Bitter sweet- TDI

By Midnight_Cure

37.3K 842 138

-In the end, I want to win more than ever, and there's nothing on this island to stop me. While stuck on an i... More

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1.8K 32 9
By Midnight_Cure

Previously on Total Drama Island

Our beloved Islanders were divided into two teams.
We had our first argument of the season, and as Heather said, we found our first hook-up as well.
Hope you're ready for another dose of drama, flirt, and danger.
Cause' This is the first challenge in Total Drama Island.

-Okay. Today's challenge is three-fold. Your first task is to jump off this 1,000-foot-high cliff into the lake.- Chris explains.

-Piece of cake.- Brigette stays positive.

- If you look down, you will see two target areas. The wider area represents the part of the lake, that we have stocked with psychotic *laughs* man-eating sharks. Inside that area is a safe zone. That's your target area, which we're pretty sure is shark free.

-Excuse me.- Leshawna speaks.

I nervously adjust my black swimsuit's strap, looking down the cliff.

-For each member of your team who jumps and actually survives, there will be a crate of supplies waiting below. Inside each crate are supplies that you'll need for the second part of the challenge... building a hot tub. The team with the best one gets to have a wicked hot tub party tonight. The losers will be sending someone home. Let's see, Killer Bass, you're up first.

-Oh, wow. So, who wants to go first?- Bridgette turns to us.

No one dares to meet her eyes, not even Duncan, who found something presumably fascinating on his nails. I bite my lower lip lightly, not willing to go first as well.

-Hey, don't sweat it, guys. I heard that these shows always make the interns do the stunt first to make sure it's survivable.-Owen tries to encourage us.

-So, who's up?- Eva asks.

-Ladies first.- Duncan answers.

-Wow, what a gentleman.- I roll my eyes at him.

-Fine, I'll go. It's no big deal, just an insane cliff dive into a circle of angry sharks.-Bridgette breathes.

I rush to the edge to watch her jump. Luckily, she makes it to the safe zone. I don't know if she can see, but I smile anyway.

-She did it. Yeah! Yeah! I'm next. Cowabunga! Oh!

Tyler jumps but has a painful encounter with a mark.

Then Geoff gives me a warm smile and jumps as well, holding his hat firmly in place the whole time. Eva follows suit right after without any complaints.

-Unh-unh. No way, man. I'm not jumping.- DJ states, crossing his arms over his broad chest.

-Are you scared of heights?- Chris questions.

-Yeah, ever since I was a kid.

-That's okay, big guy. Unfortunately, that also makes you a chicken. So you'll have to wear this for the rest of the day.

Chris puts a chicken hat on DJ's head with an amused smirk.

-Aw, man. For real?

-Hey, how about we jump together? It won't be so scary.- I put my hand on his back, tilting my head up to meet his eyes.

-I'm sorry, Alexandra, but I'm petrified.

-It's alright, don't feel bad about it.- I reassure softly.

-You know it can cost us a challenge.

Courtney scowls, but I silence her with a glare while patting my tall friend on the back. She gives me an unsatisfied nod, agreeing to let it slip.

-DJ, can you have an eye on this for me? I don't want to get it wet.- I point at my navy bag, which I always carry around. Better be safe than sorry.

-Sure thing.- he puts his palm on my shoulder- I know you can do this, you're a strong lady, show them what you've got.

I hand him my bag with a towel, a water bottle, my small medical kit, and some other things. His words made me feel a bit better. While I talked with DJ Ezekiel and Harold jumped and got to the shore.

-Excuse me, Chris. I have a medical condition.- Courtney says.

-What condition?- Chris asks.

-Yeah, what condition?- I join.

-A condition that prevents me from jumping off cliffs.- She shrugs.

-If you know you can't jump, why were you harsh with, DJ?- I raise my brow.

-It's math, Alexandra. He weakened our chances.

-And so you do.

-It's different. Otherwise, it's a calculated risk. I've seen the other team, and I don't think nine of them will jump.

-How can you know that?- I furrow my brows.

-Really, Alexandra, look at those losers. I thought you were more intelligent.

-Yeah, and I thought you were nicer. Guess we're equally disappointed.

-Seems like that. Whatever you say, I'm not jumping anyway.

-All right, here is your chicken hat. So let's tally up the results. Hold on. That's eight jumpers and two chickens. We're missing three.- Chris says.

-I'll go.- I decide.

-As if. There is no way someone like you can do this.- Heather throws another remark at me.

-Someone like me, have you seen yourself?- I turn to her in an instant.

-Yes, and I look amazing like always.- Heather smirks.

-Yes, you do. And like always, you're leading in the contest for the biggest bitch around.- I put a hand on my hip.

-If you're finished, way down is in that direction.

-I'm sorry to disappoint you cause I'm not backing out.

I growl at her, run to the edge, and jump.

I can't see where I'm falling. The water seems even colder than earlier. I resurface as fast as I can. I landed outside the safe zone...

Campers start to scream as I swim frantically to safety. I feel my heart thumping like crazy and the rush of adrenaline in my muscles with each stroke I make to reach the boat. A strong hand pulls me up just a moment before a shark bites a spot I was at. I cough some water out and collapse on the deck.

-Chef, you saved me.- I roll onto my back and gaze at him.

-Of course, I did.

-Thank you.- I smile.

-Don't get used to that.

-Yes, sir.

He helps me jump off the boat to the shore, where my team is gathered. DJ pulls a towel from my bag and wraps it around me gently. I don't know whether the warmth of the towel or DJ's presence, but I'm provided with the illusion of safety, despite the death threat I faced a few seconds ago. 

The next thing I know is that my team starts to ask questions. So many questions that I can't understand any of them. It's all disconnected from my perception, all but an arm that wraps around my shoulders, silencing the rest. I nestle into the person next to me, allowing them to pull me into a hug.

After a while, I look up, but the tangy scent of cheap cigarettes tells more than enough. The person sitting next to me is Duncan. I smile a little and shake my head ever, so slightly. 

-Looks like you're feeling better, princess.- He puts on this distinguishing smirk.

-I knew you can be caring.- I chuckle softly.

-Don't feel special. I just wanted them to shut up.- He points to our teammates.

-Thank you.- I ruffle his mohawk and give him my sweet smile.

-Hey, what do you think you're doing?

-Don't feel special. I just wanted to be considerate.

He smirks at my remark, and we head to check on the challenge.

-What's the score?- I ask them, standing by casually.

-Alexandra, don't you ever scare me as this again.-DJ gives me a strong cuddle.

-No promises.

-I'm so relieved you're alright.- Bridgette says, hugging me as well.

-I've had a heart attack, Alexandra. I was standing there and even wanted to jump to your rescue, but then I realized I can't fight the shark.- Geoff explains, gesturing keenly.

-It's alright, Geoff.- I breathe when he hugs me.

-Good you're alive.- Courtney says.

-Yeah, thanks.

-If you didn't take time to yourself, you would know that Katie and Sadie are on our team. Since one of them switched places with Izzy.

-Courtney, she was almost eaten by sharks.-Bridgette puts an arm around my shoulders.

-Not cool.- DJ shakes his head disapprovingly as well.

-It's alright, guys. We had a little misunderstanding up there, but I hope we can leave it behind.- I extend my hand to Courtney.

-You're right. There's no need to argue over this. After all, we're a team. Enough of those apologies. We need to focus on the challenge, remember.- She smiles slightly.

-Chill out. We have to wait for Gophers to jump anyway.-Duncan scoffs.

-Whatever.- she gives Duncan a side eye and turns away from us.

I smack Duncan on the back of his head. He probably didn't think it would piss her off, but he has to acknowledge the fact it did. 

-You didn't have to intervene in that one, Duncan.- I say.

-It's not my fault she overreacted.

I want to go after her, but a warm, gentle palm grabs my wrist.

-I don't think it's a good idea. The girl is fuming, give her a moment to cool off -Geoff says.

-I'm sure she'll get over it in no time.-Bridgette nods.

-If you say so. DJ, can I have my bag?

-Of course, here you go.- he hands me mentioned item.

-I'll be back in a minute.- I say, walking off.

-Where are you going, princess?

-I need a quick break to gather my thoughts.

-Don't get lost.

-Yeah, I'll try.- I laugh at punk.

I reach the edge of the forest, quickly but make sure, I see my team. I pull from my bag a vape pen. I know I shouldn't smoke, but recently, The sensation of fruity smoke against my nostrils and lips brings me the undeniable content. It's the thing that makes me feel at home, where my best friend each and every day carries around a vape of different flavors. I manage to remain unnoticed and come back just in time to see Heather being thrown from the cliff by Leshawna.

-Karma is such a sweet thing.- I whisper with undeniable satisfaction.

Gophers jump go swiftly till Justin lands outside the safe zone. He somehow manages to gentle sharks, who take him to the shore. Everyone glues their eyes on him. I can't help but stare at the outplay too. As he walks onto the shore like a runway model, I keep my eyes on the water's surface.

-Sorry, I wasn't around to help you this time.- Justin presents his perfect smile, as he walks by me.

-Did they teach you how to train sharks on one of your photoshoots?- I ask, raising my brow as my eyes follow him.

-Animals naturally like me.

-I've noticed. You're a lucky guy. I'd give a lot to pet a shark.- I glance at the water.

-That's a weird dream.- Justin ponders.

-Doesn't sound weird, coming from a weirdo like me.- I chuckle.

-You're not a weirdo. Weirdos, don't admire my beauty.

-Who said I do? I don't judge a book by its cover.

-Well then, I'll make you admire me for something else.- He smirks cheekily.

-You've already got a point for this shark ride.-I smirk, not turning again to look as he joins his team.


Alexandra: Since when does Justin smirk? I thought he could only smile like a boy from a magazine.

I make my way to the Bass team, and Katie immediately rushes up to me.

-Oh, you're so lucky that he talked to you. He's so handsome.

-Then go talk to him. He doesn't bite.- I shrug.

-No, no, no, no. No flirting between teams.- Courtney cuts in.

-They're free people. If they fancy each other, there's nothing you can do.- I state.

-But, it's competition.

-And, we're here for holidays and adventure.- Geoff says.- Winning is nice, but there are better things.- He winks at me.

-I know how much winning means to you. I'll do my best in challenges, but outside of them, we should enjoy our time here.- I suggest.

-Fine.- Courtney sighs.- I can't win with all of you.

-About the challenge, we've got high chances. Look who's up.- Tyler points out.

The rest of the Gophers jumped, excluding Beth. Everything depends on Owen now.


Owen: Oh, I was pretty darn nervous. See, the thing is, I'm not that strong a swimmer.

Geoff: I'm looking at this guy and think, "there's no way he's gonna make it."

Gwen: I thought, "if he jumps this... he's gonna die."

All of us nervously watch as he runs to the edge of the cliff. The moment he touches the water a big wave is sent our way. It gets everyone soaked, I can even see a shark thrown to the shore by Owen's jump. I must have lost my balance because I'm laying on the sand.

Owen jumped. We lose.

Time skip

The boxes are heavy and poorly made. The splinters on the edges are almost mocking us to get them under our skin. How ironic they remind me of what Chris is doing to us all the time. Let's hope camp isn't far from there.

-Ow! I think I just got a splinter.- Courtney groaned, pointing at her palm. I feel the pung of pride you get when you get to say "I told you so".

-Shut up and pick up your crate... Chicken.- Eva picks up the box with just one hand.

I giggle at Eva, but at the same time admire her strength. She hears my giggle and sends me a smile, which I gladly return.

-Hey, I'm the only one with C.I.T. camping experience here. You need me.- Courtney huffs.

DJ and Eva look at each other unsure.

-Yeah, and I was a summer camp supervisor, but no one asked, honey.- I raise my hand.

Courtney doesn't know how to respond. She is staying here with her jaw on the floor level. She looks like a fish, trying to breathe her mouth opening and closing, but no words come out.

I approach her with my bag and gently take her hand.

-What are you doing?- She asks.

-You said you've got a splinter. I'll take it out.

I put my medical kit out and pick small lino. I pour it into sanitizer. I softly disinfect her palm, grab tweezers, and swiftly get rid of the splinter. When everything is done, I gather my things and come back to push my crate.

-Hey, it was nice of you to do that.- Geoff comes over with his crate.

-Don't mention this.

-Where did you learn first aid?

-I went to some classes. I had to at least learn the basics. I was a summer camp supervisor with my best friend last summer, so it was a must.

-You're so cool. Nooo, I mean that's cool, not you. No, I mean, you are cool, it's just...

-Geoff, it's ok. I understand.-I giggle at his attitude.

-Ugh, I've gotta take a wiz.- Tyler says, loudly so all of us can hear.

-Hurry up. We're already behind.- Eva tells him.

-Ooh, I have to go, too.

-You do? Oh, my gosh, me, too.

And with that said, Katie and Sadie also head to the woods.

I gladly take a break from the boxes and decide to talk with Eva.

-You're a really strong girl. How much do you have to work to be in this shape?

-Thanks for noticing. I work out every day and push my limits. That's what makes me feel alive.

-I'm happy to hear that. Everyone needs such a thing.

-What about you? You don't seem like a sporty type. What's with this artistic thing Chris was talking about?

-He was talking about it?

-I would call it blabbing, but yes, he did. He said something about instruments. Do you really play so many of them?


-You don't sound excited, despite being someone who graduated from music school.- She makes me blush.

-I just don't like talking about it to someone I don't know well. It always makes me feel puffy and prideful, and I don't want people to see me as 'I'm the best type'.

-You definitely aren't this type. I can tell that much.-she smiles at me.

-Thanks.- I answer, still blushing.

-Feeling better?- Eva turns her attention to Katie and Sadie.


-Can we go now? I think my eye is swelling up.- Courtney sighs.

I make my way toward her. Seeing her eye, I take out my medical kit one more time, taking care of her injury.

-There's not much I can do, but I think it'll prevent further swelling and soothe the pain.

-Thank you. And I'm sorry for being frosty. I think the stress is getting on my nerves.- She says, blushing.

-No hard feelings. Now let's go. We still have the challenge to win.- I wink.


Coming up...

We find out the winners of the first challenge.

Heather has an evil plan.

Alexandra makes a pact with someone.

And, Ezekiel gets himself in some serious trouble.

Who will be the first loser of the season?

Find out in Total Drama Island!

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