all the time and stuff...well I'm..two months and a half pregnant" his mother gasped and was about to scream in surprise but her son cut her off by signing again "me and Cheol are planning on keeping the baby" his mother expression softened when she saw Seungcheol hold Jeonghan's hand tightly and her son looking on the verge of tears. She didn't want him to repeat her past mistakes by getting pregnant early and not being able to enjoy his life to the fullest, but then she remembered how great of a person Seungcheol was and relaxed. He's in good hands she thought. "Okay, I'll let you keep the baby, but if you two better take care of my grandbaby well or else!" she signed making a smile appear on the couple's face as they looked at her "Don't worry, we won't~" 

One down. Two to go Jeonghan thought.

Seungcheol and Jeonghan stood in front of the Choi mansion nervously waiting for someone to open the door. "S-should we go in now?" Seungcheol said trying to give a smile to reassure the other but miserably failed. "Seungcheol maybe we shouldn't tell them.." the older looked at his pregnant boyfriend and sighed "Look, I don't want to tell them, but we have to. Not only because they are my parents, but also because they would get so mad at me if they don't find out now and you know that.." Jeonghan looked down with tears brimming in his eyes "but I'm scared.." Seungcheol held his boyfriend's hands and wiped the tears that fell from his lover's eyes "No matter what happens, I'll stay with you forever, okay?" Jeonghan looked at him in the eyes and nodded before ringing the doorbell. A couple of minutes later the door opened and the two nervously stepped in as the butler led them to where Mr. and Mrs. Choi were sitting.

"Hello, Mr. and Mrs. Choi, your son and his boyfriend have arrived," the butler said then bowed and left when Mr.Choi excused him. "So what brings you here Seungcheol?" the oldest in the relationship gulped and sat down with Jeonghan holding his hand tightly as they sat down next to each other, "I have news dad.." Mrs.Choi turned to him with a frown "So from this sight, you two didn't break up yet. So what is the news that is so important?" Jeonghan and Seungcheol hated the way she talked to them even though Seungcheol is her own son. Seungcheol calmed himself down so he wouldn't shout out loud at the two for being such careless parents and was about to say the news when Jeonghan beat him to it "I'm pregnant, Seungcheol is the father, and we're keeping the baby" Jeonghan said with an emotionless face as he spoke. The married couple's eyes widened as they heard the news and they looked at each other, Mrs.Choi abruptly stood up "That's it, out! Now! You're not my son and that's not my grandchild. Get out! Seungcheol how could you be so reckless and have a baby at the age of seventeen?! Out of my house NOW!" She screamed and shouted as she waved her hands everywhere. Seungcheol knew it would be like that but he didn't expect his parents to actually kick him out of the house, he thought maybe when they hear they're going to have a grandchild they would get all soft and uwu but they didn't and now he felt so bad for making Jeonghan go through this. "Jeonghan let's go" Seungcheol said as he got up from his seat "but-" "p-please" Seungcheol whispered desperately as his voice cracked in the end, Jeonghan felt his heart break at the sight and he quickly did as he was told. He held Seungcheol's hand with one hand and rubbed his back with the other as they walked out of the mansion.

Seungcheol was about to sit in the driver seat when Jeonghan stopped him "I'll drive, you should rest" Seungcheol wanted to protest but he couldn't and just complied. Jeonghan held his boyfriend's hand tightly hoping that it would comfort him as he drove to his house knowing that Seungcheol was basically homeless now.

He unlocked the door and walked inside. Jeonghan saw his mother sitting on the couch nervously fiddling with her fingers, he walked up to her and making her look at him "how did it go?" Jeonghan sighed and she immediately understood. The mother frowned and walked up to the frowning Seungcheol, she hugged him and he broke down crying in her arms.

Hours passed and both Seungcheol and Jeonghan slept as they cuddled up to Mrs.Yoon as she comforted both of them. She knew how painful it is to go through teen pregnancy alone. She had no one with her when she got pregnant with Jeonghan, her family abandoned her and her so called boyfriend left her. She had no one. Seeing her son going through the same thing hurt her. She wanted him to abort the baby, but seeing him and Seungcheol getting so excited when she let them keep it made her regret even thinking about killing their baby.

It's been almost six months since Seungcheol got kicked out of his family's house and has been living in Jeonghan's house ever since then. Jeonghan was very pregnant, he was already eight months. Seungcheol would bust all his uwus when he sees Jeonghan waddling around the house with his baby belly or when he struggled to pick something from the floor, he would just get the urge to run and squish Jeonghan in the tightest hug ever. "Hannie! Hurry up we'll be late!" today the couple had another appointment for the baby and Seungcheol was very excited because they'll be able to see the baby again. Jeonghan chuckled as he saw his boyfriend jumping around like a child "Let's go now~"

"So the baby is doing great. Very healthy and extremely energetic. He has been moving around the entire time, look" the doctor chuckled as he saw the baby moving around on the screen making Jeonghan sigh "He sure does move around a lot. He's also really strong" Seungcheol stared lovingly at the screen and smiled "Since you're a male, your due is going to be very soon. Also, not all contractions mean you're going through labor, okay? I suggest you get your bag and hospital stuff ready by this week" Jeonghan nodded and then looked towards his mother that decided to accompany them, he signed to her what was happening and she smiled brightly while nodding.

Not even two days later, Jeonghan was now in the car sobbing his heart out as his boyfriend drove him to the hospital with his mother at home making his bag to bring with them. "Hang in there, love. We're almost there" Seungcheol said driving as fast as he could to get his boyfriend to the hospital. Five minutes later, the nurses escorted Jeonghan to the ICU as he still couldn't stop himself from sobbing loudly.


Jeonghan screamed as loud as possible as he pushed hard "One more time. Push!" "AH! JUST TAKE HIM OUT ALREADY!" With one last push, baby Choi Soonyoung was finally born. Jeonghan, Seungcheol, and Mrs.Yoon cried their hearts out that day, relieved that everything went well and both Jeonghan and Soonyoung were healthy.

"He's beautiful, Hannie" Jeonghan couldn't help but nod as he sobbed looking at his newborn "Hi Soonyoung" the new parent, Jeonghan spoke. "Hannie?" the youngest in the relationship looked at his boyfriend to see want he wanted only to be welcomed with the sight of Seungcheol kneeling in front of him holding out a glamorous diamond ring "I know we're both still young and all, but since Soonyoung is finally born and baby Jihoon is going to be born in a couple of months, we should already get married and make official. So, will you, Yoon Jeonghan, marry me, Choi Seungcheol?" Jeonghan grabbed his boyfriend's collar and kissed him passionately before nodding with a huge grin on his face "Yes, yes I will" Seungcheol grinned at his now fiance and whispered in his ears "I love you"

"I love you too" Jeonghan replied as Mrs.Yoon cheered in the back while holding Soonyoung.

Happy 5 years to the prettiest fandom to ever exist
Thank you for staying by Seventeen's side all the time
I hope you enjoyed this birthday gift from me~
Took me almost three days to make damn-
Anyways, bye loves~

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