Timeless[Soulmate AU][Five X...

By PhoenixBTS

121K 2.1K 688

On the twelfth hour of the first day of October 1989, 43 women around the world gave birth. This was unusual... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33

Chapter 7

4.4K 72 3
By PhoenixBTS

"Reservation for Hazel and Cha-Cha," Cha-Cha says as the receptionist sighs, putting a card on the table.

"Here you go. Room 225."

"What about the other room?"

"Uh… only one room was booked."

"Dammit," Hazel says. "I'm sick of this cost-cutting bullshit."

"Just tell me there's two beds," Cha-Cha says.

"Yes, ma'am," The receptionist says. "Real firm. Now, how long do you think you'll be staying with us?"

"Just the one night. I believe there's a package waiting for us," Cha-Cha says before the receptionist places a large box on the table as Cha-Cha carries the package to her and Hazel's room.

"Okay, have a good night."


The two assassins walked into their room, turning on the light.

"Go ahead. Say it," Cha-Cha tells her partner.

"What?" Hazel asks.

"No point keeping it bottled up, or it'll just give you heartburn, and I gotta listen to you complain about that, too."

"Smells like cat piss," Hazel comments. "First, they cut our per diem, and then our dental, and… now we don't even get our own rooms. Where does it end?"

"When we retire… or die," Cha-Cha replied. "Whatever comes first. But at least we're not stuck in some cubicle."

"Damn wrist is killing me," Hazel complained, unscrewing the vent and placing the briefcase inside. "Couldn't have made this into a backpack or something?"

"What are you doing?" Cha-Cha asks.

"It's not like we're gonna use it while we're doing the job, anyway," Hazel says.

"It's against protocol," Cha-Cha says. "We gotta have it with us at all times."

Hazel sighs. "A rule written by a bureaucrat who never had to carry one," He scoffs. "They can shove their protocol up their asses. Let them try lugging around the damn thing."

"Never been after one of our own before," Cha-Cha says, holding a small picture of an elderly Five. "They say what happened to the first guys?"

"Liquidated," Hazel replies, voice shaking as his bed vibrated.

"Dummy local hires," Cha-Cha comments. "You get what you pay for. Okay, now, where's our guy?"


"Call dispatch. We're going to need two more units," A police officer says as an entire squad arrives at Five and Y/n's crime scene.

"Coming up to South Side right now."

"This is a once in a blue moon type of situation, I'd say," Eudora Patch, Diego's ex girlfriend, says.

"I'm inclined to agree," Her partner, Beeman, says.

"Same gun on every vic, all M4s. All the casings are .223s. Know what I think?" Eudora asks. "I think these idiots all shot each other."

Beeman chuckles. "And stabbed. One in the throat, one in the eye, and this guy got his neck snapped. All quick and efficient kills."

"These guys were definitely professionals. Dumb, but professionals. Any witnesses?"

"Yes," Beeman sighs. "One. It happened during her shift," He explains, pointing at the waitress who had served Five and Y/n.

"Well, that's lousy luck," Eudora says before going up to the lady. "Ma'am, I'm Detective Patch."

"Hi, Agnes. Agnes Rofa," The woman introduces herself. "Oh, I don't know, did you want a last name?"

"I'll take it if you'll give it," Eudora says, sitting down.

"Did you see what happened here?"

Agnes sighs. "No, not exactly."

"Let's start at the top."

"Well, it was… it was a slow night. It was quiet. My last three customers were this… older guy and… and his kids. The guy had a dough… No, that's not right. The guy had an éclair, and the kids had… had coffee. I went… I went into the back room… um, to just get more change. But then I heard his truck start up. They drove away. I heard shots. And by the time I got back in here… everyone was…" She sniffles, looking at the dead bodies around her. "… was, you know…"

"Was there anyone else in the shop?"

"No, I… I don't think so. I'm sorry, not to be rude, cause you seem super sweet, but… do I have to go through all this again?"


"Well, I already told the other detective everything."

"What other detective?"


Diego escapes Griddy's Donuts through the back door before seeing Eudora waiting there for him.

"Shit. Hang on, let me…" He says before getting the taser gun used against him.

"You don't talk to my witnesses, understand?" Eudora asks, handcuffing him and guiding him to a police car.

"Let me catch you up to speed, Eudora."

"Don't call me that!"

"Right, Detective Patch. What, are we gonna keep things professional?"

"Hey, Diego!" An officer greets.
"I don't know if we ever agreed on much," Eudora says.

"We agreed on some things," Diego says.

"Did we really, though?" Eudora asks, patting Diego's body. "I'm confiscating this," She says, taking a walkie-talkie.

"Military surplus, practically giving them away."

"And this," She says, getting another police gadget from one of his pockets.

"No skin, super cheap, bought in on eBay."

"That you can keep," She says, returning him his mask.

"You used to like that," Diego says.

"Not anymore."

"By the way," Diego says as Eudora guides him to a police car. "This whole thing might look like a botched robbery, but my gut's telling me something else is going on here. Look, the waitress, she mentioned that Ishmael's Tow Truck guy. Maybe they saw something."

"You're not police, Diego? Remember?"

"Yeah, I know."

"Do you?" Eudora asks. "Because you show up and act like you can be a part of this," She says, slamming the car door shut. "And you can't, not anymore."

"I'm good at this. You know I can help you."

"I know you give me agita," Eudora shoots back. "And I do not need… I do not want your help. Okay?" She asks, walking away with her heels clicking.

"Lord, you test me," She says, peeping at the sky.

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