That wolf-boy ~ Jacob Black

By avadakedavra_xo

47.5K 727 103


1. Bella's first day
2. 'Welcome back' party/saving Bella
3. Discussion
4. School trip
5. Bella's visit
6. Baseball
7. the tracker
8. Prom
9. Bella's 18th
10. Edwards Plan
11. Packing up
12. New York
13. Motorcycles
14. Suicide
15. She's Alive
16. Wolf-Boy
17. Volterra
18. The Volturi
19. Back In Forks
20. Run
21. Wiskey
22. An Imprint?
23. Change the treaty
24. Meeting The Pack
25. Trouble
26. Argument
27. Apologies
28. Passed out
29. Graduation
30. They are coming here....
31. Training
32. The First Date
33. More training
34. Day off

35. One long night

686 9 29
By avadakedavra_xo

"Carlisle" I sighed down the phone after he told me that I had to stay with Jacob tonight
"You need some time away from Bella and Edward Ivy" he replied
"But- I, we are going to miss training"
"I think you are very well trained, please stay with Jacob dear..."
"But— he... ugh do I have to? Cant I just come home?"
He laughed a little "you have been dying to see him all week, we had to get Jasper to stop you from missing him so much—"
"He used his power on me!" I huffed
"Yes, and it helped a lot. Now you need to catch up with him and enjoy your night... I promise you if anything changes we will call you okay?"
"Fine..." I hung up on him and walked back into the house

"So..?" Jacob was instantly up and facing me
"I'm staying - but no longer than the night" I warned
"Understood" he nodded his head slightly before smashing his lips onto mine making me melt, the kiss earlier today was needy but this one was filled will lust and love.
"Okay Jake" I sighed pulling away "calm down"
"Sorry, I just— I missed you" he sat himself back on the sofa pulling me with him
"You already said that earlier" I sighed resting my head onto his shoulder
"There's no rule about me saying it twice" he shrugged, grabbing the TV remote and putting on a football game
I rolled my eyes and stood up "what do you want for dinner?"
"What?" He glanced at me quickly before snapping his head back to the TV
"What, would, you, like, to, eat?" I repeated but slower this time
"Oh uh anything will do"
"Right" I walked into the kitchen and started making a simple meal for him, but as I was making it Alice facetimed me.

"is everything okay Alice?" I asked, still preparing the food
"Well it is now... You didn't tell me you were going off to see Jacob! I stopped seeing your future, I got scared" she sighed, resting her phone on her vanity
"You should of asked Carlisle, it was his idea to make me stay with him tonight" I chuckled lightly
"where are you?"
"I have no idea, I just know it's a little beach house that the Wolfs own"
"oh... do you want me to come find you? and bring you home?"
"no, no it's okay, I should stay and enjoy some time with him without you lot"
she shot me a disapproving look "He might kill you"
this made me look deeply into her eyes and shake my head "Alice that's not going to happen, and you know that's not what I meant by 'enjoy some time'!"
"Alice leave her alone..." I heard Jasper sigh as he walked into frame "Sorry Ivy, we couldn't stop her from calling"
"It's fine Jazz, she was just worried, nothing wrong with that" I smiled as I put the food into the oven
"I hope your not going to eat that.." Alice's voice came over much harsher than I'd like to imagine
"Of course not Alice, it's for Jake"
"Good... well... uh I guess I'll leave you now... please call me if anything happens"
"Yeah I know" I rolled my eyes "Bye!"
"Bye Ivs!"

I let out a huff as the oven dinged "that was quick"
I pulled out the food and plated it nicely before carrying it into the living room for him
"Here Jake" I handed it to him with only a nod in return.
"Yeah.. your welcome" I sighed as I threw myself on the other end of the corner sofa.

I sat there for the entire game in silence, with a few brief yells from Jacob, If I was at home I would at least be included by Emmett some how. But now the game was over and Jacob was snapping back into reality, He got up and sat himself next to me, his arm instantly draping behind me.
"So what are we going to do?" He asked
I shrugged, not really having any ideas
he was silent for a second as his arms found there way to snake to my hips, pulling me onto his lap
"I know what I want to do" he smirked slightly
I laughed, but then realised he was serious "Oh, no, no Jacob we cant, we cant"
"why not" he started to kiss down my neck
"Jacob... you know why we cant"
he hummed against my skin
"Jakey... we can't risk it"
"it's part of the fun" he mumbled
"We could seriously hurt eachother..." I started to play with his hair
"I couldn't hurt you."
"but you wouldn't try to, that's the problem"
he lifted himself back up and looked me in the eyes
"we'll be careful"
"Jake" I sighed just as he picked me up again and sat me next to him
"fine, we'll just watch a movie then" he harshly grabbed the remote and put on the first movie he saw on there.
"your not mad at me are you jake?" I asked, trailing my cold hand down his tonned stomach
"Nope" he hummed, clearly unamused
"You sure?" I peered closer to him and stared for a second
"I'm not mad Ivy" he shook his head before uncomfortably wrapping his arm around my shoulder and shifted in his place.
I sighed and stayed where I was, I didn't pay attention to the TV, only Jake's very loud thoughts, he was angry after all as he was clearly cussing me out in his head. I didn't want to carry on listening, its an invasion of privacy really, but he was too loud. I just needed to get to another room.

"I going to go read in the other room" I told him
"hm?" he questioned unlocking his eyes from the celling
"i'm going to read" I tapped his head as I got up and walked quite quickly up to the bedroom. His thoughts were now completely drowned out, I opened my suitcase and found a whole stack of books with a note on top - "Ivy, I apologize... I had no idea which book youd like so I gave you an option. Japser x"
I smiled at his gesture and picked my favourite from the stack before settling on the bed.

I spent hours sitting on the bed reading and I almost finished the book when Jacob slowly opened the door.

"Oh, your awake"
"yes, im awake." I replied, still engrossed in the book
"right..." he grabbed something to change into and made his way onto the bed, he laid next to me, one arm draping over my stomach.
"It would be cool... if we could uh, have... kids" he mumbled
I spat out a huge laugh "Jake... that isn't one bit possible... thank god" i whispered the last part.
"I just think, I mean... we could try, hm? You never know what's possible or not I mean just look at us for starter - this should of never happened, but it did, and it's good"
"Jacob Black. I am not going to have sex with you, it's too risky"
"Your brother and Bella do" he huffed, but instantly gagged thinking about it, though I was used to it.
"That's because they aren't natural enemies, like us. Edward doesn't want to kill her and she obviously doesn't want to kill him"
He was about to add to my point but I cut over, "and I know your about to say 'but I don't want to kill you, and you don't want to kill me what's the difference?' We wouldn't be focused on not wanting to kill each other during that, so there's a massive possibility that we would try something at least..."
"I can control myself" he shrugged
I finally put my book down, realising I won't get more time for that "I think your one of the most un controlled wolf in that pack"
He scoffed and rolled the face the other way, I realised that tonight was not going to go fast at this rate.

A few hours later he rolled back over,
"But what I'm saying is—"
"Go to sleep Jake" I started to pat down his head, pulling him into my side. Soon enough he was asleep, all of his thoughts just stopped, making the room dead silent. I laid next to him, watching him for hours, he kept tossing and turning... and sweating a lot. But it was fine.
Soon enough I had fallen asleep too.

When I woke up Ivy was laid next to me dead to the world, she wasn't moving or anything- she looked quite beautiful. I didn't want to wake her so I made my way into the kitchen to get myself something to eat. About an hour later she came huffing down the stairs, her hair in a messy bun and she was only wearing my T-shirt.

"Hey," I smiled over, watching her jump onto the sofa
"Mmm" she groaned, pulling the blanket over her body
"Are you ok?" I sat next to her
"Ivy Elizabeth, tell me... what's wrong?"
She shook her head "nothing... tired"
"Yeah? You just tired?"
"Mhm" she kept looking at me as I walked around to sit with her. She very quickly moved around to hug me and cling closely to me.

"What is wrong with you?"
"I uh... thought about... what you were talking about yesterday..." she announced sheepishly
"Oh yeah..." I smirked, getting at what she was saying already
"I guess- I mean... well it couldn't hurt to even just try? Right?" She looked up at me now, her eyes filled with hope...

Once I'd looked up at him there was no turning back, he'd already grabbed my thighs and pulled me onto his lap, his lips found their way to mine easily- and we stayed like that for a while...

I fumbled to open the bedroom door as Jacob pushed me against it still kissing me passionately. I finally managed to grab it and push the door open. Jacob guided me backwards to the bed as he quickly pulled my shirt off, only pausing to remove his own. He peppered kisses down my neck and unclasped my bra as he pushes me back onto the bed softly. I tugged on the waistband of his pants and he instantly pulled them down before turning to pull mine off- along with my underwear. He positioned his head between my legs and kissed up my thighs almost kissing where I now knew I wanted him too.

"Jacob.." I moaned in frustration
"What?" He questioned smirking at me yet again
"I need you..." I trailed off
"Oh yeah... where?" He teased, sending a a burst of adrenaline through me
"Let me show you" I said smirking right back.

I tangled my fingers in his hair and guided him to my core. He waisted no time and gently sucked on my clit making me moan and grip his hand tighter. He kept going and pushed his tongue into me making me gasp and throw my head back in pleasure.

"Jake... I want..."
"Mhm" he knew exactly what I mean and pulled away momentarily only to push two fingers in, massaging my clit with his thumb as he curled his fingers inside managing to somehow hit the perfect spot. I gasped as he pumped his fingers in and out. I felt some sort of knot form in my stomach...

"Jacob... Jacob... I'm gonna—"
"That's right... come on, cum for me beautiful" he whispered. His words makes tremble over the edge and he kept going until my high subsided. He took his fingers out and sucked my juices off. I moaned uncontrollably as I watched him swirl his tongue around his fingers. Suddenly I got the urge to pull him up and closer.

"Your already wanting round two, Cullen?" He asked chuckling, his eyes glistening with lust. I ignored his remark and took his boxers off as he pushed me back onto the bed again hovering over me. He positioned himself at my entrance and slowly enters me gasping at the sensation. I moaned as I felt him fill me again and griped the sheets. He started moving slowly.

"Could you... go... a little harder?" I asked
"You want it rough, huh?" He shook his head "you were the one that didn't even want to do this 7 hours ago... well you asked for it"

Suddenly he started pounding into me harshly causing me to gasp out. He keeps pounding into me deeply, hitting my g-spot everytime. Before long I felt myself getting close again and his thrusts start to get sloppy, which must of meant he was getting close too.

"Fuckkk..." he moaned

I tumbled after him and moan loudly, my toes curling as he keeps going and riding out my highs. He pulls out and collapses next to me. We laid there panting for a few minutes before either of us said anything.
"Told you we wouldn't want to kill each other" he remarked

Great thing to say after sex Jacob... just perfect

((( thanks to AbigailCOOPER101 for helping with this chapter especially 😌)))

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