Italian Journey

By bmobile22

23K 1.3K 172

Jasmine loved to travel but for a struggling waitress with no money, her dreams of traveling was just that... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Cast - Leading Man
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Author's Note
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 22
Chapter 24
Chapter 25

Chapter 21

600 35 6
By bmobile22


Strolling through the small, narrow lanes of Venice was spectacular ! Lorenzo hooked my arm through his and became my personal tour guide. We slowly strolled past buildings that were in their own right, a paradox- buildings that were crumbling yet presented an ornate and regal appearance. Buildings that gave Venice its unique character and beauty.

We stopped for lunch along the way in a small quaint bistro with Lorenzo ordering lunch for both of us in his smooth, velvety Italian voice. I had no idea what he was saying but I found myself trusting that he would order something that I would find tasty- I was not wrong. He ordered caponata  as an appetizer for both of us, which was really a bowl of delicious veggies, which also included tomatoes, eggplant and onions. It was delicious, served along with garlic bread and a fruity red wine that Lorenzo had also ordered, I felt my tastebuds open up with the hearty flavours.

He would have ordered more but I couldn't eat a drop more. "Are you sure mi amor? We could order something else," Lorenzo asked, trying to entice me. I shook my head, smiling.

"No, It's fine, I'm full already. Plus, I really want to see more of Venice."

"Bene, let's go" Lorenzo responded, giving me a look of indulgence and understanding. 'Hmm, I could really fall hard for this man,' I thought to myself. Shaking my head and my lovestruck thoughts out of my head, I followed him out the bistro.

Taking my arm once more we began to drift towards the Bridge of Sighs and Lorenzo recited the legend behind the name. As he stopped to point out the area where the prisoners would pass through, out of the corner of my eye, I noticed two young women approaching us. I thought nothing of it, since Venice was a tourist destination and people had been passing us by all day, but when they stopped in front of us, I truly began to focus on them. The one at the front was a blonde with green eyes and a slim, petite figure and her companion was a young woman with black hair and blue eyes. They looked to be in their 20's and had a brash air about them.

"Buonjourno, bello. Perché sei con lei quando si potrebbe essere con me?" said Blondie. Now I did not understand what she was saying but I knew it could not be good, when I felt Lorenzo suddenly stiffen at my side. Looking up at his face, his eyes looked hard as granite and the smile that was just on his face had vanished.

"Che non è la vostra preoccupazione,muoversi lungo" replied Lorenzo in a tone that could freeze the lagoon that surrounded Venice itself, in its iciness and anger. His eyes staring daggers at Blondie but she was not taking the hint.

Blondie appeared either brave or completely foolish because she continued to speak to him , even getting a bit closer to him, twirling her finger in the front of her hair in what she thought was sexy look. "Stai cercando qualcosa di diverso, esotici, si. Hai bisogno di una buona donna italiana come me."

Now, I'm looking between them wondering what the hell is going on. I can already guess that Blondie is trying to pick up my man right in front of me. The audacity of this little girl!! Wait, 'my man?!' where the hell did that come from!?  A voice inside my head responds, Admit it, you want him to be your man! Don't deny it! Ugh! I'm arguing with myself here. Haha!

Lorenzo's face turns a deep shade of red and I thought all hell was going to break loose. I was afraid, not for myself but for Ms. Blondie who was definitely barking up the wrong man. Yet, Lorenzo surprised me when he leaned closer to her and spoke in a surprisingly soft voice, soft of course in its deadly intent, " non vale la pena il mio tempo, lei è inestimabile y e non vali nulla."

He gently turned me around and left Blondie and her friend with their mouths open and jaws hitting the cobble stone of the pathway. We walk in silence for a few minutes but I was plain curious. "Sooo, what was that about? "

Turning to look me dead in my eyes, Lorenzo spoke in his deep, velvety, sexy voice that instantly sent pleasant tingles up and down my spine, "Nothing to concern yourself about mi amor. She thought that she could distract me from a real woman, distract me from my real prize but I had to educate her on her mistake. She is nothing when compared to you." He reinforces his passionate lines by raising my hand to his lips and placing a soft kiss upon it.

I melted, literally and figuratively. I swear I swooned and my knees buckled. My underwear felt suddenly and suspiciously damp. I only had eyes for Lorenzo and he for me. I fully embraced the fact then and there that I had fallen for this sexy Italian man and I was going to give this burgeoning relationship everything I had in me to make it work.  Of course, he had to smirk when he noticed I was a little wobbly. Damn!

"Let us put that unfortunate incident behind us with a gondola ride, mi amor" Lorenzo offered, or rather stated. Next thing I knew, we were settled in a Gondola and being carried across the water in one of the most romantic cities in the world- Venice. Me, being cuddled against Lorenzo's side as he wrapped his arms around me, leaving me feeling safe and wanted.

What a way to end my last day in Venice!! Tomorrow the tour moves on to Verona. Will Lorenzo come with me? Can he take so much time off from his business? I hope so, I really hope so.

Wow! I think this is the longest chapter I have written so far. I guess I needed to include the conflict with Blondie. LOL!!

I hope that my Italian phrases were accurate, I tried my best.

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perché sei con lei quando si potrebbe essere con me- Why are you with her when you could be with me?

che non è la vostra preoccupazione - that is not your concern

muoversi lungo - move along

stai cercando qualcosa di diverso- you are looking for something different

esotici - exotic

hai bisogno di una buona donna italiana come me - you need a good Italian woman like me

non vale la pena il mio tempo- you are not worth my time

lei è inestimabile y e non vali nulla- she is priceless and you are worth nothing

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