An Unlikely Hero

By 1aNoNa1

343 65 1

Her Father was a hero and it ended up killing him. Ivella Good is left with only her brother when her parents... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23- END

Chapter 13

12 2 0
By 1aNoNa1

(A/N I'm skewing time a bit here to fit my own timeline. Plz bear with it!"

By the time our flight landed it was dark in Japan. About 1AM if my clock is right. I was dropped off at Mic's house. I let out a large yawn as I rolled by few suitcases in the house. Everything else was going to be dropped off tomorrow. 

I tried to be as silent as possible when I opened the door. Instead of wheeling it through the house, I felt my luggage at the door and walked into the living room. I smiled at the sight of Aizawa laying on the couch in his hero outfit with pink sweats for bottoms. 

As silently as possible I snuck up to him and squatted down next to his head. I booped his nose before getting back up and heading to Mic's room. He was a complete mess, which was pretty normal. His blond hair was strewn about the bed and be was as spread out as he could be. His tank top revealed almost his whole stomach becasue his hand pushed it up and was resting on it. He snored with his mouth open loudly. I gently closed his mouth and pulled the blanked back over him. 

Once I walked into my room I noticed my bed was a little wrinkly.  I changed into some pajamas and threw myself into bed. 

The next morning I woke up with a groan. Instead of getting out of bed I rolled over. I opened my eyes only to scream and fall off my bed with a loud thud. 

"What the fucking fuck are you doing?!" I yelled. It seemed my English slipped out. 

"Good morning!" Mic yelled. He was just standing there next to the side of my bed like a creep. He had a huge smile plastered on his face. I sat up with my hand over my racing heart. 

"What are you doing in here?" I asked. He sat down on the bed like nothing just happened. 

"I wasn't sure if you wanted to go to school today, so I was going to wake you up, but you looked so peaceful I just couldn't do it" He cooed at me. I looked at him like he was crazy. 

"What's wrong with you?" I asked. 

"Nothing! I just missed you" He chirped. I shook my head and threw my blankets off of me. 

"Well I'm awake now, I might as well" I pushed Mic out of my room and got ready for school. Once my uniform was on I went into the living room. Aizawa was sitting on the couch with coffee in his hand. As he brought it to his lips I grabbed it from his hand and chugged it then handed him the mug back. 

"I'm going to need a lot more of that to get through the day" I told him. After getting mine and Aizawa's breakfast from Mic, I went back into the living room and sat down next to my teacher. 

"So what's been going on in class 1-A since i've been gone?" I asked. Aizawa looked drained by just the thought of the question. 

"Usually we wait until your guys' second year to put you in internships but after watching the sports festival a  lot of pros were interested in our class so we made an exception. I pulled some strings and got you one as well with a pro names Fatgum. Amajiki and Kirishima both intern there as well. All three of us spoke for you so he's willing to take you in"  Aizawa explained. 

"Are you sure? I'm only in this class becasue I ate a Nomu. Why would he take me in?" I asked. 

"That's actually the exact reason. When he heard you ate a Nomu he immediately agreed. He has a quirk similar to yours. When he eats he can store kinetic energy in his fat and so on." Aizawa explained. I nodded low key impressed Aizawa can talk that much at once outside of school. 

"I have a question" I said to Aizawa. He nodded telling me to ask whatever I wanted. 

"When did you start growing facial hair?" I asked with genuine curiosity. 

"In the womb" He answers without missing a beat. Mic spit out his coffee tot he side and began laughing. I narrowed my eyes at him and pouted my lips. 

"No but actually" I tried again. This time I could see a small smile form on his face. Honestly if I didn't know him as well as I did, I would just think he's expressing hid distaste, but I know his weird, twisted smile anywhere. 

"I popped out of the womb with a beard and lost it in the war" He said again. I burst out laughing. My body hunched over and I rolled onto the floor as I struggled to inhale. I pounded my fist on the hardwood flooring as I wheezed. 

"Alright. It's time to head to school." Aizawa told us two. Mic and I tried calming down, but when we made eye contact we burst out laughing again. He even snorted which made me laugh even harder and snort to. That continued until we were just on the floor snorting like ducks. 

When the two of us arrived at the school I headed to Nezu's office. 

"I'm baaaack~" I cooed. He looked up from his papers and found my eyes. 

"Ah Ivella. It's good to have you back. How was your vacation?" He asked. 

"It was good. I saw an old friend of my mothers when I visited her grave" I told him. Mr. Bear Man nodded and we began to have a short conversation. 

"Oh before you go back to class I have something for you" Nezu said. I turned back at him in confusion. 

"You're going to need this for your internship. Your last one was ripped and covered in blood so I had the design you submitted put on priority" He said and handed me a silver suitcase with the number 8 on it. I guess this was my new hero costume. 

"Be careful out there. I hope everything goes well. Have a good day Ivella" Nezu said his goodbyes and I left his office to head for 1-A's classroom. 

"We got the normal morning lecture with an extra self defense tactics class. Aizawa had finished going over what to do in hypothetical situations before asking the class questions for a small review. 

"What do you do when a villain has a hand wrapped around your neck?" He asked. Before anyone else could answer I stood up and shouted. 

"MOAN TO THROW HIM OFF!" Aizawa tiredly nodded his head.

"Yes, you moan to- Ivella!" When he realized what he was saying he stopped and yelled my name. 

"That is highly inappropriate for this class!" Iida yelled.

"What a stupid answer dumbass" Bakugo yelled. Since I sat between Denki and Kirishima like an odd tumor in the middle of the classroom, Bakugo had to tilt his head back to look to me. An odd mixture of a scoff and a glare showed on my face. 

"Oh go eat a child Boom Boom Man!" I told him. 

"What did you say Shark Teeth?" Bakugo yelled. His quirk began popping in his palm. I gasped and smiled cutely. 

"Awe. You have a nickname for me to? I knew he were friends" I cooed. Bakugo's face went red from anger and I sucked my lips in trying not to laugh. 

"Fuck off extra!" He screamed. 

"Alright you two settle down" Aizawa chimed. My butt found its ay back to my chair while I pouted. 

The class finally finished the review and we were told to grab our hero suits and head to the front of the school. We all did as told. I looked at my suit case with a complicated look. I honestly didn't know how to feel about this. I would be doing REAL hero stuff. This isn't something I really want to do. 

"Hey kid!" Aizawa called. I stood next to him as we walked through the building and outside.

"Sup Dadzawa?" I asked. He walked next to me with his hands in his pocket and his back slightly hunched. 

"While you were gone the others picked out hero names to use during their internships. You need one to before you leave" He told me. I looked at the man dressed in black beside me. This was rather sudden. I'm sure the others had always wanted to be a hero and knew their hero names, but me? I was different. I might have wanted to he a hero when I was a kid, but now I don't want to put my quirk on display in any situation. 

"Just think about it. I'm sure Mic will help you figure one out if you're stuck" He told me. I remember hearing the story of when Mic gave Aizawa his hero name.

By the time we made it to the gates everyone else in the class was there with their hero costumes on their hands. 

"Alright you all should have the addresses of your internship locations. All of those who can't walk there will be goin by train. We are going to go as a group to the train station near the school. Whatever you do, don't get lost." Aizawa sighed. 

As we began walking I found myself in a small group with Kirishima, Denki, Mina, Sero, and Bakugo. We all began chatting for awhile before Kirishima turned to me and asked me a question. 

"What's it like having an eidetic memory Ivella?" The rest of them tunred to me slightly curious as well. Even Bakugo quirked up a brow in interest. 

"It's a blessing and a curse" I say dramatically. 

"Why would it be a curse? I think being able to remember everything I hear of read would be cool" Kirishima added. 

"Yeah! I could totally sleep during class like you and still get perfect scores" Mina added. I  looked down and my bangs covered my face in shadows. 

"What's wrong Ivella?" Sero asked noticing my chnage in demeanor. I looked up at them with a very dramatic, tortured expressing. I gripped my hair tightly.

"YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND! YOU DON'T HAVE TO REMEMBER ALL THE BULLSHIT THAT COMES OUT OF DENKI'S MOUTH FOR THE REST FO YOUR LIFE!" I yelled. Shoji, Ojiro, Jiro, and a few other classmates looked back at me with a confused expression, but tunred back around again. 

"Hey!" Denki shouted immediately after.  

"I understand now" Sero said. Mina, Kirishima, and Bakugo all agreed in their own ways, offending Denki even further. The blond began to pout. I patted his back. 

"It's okay Denki! We still love you even if you're an idiot" I said. Bakugo scoffed. 

"Speak for yourself Fangs" He crossed his arms and scowled. I raised a brow and weaved through my friends to get to Bakugo, who was walking on the other side of me with everyone else in between us. 

"What did you just call me?" I smirked and got into his face. 

"Fuck off extra!" He yelled and walked faster. I huffed. 

"Oh go eat a child Bakubro" I huffed and began walking next to him. 

"Isn't that your job?" He shot back. 

"Oh hoho! We got a big shot. You know, you're talking a lot of shit. I have half a mind to dress you in lettuce and leave you to the snails." That one got me a lot of odd stares. 

"You wanna go extra?!" He yelled. 

"Stop it Ivella and Bakugo!" Aizawa droned from the front. He was used to this from Midoriya and Bakugo while I was on tour apparently. Well, if Mic's information was solid.

"Alright we're here" Aizawa announced. He went over the rules and the class split up. Kirishima and I stayed together seeing as we're going to the same agency. 

"Aizawa didn't give me any information and told me just this morning when I got back, so directions are all on you" I told him. 

"We need to wait for a little bit. Amajiki-senpai is supposed to meet us here and take us to Fatgum's agency." The red head explained. A small frown made it's way to my face. He told Kirishima that, but not me? His girlfriend? 

"S-sorry! Mirio was excited that you were back and gave me some things to give to you" Tamaki stuttered and handed me a basket. I took the blanket off of the top. In the basket was a bunch of American food, some stomach medicine, a dinosaur plushie, coffee beans, and a stainless steal navy colored coffee cup with a dinosaur on it with sunglasses that was saying 'eat the rich'. 

"The three of us figured you might be tired after your trip and got you this stuff" He mumbled. It was so cute. I loved dinosaurs and the 'eat the rich' was an inside joke we shared. I was showing them some meme's and the only thing Nejire could understand was one that said 'eat the rich'. I had to explain to her what it meant after a few weeks becasue she kept using it wrong. I assume the other things are to help with my quirk if I need it during the internship. 

"Tell Mirio and Hado thankyou for me" I told him. By his belt, I pulled Tamaki to me and kissed him on the lips deeply. His whole face erupted in a blush, but it was so nice being able to touch him in person again. I missed him so much. 

"Woah! What?!?!" Kirishima yelled. I kind of forgot he was there. I let go of Tamaki and turned to my classmate. 

"Sorry. Tama and I have been dating for a good three months now. I haven't seen him in awhile so I kissed him in front of you" I explained while scratching the back of my head. 

"Amajiki, you didn't say you knew Ivella, let alone dating her!" He yelled. Tamaki began shrinking in on himself. I grabbed his hand and smiled at him. 

"Sorry Kirishima. Nugget gets nervous and shy about stuff like this. So if you don't mind, can you keep quiet about this?" Kirishima quickly agreed and with that out of the way we all headed to Fatgum's agency. 

When we got there Fatgum was already waiting outside of the three of us. 

"Suneater! And you two must be Ivella and Kirishima" He said. His voice was really upbeat and he seemed like a nice guy. Tamaki always had good things to say about him. 

"Yes sir!" Kirishima answered. 

"Yup that's me" 

"On the information sheet I was given it says that you, Kirishima, your hero name is Red Riot. It doesn't say anything for you though Ivella" He scrunched up his face in confusion. 

"Yeah. I just got back from a month and a half leave so I didn't get the chance to make one. Dadzawa made me pick one while I made my way here. It's nothing fancy, but I decided to go by High Chew for this internship" I told him.

"That's a good one!" Kirishima and I bumped our fists in a small celebration. I didn't have the heart to tell him it was the name of a gum brand in America. 

"In that case welcome to the Fatgum hero agency Red Riot and High Chew!" He announced. 

The next few days went pretty well. Three of us got our own tasks. Kirishima and I trained with some of the sidekicks and even went on patrol with some of them. Tamaki stayed with Fatgum for the most part, so I didn't see much of him outside of when we went back to our hotel. Tamaki still had school and traveled back and forth everyday, but it was still nice being near him. 

Everything was going smooth until Fatgum got a call from Aizawa. He seemed distressed and talked a bit quietly before hanging up the phone. 

"Ivella. Monsters called Nomu's have been released in Hosu city. Erasure head wants you there to help as soon as you can. Another pro hero, Hawks, will pick you up and fly you there. The rest of us are staying here just in case more of them get released. Be ready to go" He said seriously. Kirishima and Tamaki looked at me nervously. 

"Don't worry guys! I'll be fine. I've already beaten 2 of them on my own. I'm sure I can take a few more as long as there are other heroes around" I tried to reassure them as well as myself with those words. 

"Hey kid! Sorry we don't have much time to talk. I'll explain what I can on our way over there!"  A blond hero with red wings stopped at the door and talked quickly. I kissed Tamaki before jumping into Hawks arms and we flew to Hosu as fast as he could. I'm gonna be honest, it was fucking cold. 

Hawks explained to me that they have spotted six Nomu's so far. The number 2 hero Endeavor had already taken one out with his fire We were going into the middle of the fray. My job was to run from Nomu to Nomu and take down as many as I could. 

I told him I understood and he set me down before flying off again. Within seconds a Nomu appeared. Instead of fighting it and wasting time, I just created mouths all over my body and jumped on it. My quirk devoured it within seconds and I was on my way to the next one. 

Hawks had given me a phone that the others heroes used to communicate so I could locate the Nomu's as fast as possible. 

"Wait! Ivella!" I heard a voice call me. I didn't have time to answer it so I continued running, but I was stopped by hands around my waist. 

"Sorry kid i'm in a rush right now!" I tried to tell him. I couldn't see his face, but from his height and voice I figured he was about my age. 

"If you need something go to Fatgum's agency and talk to him. I'll be back there as soon as I take care of the monsters" I told him. 

"Wait!" He called. I stopped trying to get away. 

"I know you're in a rush, but don't eat anymore than 6 Nomu at one time. You'll get very sick and die later on" He said. My eyes widened. I quickly turned around and looked for him, but the boy was a gone as his arms. I brushed it off and continued onto the next one. 

When I arrived in the middle of a town square I saw a large group of heroes using their quirk to try and take it down, but to no avail. Without thinking I jumped right in and did the same as the last one.

I did this 2 more times successfully until I ran into a problem. The 4th one had wings and talons. I grabbed it like I had before and began munching down, but it threw me off. My body collided with a large building. I broke through a few walls made from cement before it stopped. I groaned and clutched my side. I had no doubt my ribs were broke. 

Fear rose inside of me. I had been able to take out the others ones, but I was getting tired and sick. My body was beginning to fail me, and I could feel it. I suppressed the need to vomit and charged back forwards. 

My nerves were on fire. I wasn't sure I could beat this thing with my current power. I really didn't want to, but I activated my enhanced powers and made myself as strong as I could be. On one foot I hopped to gage my power level. Now feeling a bot more confident I rushed out back into the fight. 

With my enhanced strength I ripped off it's arms and head before eating the rest of it. When I was done I felt a bit more confident at the speed I took it out at. I could get the last one. 

Is what I though, but my body gave out. I fell to my knees and my stomach emptied itself on the ground. I violently threw up for what felt like forever. Once the first wave was over I struggled to my feet. The pain from my broken ribs really hit me then. Blood dribbled from my lips and I hobbled to what was the last Nomu. A few more had appeared, but Endeavor managed to take it out. 

When I rounded the corner I saw Todoroki, Iida and Midoriya in bad condition. I limped over to them and that's when I saw Stain the hero killer. He had been all over the news during my flight back home. 

He managed to get out of his restraints and grabbed Midoriya. It was just in time to get him from the clutches of the Nomu. 

"Deku!" I yelled his hero name in concern. They all looked at me. I used the last of my power to rush at the Nomu and rip it's head and arms off giving Endeavor enough time to burn it to cinders. 

"Hehe. That would've helped a bunch with the other four I took out." I tried to laugh, but my ribs ached. I missed what happened with Stain becasue I dropped to my knees and then collapsed. 

"Ivella!" Todoroki, the only one who was in a good condition, ran over to me and tried to help me up. He wrapped my arm around his shoulders and held me up. 

"Todoroki you should let go" I told him.

"No!" He argued. Before I could answer I threw up violently. I tried to aim it the other way, but some still ended up on him. 

The temperature rose drastically to my side. I looked over to see Endeavor with my vomit all over him. 

"Welp. I guess I made it to a toilet" I chuckled. Endeavor was about to go off on me, but Todoroki told him not to. 

"Stay out of this Shoto!" He screamed. I honestly felt really tired and it was making me loopy. I stumbled out of Todoroki's grasp and poked Endeavors chest with a sneer. 

"Listen you long titty, short dick, pile of flaming garbage, I know how you treat Shoto and it's not cool. I would hate to have you as a parent, and mine are DEAD! You need to see how strong he is. If you don't appreciate him, then I will adopt him!" I was honestly just rambling by now. 

"You need to take that thicc ass of yours and find your brain before I eat you!" I threatened. He was angry and was about to retort, but I collapsed. As I passed out I realized that as I told off his old man he laughed.

He wasn't as much of a hard ass anymore. Maybe we could be friends now?  

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