Discovering Mack

By prettiestoflies

6.3K 463 34

"Not screwing as in ongoing. It was a one time... or two time thing," I cringe at how slutty that makes me so... More

Nice To Meet You
1| One
3| Three
4| Four
5| Five
6| Six
7| Seven
8| Eight
9| Nine
10| Ten
11| Eleven
12| Twelve
13| Thirteen
14| Fourteen
15| Fifteen
16| Sixteen
17| Seventeen
18| Eighteen
19| Nineteen
20| Twenty
21| Twenty-One
22| Twenty-Two
23| Twenty-Three
24| Twenty-Four
25| Twenty-Five
26| Twenty-Six
27| Twenty-Seven
28| Twenty-Eight
29| Twenty-Nine
Bonus | I love you

2| Two

253 16 3
By prettiestoflies

Fridays are always my hardest day of the week. I get home in the early hours of the morning, grab a couple of hours sleep, then head to work at the accountants. If I'm lucky I get to finish up early, just so I can get home, clean up the house a little bit and go to work again. If I'm really lucky, I might get a quick nap. It's exhausting, but I push through because I like to eat and take hot showers.

Today was one of those lucky days my boss let me go early. I think it was so he could leave early too, but I'm not questioning it nor complaining.

Sitting on the old rickety tram below an open window, the only ounce of fresh air to break the stifling heat, I hold the card Scarlett gave me between my fingers as I think about our encounter last night. Not even five minutes of conversation and here I was faced with another choice in my life that could either be just what I need, or ruin everything. This wasn't my life, things like this don't happen to me. I play it safe, easy. Always the easy path.

The idea of taking a leap scares the crap out of me. I don't take leaps, I make safe, calculated decisions. Maybe that's my problem though, I don't take chances, I don't ever gamble on me. I never expect me to succeed. I don't ever expect me to be capable of more than... easy.

The card felt expensive, which is weird to say about a business card. But it fit with my first impression of Scarlett too, matte black with foiled red writing. It sure wasn't made on vistaprint from a standard template and stock card, like the accountants business cards were. Scarlett Richmond- Senior Marketing Executive. She hadn't looked old enough to be a senior within the company, but maybe she was really good at what she did.

What I couldn't understand was why me? Was the offer for real and what did she see in me in those few minutes behind the bar. She witnessed an interaction between Clive and I and ordered a drink. We exchanged a few sentences, which included her offering me a job opportunity.
Who even does that? How does she know I'm not on reprieve from the psych ward, or a single mother with seven dwarfs at home to feed.

She doesn't. Yet she still wants to take a chance on me?

Maybe fate was a real thing. Divine intervention. Maybe I'm walking around with a sign on my back saying 'help me, I'm a poor lost soul trying to find her way out of a rutt'. Maybe she just pitied me.

Yeah, that's probably it. Pity. For the poor girl behind the bar with the bags under her eyes.

Feeling the tram come to a stop, and hearing the sound of the door opening, I glance up realising it was my stop. I gathered my bag and quickly stood, filing out onto the road behind some school students, grateful for the gush of fresh air. I safely tucked Scarlett's card into the back of my phone cover, still undecided on what to do, if anything at all.

The moment I pushed open the front door my senses filled with the strong, very distinct smell of pot. Which in the heat of this house on a hot summer afternoon means it lingers in the air, if I'm in here too long, I might even start to feel the effects.

I open up the windows and doors, hoping the breeze will help, thankful my family are not the type to just drop in.

"Hello, I'm home," I call out when there's been no movement despite the noise of me arrive. I try to keep the frustration out of my voice. The last thing I need is another argument, despite the fact my blood is already boiling and by this point I'm itching to tell him just how I feel.

No reply.

I look around the lounge and start picking up the empty bags of chips left on the coffee table along with three empty glasses. Why he can't just refill a glass instead of getting a new one, I'll never understand! In the kitchen there are more dishes again. Did his mother teach him nothing?

"Noah?" I tried again before heading to his games room, where the stench only increases. I hope he at least has the window cracked.

The door is closed, but I can hear him talking to his online friends through the headset. The ones he has more time for than me. I knock softly on the door before pushing it open.

"Noah, I'm home."

"Oh hey babe," he drawls out, finally noticing me.

"Yeah hi," I reply, hands on my hips, unable to keep the attitude out of my tone.

"How was your day beautiful?" He looks up at me, eyes red and a dopey grin on his face. A grin I used to look forward to seeing, a grin he would give me when sober.

"Not as good as yours apparently. Nice to know you can spend your day getting high while I'm out working! Did you apply for any jobs today or just smoke and game?"

I couldn't help it. He makes me so mad sometimes.

"Don't be like that baby. It's really stressful for me having no job, smoking just takes the edge off," he tries to justify his actions while taking my hand in his, bringing it to his mouth and sloppily kissing it. I try not to cringe.

"Yeah. I'm sure," I say, taking my hand back and walking out of the room. There's no point trying to reason with him when he is like this anyway.

Needing desperately to change out of my clothes and relax, I head to the bedroom. Sitting on the edge of the bed that I just made, I pull out the card from Scarlett again. It can't hurt to at least call the number, find out some more information. If she says no, then I'm in no worse position than I am now, right?

Take a leap Mack. Gamble on yourself.

The phone rings a couple of times before the call connect sound. I can feel my heart pounding in my chest and my hands sweating. I'm not even sure if I open my mouth that actual words will come out.

This was a bad idea. Why did I think I could do this? I'm not that girl.

"Scarlett Richmond speaking."

"Uh, hi," I stutter quietly.

You've got this Mack.

I clear my throat quietly. "My names Mackenzie Williams, we met briefly last night at The White Rabbit. You mentioned something about a job..."

"I remember. I wasn't sure I would hear from you. Glad I have though."

"Well, I... I don't have much to lose right now, so I thought why not call, Umm, you know."

"Hmmm, I'm listening."

"So um, I was wondering if we could meet and talk about this job?"

For god's sake Mack, stop saying um!

"Would love to. What's on for the rest of your day?"

Oh shit, I wasn't expecting that. This is cool.

"Well I start work at 6, I'm free till then."

"Meet me at little espresso, a few doors down from The White Rabbit, at say 5pm?"

"Sure, sounds great!"

"I look forward to meeting you properly Mackenzie."

"Ok, cool, um, yeah, great, bye!"

I hung up the phone and could feel the smile on my face. It was uncontrollable. I stood and did a little happy dance, catching my reflection in the mirror and hardly recognising the smile I saw back. The nerves turned into excitement. I hadn't felt this way since we got approved for this house and thought the rest of our lives were beginning.

I decided to forgo the dishes in the sink that Noah obviously didn't care for either, I had a long relaxing shower, picked an outfit and tried to hide the bags under my eyes with make up and fix my hair into something neat, plastering down the flyaways.

At 4.55pm I was standing out the front of little espresso. I had walked past this cafe a hundred times, but I was usually running late for work so I had never stopped inside. It looked like it was closed up for the day and my heart sunk a little as I wondered if I was being pranked on this whole job thing.

I checked my phone to make sure the time and place were correct when a young guy, maybe a few years older than me, with bleach blonde hair and bright blue eyes came to the door.

"Hi doll, you must be Mackenzie?" He said, pushing open the door and gesturing for me to come inside.

"That's me, how did you know?"

"Gorgeous young thing, dark hair, looking lost and nervous," he waves his hand up and down the length of my body as he describes me. "Scarlett asked me to stay back late so she could meet you here. I'm Max, can I get you something to drink, eat?"

"Oh, maybe a chai latte. But only if it's not too much trouble, I can just have a juice from the fridge."

"Relax doll. Take a seat, Scar won't be long."

I muttered an embarrassed thank you at my rambling and took a seat facing the door. Looking around me finally, I could appreciate the small cafe. There weren't many tables, but the ones that were here seemed to be made of recycled material. Upcycling was a huge trend, creating tables from pallets and chairs from milk crates. Most of the chairs were mismatched, probably rescued from op shops and re-upholstered. It felt comfortable in here, I liked it and was a little annoyed I had never let myself get to know places like this, places I would enjoy coming to.

By the counter was the coffee machine and a small cabinet that held cakes on one side and some wraps and salads on the other. I could just glimpse a small kitchen through a curtain out the back.

Just as I was about to check the time, the sound of the bell above the door ringing and heels clicking against the hardwood floor snagged my attention.

Scarlett waltzes in to the cafe as though she owns it and I'm totally awed by the confidence that oozes out of every pore of this woman. She just makes me want to know her and to be around her. She has a bright smile on her lips that are painted red today, and match her red silk blouse almost perfectly.

She is everything I'm not, and I suddenly feel incredibly self conscious, pulling my top down to make sure it's covering my stomach.

As she approaches I stand up, holding out my hand to shake hers. I hear a soft laugh behind me from Max, but shake it off when she shoots him a glare.

"Mackenzie, so glad you could make it," Scarlett says, taking my outstretched hand, and when she does, I can't help but notice her perfectly manicured red nails too.

"Thank you for meeting with me," I reply shakily, my lack of confidence taking over. Whether or not she means it, she is intimidating.

"Did Max take your order already?" She asks and I reply with a nod and a small smile.

"Of course I did, what do you take me for?" He sasses, placing a chai latte in front of me and a black coffee in front of Scarlett.

"Thanks babe," Scarlett replies and I am sure now that these two are great friends. Max salutes her before heading back behind the counter.

"Don't look so nervous!" She tells me with a large smile, as though that will make me feel any better. "Where's that sassy girl I met last night?".

I smile shyly and take a sip of my chai, she is trying to make me feel comfortable and I appreciate it. And boy was this a good quality chai latte!

"Let me cut to the chase. I'm in need of a personal assistant. I work in a male dominated office and was recently promoted to senior executive, I need someone to be my number one. Pay is excellent, work hours even better and there's usually some decent perks to the job."

"Ok, that all sounds really great, but what's the catch? And why me? I didn't even apply and you've not even seen a resume. I can send you my resume, would you like me to email it?"

Word vomit, it's real. So real right now. As soon as I realise it, I clamp my mouth shut, lifting my chai to my mouth. Because if I have a mouth full of milk, I can't talk. Scarlett laughs, not in a rude way, just that this is amusing to her, that I'm so nervous.

"Relax Mackenzie, I'm an instinct kind of woman. It got me to where I am today and when I saw you I sensed something. Your eyes seem sad, tired, but then I watched you interact with your dick of a boss and was immediately attracted to your sass, I can sense the confidence just waiting to be unleashed. I watched you work last night, even when you didn't know I could see you and your work ethic was impressive. I can learn more about how someone works by watching than by reading a resume where most people write what they think employers want to know. They embellish the good things."

Apparently a mouthful of chai to shut me up wasn't a good idea, because I somehow swallowed down the wrong hole, as though I haven't been drinking my whole life and choked on my drink, coughing and hitting my chest as my eyes watered.

"So, you saw me and thought, yep her?" I wheezed out, face red not just from the choking but because I'm so embarrassed about what she must think of me by now. "I'm not even qualified, in like anything. I didn't go to uni. I can answer phones and pour beer," I say quietly.

"I don't mind you aren't qualified, I've already seen qualities in you that you can't teach, the rest is easy. Stop trying to talk yourself down an tell me about yourself Mackenzie. I'm sure I'm right, but for arguments sake, to say I actually interviewed you, tell me about yourself?" Scarlett asks, her brown eyes focussed entirely on me in an almost unnerving way.

Max places a glass of water down beside me and I send him a grateful smile.

"About me? Um, well you know I'm a bartender. I also work for an accountant. Live with my boyfriend in Carlton. I basically work, like, a lot," I explain.

"Ok, that's what you do. But who are you? Being a worker and a girlfriend isn't your whole personality. What do you want from life? What do you do for fun? What are your strengths and motivators?" Scarlett probes.

"I... I don't know. I think I lost who I was a while ago. My boyfriend lost his job, things haven't been great and I work to keep our heads above water so the things I want and like to do have been put aside. We used to have plans for our lives, but now... I'm sorry. You don't need my poor me life story. That isn't exactly selling myself for a job," I said, realising I was pouring my worries out to someone who is practically a stranger and a potential employer.

Scarletts gaze softened. She reached her hand across the table, resting on top of mine. Her hand was warm and I could smell her sweet perfume. 

"Come and work for me. I want to help you find yourself again," she said softly. "I'd love to teach you what I do and I think we could work well together."

"Just like that?"

"Yes. Like I said, instincts. Every bone in my body is telling me that you and I can be great together. Tell your boss to get stuffed tonight! Hand in your notice at the accountants and come and work with me!" Scarlett said, sounding genuinely excited at the prospect.

"I swear I'm dreaming. This is some sort of prank?" I looked around me suspiciously waiting for someone to jump out with a camera.

Scarlett laughed, "No darling, it's not a joke!"

"I'll think about it, ok?"

"Don't think too long. Opportunities like this don't come along every day. Discuss it with your boyfriend, or don't. I do have to go though, and I imagine you have work. But while your getting hit on by uni students tonight and your boss is riding your ass, you think of me and what I'm offering. I'll be waiting for your call," Scarlett said as she stood from the table, sending me a knowing smile and exiting the cafe just as spectacularly as she had entered. She was gone so fast that I was questioning if that even happened. I glanced over to the counter where Max was resting his chin on his fist and grinning at me.

"She is hardly ever wrong. Scarlett has an eye for detail, and if she picked you, don't doubt her," he picks up our empty mugs and floats off to the kitchen.

Later that night, after the bar turned into a nightclub, Scarlett's words were swimming in my head as I tried to concentrate on my job.

"What can I get you?" I asked a young brunette boy, his teenage acne still prominent on his jaw line and cheap aftershave assaulting my nostrils.

"A jack daniels and coke, and maybe your number for later," he winked at me.

I rolled my eyes and turned to take the spirit from the shelf as Clive entered the bar area. I poured the boys drink and slid it over the bar to him.

"$10.50," I stated, holding my hand out for his payment.

"I'll tap and pay," he said, emphasis on the word tap. I held out the machine for him to pay as he tried to give me his best smile. He was the fifth guy tonight who tried a line on with me.

I was over it.

"Clive!" I called out after the payment was approved.

"Quick Mackenzie, the more time you're talking to me, the less drinks you're serving and the less money you are making," he snapped.

"I quit!" I said, taking my small apron off, grabbing my bag from under the bar and walking out with a smile on my face and a strut in my step. I had never done anything like that before, and damn it felt good.

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